Change Range So It Take Specific Name In Column And Last Used Cell In Other
Jun 14, 2013
I need in some way to make the range variable, because it can change. I need only the first range to be different.
x = .Range("a4:a27").CurrentRegion.Value
A4 have to be instead the cell where Denmark typed. Column A
A27 have to be the lasted used cell in column B
But after the row where it have found Denmark.
Please have a look.
Below code is from AB33, But this is not a cross post.
Different question
Sub copyp()
' Denmark
Application.ScreenUpdating = 0
Dim cell As Range, i&, dic
With Worksheets("Middle Result")
x = .Range("a4:a27").CurrentRegion.Value
[Code] .......
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Mar 27, 2013
I'm trying to have a macro run to search a specific column (S) for a particular text value "y" and if true it will change the font to bold and the color to red for the entire row of the cell that contains the "y". the column is part of a data table that is constantly refreshed not sure if that makes a difference or not.
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Mar 5, 2010
I have used the below code to insert a new row when the value in coulmn A change. I now need to evolve it so that the new row will contain a specific value depending on the changing value:
Column A Column B
one test
one test
two test
two test
three test
three test
Column A Column B
one test
one test
Coz two............................
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Apr 16, 2014
I would like to change the greater than number to the value in cell 'I11' in sheet 'Linear Programming Data' and the less than number to the value in cell 'I12' in sheet 'Linear Programming Data'. The code I am using was done by recording a macro since I don't know how to code in vba.
Sub Results2()
' Results2 Macro
' copy table filter power by greater than and less than
Sheets("Finalizing Results 2").Select
[Code] .......
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Jan 20, 2009
I have number in cell (A1) = 100. when I enter number in any cell of column(B) for example (B1)=10. then in cell (C1) the result of (A1) - (B1) = (90) and if I add in cell (B2)=10 then in cell (C1) the result of (A1) - (B1+B2) = 80 .accumulatively in cell (C1). and any number in column (B), the result will be (A1) minus any number in column(B) accumulated in (C1)
second question
I have number in cell (A1) = 100. when I enter number at cell (B1) = 10 then the result would be in the adjacent cell (C1) = (A1) - ( B1) = 90 and If I enter a new number in cell (B2) = 10 then the result would be in the adjacent cell (C2) = (A1) - (B1+B2) = 80 and If I enter a new number in cell (B3) = 10 then the result would be in the adjacent cell (C3) = (A1) - (B1+B2+B3) = 70 and so on. I want the result to be add automatically to adjacent cell in column (C)
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Mar 27, 2014
I have the table, as shown on left in the appended image, and the final result should be the right one.
The steps are written as 1, 2, 3 and 4.
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Jul 1, 2014
Looking to have a macro call a subroutine every time it finds a cell meeting specific criteria.
Code in plain english would look like this:
For EACH cell in range A1:BZ500 meeting the following criteria:
Cell value is a date
Cell's date is at least a week or more in the future
Cell background (Fill) = RGB color code: (R:191 G:191 B:191)
DO the following:
Call repeatingsub
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Mar 25, 2009
I was just recently forced to create my first UDF and after how well it worked I now am very interested in learning more. I am trying to create a function to sort a range by the values in a specific column and return the range. I know this should be really simple but for some reason my code dies whenever it gets to my inner-most loop. I need to use this in a larger function but for now this is my only question. I did find that Excel 2007 has built in Functions for this but my company still uses 2003.
Public Function SortRange(rngToSort As Range, valCol As Integer)
Dim Swapper As Variant
Dim i As Integer, _
j As Integer, _
k As Integer
For i = 1 To rngToSort.Rows.Count
For j = 1 To rngToSort.Rows.Count - i
If rngToSort(j + 1, valCol) < rngToSort(j, valCol) Then
For k = 1 To rngToSort.Columns.Count
Swapper = rngToSort(j, k)
rngToSort(j, k) = rngToSort(j + 1, k)
rngToSort(j + 1, k) = Swapper
Next k
End If
Next j
Next i
SortRange = rngToSort
End Function
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May 28, 2013
Essentially I need to copy the first 8 cells in a row in one sheet (for example: A3:I3) when the word "Actuals" is entered into A3 from a drop down list. Then the copied data needs to be pasted to a another existing worksheet in the same workbook in the next available row. The data includes mostly values, but there is a formula in column H that creates a hyperlink out of the content in column G, friendly name in column I.
I am not stuck on the idea of having "Actuals" entered in column A as the trigger or change event and there will be times when a new copy/paste of the same data will need to be done more than once at a later date.
For further information, column B contains a serial number/productID number.
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Mar 4, 2013
I have a spreadsheet which has a version number in it on a given cell. This cell is protected as is the spreadsheet.
I want to create a macro that will target the given cell and ask user to input new value and then change the cell value.
This macro will be attached to a button.
I already know how to disable and enable spreadsheet protection but have got no clue as to go about the rest.
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Jun 6, 2014
I've done the following:
Sub BrownBH()
If Range("Brown!B4:B31") = X Then
Range("C4").Value = [#A]
Range("C4").Value = NT
End If
End Sub
However, this doesn't even work.
When somebody enters an X in a specific cell on one worksheet, it's supposed to change the value to A of a specific cell in a different worksheet. Sounds simple enough...but...
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Jan 1, 2009
I would like to change a combo box back to a specific value, based on a change in C4.
So no matter what happens, if c4 changes at all, the value in the combo box gets reset....
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Jan 11, 2014
Currently running a macro which selects all the rows between two specific words and pastes the selection into another worksheet. However, it runs this search on the entire workbook, whereas I'd just like it to run the search in a particular column (column D in this instance).
This is the code as it currently stands:
With ActiveSheet
.Range(.Cells.Find("financial assets"), .Cells.Find("liabilities")).EntireRow.Select
End With
Sheets("Paste Currency").Activate
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Is there any way to focus the search on only one column?
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Nov 28, 2013
I'm using dynamic named ranges a lot recently. One thing that bothers me is that I have to do so many for one range.
For example I have a named range from A1:G30. Now I can use this named_range to do vlookup etc. but when I for example want to use the match with the index function I have to define a new range because for the match function to use it need only one column or row. Is there some hidden command I could use like named_range_row1 ? This would make it so much easier to read the code and I dont have to construct so many named_ranges.
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Dec 4, 2012
I know how to set a conditional for a cell to change a color when i apply a specific value, but how about if i want to set E2 cell to change to green when i place a 'X' on F2?
Pretty much I want 2 columns that say Yes and the Other No. When i place a X on Yes that other cell turns green, if i place a X on No that other cell turns red.
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Sep 17, 2008
My boss wants a spreadsheet that has multiple buttons on it that will change the background color of a specific cell to four different colors. Example:
Text written in Cell B3, Button in Cell A3 that will change the Background color of Cell B3 to either Green, Yellow, Red or Blue.
There will be a lot of buttons on this worksheet following the same format as above. I don't want to change the value of what is in the cell, just the background color.
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Jan 19, 2003
find if there is a way to unhide in one step a specific column from hidden range of columns...
Assume columns D..H are hidden, now how can I unhide column G alone or column F alone and so on.
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Mar 4, 2008
I am attempting to populate a ComboBox ( named "SRnumber2") on a userform (named "UpdateSR"), but have hit a brick wall. The following testing code was working but now it is not:
Private Sub UpdateSR_Initialize() 'This section of code initializes the drop-down boxes.
'Add list entries to SR Number combo box. The value of each
'entry matches the existing SR Information spreadsheet entries in column "A"
Sheets("SR Information").Select
SRnumber.ColumnCount = 1
SRnumber.RowSource = "A2:A200"
SRnumber.BoundColumn = 0 ...........
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Aug 5, 2013
I'm trying to find vehicle make and model in a cell containing a lot of text and then display that in the formula cell. For example if A1 is a paragraph that contains somewhere within it "Ford" & "Ranger". I want B1 to display "Ford" and C1 to display "Ranger". I have a list of vehicles makes (column A) and models (column B) on a seperate sheet.
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Jun 6, 2006
I have a code and I want to run this macro whan a specific cell change (which has sum formula) and this code also has some calculation. And I m not understanding to overcome this problem through Calculate event.
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Jul 6, 2013
I have tried and been searching but cannot find the answer. Is it possible to change the row height and column width for only a selected range in my spread sheet, for example, F13:I23? I am using Excel 2010.
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Jun 30, 2014
I need a macro, or a formula that can identify if the words in the Words Column (Column A) is contained in Title Column (Column B). If it is, It displays as "Yes". If not, display as "No".
Case is not sensitive.
Coworker has chronic hiccups
I Love Excel
I Like Turtles
Oh Christmas Tree
Case of the Mondays
Cute Monkeys
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Jun 1, 2012
I have a spreadsheet in which column "c" represents a department: 01, 02, 03, etc. every time this value changes I want to do a subtotal. The code I've come up with thus far is:
Sub Subtotal()
Dim lrow As Long
For lrow = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "c").End(xlUp).Row To 2 Step -1
if cells(lrow, "c") cells(lrow-1, "c" then range
Selection.Subtotal GroupBy:=1, Function:=xlSum, TotalList:=Array(4, 5, 6), _
Replace:=True, PageBreaks:=False, SummaryBelowData:=True
ActiveSheet.Outline.ShowLevels RowLevels:=2
End Sub
But, I can't figure out how to get set my range to include all the data that pertains to a department to do the subtotal.
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Jun 19, 2014
I have data that is on a separate .txt file (the source file) that resembles this;
[Code] ..........
Using VBA from within the destination workbook, I would like to use an input box that allows the user to request/specify what numerical number (0 through 55) in Column B of the txt file (the source file) will be used to determine what data to copy to the destination file. The cells to copy to the destination file would be from Column A through Column G of the source file onto Sheet1, E2 of the destination file.
Column B of the Source file will only contain numbers. However there will be numerous identical numbers in Column B. All of which will need to be copied onto the destination workbook.
From the sample above, if the user were to enter '15' in the input box, the desired result on the destination sheet beginning at E2 would look like this;
[Code] ............
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May 5, 2014
I need to conduct keyword searches in excel and color the keywords a different color without changing the font color of the entire cell. now, i found some code from another thread that does this, but i cant seem to get it to work with more than 2 keywords. i need fine-tuning the provided code to do what i need it to do.
the VBA code i used was this:
I was playing around with the example, the Cat_Mouse.xlsm, and when i modified the 'myList' and 'myColor' arrays, it does not work.
For example, I modified the code to add the word bat:
[Code] .....
When i run the macros, the word "Bat" does not become colored red. interestingly enough, when i substitute the word "bat" for the word "hat" in the "myLIST array, the word "hat" does change to the red font.
I am looking to use this code to address keywords in my excel file by coloring all key words red and i have more than 10 key words.
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Jun 14, 2013
I'm trying to find a way to use a macro to extract data from a specific column from Sheet1 based on the columns header/title and copied into Sheet2 into the respective column with matching header/title.
For instance, in Sheet1:
So the above table would be the result i'm aiming for.
NOTE, its not different workbooks. I'm looking for sheet to sheet macro.
I've attached a file as well if someone wants to have a go at it. There are no codes in it.
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Feb 1, 2012
Best way to change the value of a cell if another cell has a specific value
i.e.I want to change cell F11 to No if F12 = Yes and also the other way around F12 to No if F11 = Yes, so only 1 of these cells can say Yes, but they both can say No.
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Jul 2, 2014
I have a form that loads and depending on the word selected in the drop down the following code loops through cells Q2:AC2 until it finds the word in one of those cells (the word will always be in one of the cells)
For Each c In Range("Q2:AC2").Cells
If c = period Then
The active cell it finds will always change, i know I need something to code the active cell back but I don't know what it should be.
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Nov 12, 2013
I would like to know how to use a VBA code to insert today's date into a specific cell (B9) when any cell in column B (B2:B8) has changed.
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Feb 7, 2013
Column"A" on spreadsheet has list of unique Order Numbers. The orders are whole numbers with no letters or characters.
I want Columns B:J in each row to be a "named" range using the content in Col A as the range name.
So if A5 says "12345" I want b5:J5 to be named "12345".
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