Creating Macro To Compare Data From Separate Sheets
May 8, 2006
I am trying to use a macro to compare data from 2 sheets and spit out matching data in a third sheet. The first sheet has two columns of data. the second sheet has 4 columns of data. Only one column from sheet 1 and 1 column from sheet 2 will actually have matching data.
All other columns in sheet 1 and 2 are associated to the matching columns and must "tag along" into the 3rd sheet. I would love the third sheet to have a button that I just click and it populates the data.
The macro will be comparing between 50,000 and 500,000 items. Possibly a good book to use or even a referral for a proffesioanl or even some good heartedness,
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Sep 30, 2009
Creating a macro to compare 2 sheets in a workbook and print the differences to a 3rd sheet.
Each sheet will have the same number of fields, 5 columns with the header in the first row.
All values in the cells are integer except for the last field which will be a character.
The key is the value in the 2nd column. If it's not in the other sheet, then it's a new record. If it's a new record then highlight it a color depending on what sheet contains the new record. Now if the key is the same in both sheets, then check the other columns to see what's different. If there is a difference, print the record for both sheets in the third sheet and highlight the differences. I attached a sample of what I want.
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Feb 1, 2013
I need to take the data out of one column from sheet A and compare it to the data on another column sheet B.
Real life example:
I have a very large list of contacts with multiple columns of data. On a separate spreadsheet, I have a list email addresses that I need to remove from the larger list of contacts. How can I compare them against one another to detect any matched email addresses for deletion?
List of contacts is appx 130mb
List of email addresses is appx 4mb
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Apr 15, 2013
I need to create a macro to copy the data from time sheets of different employees into the Master sheet. ie., each employee's time sheet details in to a separate sheet. If any employee fails to provide his/her time sheet details. a mail must be sent to the respective employees regarding the Time sheet submission. I am providing the sample data of my files too.
Intentionally TS_Employee5.xlsx timesheet isn't provided. In which case, I have to send a mail to the respective employee, in order to remind him about the time sheet.
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Jan 30, 2010
Im working with a huge amount of data in BOOK1.xls and once or twice a week I received an update of the list.
1. I need to compare and find out from the new updated worksheet if there is a new revision, and if there are new documents added to the list. I have tried Vlookup..but it didnt work for me. Ex. Doc1 has revision 1, 2 in my BOOK1 that I am working on. Note that there is a repetition of the DocName, Doc Number except for the revision.
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Aug 15, 2003
Scenario: Master List, which has all the U.S. states in it.
What I Need to Do With It: Divide out EACH state's information and put it on a seperate worksheet.
I've only recently started using macros (to format various documents for easier printing), but now that I'm starting to understand them conceptually, I'm thinking there Should Be some way for me to program a "macro"-type thing to run on the master list and come out with all my state lists, looking beautiful in seperate files.
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Mar 14, 2009
I have on inventory sheet that has all the data in each cell 2612 to be exact! That changes month to month with deletions.
The format is: Sheet 2
The master worksheet has about 5000 items and the (A and B) data are both on it with other data ranging from (A-Y). My question is how do I have a cell look up data and return that it exists or doesn’t exist on the inventory sheet?
35/ 465/881676311350/311350/UEMR8ZTU
My other problem I need to take that months inventory list and have it look at the master list and return the system number from the master list (B) next to the matching inventory number (C). Allowing me to cross match inventory to master each month and save inventory worksheet each month.
I know I can copy the column and past is as a value so I won’t lose the numbers as the master changes but getting the data onto that months inventory has been a pain.
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Nov 21, 2006
I have a giant data sheet. I have to cherry pick certain data out of the list and send it to certain associates, in a new spreadsheet.
I want to do this automatically.
I can create the macro to select the data I want, and copy it over (values only), but I cannot find out how to do it in a new sheet with a new name that automatically gets generated with a unique filename (probably using the date).
Essentially, I want to copy my data spreadsheet (post-filter) into a new spreadsheet titled X mm-dd (where X is whatever I pick). I then want to delete several rows from it.
Ideally, the macro would do this (I will put a * next to things I can handle the code for, to save work):Filter Data *
Copy Data *
Create a New Spreadsheet named (Person's Name) mm-dd.xls
Paste Data (values, formats, column widths) to the new spreadsheet *
Delete Several Columns from the new spreadsheet *
Rename the sheet it's been pasted to
Re-filter data (new filter) *
Copy Data *
Paste Data (values, formats, column widths) to the same spreadsheet, only Sheet 2 *
Set the header of the spreadsheet with (Person's Name) and the date
Save the new spreadsheet
There will be as few as 1 sheet (in which case I would only want one worksheet in the new excel file), or as many as 4 sheets. I don't need a fancy way to do this, as it will only be done once a week, and I can just make the various cases required to do it even if it isn't pretty, but I can't figure out how to manipulate other files that haven't been created yet...
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Feb 10, 2012
I have a raw data worksheet with 54000 lines, in the format of six columns
In Column A is the USER Name
What I would like with if possible is code that will move the six columns of data from each individual USER into separate sheets, using Column A as the basis of the new sheets, ie the last row for each user is when the user name changes to the next one.
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Mar 6, 2014
I'm currently using the following code (that I found online) to take a list of data and copy it to specific sheets based on the values in Column C (there are only 4 columns in my data set). The issue I have with it is that it's meant to create the sheets from scratch every time. What I could like, however, is for it to copy the data to preexisting tabs that are already named with the sames values that are found in Column C. This macro will actually perform that but the down side is it wipes out everything that's on those sheets but I cant have it do that. Is there a way to either modify this sheet so it only copies the four columns and only pastes the four columns onto the sheets?
Sub SplitData()
Const NameCol = "C"
Const HeaderRow = 2
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Dec 30, 2006
I am creating a vacation calendar for all of my associates. I have 763 employees so, i want to run a macro that will react a worksheet for each of them. I will have an employee list that will create the sheets and I will have a VLOOK Up to update and pull information when we have new hires come on board.
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Apr 17, 2014
I am relatively new to VBA macros. I am having two sheets, in one sheet I have a non-contiguous 20 rows range and in the other sheet I have a 20 row contiguous range. I need a macro which will compare data between the two ranges(one to one compare) meaning 1st row of the first range should compare with 1st row of the second range and if it matches then it should populate the adjacent column in the second sheet with true or false accordingly.
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Dec 2, 2013
Macro for getting colored cells in specific range in a separate sheets in to one consolidated sheet.
Have attached an excel as a reference.. marked yellow and red.
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Jun 9, 2014
In the attached sheet, i have data in 2 sheets in the same fromat. Both the sheets are seperate reports.
Coloumn A is the list of Team Ids, Coloumn B is the Ids of people who are assigned in the team. Sheet 2 also have the same details with changes in the people ID.
i am trying to find if the people IDs in report 1 is the same in report 2. i need a formula that will check if the people ID is matching to the same team ID as in report 1.. If its not the same, the formula should be able to show that.
eg :
In report 1, "197595" in coloumn B is against "4011-11341" in Coloumn A.
I need to check if "197595" is against "4011-11341" or some other number in report 2. If "197595" is not against "4011-11341" in report 2, it should show me " Miss match". if "197595" is is against "4011-11341" in report 2 as well, it should show me "match"Project match.xlsx
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Jul 16, 2009
If the name in Column F of "Sheet1" is found in "DataPEs" in Column B, then copy the block of 6 cells of data below it in column Q to column D of "Sheet1" in their relative rows. Additionally, if column Q has data then copy it, if not then copy the data only in column M. Finally, the number of matching names will vary in Sheet1 but will stay mostly the same in the DataPEs sheet. I've highlighted one block of data in green as an example.
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Jul 18, 2014
I'm working to compare to sheet every days and i have been doing this for 2 years
I need to write macro to compare 2 columns from two sheets (sheet1 and sheet2) on same excel book and display the result on the sheet2. The number of rows and columns may not be equal and it can vary each time.
The result should be written in the sheet2 at column 'NOTES'
If serial number is blank, the result written at NOTES column =*NOT TRACK
If serial number found on sheet 1-serialNumber column, the result written at NOTES column =*Registered
If no serial number found on sheet 1-serialNumber column, the result written at NOTES column =*New registration
Example Sheet1:
[Code] .....
I'm using excel 2010 and window 7.
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Oct 4, 2013
How to pull data based on column B to individual tabs.
I have the following data:
Jane Doe | L1 | 20% | High
John Doe | L2 | 15% | Medium
Mike Smith | L1 | 60% | Low
Marie Smith | L4 | 10% | Low
I want to have the first tab/spreadsheet only pull records that have L1 values for column B
In the next tab/spreadsheet I want to pull records that have L2 values in column B etc.
What formula can I write that will pull all L1 records (A.B.C.D) in to Tab 1, then all L2 records (A,B,C,D) into the next tab?
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Feb 24, 2014
I have a workbook with two sheets the first one is called "SDL" contain master data for three TEAMS (TEAM.A, TEAM.B & TEAM.C") and the second worksheet is called "SDL_Calendar" for graphical chart view.
I need Macro to copy the relevant column data from "SDL" sheet and paste into appropriate column in "SDL_Calendar" sheet then make separate sheets for each "TEAM".
I have attached the work book of what I am trying to accomplish.
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Feb 25, 2014
Is it possible to have a single userform put data into two separate sheets within the same workbook.
I have a userform set up for entering client data into a quote register,with no problems ( sheet 1)
A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9
What I would like is for the data to also go to sheet 2, where I have a form set up to print off for our technicians to take on site.
The problem will be that I would like the data A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9 not to store on this sheet after it is printed, so the next set on entries , can be printed etc.etc
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Mar 26, 2014
As part of report consolidation I need a Macro that can read through all the files in a particular location(Say a folder path) Pull the data for each unique products into separate sheet
In the example below : All the rows with "Chocolates to sheet 1" , Drink to Sheet 2 and so on Since the products in column 3 can vary the unique sheets need to be created at run time based on the source data
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Nov 7, 2012
I have headings across the sheet "Inventory" in cells E5:AA5 with further headings down the sheet D6:D40.Data Validation drop down list is in cells E6:AA40.I want to be able to place a number 1 or number 2 in any cell in the range C6:C40 in the "inventory" sheet and with a macro create 2 new sheets.Sheet 1 will contain all the headings which had a 1 in any of the cells in the range C6:C40 and sheet 2 will have all the headings which had the number 2 from the range C6:40.Both sheets 1 & 2 will contain all the headings from "Inventory" sheet in cells E5:AA5.The data validation drop down list is not required in sheets 1 and 2 but if "inventory" sheet does get updated that it also updates sheet 1 and sheet 2.... Version i am using is Excel 2010
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Jan 14, 2014
I am currently working for data validation team. I have to validate tons of data every week so it would be great if i could remove dupicates.
I want to compare two worsheets, sheet 1 has the order number with description (which i have to find) for the current month and sheet two has got standard report from the past week giving all the order numbers with no description. I need a VBA based macro to find all matching order numbers which are in sheet 1 column A, in sheet2 column A and return the corresponding value in column B in sheet 2 and also return the description in Column C.
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Oct 2, 2013
I have one excel 2010 workbook with 5 work sheets, each work sheet contains a list with first/last name(one column) and the company name, some have a 3rd column with their email address in each sheet represents each year starting at 2008 thru to 2013 i have to find out if the people that attended an event in 2008 also attended it in 2009/10/11/12/13 and if they didnt, put their name and company name onto a blank worksheet within the same workbook without using a macro, how can i do this?
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Apr 1, 2014
I have tried a slew of different formulas but I can't seem to get the outcome I am looking for. I need to make a station comparison for an individual project build based off a master list. Sheet 1 has the individual build with column A as a part number, column b as a description and column c as a quantity required and column D is blank. Sheet 2 has a master list of every part we carry formatted as: column a as a part number, column b as a description, column c as a quantity required and column d as a unique station identifier for that part (which is always a number).
What I am trying to do is match the part number on Sheet 1 Column A to Sheet 2 Column A, and when a match is found, take the unique identifer under column D associated with that part number and have it displayed on Sheet 1 Column D.
Sheet 1 will change with each build, but it will always be the same format in columns a,b,c,d. Basically I have a format on sheet 1 for what is needed to build each custom kit (787 kits) and sheet 2 carries every part we offer along with the identifer in column d (always a number value). I want to create a formula I can easily copy to match the value in sheet 1 column a to sheet 2 column a and add the identifier from sheet 2 column D to sheet 1 column D. The average kit is roughly 120+ parts so doing that for each part 787 times will be a nightmare. Also in case this matters, sheet 1 column A will have the parts arranged in a random order based on what is desired for that kit. Sheet 2 column A has the part numbers in order from our lowest part number to the highest number (basically an entire inventory list sorted from lowest to highest).
(For sheet 1, since it doesnt carry formating 11111111 is in column a, nut, flange is in column b, 1.00 is in column c and the output data i want would go into column D)
Sheet 1
11111111Nut, Flange 1.00 *Starts blank* -looking for - Output from Sheet 2 Column D (1)
33333333Bolt, Squared 4.00 *Starts blank* -looking for - Output from Sheet 2 Column D (4)
55555555Bolt, Coated 3.00 *Starts blank* -looking for - Output from Sheet 2 Column D (2)
22222222Bolt, Hex 4.00 *Starts blank* -looking for - Output from Sheet 2 Column D (11)
44444444Bolt, Screw Type 2.00 *Starts blank* -looking for - Output from Sheet 2 Column D (3)
Sheet 2
11111111Nut, Flange 1.00 1
22222222Bolt, Hex 4.00 11
33333333Bolt, Squared 4.00 4
44444444Bolt, Screw Type 2.00 3
55555555Bolt, Coated 3.00 2
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Apr 25, 2014
designing a macro, which can compare the sheet1 and sheet2 data (exclude E and G columns) and find duplicates rows of data in sheet1 and sheet2. The output after the macro, would be show duplicates found in sheet1 and sheet2, through highlighting the rows.
attached file for the sample data:
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May 9, 2014
sample macro code to compare 2 different columns from 2 different sheets. At the end there' my code
Here's the columnA in sheet1
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Jan 25, 2008
i have 2 excel sheets and have to compare and search for a combination of cells then highlight color in sheet1
to be more specific
i have data in sheet1 were i need to look for the first 3 fields of sheets1 with the 3 fields of sheet2 and if found look for the value in cell of sheet2 with the column headers of sheet1
and color the cell which is immdetialy below the column header found
for example :
i have 3 fields like in sheet1
country area code name1 name2 name3 name4
US ny 1 sam dirk ste hita
us va 2 jun mic atr star
and i have 3 fields in sheet2
country area code origin
us ny 1 name2
so it shuld walk thru each cell and check for the adjacent cell in sheet1 and highlight color for dirk
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Jul 8, 2013
I have a database of information on which one of the columns is supervisor. I need to put each supervisor and associated employees on separate sheets. How do I do that?
Column Headers
Last First Title Supervisor Rating Box
Need the supervisor column broken out on a sheet with all employees listed in the data base.
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Feb 28, 2009
In sheet one I have data as follows ...
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Jun 30, 2007
at first i wrote company's name short so that i have to type less but now i want full name of company.....
like.....if in sheet#1 column B any company's name is started by Rel of sheet#2 column A , then the cell containing Rel is replaced by Reliance Industries ( sheet#2 column B but same row that of Rel) sheet#1
Rel...............................Reliance Industries
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