Consolidation Of Data From Different Worksheets

Sep 8, 2008

consolidating all data from different worksheets. I have use the consolidation function in excel but the result is not what to appear.

Sheet 1

Sheet 2

Result using consolidate

Expected result

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Consolidation Of Data From Multiple Worksheets

Dec 20, 2013

Consolidation of data from multiple worksheets of a workbook in a different workbook.

The, to be copied ranges are static at column B, E & AB. However, the data is required to be copied below each other for each sheet. Also the name of sheet is required to be assigned to every copied data in consolidated file...

Suppose i have 5 sheets with data... then in the consolidated sheet i need name of "sheet1" to be assigned to all the copied records and so on for all the sheets...

Sub trial()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim Wb As Workbook
Dim path As String

[Code] ........

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Consolidation Of Worksheets Using VBA Code

Sep 19, 2012

I have many sheets in an excel workbook. Each sheet contains some data. I want data of all sheets into one sheet in the same workbook. The data of sheet 3 should appear below the data of sheet 2 & so on. I leave the first sheet of the workbook blank so that data of remaining sheets can be consolidated in the first sheet. Therefore I wrote the following code:

Public Sub consolsheets()
Dim a As Integer
Dim rng, rng2 As Range
a = a + 1
For a = 2 To Worksheets.Count
Set rng = Worksheets(a).UsedRange


Data of row 3 of sheet 2 (ccccc) is overwritten by data of row 1 sheet 3 (11111). Similarly, data of row 3 of sheet 3 (33333) is overwritten by data of row 1 of sheet 4 (@@@@@).

This problem is not faced if the sheet 1(blank sheet) has some data.

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Data Consolidation And Sorting

May 15, 2014

I have A spreadsheet.

The spreadsheet contains 8 worksheets, of which I am only concerned with 7 as the 8th merely presents a graph.

The first 6 worksheets all contain raw data exported from BMC Remedy indicating the names of users who logged incidents to have their passwords reset or their AD Accounts unlocked over a 6 month period, hence 6 worksheets (per month basis).

The 7th worksheet contains raw data from another application known as FIM (A MS based interface which allows users to reset their own passwords) indicating all users who are registered to utilize this functionality.

The goal of my exercise is to consolidate the data and sort it to such an extent where I can ascertain which users phoned the service desk to log an incident for a password reset, even though they are registered to do it themselves via FIM ... I have been going through the list manually and it took me 10 solid hours to go through 265 ... ... ... ... I have 3'900 to go through!

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Automatic Consolidation Of Data From Multiple Sheets?

Jul 23, 2014

I have data that varies in string length across sheets but I would like to consolidate it based on name. Ideally, a pivot table would make sense to me but I have never used one across sheets (if it's even possible). I've attached a sample sheet I'm working with. This is very simplified, but assume that the shaded, gray fields are locked. Essentially, this is simulating that is getting pulled from software.

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Consolidation Of Workbooks To Single Workbook When Data Is More Than 66k Lines

Aug 24, 2012

I have around 21 excel files in a particular folder all the files column headings are same and but number of line differ from 0 to 50K. Overall all 21 files will have more then 2 Lakhs lines.

i require a code which consolidate the all 21 files in to single workbook. if first sheet in full then data should copy to next sheet, so on. I also require file name in the first column of destination file when files are being copied.

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How To Perform Consolidation Of Data And Sort Through Dropdown Menus

Nov 5, 2013

On the spreadsheet there is 31 days (a separate worksheet per day).

at the bottom of each sheet there is the case notes for that day. I would like all that information collating on the last sheet of the workbook (named Cases).

I would like to be able to sort through that data with the use of some drop down menus.

All i need to sort is the Brand and if the case is open/closed.

what to do so I can try myself or using the attached spreadsheet be able to sort this problem out. If you choose to use the spreadsheet to meet the requirements

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Data Consolidation - Sum Up The Labor Hours By Work Order?

Mar 6, 2014

It is data for a time study to compute labor hours. I have managed to group everything together per "work order" and "Employee ID". I am trying to sum up the labor hours by work order. I know it sounds simple but I do have another question. Once the total hours are set. Are they still available in the same format when put in a Pivot Table?

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How To Get Consolidation Macro

Sep 12, 2012

I have 7 different files that each contain one sheet. Each sheet has the same headers/data types in columns A:H, but may be any different number of rows in length. I need a macro that goes through each file and copies cells A2 through H of the last row of data and pastes them all into my master sheet ("Timesheets") where the macro will be stored. My problem is that I want all the data from File1 to be pasted, then all the data from File2 to be pasted at the next empty row, and so on. I also need to include a way to tell the macro to move on if a file is not found.

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Consolidation Of Workbooks

Oct 12, 2006

I still have a problem with consolidation of workbooks.


I am working in HQ and at the end of each month, every branch under my care will submit an excel workbook to me. Inside this are two worksheets (worksheet 1 and worksheet 2 for convenience). Both have standard headers and rows and rows of data. Upon receipt, I will keep all these files in a folder called "Oct06" (and Nov06 etc for future mths)


I'm not able to find an easy way to consolidate all the various worksheet 1 into one master worksheet. I need this so as to generate a pivot table. At the same time, I need to consolidate all the worksheet 2 also for the same purpose.

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Macro For Consolidation (with Pics)

Mar 19, 2008

I have let's say 3 workbooks with 1 sheet in every book.
Sheet in first wb named "SD_Romania". It looks like this:

Sheets in other workbooks named "SD_Bulgaria" and "SD_Poland" (there are more than 3 workbooks, just an example).

What I need to do is to write a macro that can extract only "Outlook" row data from all books and worksheets into new workbook. So that data will be structured like this:

BM and KF_TYPE are constants. REG should be taken from worksheet name. VERSION should be taken from A1 column (3 chars, starting from 8 char).
Period should somehow be transformed from "March 2008" to "32008".

The macro should look search for information in all opened workbooks, regardless of their names.

This is a hard macro, I guess. But unfortunately I don't have a clue how to write vba macros

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Consolidation Named Ranges Into One Worksheet

Aug 1, 2009

I've a workbook in excel 2007 with 6 worksheets, 4 of witch have a named ranges, i would like to have a macro that consolidates this named ranges into one worksheet.

Sheet1 -- Skip Worksheet
Sheet2 -- Skip Worksheet
Sheet3 -- Range1
Sheet4 -- Range2
Sheet5 -- Range3
Sheet6 -- Range4


The Named Ranges are Excel 2007 Tables and they are positioned in the same place in Sheet3 to Sheet6.

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Consolidation Of Workbooks Into Single Workbook

Oct 12, 2009

I'm looking to run a VBA script that will take all excel spreadsheets within a specified directory and copy a named range "Data" from each worksheet, and place it into a consolidated worksheet.

"Data" array is tentatively B2:B16. However, these files are being sent to many resources to consolidate, therefore the range can change.

Subsequent records added via Column, not by row. So worksheet's 1 data would be A2:A16, and worksheet's 2 data would be B2:A16.

Names of the worksheets are variable, but all worksheets within a given directory will need to put imported.

My VBA skill is about as developed as a 2 year old's language skills. Could anyone assist me?

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Array Formulas And Accounting Consolidation?

Nov 16, 2013

I would like to master the dreaded array formulas. Any Excel based accounting consolidation tool or other consolidation tool out there that I could adapt to consolidate group accounts on a monthly basis.

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School Directory Using Consolidation And Deletion Of Rows?

May 19, 2014

Here's how my project will need to work. I need to transfer text files(.txt) to the same workbook, but 1 worksheet for each text file. In here, I can choose multiple files. After that, I need to delete WHOLE rows that has a blank cell(except 1st column), starting from row 4. Then the last requirement would be to fill the 1st column, a portion of the text file's name.

First, I need to click the command button in order to choose the files I want to load. first.png

And then, if I chose two .txt files. It will also load two text files. In here it is, CLASS 2014 and CLASS 2013 second.png

What I want to happen next is for "2014" to be inputted in columns 1, rows 5 to 15. And then delete rows with blank cell, in which here is rows 8, 10, 11, 12 and 15.

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Duplicate Column Of Information In Consolidation Code

May 27, 2014

I have a piece of code that consolidates data onto one sheet.

Once the code has copied everything over, I would like it to also duplicate the Category field.

There is no option to add the duplicated column in the source information.

Here is the consolidation code:

[Code] ......

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Consolidation Of Duplicate Recipients To 1 Email Per Recipient

Aug 19, 2014

Auto generating an e-mail that will consolidate duplicate rows for 'column a' in my attachment. The key here isn't necessarily deleting the rows... What i really need is vba code that will enumerate through the table and auto generate an e-mail for each individual. For each individual, i need the code to generate a table in the body of the e-mail & attach the activity for that recipient and the date. The trip up here is when a recipient has two activities associated to their name, and their name shows up multiple times in the data set.

I need the code to
a) identify the duplicate recipient,
b) send out 1 email for that person, and
c) attach each activitiy/date (2 or more) to a table.

Automate the Consolidation of Duplicate Recipients to 1 Email (2).xlsm

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Pivot Table Using Multiple Consolidation Ranges

Dec 19, 2013

I have 3 tabs in my spreadsheet that I want to combine in a Pivot Table. All 3 tabs have the exact same headings in Columns A-J. I want to create a pivot table to pull in all the data from the 3 tabs while using the Current Column headings to create the pivot table. But the pivot table wizard is only giving me "ROW" and "COLUMN" which does not allow any flexibility to create the table the way I want and move the various column data around.

Is there a better way to Pivot Table data from the separate tabs? My data on each tab is changed weekly and I was hoping to just update the pivot table when the data changed..

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Multiple Worksheet Consolidation With Inconsistent Layouts

Jun 28, 2006

I'm attempting to consolidate 3 columns of data that is a varying number of rows in length (a range of 0-1000 roughly) for 53 different worksheets (1 per week of the year, named '1' , '2', etc.). All three columns on each page are the same length. What I want to do is consolidate all the data onto one worksheet 3 columns wide and X rows long (so one week's range of data after the other, but it doesn't have to be in any specific order). I am looking mainly for code because that seems to me like the best option at this point unless someone can provide a viable alternative.

What I've tried:
I've tried on a smaller scale, 5 worksheets, naming the ranges using the OFFSET function to create a dynamic range and then trying to paste one right after the other with no luck getting it to paste such a large range. Going along with that I chopped and dropped some code from another online source (forum? tutorial? I don't remember) and modified it to consolidate the 5 named ranges, however, the code does not really seem feasible for 53 named ranges. Loops seem reasonable, but I couldn't come up with an easy way to cycle through the worksheet names and named ranges.

I only have a few hours worth of VBA tinkering so I'm sort of lacking, but I have other coding experience so the structures and concepts are familiar just the syntax and finer points are greek to me. I sadly don't yet have the time to sit and learn VBA either.

If there's an easy way to put a few loops in or you think it should loop through and copy each cell rather messing around with ranges then go for it.

Here's what the code looks like after I modified it: ....

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Consolidation Sheet Without Any Duplicate - Lookup Multiple Values

Sep 18, 2013

I have a list of ID's but in the same list there are duplicates, then I have my consolidation sheet without any duplicates, my issue is that I need to have the contents of a different column for each of the ID's.

Data sheet example

Column A (ID) | Column D (Result)

1111 first
2222 other
1111 second
3333 another test
2222 other two's
1111 third

Consolidation sheet

Column A (ID) | Incident 1 | Incident 2 | Incident 3

1111 first second third
2222 other other two's
3333 another test

Is there any formula/vba which could perform something similar?

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Excel 2010 :: Sort Worksheets Alphabetically And Keep The Data In Worksheets

May 15, 2013

I have read that there is a VBA macro in F11, but I also read that it would only sort the workshhet names, but not the data. I have Excel 2010.

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VBA Code For Adding A Specific Worksheet Condition Within Subfolder Consolidation Macro

Aug 22, 2013

The issue is the I want to put the condition here in my the code that only copies the desired cells if the sheet is named specifically such as "Jan", if not named as this the worksheet should not be used. The current code I am using was posted on this site in 2009: VBA to copy specified cells from all the files in a folder

My modified code is:

Option Explicit
Public strSourceFldr As String
Public EachFile As Object
Public objFSO As Object
Public objFolder As Object
Public objFile As Object
Public strSheetName As String

[Code] .........

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Clearing Data In All Worksheets Except Last 2 Worksheets

Nov 10, 2006

I need to write VBA code to clear all Values, all values beginning with an = sign for eg = 9725, except formulas and text on all my worksheets, except the last 2 worksheets.

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Copying Data From Multiple Worksheets To Multiple Worksheets In Another Workbook VBA

May 14, 2012

I have 2 nearly identical workbooks and I need to update historical data from the old workbook into the newer one.

My current Coding Snippets that I want to use look like the following:

Sub UpdateWorkbook()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim r1 As String
Dim r2 As String
Dim r3 As String
Dim r4 As String
Dim r5 As String
Dim r6 As String


Now, this code isn't working I suspect because the Copy and PasteSpecial Functions don't work the way I wish to.

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Macro - Sorting Data To Other Worksheets / Update As New Data Entered

Jan 30, 2014

I am trying to create a "Master Sheet" where I enter in the column data and after I have entered my data for each row, I can select the button which toggles the macro to run. I have it built to build new sheets as new clients are obtained. My problem is after I have a sheet that has client's data I cannot get new data to add itself below the data that is already there. I want each client's sheet to keep adding rows as more data comes in. My current macro is :

[Code] .....

Attached File : Data Entry Macro.xlsx

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Match Data In Two Worksheets And Copy Data From Third Column

Mar 27, 2014

I have a column in two different worksheets that contain the same information that I want to match.

Raw Data - worksheet 1
Data - Worksheet 2
Column A - ShopperID

Same data is in both worksheets, column named the same in both worksheets

Raw Data worksheet contains email addresses in Column J that i want to extract and copy to column I in Data worksheet if there is a match on Column A.

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Getting Data Out Of Worksheets By Using Vba

Feb 10, 2010

My project gets gradually final form, but I have to deal with the following problem.

I have to make a report out of 9 worksheets (+/-1Mb), those are placed in 9 directory's on a server. The filenames of the worksheets are variabel. Something like 20_10-02-2010A.xls. Data to be copied is always in the same cells and sheetname is also the same in all worksheets.

So far no problem, before I used the INDIRECT function but with a macro i have to open all the worksheets to run this function.

I was wondering if it is possible to do this easier in vba.

I put here a little test setup, and hope someone can put some code in worksheet rapport to gets the data in the worksheets.

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Corresponding Data In Different Worksheets

Jul 31, 2009

I am trying to do something that I think is easy but I'm not figuring out. I have a long list of item numbers with sales data using our customer item #. I have another worksheet with a list showing what our item # is for each of theirs specifically:

Worksheet one, column A is customer ID, column B is units sold.
worksheet two, column A is customer ID, column B is OUR ID.

There are lots of different item numbers in worksheet 2, so I can't just sort. How can I get our corresponding item # to match up with their sales data? i've read EXCEL help for vlookup and match but I'm confused.

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Comparing Data Between 2 Worksheets

Sep 19, 2013

I currently have 2 worksheets worth of data in the same workbook. Each data set has its own date and time stamp in columns A and B respectively with varying data then following in the row. I would like to write a macro that would look in worksheet 2 and find the matching date and time stamped row in worksheet 3. Then select the data from both worksheet 2 and worksheet 3 and paste them in the same row in worksheet 1.

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Pass Data Between Worksheets

Jul 1, 2014

How can I pass data from a specific cell in one workbook to another worksheet using a hypertext link or command button. For example How would I be able to pass the following data from Workbook 1 R1C1 - Test Data to the same cell in Workbook 2.

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