School Directory Using Consolidation And Deletion Of Rows?
May 19, 2014
Here's how my project will need to work. I need to transfer text files(.txt) to the same workbook, but 1 worksheet for each text file. In here, I can choose multiple files. After that, I need to delete WHOLE rows that has a blank cell(except 1st column), starting from row 4. Then the last requirement would be to fill the 1st column, a portion of the text file's name.
First, I need to click the command button in order to choose the files I want to load. first.png
And then, if I chose two .txt files. It will also load two text files. In here it is, CLASS 2014 and CLASS 2013 second.png
What I want to happen next is for "2014" to be inputted in columns 1, rows 5 to 15. And then delete rows with blank cell, in which here is rows 8, 10, 11, 12 and 15.
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Jul 26, 2009
I ma going to have a couple of tricky (to me at least) table/range look ups, so let me start with this one:
1............Dive 1......................................School Grand Totals nr......... points...............Boys...............girls.
3 md g...4
4 md b.......2..................3.....................jb b....7
3 jb b........3..................3................
6 md g,......4..................3
8..............Dive 2 nr......... points...
10 md b.....1..................1...........
11 md b......2.................1...........
12 jb b......3.................4
13 md g......4................1
Notes about above. The naming is like this. "md b" is "martin county boys". "md g" would be "martin county girls". "jb b" is "jensen beach boys".
I need to add up each school grand totals for all the dives, and break them down to boy or girl for each school. this score will eventually go into another total which totals 11 swimming events by boys or girls.
So, in essense, thre are going to be several totals for the meet:
1 Diving (6 dives) by School by Boy (note: only showing 2 dives here)
2 Diving (6 dives) by School by Girl
3 Swimming, (11 events) by School by Girls
4 Swimming, (11 events) by School by Girls
5 Grand total by school (boys and girls scores combined)
Texaslynn (I believe that was her handle) helped me previously with totaling a grand total. However, now I discovered I need the total by boys and girls and then the combined (boys and girls) school total.
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Mar 20, 2009
I have an excel 2003 sheet that collects data from Infopath forms. The forms are to record students who have broken school rules, when, where, repercussions etc. One column shows their class and there is a separate column for each rule broken.
I want to create another sheet to show each class down the rows and the columns to show each school rule. Therefore, each cell would show the number of each particular rule broken for each particular class. I have tried to do countif and sumproduct (if on sheet 1, column B the class is KA and on sheet 1, column M, the rule is bullying = how many times this has occurred).
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Dec 25, 2007
In my attachment, I had try to create a PO system that will show a dialouge box and capture input data of the dialogue box into the worksheet.
However, I am not able to make the macro recognise any manual deletion from the worksheet (e.g. delete any row in between the full data). Hence, when I input new data, the row will start from the last register counting of rows (i.e. Range("g1") in my attachment.) and it will leave a blank row after the last row of data and so on...
I will also like to know if I need to fix the "date" input to select from a "calendar" pop-up and input the date format into (e.g. year into column a, month into column b and day into column c) 3 separate columns. Is it possible?
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Apr 1, 2009
My data is in the following format,
Company Name Bill Status
I need a vba code if the in Bill status column rejected is there all those rows to be deleted.
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Jan 29, 2007
I want to restrict the adding the rows and columns and also deletion of rows and columns in excel template, the same template is circulated to all the program owners to capture there project metrics. With that template through macro values are extracting to consolidated report. Some times program owners are adding extra columns/rows with that we are getting errors/incorrect reports.
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Sep 12, 2012
I have a listbox on a userform and dependent on which of the 9 values they select, I want to delete the rows in a range that do not contain the string.
I can get the solution using a match on the listbox items but not the reverse, i.e. delete non matches, dependent upon the variety of values that can be selected.
I could potentially use a filter to drop them out, is this the best way? Always struggled trying to build multi filters.
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Jun 13, 2006
Im doing a year nine maths project and need a little help with excel. This is my first time using macros/VBA. I have been playing around and have figured out a few things. I was asked to produce a game using excel, i am doing a kind of "racing" game with betting, i have the racing and most of the betting all working fine. I need to know how to get a message box to appear when the total of a cell reaches 0.
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Dec 11, 2013
I work as a data administrator in a high school in England. I've only been doing the job for about 8 months but a lot of the processes we go through could be better automated via the use of macros in Excel and Word.
Basically we have school grade reports that come from our MIS database that are stored as a Word template, which are then exported into Word as an .xml file. However, they don't come with the photographs of the students on the reports, so we have a Word List Report with every student photo (split into year groups) and run the following macro, which allows you to pick a folder where the reports are stored and match the photo to the report via the school admission number. It is then inserted into the report using a Word bookmark to place it in the top left corner.
Sub InsertPhoto()
Dim myFile, myFileNewName As String
Dim PathToUse As String [code]....
This works fine but I would like to be able to automatically format the photos so that they have 'In Front Of Text' wrapping, which we need to keep the templates from messing up. It would also save me accessing nearly 1000 school reports and manually editing each photo.
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Oct 16, 2013
Anyway, here's what I'd like: I have a spreadsheet with every student in the school listed. If they have signed up for my after school programs, they also have a 3-day schedule. Each program has a specific initial, so if a student is in 1st grade Art on Monday, they have a "1A" in the Monday column. I've attached a sample spreadsheet with a simplified version of my setup.
At this point, I'm filtering by each initial and highlighting names to print a roster for the day. Is there a way to have the names of each child in a particular program automatically populate an (easy to print) formatted roster on another tab? Each student does have a unique student ID, but I wouldn't want that private info to be printed on the roster. I'd like to just be able to enter kids' schedules as they come in and that automatically adds to the program's roster, then go to the "Monday Rosters" tab and print the whole thing, cut it up, and hand out to teachers.
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Sep 5, 2013
The script collects all the files in directory and sub-directories and list them in ascending format, I want them to get in transpose format. like for example: Root folder has many sub directories and in them a sub directory XYZ has 5 excel files, it will get the sub directory name in Col A and transpose all .xls files.
Col A | Col B________|Col C_________ |Col D___________|Col E________|
XYZ__|C:/root/test.xls|C:/root/Sales.xls |C:/root/Report.xls |C:/root/sam.xls|
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Jul 10, 2014
When speaking with parents I want them to enter in their child's birthday i.e. 12/1/1998 in one cell and then automatically generate what grade they should be in the next cell. If the grade year cutoff date is Sept 1.
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Oct 3, 2006
Need to write a formula that would assign a letter grade (in row W) to the average in row V, based on the school's scale. So, row V contains my averages (in % form) and I want row W to have the letter equivalents.
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Oct 6, 2008
I'm trying to produce a spreadsheet for tracking pupil's progress through a year at school (Targets/Predictions etc) but am having some problems with creating a summary of data gathered for each pupil. I have attached the file for your perusal; On the data entry sheet staff will fill in the appropriate data, and on the summary sheet I am looking to generate summaries for each pupil (I have set up how I want it to look). This may sound easy, (and probably is); the issue is that there are around 30 subjects in total, but pupils will only have be doing 5 of them, I need the summary sheet to show the information for subjects they are taking only (It should come up with the subject name under the headings subject1/2 etc and the appropriate grades to go with them, missing the blanks out. Obviously I could do this by cutting and pasting for each pupil...But there will be almost 2000 pupils in the list!!!
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Jun 10, 2009
I am trying to prompt the user for the directory to be saved in and file name to be saved as; then save the workbook in the input directory with the inputted file name.
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Sep 12, 2012
I have 7 different files that each contain one sheet. Each sheet has the same headers/data types in columns A:H, but may be any different number of rows in length. I need a macro that goes through each file and copies cells A2 through H of the last row of data and pastes them all into my master sheet ("Timesheets") where the macro will be stored. My problem is that I want all the data from File1 to be pasted, then all the data from File2 to be pasted at the next empty row, and so on. I also need to include a way to tell the macro to move on if a file is not found.
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Oct 12, 2006
I still have a problem with consolidation of workbooks.
I am working in HQ and at the end of each month, every branch under my care will submit an excel workbook to me. Inside this are two worksheets (worksheet 1 and worksheet 2 for convenience). Both have standard headers and rows and rows of data. Upon receipt, I will keep all these files in a folder called "Oct06" (and Nov06 etc for future mths)
I'm not able to find an easy way to consolidate all the various worksheet 1 into one master worksheet. I need this so as to generate a pivot table. At the same time, I need to consolidate all the worksheet 2 also for the same purpose.
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May 15, 2014
I have A spreadsheet.
The spreadsheet contains 8 worksheets, of which I am only concerned with 7 as the 8th merely presents a graph.
The first 6 worksheets all contain raw data exported from BMC Remedy indicating the names of users who logged incidents to have their passwords reset or their AD Accounts unlocked over a 6 month period, hence 6 worksheets (per month basis).
The 7th worksheet contains raw data from another application known as FIM (A MS based interface which allows users to reset their own passwords) indicating all users who are registered to utilize this functionality.
The goal of my exercise is to consolidate the data and sort it to such an extent where I can ascertain which users phoned the service desk to log an incident for a password reset, even though they are registered to do it themselves via FIM ... I have been going through the list manually and it took me 10 solid hours to go through 265 ... ... ... ... I have 3'900 to go through!
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Sep 19, 2012
I have many sheets in an excel workbook. Each sheet contains some data. I want data of all sheets into one sheet in the same workbook. The data of sheet 3 should appear below the data of sheet 2 & so on. I leave the first sheet of the workbook blank so that data of remaining sheets can be consolidated in the first sheet. Therefore I wrote the following code:
Public Sub consolsheets()
Dim a As Integer
Dim rng, rng2 As Range
a = a + 1
For a = 2 To Worksheets.Count
Set rng = Worksheets(a).UsedRange
Data of row 3 of sheet 2 (ccccc) is overwritten by data of row 1 sheet 3 (11111). Similarly, data of row 3 of sheet 3 (33333) is overwritten by data of row 1 of sheet 4 (@@@@@).
This problem is not faced if the sheet 1(blank sheet) has some data.
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Mar 19, 2008
I have let's say 3 workbooks with 1 sheet in every book.
Sheet in first wb named "SD_Romania". It looks like this:
Sheets in other workbooks named "SD_Bulgaria" and "SD_Poland" (there are more than 3 workbooks, just an example).
What I need to do is to write a macro that can extract only "Outlook" row data from all books and worksheets into new workbook. So that data will be structured like this:
BM and KF_TYPE are constants. REG should be taken from worksheet name. VERSION should be taken from A1 column (3 chars, starting from 8 char).
Period should somehow be transformed from "March 2008" to "32008".
The macro should look search for information in all opened workbooks, regardless of their names.
This is a hard macro, I guess. But unfortunately I don't have a clue how to write vba macros
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Sep 8, 2008
consolidating all data from different worksheets. I have use the consolidation function in excel but the result is not what to appear.
Sheet 1
Sheet 2
Result using consolidate
Expected result
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Aug 1, 2009
I've a workbook in excel 2007 with 6 worksheets, 4 of witch have a named ranges, i would like to have a macro that consolidates this named ranges into one worksheet.
Sheet1 -- Skip Worksheet
Sheet2 -- Skip Worksheet
Sheet3 -- Range1
Sheet4 -- Range2
Sheet5 -- Range3
Sheet6 -- Range4
The Named Ranges are Excel 2007 Tables and they are positioned in the same place in Sheet3 to Sheet6.
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Oct 12, 2009
I'm looking to run a VBA script that will take all excel spreadsheets within a specified directory and copy a named range "Data" from each worksheet, and place it into a consolidated worksheet.
"Data" array is tentatively B2:B16. However, these files are being sent to many resources to consolidate, therefore the range can change.
Subsequent records added via Column, not by row. So worksheet's 1 data would be A2:A16, and worksheet's 2 data would be B2:A16.
Names of the worksheets are variable, but all worksheets within a given directory will need to put imported.
My VBA skill is about as developed as a 2 year old's language skills. Could anyone assist me?
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Nov 16, 2013
I would like to master the dreaded array formulas. Any Excel based accounting consolidation tool or other consolidation tool out there that I could adapt to consolidate group accounts on a monthly basis.
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Dec 20, 2013
Consolidation of data from multiple worksheets of a workbook in a different workbook.
The, to be copied ranges are static at column B, E & AB. However, the data is required to be copied below each other for each sheet. Also the name of sheet is required to be assigned to every copied data in consolidated file...
Suppose i have 5 sheets with data... then in the consolidated sheet i need name of "sheet1" to be assigned to all the copied records and so on for all the sheets...
Sub trial()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim Wb As Workbook
Dim path As String
[Code] ........
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Jul 23, 2014
I have data that varies in string length across sheets but I would like to consolidate it based on name. Ideally, a pivot table would make sense to me but I have never used one across sheets (if it's even possible). I've attached a sample sheet I'm working with. This is very simplified, but assume that the shaded, gray fields are locked. Essentially, this is simulating that is getting pulled from software.
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May 27, 2014
I have a piece of code that consolidates data onto one sheet.
Once the code has copied everything over, I would like it to also duplicate the Category field.
There is no option to add the duplicated column in the source information.
Here is the consolidation code:
[Code] ......
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Aug 19, 2014
Auto generating an e-mail that will consolidate duplicate rows for 'column a' in my attachment. The key here isn't necessarily deleting the rows... What i really need is vba code that will enumerate through the table and auto generate an e-mail for each individual. For each individual, i need the code to generate a table in the body of the e-mail & attach the activity for that recipient and the date. The trip up here is when a recipient has two activities associated to their name, and their name shows up multiple times in the data set.
I need the code to
a) identify the duplicate recipient,
b) send out 1 email for that person, and
c) attach each activitiy/date (2 or more) to a table.
Automate the Consolidation of Duplicate Recipients to 1 Email (2).xlsm
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Dec 19, 2013
I have 3 tabs in my spreadsheet that I want to combine in a Pivot Table. All 3 tabs have the exact same headings in Columns A-J. I want to create a pivot table to pull in all the data from the 3 tabs while using the Current Column headings to create the pivot table. But the pivot table wizard is only giving me "ROW" and "COLUMN" which does not allow any flexibility to create the table the way I want and move the various column data around.
Is there a better way to Pivot Table data from the separate tabs? My data on each tab is changed weekly and I was hoping to just update the pivot table when the data changed..
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Jun 28, 2006
I'm attempting to consolidate 3 columns of data that is a varying number of rows in length (a range of 0-1000 roughly) for 53 different worksheets (1 per week of the year, named '1' , '2', etc.). All three columns on each page are the same length. What I want to do is consolidate all the data onto one worksheet 3 columns wide and X rows long (so one week's range of data after the other, but it doesn't have to be in any specific order). I am looking mainly for code because that seems to me like the best option at this point unless someone can provide a viable alternative.
What I've tried:
I've tried on a smaller scale, 5 worksheets, naming the ranges using the OFFSET function to create a dynamic range and then trying to paste one right after the other with no luck getting it to paste such a large range. Going along with that I chopped and dropped some code from another online source (forum? tutorial? I don't remember) and modified it to consolidate the 5 named ranges, however, the code does not really seem feasible for 53 named ranges. Loops seem reasonable, but I couldn't come up with an easy way to cycle through the worksheet names and named ranges.
I only have a few hours worth of VBA tinkering so I'm sort of lacking, but I have other coding experience so the structures and concepts are familiar just the syntax and finer points are greek to me. I sadly don't yet have the time to sit and learn VBA either.
If there's an easy way to put a few loops in or you think it should loop through and copy each cell rather messing around with ranges then go for it.
Here's what the code looks like after I modified it: ....
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