Copy From List With Changing Row Count

May 6, 2014

Any way to copy cells from a list of employees. I have already shortened the list significantly, which is based on the location... from over 700 employees down to a possible 30 rows. Now, I want to be able to copy the exact number of employees to an employees list in my form.

Say the list is from A7 to A36, but one time the location may only have 4 employees and the next time there may be 7 employees or whatever. I tried copying the entire list and pasting the list as values, but it pastes the empty cells as duplicates - conditional formatting is on to show if a name was manually entered twice in the list.

I have a cell showing the number of employees in the location, but I'm not sure of the code to dynamically copy from cell A7:A# based on the employee count. So, I'm always going to start in A7, but the end may change. I thought about using End(xlUp), but it stops at the last formula and I tried searching the internet for the right words, but I have had no luck.

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Automatically Copy Items From Changing List Into Sortable Table

Nov 25, 2013

I have a list (formatted as a table) on one sheet that I want users to be able to change. On another sheet there is a table that needs to have every item from the list in the first column. So far I have achieved this by using "=Table2[[#This Row],[Crop List]]" in every cell of the column where I want the list copied. ("Table2" is the list, "Crop List" is the header on the list.) This basically works, but it has some drawbacks:

1) When I try to sort the table, the items referencing the list are stuck in their original positions and no longer match the other columns.

2) I have to have a large number of cells displaying "#VALUE!" at the bottom of my table because they refer to empty cells in the list which might later be filled.

In case my explanation wasn't clear, I've attached a copy of the workbook. Everything I'm talking about is on the first two sheets, "Lists" and "Pricing."

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Copy Data And Count List Number?

Mar 19, 2014

Basically, I have a list of data in columns B,C,D, and an ascending number in column A. Three cells in G10,H10 and I10 can now be copied over to B,C,D no matter long the list (see post underneath) however I need it to simultaneous add an ascending number to column A once the macro is run.

Attached workbook shows two example situations in sheet 1 and 2, and a completed form in sheet 3(based on sheet 2 example).

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Count In A Range When It Keeps Changing

Aug 8, 2006

I'm trying to count the word "Standard" in a series of ranges. Say A10-A15, then maybe keeps changing from 3 rows upto 10 rows.

Is there anyway to count in a range when the range keeps changing in the amount of rows. Like it won't ever be only 5 rows, it may be 3 rows, 6 rows, 9 rows and then 2 rows.

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Changing Formula To Count Based On Year And Not Month?

Apr 15, 2014

I'm using this formula to count how many times the date in column C and the text "WON" appears in column I and it falls within the month & year that is in Z65.


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Count How Many Items Found In List Based On Another List

Oct 27, 2009

I have a list of names in B8:B200 (unique)

I have another list of names in I7:I15

I want to count how many names in B8:B200 that matches any of the names listed in I7:I15.

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Changing Contents Of List Via Validation

May 15, 2009


Attached is my example.

I want to have the data in a Named List display automatically in a certain column, and the data be dependent on the choice in a cell with a List Validation.

Choose "option 1" in the Cell's drop-down, and in the specified area appears all of the data in the "option 1" referenced List.

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List Changing Range Values

Apr 29, 2008

i have 118 cells and they are changing every 10 second so, how to gather the max value from these cells and displaly them in Marquee box or in pop message?

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Find Max Value Of Dynamically Changing List

Jun 20, 2008

my file was too big to attach, so to get it, go to [url] (p: SOCIALCHARM [all caps]). It's the only file underneath the 'documents' section.

This is a complex sheet, so I won't go into everything I'm doing, but really just the part I need help with. Instead of trying to explain it abstractly, I'll use a a concrete example (you'll need to look at the sheet to understand this).

The general idea is that I results from an online ad campaign (ie I ran ad X on site Y in position Z), and - given the results I have - try to optimize which ads I run where. Each in the real data (row 167 and below) represents a 'space' where an add can be run.

First, row 551:
The original recommendation is in Column T, which is Brand "Buddies" (column V). The total # so far for brand "Buddies" (col W) is less than the limit, so Column X = 0, and the updated recommendation (Column Y) is just the original recommendation from Column T.

Now, row 552, (the condition I'm having trouble with)
The original recommendation is in Column T, which is Brand "Pink" (column V). The total # so far for brand "Pink" (col W), however, is now OVER the limit, so Column X = 1. This means that excel now needs to search all of the creatives (in column E), filter out all the ones that don't match the size of the current creative in question (ie that are not of size 300x250 - E551), ALSO filter out any creatives of brands that have already hit their limit (in this example, brand "2-in-1" has already hit it's limit, as you could check by looking at X537), THEN, from the remaining creatives (ie those of size 300x250 and not of brand pink OR of brand 2-in-1), select the creative with the highest value in Column AI).

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Copy Down Changing Row Value

Oct 13, 2006

I looked in all the copy threads and did not find a solution that applied. I feel I should know the answer; but, it is late (or early). I am working on a spreadsheet where formulas will start out in only on one row. The user will paste information in column A and invoke the macro which, among other things will copy the formulas in columns B through E down to the rows equal to the rows in column A. The number of rows will vary each time the user pastes their information in column A. I started out recording the macro - that may be my problem - and even though I "end down" - the row is hard coded. This time there are 16 rows next time there may be 116.

In my spreadsheet I do have a cell (G1) where I counta column A so I know the ending row but have not figured out how I can incorporate that as a value in my code.

How do I automatically update the value of the row?

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False

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Count Values In One List And Then Narrow / Combine Values Based On Criteria And Count Those

Jan 20, 2014

I need a way to find a value in a column which has one or more corresponding values in an adjacent column. Then take all of the corresponding values found and count all occurrences of the found values in another column. But I only want to count the entries if an adjacent column is not blank.

Not the easiest thing to describe. Starting to wonder if I need to think in reverse. I hope the attached example makes more sense.


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Changing Cell Text Color When Out Of List Scope

Feb 5, 2009

I have a worksheet with 3 particular columns (L,M,N) that have drop down menus. The menu is populated with items that are referenced on a different workbook (different file). Because there are multiple worksheets accessing the referenced list, this is a master. When I change the master, the lists update, but the cell text does not. Example:

If I chose apple from the list, but later in the master I decide I want apple to be banana, while the drop dowm box will now have banana instead of apple, my cell still says apple.

I don't necessarily want apple to change to banana, but I want a visual cue that this is incorrect. I wanted the cell text to change to red if it is not equal to any of the list items on the master file. I want this to be passive, i.e., I want it to change automatically, so I don't have to press a button or some other activation.

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Changing Selected List Option To Single Character?

Jul 7, 2009

I'm creating an excel spreadsheet that will be sent out to a few users to enter data into. In this spreadsheet, multiple columns contain drop down lists created using the Data Validation tool. The lists are referencing named ranges on a second worksheet.

In these drop down lists are terms that consists of one or two words. What I'm trying to do is when a user goes to select an option from the drop down list, I want the matching one letter code to be entered into the cell instead. For example,
Column AK has drop down list with following options:


When a user selects one of the options, I want one the following respective letter to appear instead......

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Generating A Repeating List Of Names From An Ever Changing Roster.

May 2, 2006

I have a workbook where Sheet 1 Col A is a list of dates. Sheet 2 Col A is a relatively short list of constantly changing names. I need to put this list of names in a repeating fashion in Sheet 1 Col B. Ideally I would like for Sheet 1 to regenerate Col B each time the roster list is changed.

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Changing Chart According To 3 Selections Of Validation Data (list)

Nov 28, 2012

I would like to find out how can I create a chart, where it is interacting with the selection of 3 drop down list (created from data validation-list option). It will show up to 12 months of data.

First list would have only Male & Female, 2nd list would have 1st Class, 2nd Upper, 2nd Lower, 3rd Class and Pass Only, 3rd list would have all the months of 3 years.

My data is from J9:U22. These data needs to be changed accordingly, reading from D45:U58.

For the graph, if I select Male, 2nd Upper, and Jun-2012, I want it to show only this selection, where the period will be from Jul-2011 till Jun-2012.

Previously I have done one, with only 1 selection of drop down list, where I used Vlookup. Now involves 3 criterias.

Or is there an easier way to do it?

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Updating VData List In All Sheets By Changing DynRange

Jul 13, 2006

I have a raw_data sheet with a list that is linked through
Insert> Name>Define. This list is used for Validation Data List drop
down menus in other sheets. I would like to update a
list element in my raw_data sheet and have the corresponding element in
other sheets also update. Is this possible or is there another way to
do this?

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Random Selection Of Cell Value From List Based On Changing Weighting

Apr 24, 2009

I have a list similar to the below:

#....|Name.... | Weighting %
1Artur Boruc 1
2Igor Tudor 5
3Alessandro Grandoni 3
4Gian Elia Amoretti 3
5Olivier Kapo 12
6Kim Källström 13
7Emiliano Bigica 13
8Julio Baldivieso 12
9Fabrizio Miccoli 13
10Peter Vougt 14
11Massimiliano Esposito 12

What I want to do is randomly select either number 1 to 11 (leftmost column OR the person it represents) but also make the selection based on the percentages in the rightmost column. To illustrate using the above example, Number 11 (Massimiliano Esposito) should have 12 times more chance of being randomly selected than Number 1 (Artur Boruc)...

I have used a formula such as


to randomly select a cell but how would I modify this to include cell weightings? Or is there a better formula?

An additional note I have is that the weighting for each person will always be changing, but will always be a percentage.

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Copy A Formula Several Times, Changing Its Value

Nov 28, 2008

I have some groups of data. Each group are 5 cells: ........

What I want is to make a formula to sum the five numbers of each group, then: =sum(a1:a5). but, how could I copy the formula to make Excel understand that I want the numbers from a6 to a 10, and from a11 to a16? I try to make it with left click in the square down at right, but it just add one value to each cell:

It makes this: ..................

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Copy Formulas With References Changing

Aug 28, 2007

I am trying to do a simple copy and paste of number of cells A42:H76 to another sheet (in the same workbook) and have all the references stay when pasting to the new sheet. Instead when I paste it I get #Ref and the cell formulas no longer point to the right cell (they are all off by the same number because I did not paste the cells on the same row/column on the new sheet). Also, they don't refer to the older sheet where I want them to refer to.

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Define Changing Range & Copy

Feb 18, 2008

I am trying to figure out how to copy a variable range of data from one worksheet to a new one. I have the worksheet part of it figured, but not the range part. How do I define a range to include both columns and rows in VBA?

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How To Copy A Formula Without Changing Cell References

Feb 18, 2014

I want to copy =d8*k10 into several cells, but the references keep changing. I've tried several things that I've found on the internet, but nothing seems to work and the I can't seem to copy to a columnof cells.

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Copy Absolute Formula, Without Changing Every Cell

Sep 23, 2009

I think this should be easier than I am making it out to be, but the answer is escaping me....

Among other things, I have a workbook with these worksheets in it: Hours, Cost, Profit, Revenue.

Columns A, B, C & D should be exactly the same on each worksheet. So, I have all the data for these columns entered into Hours, and then reference that worksheet on the other ones.

That works fine until I sort it differently and then instead of having row 2 reference row 2, it will be in row 9, etc.

Now I know I can use =+Hours!$A$2 for the absolute reference, but then i would manually have to change the reference on each cell.

SO - (finally the question) Is there a way to use the absolute reference without having to manually enter it into each cell?

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Automatically Changing Copy Range In Macros

Mar 18, 2009

In my program I have data coming from an outside workbook. The amount of data coming into my program changes (Additional Rows) could be more or less. What I want is for the macro to recogize the change in data size and copy the new amount automatically. ie Change copy range. I would post the program but it is proprietary.

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Prevent Formula From Changing On Copy / Paste

Jun 17, 2014

I have a vlookup which checks another sheet and imports data. The formula is as such:

=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(B17,Data!A$1:$C$40,3,FALSE)),"",T(VLOOKUP(B17,Data!A$1:$C$40,3,FALSE))) .

The problem I have is when I paste and amend data on sheet Data! it changes the formula to

=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(B17,Data!A$1:$B$40,3,FALSE)),"",T(VLOOKUP(B17,Data!A$1:$B$40,3,FALSE))) .

How do I prevent it from doing this?

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Copy Colums While Changing Some Values To Negative

Dec 10, 2008

In Sheet1 from row 12 on down in columns A to E I have numerical values.

Column F has letters, either N or S
Column G has numerical values
Column H has letters, either E or W
and columns I, J and K have numerical values again

On a new sheet (Sheet2), I want everything copied but the numerical values
in columns G need to be changed to negative if the cell to the right, column F,
have an S and the values in column G need to be changed to negative if the cell
to the right, column H, has a W.

Columns F and H are therefor not copied to Sheet2
(Sheet1 has quadrant readings and Sheet2 will end up with azimuth readings)

The result is that Sheet2 will have all numerical values from column A to column I
with columns E and F either positive or negative values.

Currently I use the following

Sub CopyTNS()
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A12:D" & Range("D65536").End(xlUp).Row).Copy _
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("I12:K" & Range("K65536").End(xlUp).Row).Copy _

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Copy Formulas Without Changing Range References

Feb 5, 2008

I have a large workbook with LOTS of large formulas. However they dont contain $ characters before the ranges as I haven't needed to manipulate them til now. Now I am changing the sheet and I cant seem to move or copy these cells without the ranges whithin the formulas changing! Is there a way to do this? If not is there a way in VBA that I can check through selected cellls and enter a $ before all the ranges?

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Copy Formula From 1 Workbook To Another With Reference Changing

Apr 17, 2008

I want to copy a formula from Workbook A to Workbook B and have the formula configured with Workbook B's spreadsheet cells, not Workbook A's.

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Copy Formulas In Cells Without Changing Reference Cell?

Jul 7, 2014

I'm preparing an accounting model for my office use. How to solve the copying of formula to all other cells.

The detail is here:

Sheet 1:
1) I've entered a number 1000 in L2

Sheet 2:
1) I've entered a values in columns D,E,F,G
2) Calculations :
at G2 : the formula is =D2*Sheet1!L2

The problem is when I Copy the formula in G2 through G3, G4, G5........... it changes to =D3*Sheet1!L3, =D4*ValidData!L4, =D5*ValidData!L5 and so on... but it should be =D3*Sheet1!L2, =D4*ValidData!L2, =D5*ValidData!L2, so that the L2 value shall be constant for calculations in all cells.

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How To Copy An Array Without Changing Relative Cell Refferences

Jun 19, 2006

How to copy an array to an array of the same size without changing relative
cell references in the formulas?

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Copy/Pasting Formulas But Only Changing Certain Values In Formula

Feb 24, 2009

I'm trying to copy and paste this formula to multiple cells and am having difficulty doing so without everything in the formula changing.. SUMIF(Bankroll!Q14:Q6000,U143,Bankroll!Y14:Y6000)

I only want the U143 to change to U144, U145, etc. Yet when I copy and paste down the sheet it changes the Q14:Q6000 and the Y14:Y6000 values as well. I've been having to go through and paste the formula one line at a time and then manually change the U143 to the current U cell that I want it to represent in order to keep the rest of the values the same. Is there a faster way than this?

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