Count How Many Times Got Same Character In Text From Several Cells
Jan 30, 2014
I need to count how many times I've got, for instance, "a" in several cells where I typed some text...
I would need a formula where I can indicate the letter I want and the range of cells where to look at, and having as result how many occurances there are...
If you are very good instead of a single letter, maybe a sequence of letters... but this is an extra!
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May 1, 2008
I need a formula that counts the number of cells in a range that only contains one character. Example, column A contains:
In the above, I want the result to be 2. I've tried =countif(a1:a6,len=1) but that doesn't work.
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Nov 25, 2013
I want to count how many times a particular text appears in Column A depending on the number times another text appears in Column B.
Say for example if I have in Column A {A, B, C, D}nd column B I have {AA,BB,CC) and if I want to check how many times column A has "A" value when the column B has "CC" value, then how should I proceed with this ?
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Feb 7, 2007
i have a spreadsheet where I need to count up how many times a particular phrase within a text string appears. The text string will be duplicated many times throughout the spreadsheet.
For example :
Miss X was at work on Saturday
Mr XX was at work on Saturday but not Tuesday
Miss Y was at work on Tuesday
So I would like to count up how many times "work on Saturday" appears in my spreadsheet, and then as a seperate query, how many times "work on Tuesday" appears.
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Oct 6, 2013
A1:A10 contains text (say colors) and B1:B10 also text (say vegetables). I need a formula to count the number of times a certain combination of numbers and vegetables appear in the same column, so if "red" and "carrot" appeared in A4 and B4 and also in A6 and B6, the result would be 2.
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Feb 6, 2012
I want to count the number of times a word appears in a range (like M9:S663), but sorting it by the month it appears (eg: january = 2, february = 56, march = 2000, etc.)
I managed to do this but there has to be a better way
=COUNTIFS(RNM.1;"PRUM Transcripcion";FechaComite;">=01/01/2012";FechaComite;"=01/01/2012";
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May 14, 2008
I want to change the character ~ with . in order to be able to make them numeric values to be feeded to other functions. But REPLACE seems not doing the job so I've been checking out other options such as seperating after and before the character ~. Details are below. I've been trying to use this formula to extract values from a delimited database which I open with excel. The formula that has brought me close is =IF(ISNUMBER(E51)=FALSE,LEFT(E51,LEN(E51)- FIND("~",E51)),E51)
When I import the database, the figures above have originals as 14010.00000 & 3210.00000 but transfer to excel as above. As far as I have observed 9 character spaces are displayed & the DOT transfers to ~ for some reason. I need the LEFT section of the ~
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Sep 3, 2013
This is my text:
Test Name1
Test Name2
Test Name3
Test Name4
Test Name5
Required result is:
Test Name1|Test Name2|Test Name3|Test Name4|Test Name5
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Apr 19, 2007
I have multiple columns with many rows of unique text in each. Here is an example of what the 1st few rows of column a and b might look like:
I would like to be able to sort the rows by the character length in a column. So, it would look like this (if sorted by 1st column):
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Jan 16, 2006
in writing a formula that will count the number of times
the store is listed (Column B) when it matches with closed (Column C).
On the table listed below I will return the data using a match.
From this table
1/8/2006 9:45Store 1Closed
1/8/2006 9:57Store 2Closed
1/8/2006 10:05Store 3Closed
1/8/2006 10:09Store 4Closed
1/8/2006 10:15Store 5Closed
1/8/2006 10:24Store 1Closed
1/8/2006 10:36Store 2In Progress
1/8/2006 10:41Store 3In Progress
1/8/2006 10:50Store 4Closed
1/8/2006 10:58Store 5Closed
1/8/2006 10:59Store 1Closed
1/8/2006 11:15Store 2Closed
1/8/2006 11:22Store 3In Progress
1/8/2006 11:24Store 4In Progress
1/8/2006 11:33Store 5Closed
1/8/2006 11:51Store 1Closed
1/8/2006 11:56Store 2Closed
1/8/2006 11:57Store 3Closed
1/8/2006 12:03Store 4Closed
1/8/2006 12:16Store 5Not Started
1/8/2006 12:23Store 1Closed
1/8/2006 12:28Store 2Closed
1/8/2006 12:57Store 3Closed
To this table
1/8/2006 9:45Store 15
1/8/2006 9:57Store 24
1/8/2006 10:05Store 33
1/8/2006 10:09Store 43
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Sep 15, 2006
I thought I found a formula that would work, but it's not working. Each month I have to count the number of service tickets that have arrived between certain time ranges. They want to gauge during what times we seem to get the biggest batch of service requests.
6 am to 10 am
10 am to 5 pm
5 pm to 6 pm
6 pm to 6 am
The format of the cells are:
1:21:19 AM
1:28:08 AM
1:35:48 AM
1:49:19 AM
2:17:02 AM
7:14:38 AM
7:29:12 AM
8:08:28 AM
8:51:48 AM
8:54:19 AM
The formula I tried for 10 am to 5 pm: =COUNTIF(B2:B677,">="&TIME(10,0,0))-COUNTIF(B2:B677,">"&TIME(17,0,0))
It gives a result of 676, and I know from manually counting that there is only 327 cells that have a time between 10 am and 5 pm.
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Mar 3, 2008
I have a row of cells that contain a single letter: W,C,O.
I need to provide a count of the number of occurancies of each letter. So I have a cell that shows me the total W's, a cell showing me total C's and another showing total O's.
Whats easiest way to do this?
I know its not ideal, but on this occassion ive no desire to add and hide another column.
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Oct 2, 2009
if a cell contains "usable characters". By usable characters i mean i want something to check if a cell contains a number or letter.
cell = AAAAA formula returns true
cell = A123 formula = true
cell = 123 formula = true
cell = ----- formula = false
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May 27, 2014
I am trying to count all devices by model on sheet1 (FY13 4th QTR Meter Reads) into cell B524. The range is D2:D519.
Where I run into trouble is when I filter the data by Campus, I only want excel to count the number of devices for the model listed (A524) and place it into B524 for the visible rows.
The current formula I'm using is:
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Apr 15, 2009
CELLS AA5:AA64 will have either EF, CS, SBS and/or, RP. Cell AA16 could be "EF / CS / SBS" and AA20 could be CS. I want Cell AA65 to count show how many CS's have been entered in that range. How would I do this.
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Jun 3, 2014
I have been looking for a way to count the number of cells in a column that do not contain the word "No." I used the countif formula to count the cells that do contain "No" but I need a formula to count cells that contain anything but the word no.
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Jul 25, 2014
I have a column of cells (say N7:N149) for which I would like to count the number of times text is visible, as some are blank. Normally I would go =COUNTA(N7:N149), but in this instance the cells are only blank because I have related them to adjacent cells and nominated "" if those adjacent cells are blank, therefore when I use my =COUNTA(N7:N149) formula it gives me a total of 143 (149-7).
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Feb 20, 2014
I export data into Excel format from a corporate reporting tool. 1 column includes a product description in text format, however, due to the many different products I need to count the number of cells based on a single word in the product description.
Hypothetical Example:
The report contains various information about vehicles. The product description exports to a single column and may include "Ford Fusion", "Ford Focus", "Chevrolet Malibu", "Chevrolet Impala", etc. I only need to count how many cells contain information about Fords and Chevrolets. The model detail is not needed.
I'm able to count if I enter the complete and exact make & model description, but want to avoid this due to the large quantity of products.
I'm using Excel 2007, on Windows 7, 64 Bit Enterprise
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Jul 25, 2006
in excel how do I count cells that begin with specific text. Ex: in a
column with 100 entries, I want to count the number of cells that have the
letters "app" from the word approved as the first three characters in the cell
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Feb 22, 2012
I want to count cells that contain specific text but multiple criteria. For example in range B4:B12 I want to count the cells that contain the word 'daily' AND the word 'weekly'. Each cell in the range contains one word.
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Aug 5, 2006
I filtered my database in such a way that i end up with a list in which different companies are shown.
For example:
Companies (column A)
Now i want excel to count for me the number of different companies active (so in this example it would be 3, that is MER + TYH + INT). Does anyone know how to make this formula?
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Feb 7, 2014
I'm trying to use logic to identify each of the strings below, I want to count the occurrences of the left most character appearing consecutively. The answer is to the left
I'm trying to do this via a formula vs. vba if possible
[Code] .....
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Sep 21, 2009
Im using a DDE to auto update my sheet, every time the word BUY appears on the cell T3 I need update a new table with the following data
=name | =number of times the word appeared
Where name is a reference to the value on the cell C3
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May 6, 2008
Need a formula/code that will determine what the corrected part number should be (insert dashes if they are missing) by comparing to other values in the list.
Original A1:A5 = {452, a-bc, 123, 4-52, abc}
Corrected C1:C5 = {4-52, a-bc, 123, 4-52, a-bc}
I can do this using an intermediate working column, but can this be done all in one formula, or via VBA?
My formulaic solution is thus: .....
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Feb 17, 2014
I have a workbook consisting of two sheets: a Monthly Class Schedule (Divided into five one-week blocks. Each block's vertical is Mon to Fri, the horizontal is 9 class slots. There are 45 class slots pw). Each class has one student and the cells are filled 'Student Number, First Initial, Surname' eg, '666 J Smith'. Students may be scheduled for several class slots per week and some class slots have no students scheduled. When the student attends a 'P'is added at the beginning of the cell eg,'P 666 J Smith'.
The Student Attendance Report has the students listed vertically on the left, arranged by Student Number, and then a column for each week.
At the moment I have to manually count the classes each student has attended for each week and enter the attendance figures in the appropriate week column. It's a PitA so I want to automate the process by using the S#s in the Attendance Sheet to search the week blocks in the Schedule Sheet for 'P S#' and auto-fill the week columns in the Attendance Sheet.
Sched and Attend February 2014.xls
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Mar 11, 2014
I want to use a sheet for planning work tasks. I need to count how many cells containing 'x' text exist in rows starting with dates greater than or less than 'Today'
If you look at my workbook (attached) I have dates and tasks on 'sheet1' I have stats on 'sheet2' In the 'spent' on sheet2 I have a COUNTIFS to count the cells containing 'Fish' but I also want to narrow it down further so that I see the nuber of cells containing 'fish' where the date in the A column for that row is less than 'Today'
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Jan 15, 2014
I have a spreadsheet where i would like to 'count' the number of cells with a particular colour AND SPECIFIC text (not 'any text').
I attach a xls with the initials of the person in column A, their colour as seen in cells in next four columns with the particular text in each cell. Therefore, for 'ABC1', in the given range, I would like to count how many cells have been allocated with the particular colour (brown, do not know colour index) and the particular text (1 or 2 or 4 or 5) in the range A1:CK39. Haven't supplied the actual sheet for confidentiality reasons.
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Feb 9, 2012
I am trying to search text cells to return a word count within a particular row of cells and I am currently using the following formula:
=COUNTIF($D4669:$EI4669,$O$3), where cell o3 contains the word to search and $D4669:$EI4669 the data.
However, this formula misses data that contains characters such as "," etc.
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May 28, 2013
I have a spreadsheet that lists all the work done by employees within a specific area. Some employees cover multiple areas.
I am now needing to work out the average work completed by each area. I need a formula that will count the number of employees by each work area.
I know this is something I have done before, but my mind has gone blank and I can't for the life of me work it out again (it's one of those days).
Row 3 of the spreadsheet contains the codes for the work areas they cover (CM, V & TC) and some employees only cover one (which would be a simple CountIf) but some have multiple.
What is the formula to, for example, count the number of people who have CM in row 3 even if they also have other entries in that cell.
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Nov 13, 2013
I currently have the formula =Countif(E5:E158,"YES"). This formula works great if when I dont filter, however, I need to filter through the data and I only want it to count the cells that have "Yes" when it is filtered, not just all the cells. I searched to forums and people keep referencing Subtotal() however that is counting all the cells and not pulling out the "Yes" inputs only.
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