Counting The Number Of The Remaining Cells (yet To Be Filled In) Of A Column
Aug 15, 2009
A column (A1:A60) is being progressively filled in with numbers, and occasionally some blank cells are between.
I need a formula to work out the number of the remaining cells (that are yet to be filled in) from the last entry till the last cell (A60) of the column.
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Dec 19, 2012
I have this data lets say id denotes a particular house and the multiple entries of the same house are for different members of a house. Now i want to calculate the total no of people who earn in a particular household i.e if a cell is filled or not.
idB C
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Mar 21, 2012
I want to count the number of cells in column A that are not blank MINUS or EXCLUDING the cells in Column AD whose values are "Closed".
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Dec 11, 2012
I am attempting to count a number of cells in one column so long as they fall within a certain date, which is located in another cell in the same column. I'm trying to account for a number of reports that happened within a certain week.
The formula I came up with was
But this returns 1 more then it should no matter what. Even when all cells within A_DATE are empty. it returns 1.
I know the COUNTIFS portion works to count the cells between certain dates.
Is what i'm looking to do possible or am I suffering from Excel burnout and just can't see that logicaly it makes no sense?
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Aug 7, 2009
I am sure this should be REALLY simple, but i just can't find the answer i'm looking for. I have a sheet which changes daily in quantity of information. I want some simple code which counts up the number of populated cells in column A and returns the answer to a cell in another worksheet - or just automatically use it to print that number of pages.
I think i should be able to do the printing side, but, currently have no idea how to count up the number of populated cells in the row. If someones feeling very generous though, giving me the code for printing that number of pages too would save me some work (the worksheet which needs printing is different to the worksheet which needs the number of cells adding up.)
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Apr 24, 2009
I think I am working all around this in Excel 2003 and feel like I am in the neighborhood, but can't seem to quite get there. On sheet1 I have 2 columns of 100s of rows. All of the cells in column A will be filled in with a date as time goes by (1-May-09 for example). Several of them may be 1-May-09 as a matter of fact. In column B, some of the cells will have a number in them and some of them will be empty. On sheet2, I want to construct a formula that returns a count of cells in column B that have a number in them based on a specific date in column A. For example:
If I could get the formula right, it would return an answer of 1 for 1-May in the example, because only 1 of the 1-May entries in column A has a number in the adjacent cell in column B. A formula for 2-May would return an answer of 2 since only 2 of the 2-May entries in column A have numbers in the adjacent cell in column B, and so on for the month. If I understand things right, there are too many arguments for COUNTIF. It seems that SUMPRODUCT should work, but I can't make it so.
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Mar 30, 2008
how do i create a formula or macro that will: Clear the contents of Cell C1 If Both Cell A1 And B1 Are Filled. I will need to check all the cells in column A,B and C.
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Jan 17, 2013
I'd like all Cells in column AC (e.g. AC$3$:AC$517$) to be filled with yellow fill if the cell value is any date greater than or equal to today. Any past dates can be left blank (for now)
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Jan 22, 2012
I'm trying to calculate the number of rows in a matrix that have a complete row of data. I would noprmally do this using nested if formuals and a count function, but the columns of the matrix are filterable so the count won't work.
Is there a combination of functions that will adapt as I filter data?
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Sep 1, 2007
I'm basically looking for a forumla that will count each employees total scheduled work days for the month inserted and then depening upon the day it is will show how many days the employee has left to work for the month.
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Jul 31, 2013
I am trying to get a formula that will give me the number of days remaining in the week. I have a formaula for number of days until the end of the month and number of days until the end of the quarter, but just need the week.
So if the formula was run today it would show 4 as the result.
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Oct 4, 2006
how can I count the number of not empty rows(and for example too many) using do.. until loop kind. I am searching on the net for about 24 hours but I couldn't find it.
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Mar 24, 2014
My data is as follows:
Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Number of Starts 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Rolling Number of Cases 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 120 120 120 120 120
In my dataset above the cases finish after 12 months (hence why there is a maximum number of cases).
What I am seeking is a method to count along a certain number of cells, then sum the contents of those. For example, I would like to count the contents of up to 12 cells, then sum those 12 cells.
Where it gets difficult is as follows:
- In month 6, I am just counting the contents of 6 cells (months 1-6)
- In month 12, I am counting the contents of 12 cells (months 1 -12)
- In month 18, I am counting the contents of 12 cells (month 7 - 18)
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Oct 10, 2008
I am trying to count the number of unique items in a single column (~5,000 rows of data). For example, I may have the following data
a1 = apples
a2 = pears
a3 = oranges
a4 = apples
a5 = apples
a6 = apples
a7 = pears
in this case number of uniques items is 3
Right now I am using a Pivot Table to figure out the number of unique items but I am sure there is an easier way to do this.
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Apr 13, 2012
I'd like to count the number of occurrences a value appears in a column. Hard to explain what I'm after so I will draw it out:
Column A
I want to add a formula in column b that will add the number of times it appears as it appears:
ColA ColB
2512 1
2512 2
2513 1
2513 2
2513 3
2513 4
2518 1
2519 1
2519 2
2519 3
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Sep 17, 2012
Is there any way i can display the columb number without actually manually counting across.The columbs are A to Z,AA to AZ,BA to BZ,CA to CZ & DA to DN....about 120 columbs.Is there a way to have the columb number diplayed by just placing the mouse cursor on the columb letter (not press though as it will select the whole columb..going to use for VLookup function
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Apr 1, 2009
A1, B1, C1 and D4 are cell in Excel worksheet and values are 2, 4 and 6 in A1, b1 and c1 respectively.
A1 B1 C1 D4
2 4 6 C1-Formula is: =sum(A1+B1)
Now I have to write formula for D4-cell:
i.e. =sum(C1/Total days remaining of the month)
Suppose Today is April 01, 2009, C1/should be devided by 30,
Tomorrow will be April 02, 2009, C1/should be devided by 29.
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May 9, 2012
I need to count all the cells in columns H, I, and J that contain a number either less than -.5 or greater than .5.
Separately, I also need to count all the cells in columns H, I, and J that contain a number either less than -.5 or greater than .5 if the corresponding cell in column G is not empty.
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Apr 12, 2013
I have a column that shows green when a target has been reached.
On a separate sheet, in the same workbook I have the number of days which target has been reached in the month. At present I have to update this manually, is there a way to automate this?
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Mar 31, 2014
Right now, I'm trying to find a way to count the number of times a certain phrase appears in a column.
I'm currently using this formula for exact values: COUNTIF(A1:A5,"Hello"), but this only works if an entry in a column is exactly: "Hello"
I want to be able to count a column even if it has more words, such as "Hello how are you" etc., and this column would be counted because it has the word "hello" in it.
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Oct 3, 2007
I have a list of around 50000 names. I need to count how many are unique.
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Jan 5, 2007
I need to know wich formula or VB method, I have to use to count the number of cases in a range of colomns and rows C4:G107, have the same number. For eaxample how many times do I have number 1 and so on...
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Mar 18, 2009
I like to think that I am pretty good on Excel 2003, can't stand 2007 but hey thats for another thread.
I can do most forumulas and write some pretty elaborate macros, but one thing I am trying to do has completely stumped me.
Each month I compile a Pivit table that shows by day if a product was in stock or out of stock, this is represented by a blank cell (in stock), "1" Out of stock.
All this is fine, but I want to be able to show the number of instances that a product was out of stock in any given month...
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May 21, 2013
I have a Workbook with multiple sheets with Data in them. I would like to Count the number of duplicate values between the sheets.
For example.
Sheet one has a list of case references Person A is dealing with.
Sheet two has a another list of case references Person B is dealing with however the also have a list of case reference's they are monitoring as part of a project.
Sheet 3 has got the total number of case references each Person is dealing with, it also contain the total number of cases Person A&B together are dealing with. however i need to find the total number of cases Person B is monitoring that Person A also has so that the total number of cases is the true number of total cases with no duplicates involved.
(References begin with VB then have a string of numbers afterwards and I would like to know the total number of cases the Person B is monitoring as well so these need ot be calculated).
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Dec 24, 2013
Have been doing some sums on excel. I've managed to calculate the number of months between 2 dates using this formula.....
=DATEDIF(C3,D3,"y")&" years "&DATEDIF(C3,D3,"ym")&" months "
I then come up with a list of months calculated.
What I now want to know is, how many are equal to or more than 9 months? And if this is the case then can the cells be highlighted in a different colour?
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Aug 13, 2012
I have an excel sheet which is currently 1,100 lines long and expected to increase and has a number of dates in columns W-AO representing the dates in which someone has had an onsite assessment. I wish to report in column AQ if there has been any visit activity in the month, i.e August for this month’s report. Is there an Excel function which will allow for this? Im thinking something like having a drop down list to select the month at the top of the column and then the sheet returns a value of 1 for all lines where a there is a date equal to the month selected?
I guess it is also worth mentioning that the sheet is setup as a table.
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Aug 22, 2014
I am trying to create a graph that is conditional on two different columns. The first column is a date column, the second column has various categories. I want to show how many times each category appears per month. This database is continually added to so I wanted the formula to reflect the entire column range.
For example, let say I have 5 categories (Grapes, Apples, Peach, Pear, Banana). Column A would show a date (in a M/D/Y format) and Column B would list the fruit type. I want to show how many Grapes were input in January, February, March, etc. and then move on to show how many apples in each month, and so on.
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Oct 30, 2013
I'm currently trying to set up a sheet ...
When setting up a Direct Debit There are 3 options, the 7th, 17th and 27th. I've put these into a drop down list. I need this list to be slightly dynamic. I must allow 10 working days from the date of the arrangment before I can apply the DD.
To explain further. If someone were to want to set up a DD and spoke to me today. If they then requested the DD be taken on the 7th, I wouldn't be able to set it up until the 7th of December as 10 working days are required. I'd like the list to reflect this. I can do it in OO with a simple if / switch but excel is a strange creature and I'm not sure how to approach the problem.
From that I think I also need to calculate the number of weeks remaining in the current financial year. I think I should be able to do this by using the Today() function and some maths.
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May 15, 2014
So I want to add some VBA Code that deletes specified columns and then insert Bolded Column headers to the remaining columns. The columns I want deleted are D,F,I,J,K. For simplicity purposes, the column headers would be A,B,C,D,E,F,G.
I tried using Columns("D,F,I,J,K").delete but I kept on getting 13 error.
[Code] ......
Attached File : Test VBA File.xlsx
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Feb 4, 2010
I am paste valuing from one sheet to another. The size of the data changes each time so to manually delete all Null cells is a pain.
If I do not delete them it sucks up 3 megs of space. I have searched the board several times looking for a solution, lots of discussions but no solutions.
It would be great if I could find that first cell that contains the Null string and then delete the cells remaining in the column. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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