On a worksheet i have a list of names in Column A the list length can vary this is why i want to create a userform using VBA. The form just wants a checkbox with name next to it for each name in column A. If the checkbox is ticked I want a 'Y' in Column B next to the corresponding name.
Basically I’m trying to create a login userform that launches once the database opens.
Userform = LoginTextbox = UserformTextbox = PasswordCommand Button = UserloginCommand Button = UsercloseSheet containing passwords = Userpasswords Usernames are stored vertically in the A column, and Passwords vertically on the B column both starting from row 1.
I’ve been using code found at [URL] but I’m struggling to make it work. Some of the variables listed below may be useless but I’m not entirely sure so I’m sceptical about removing them. !
VB: Option Explicit Dim ws As Worksheet Dim Userpasswords As Worksheet
I am a novice VBA user, with a more-than-basic knowledge.
I have created several userforms in the past, but they were all “static”, meaning, the user was allowed certain options from a variety of combo boxes, and after filling all the data, the result was migrated into a sheet (database).
Now, I am trying to create an INTERACTIVE userform in which certain combo boxes will become available based on a user’s selection in a previous combo in the same form.
For example: If - in a “Payment” combo - the user will select “Check”, 3 new text boxes will appear (Date, Sum, Bank code) and the user will fill certain data related to his selection.
If, on the other hand, the user will select (in the “Payment” box) the option “Installments”, 3 other boxes will appear (Number of installments, first installment month, sum per installment). These boxes can either be text boxes of combo boxes, and here the user will select/fill the relevant data.
Naturally, the previous boxes, related to the “Check” option, will be made invisible.
Personally, I don’t care if ALL boxes are always visible, as long as they are activated or disabled (grayed out) based on user’s selection in the “Payment” combo.
The next step will be to migrate the selected/filled data from the form back into a sheet, where the data will be placed in different columns based on the final selection the user made in the form.
I am a total noob when it comes to userforms. I want to create a userform with a simple combobox that contains 4 different selections. Along with this combobox will be a Submit button and a Cancel button.
I have created a UserForm with 10 text boxes. 9 are input fields and the 10th is a large comments box. I have designed the form so that entry's can be added, searched for and updated. However, I would like all previous data to be stored as history in the 10th text box.
I just need to make a user form for entering data in one of the sheets ( Pending Confirmed Orders ), requested user form should be used to enter the orders information in columns ( each column in new entry ) and just the rows ( from 6 - 21 ) with noting that row no 16 is to link external pdf file as you will see.
I'm making a form in excel to retrieve a number of welds. This number needs to be passed on to the next form to dynamically create an identical number of input fields (a set of text boxes and labels essentially). Any ideas on how I might do this? Is it even possible? I would like to avoid having 100 (my assumed maximum, it could get changed) sets of input fields and hiding the unused ones,
I am working on a label printing set-up for my work. So far I have completed the userform that formulas will be entered on and printed from. I had an idea of being able to save these formulas for recall later. I included “Save” and “Recall” buttons on the userform. My plan is to have my co-workers click on the “save” button and be able to enter an additional piece of data and have everything saved to another worksheet labeled “database”. If you look at the said sheet you will see a column for “customer”, “color” and then the colorants. Due to the wide variety of colorants and quantities available, I set it up so that I have the colorant and under that Oz and 48ths. I am trying to figure out a code that will populate that across the row.
Then I want to be able to push “recall”, find my customer and then color in a combobox and have that populate my label.
At this time I am stuck. Part of my problem is I don’t quite know the terminology to google.
Attached is the file I am working with. The only sheets that need concern anyone are "main" and "database". The others are from the original file and I will be deleting those once I am done.
How do you create a reference number to be posted in a userform2 that is opened from an earlier userform1 where you have entered some initialisation data and generated a source reference number. ie set of data has reference X and there will be y items in that set want references in form X01 to Xy (y unlikely to exceed 20). Want to put references 'X01' into the userform2 and cycle through data entry in userform2 from source reference X01 to Xy. (I'm having problems with the transfer from 1 to 2!)
I have a userform that creates labels and checkboxes for those lables on the initialize event based on an if statement. I would keep getting an error on a line where I try and use the name of one of those created checkboxes of "variable not defined" as if it hasn't been created, but it was.. Here is the code for the creation:
'Option Explicit Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() 'dynamically add the tickers and funds based on if there is any data inputs for them.
'declaring variables Dim lbl As MSForms.Label Dim i As Integer Dim x As Integer Dim newcheckbox As MSForms.CheckBox
'selects the summary page Sheet1.Select
For i = 7 To 65 If Cells(i, 3) "" Then..................
I am working on a code which works, however, its is not working entirely as i intended. In this example, the body of the email should contain content from textbox.
I have 3 text boxes, not all are expected to be filled out. So if only textbox1 is filled out, the body should only include information derived from textbox1.
Whats happening now is that even if textboxes 2 and 3 arent filled out, the body of email produces blank formulas from textboxes 2 and 3. So how do i fix this code so that if I enter data into textbox1 only, the body of email will not include empty formulas? Ive also attached a copy of the Produced email file. Code in question is in red font
On the attached spreadsheet, ormula on 'UserForm2'.
When I hit the 'Submit Changes' button I want a formula so that it will look up the product row in Product List (Sheet 1) that is select in the ComboBox1.
Once this row has been found I want the values in TextBox1 to be copy and pasted into Column D of that row and value of TextBox2 to be copy and pasted into Column G of that products row.
I'm using the following code to create a customized userform, and it works perfectly on my computer, as I've enabled all macro settings.
Code: Function GetOption(OpArray, Default, Title) Dim TempForm 'As VBComponent Dim NewCheckBox As MSForms.CheckBox Dim NewLabel As MSForms.Label Dim NewCommandButton1 As MSForms.CommandButton
[Code] .......
However when my coworkers need to use the code it creates an error, as the VBA project is unsafe.
Now my question is, can you write some code that enables all macro settings temporarily, in such a way that my coworkers can use this code?
I've created a userform following the tutorial http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa192538.aspx And a Find button which reads a string from a textbox, searches for it on the worksheet, and then displays the data for that row in the userform. I'm trying to work out how to do "Find Next", and it seems complicated. I know there are other techniques, such as filtering, or displaying all the found data in a dialog for user to choose which one to edit. But these are not suitable for my project. Here's the code for my Find button
I have created a userform and a command button to bring up the user form but when I click on the command button and the user form pops up I am not able to enter any data, the entire page freezes
This is the code
Private Sub CommandButtoncancel_Click() unloadme End Sub Private Sub CommandButtonOK_Click() With Workbooks("RETS results version 2.xlsm")
This is weird - if you delete a sheet that contained a control then
a. showing a modeless userform resluts in a userofrm that goes invisible at subroutine End b. public variables lose their value
These things do not happen if the sheet did not contain a control. Attached is an example file - put the inputfile.xls in your default file location (or add a path in the code) then open the ProblemDemo.xls and run the main macro to see it fal - isthis another Excelbug I've found?
I have one userform that loads combobox values upon userform Initialize. Though through a second userform changes can be made to anotherworkbook this workbook is saves any changes. when i close the second userform i need to rerun the 1st userform Initialize event to update the combobox's incase changes have been made.
I have several non-modal userforms in my App, some of them have date-fields that require manual entry typing of dd/mm/yy etc (No single userform has more than one date-box in it, this I think may be pivotally useful)
Now the Userform 'Calendar' that is built on the class of the same (cCalendar) name, has the write value line 'ActiveCell.value = theCal.value'
I'm looking to change this to refer to the correct userform.Textbox value, depending on which form is open.
I would imagine I could simply have a global string, whose value is set (or re-set) whenever a Userform is initialized (some sort of 'ActiveUF.value = Me.Name), where I get lost is referring to the components by name, so as to have a case statement by where I go:
Private Sub theCal_AfterUpdate() Select Case ActiveUF Case "AddForm" application.vbe.components("AddForm").controls("AddFormDatePicker").value = theCal.value Case "EditForm" '.... etc end select end sub
better way of doing this (instead of passing around the userform name as a variable) - or proper syntax for referring to controls outside of the 'active' userform (but an open userform nonetheless)?
Every time I have to do this particular thing with userforms, I completely forget how, and the object browser always leads me on an infinite loop of Application.vbe.activevbproject.vbcomponents.vbe.active....
PS - there may be one slight complication to the process - one of the forms, has a 2-tab page in it, each page having similar (but named differently) fields. So I may need to be able to throw in 'Activepage' or whatnot
I Have a Userform which Have My Data i Print User Form Using Print Command Button And My Code Is
[Code] ......
But Its Printout Whole Form I only Wants To Print contents of Text Box's Or only Text From Userform TextBox. How To Print out Only Content of User Form Not The Whole Form ...
What I would like to do is to be able to open a second workbook from a user form, preform some work on it then save and come back to the same place in the original user form.
So in steps:
1 : user clicks command button to open user form 2: user then clicks on command button on userform that opens 2nd workbook via a yes / no message box, but closes userform on 1st workbook (would be ideal if this could stay open, but hidden) 3: user then does work on 2nd workbook, 4: userform on 2nd workbook saves then activates the 1st workbook and reopens the userform
This is where no matter what I try I cant get the command button on the 1st userform to be clicked automatically so the yes / no message box appears.
This is part of the code in the 2nd sheet commandbutton that saves / closes / opens
Code: Unload Me ActiveWorkbook.save Windows("ABC.xlsm").Activate Sheets("Request Sheet").Activate Call Sheets("Request Sheet").ForceClickOnBouttonXYZ Call UserForm1.CommandButton6_Click 'this is where I cant get it to work!! Windows("xyz.xlsm").Close ABC is the 1st workbook xyz is the 2nd workbook
This is the code on the 1st workbook I use to call on the 2nd workbook
Code: Public Sub ForceClickOnBouttonXYZ() Call CommandButton1_Click End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then Application.ScreenUpdating = True Unload Me RestrictedOptions.Show Else Cancel = True End If End Sub
Trying to use above code to unload active userform and show new userform when red X (close) selected by operator. With the code as is, the Unload Me leaves the form on the screen and displays the RestrictedOptions form. If i remove the Restrictedoptions.Show, the Unload Me does remove the original form.
When I run the userform initialize procedure to reset the values in text boxes and the like instead of resetting like it should, now it closes the userform completely and then won't allow me to show it again, what could be the problem?
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Me.MultiPage1.Value = 0 TextBox3.Value = ActiveWorkbook. Sheets("Sales Invoice"). Range("G15").Value Dim hWndForm As Long Dim hMenu As Long hWndForm = FindWindow("ThunderDFrame", Me.Caption) 'XL2000 hMenu = GetSystemMenu(hWndForm, 0) DeleteMenu hMenu, SC_CLOSE, 0& End Sub
The Dim stuff down is to gray out the x button, there are also some module level declarations to go with that...
Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long Private Declare Function GetSystemMenu Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal bRevert As Long) As Long Private Declare Function DeleteMenu Lib "user32" (ByVal hMenu As Long, ByVal nPosition As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long Private Const SC_CLOSE As Long = &HF060
the userform shows when the workbook opens and is then hidden when the user has finished entering values, then when the user goes through the process of being asked to print and save, they are then asked if they would like to create a new record, if yes then it shows the userform again, but the userform is still filled with all the stuff previously entered. I tried using the unload me instead of hiding and that wouldn't work at all, didn't give errors just didn't show the userform either, this at least shows the userform, but now when the user goes to clear the information by initializing the userform again, it simply closes the userform and then it can't be shown again either.
This is the link to the ZIP, and here are some instructions for setting it up to work.
The contents of this need to be unzipped into a folder called SyntheticShield that is placed in the C: drive that way all paths begin with C:SyntheticShield and then the other folders or files will be referenced correctly. The template I'm having problems with is the SyntheticShieldInvoiceMaker template, when you open it you'll be prompted whether you want to create a new invoice, number is final blah blah blah, say yes, then it will ask if you are importing from the Quotemaker which you aren't say no, it should then show the userform as it should. Then you can go through that process and by pressing either the create invoice or go to template directly whatever, you can hide the userform. Then you press the command button (red) a userform is brought up asking if you'd like to save without emailing, save with emailing or close controls, as for right now, I'm just getting the save without emailing to work the rest is all the same just a few tidbits of code. So click save without emailing, it should then prompt an are you sure message box, click yes it will do some things, then it will ask if you want to print, click no, then it will ask do you want to create a new invoice, click yes, this should then start the process all over again by calling the workbook_open procedure, however, when you go through everything, and click no to the import from quotemaker part it won't show the userform. And at one point it would, but then I couldn't initialize the userform without it disappearing and not being allowed to be shown...I tried putting a command button on the template to show the userform, but it wouldn't do it either.
having trouble with the details of actually making these features work for me. I figured out how to create a UserForm with a ListBox and 2 buttons, but I don't know how to proceed from here.
1. Populate the ListBox in the UserForm with a list of names from the sheet "Totals_Dropdowns", cells K2:K11
2. Make the UserForm pop up and enter the user's selection into cell C40 of the "Regenerate Request"
I know these are very basic operations, and I'm pretty sure I can figure out the rest of my problems once I can get past the above.
In order to deal with the multitude of screen resolutions that can be found at our work, I have got a module to check the current screen resolution on loading the workbook. I then have set up 3 different sized userforms, all containing the same coding, and based on the displayed screen resolution one of these is open (the userforms are named Customer1, Customer2, Customer3).
The displayed userform then has a button to show another userform (Customer_Details), and this form requires some referencing back to the previous form for some of it's information eg,
customer_details.textbox1.text = customer(1, 2 or 3).textbox1.text customerdetails.combobox1.list = customer(1, 2 or 3).combobox.list
way for me reference the specific "Customer" form that has been opened, without calling it by name?