Data Matching And Import Function From 2 Workbooks Into Main

Aug 25, 2007

Im creating a cash reconciliation application for a BUS operator client that has 6 depots and 1500 drivers.

each driver is uniquely identified by a special number.

long story short, I get 2 workbooks (named Cash1 & Cash2) that I need to have imported by driver number in my main cash rec workbook named Cashrec.

for example; ...

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Copy Data From Sheets In Workbooks In Folder To Main File Sheets Of Same Name

Aug 29, 2008

I would like to use VBA to search a folder and copy data from tabs within the excel files there. The data will be pasted to a tab of same name in the the main file. All the files are in the same format.

So far I have only managed to list the files in the folder using code I found on your site!

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Import Data From Closed Workbooks?

Mar 5, 2012

I am looking to import a sheet into an opened workbook. I have found a code from this URL [URL]....but I can't manage to get this done correctly. I want to copy the range "A1:Z1000" from the "Source" sheet to the target sheet "Div_P&L" (which will be opened when the macro is run) located in another folder.

Source address : "H:P&LYE TempDiv P&LP&L Report 020312.xls" , sheet("Source"), data = range("A1:Z1000").
Target address : "H:Yield EnhancementPandL.xls" , sheet("Div_P&L") , data = range ("A1")

Line Workbooks(PandL).Activate => Run time error 9, Subscript out of range.

I have tried the getvalue function which works, but it takes a long time. So I want to use an ADO way.


Sub importdata()
ImportRangeFromWB "H:P&LYE TempDiv P&LP&L Report 020312.xls", "Source", "A1:Z1000", True, "PandL.xls", "Div_P&L", "A1"
End Sub


Sub ImportRangeFromWB(SourceFile As String, SourceSheet As String, _
SourceAddress As String, PasteValuesOnly As Boolean, _
TargetWB As String, TargetWS As String, TargetAddress As String)
' Imports the data in Workbooks(SourceFile).Worksheets(SourceSheet).Range(SourceAddress)


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Lookup Matching Data In Other Workbooks

Oct 24, 2006

I am looking for a way to add cells to a master workbook from matching cells in various other workbooks. The master will have the complete list of store numbers. The other files will just show the store number that had returns. I need to add a new column to the master workbook for each of the other files. If that makes sense?? So the master report header row will have: storeno,storename,3-1-06,3-15-06,4-1-06,4-15-06, etc..... Then column a will be a listing of the store number 1 -200.

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Close All Workbooks Except For The Main Workbook

Jan 5, 2009

Is there anyway to change the following code so that it will save and close all workbooks except the one that has this code?

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Populate Workbook With Matching Data From Other Workbooks

Dec 10, 2006

I have a one excel workbook with columns customer id , customer name, customer address
and another excel work book with columns customer id , account name, account type.

I am in need to produce a new excel workbook with datas from above said 2 workbooks with customer id column as reference by macro programming in excel.

So the new workbook should have data from the columns customer id, customer name and account name

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Import Data From Several Closed Workbooks To A Single Sheet In An Open Workbook

Aug 3, 2009

I need to import the data from a specific sheet (same named sheet on all closed workbooks) to a sheet in an open workbook. All the columns are identical in every workbook but the number of rows is variable, so the data from each subsequent workbook must be appended to the end of the current data.

Whenever a button is pressed, this macro will clear the sheet, then import the data starting in A3. The workbooks are in different folders but they all have the same name, so some sort of explorer window will probably be needed to actually select each file.

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Match Data In 2 Cells In Different Workbooks And Then Copy Results In Matching Row?

Feb 13, 2014

I have 2 worksheets, A and B. In both worksheets there is common data in column A (account ID). I would like to find a way to return all of the data for the matching row in worksheet B and have it pasted into the matching row in worksheet A.

So in the example below, I am looking for a function that will match on Account ID in both worksheets and then paste the results from Dataset 1, 2 and 3 into the row with the matching Account ID in worksheet A.

Worksheet A
Account ID
Column to paste matching rows from Worksheet B



Worksheet B
Account ID
Dataset 1
Dataset 2
Dataset 3



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Copy Specific Cells From Workbooks And Paste Onto Main Workbook

May 25, 2014

I have around 200 excel spreadsheets/workbooks with identical ranges but each with different data. There is a total of 5 columns and 225 rows in each spreadsheet/workbook. Looks something like this:

Workbook 1:

Title 1
Title 2
Title 3
Title 4
Title 5


[Code] ....

The Cells I need to copy are in BOLD. I am trying to paste them onto another workbook as follows

Main Workbook:

Workbook #
File 2
File 3
File 4
Title 5
Title 5

[Code] ....

As you can see, each workbook has identical A2 and Title 5 columns, so they only need to be copied once onto the Main workbook where data from the B and E columns are different for each Workbook. So not only I need to copy and paste from a Workbook onto the Main Workbook, but the code has be able to paste it onto a new row in the Main Workbook (where each row in the Main Workbook will correspond to the data copied from Workbooks 1-200.

I am new to VBA but I tried a code where I would copy and paste one cell at a time onto the same workbook and not onto the Main Workbook, and then how to copy and paste from one workbook to another, but as you can imagine that would take a long time:


Sub dAmacro()
Range("G1") = "Workbook #"
Range("H1") = "File 2"
Range("I1") = "File 3"

[Code] .....

It seems like I need some kind of loop, where it would copy and paste a set of cells and repeat the entire process until it reaches the end of the Workbook 1 while making sure when doing same thing for workbook 2, that the data pastes onto a new row onto the Main Workbook. I feel I have the logic down, but its in the syntax where I am failing.

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Correlation Function For Matching Dates Within Range Of Data

Jan 9, 2013

i have 2 columns of number of cars using various roads, taken in the last 30 days. A macro has processed the data in these ranges and changed the outlier values to "Bad" so the formula ignores them.

However in the columns A and C , there are dates that the counts were taken on.


sometimes these dates aren't the same (no data available on christmas in some areas, boxing day in others etc. Obviously this destroys the correlation, as it puts the days out of synchronisation and the correlation falls apart.

Is there any way i can adapt the formula for it to check the dates are the same before correlating? It'd almost be like a vlookup, find the date, if match, add to calculation, if not then go to the next date. i'm happy for it to only correlate 26 of the 30 days if there are that many conflicts.

example for last 6 days performed on the 28th of december (looking for 6 calendar days up to but not including 28th dec.

22/12/2012 9 22/12/2012 Bad 23/12/2012 10 23/12/2012 22 24/12/2012 3 24/12/2012 21 25/12/2012 7 26/12/2012 18 26/12/2012 8 27/12/2012 15 27/12/2012 15 These 2 cells would be blank and this column would only contain values for 5 could only correlate the 3 days of 23, 24 and 27.

Given that i'm going to be correlating this information with a number of locations, each with different reporting dates, filtering the dates before correlating and deleting unmatched dates is not a great option, but I will consider it if there is no other way.

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Import Columns Based On Row Headers And Matching

Jul 9, 2012

I have a nice little code which imports data from a mastersheet to my input sheet. Though it will only work as long as the mastersheet is static.

I'm trying to match the product code in column A between my mastersheet and my workbook with a input sheet. And then copy the cell value in column D and E of the relevant row.

The messy part is that some of the products are split into sub categories (less than :$$$:, between :$$$: etc) and they dont have any info in column A.

I'm unsure if this is doable. Is it? And if I get permission to edit the mastersheet somewhat.

I tossed in the start of my currect static c/p, thought I don't think I'm keeping it if I get a handle on this match macro issue.

Dim ws As Worksheet, wb As Workbook, t As Date, wb1 As Workbook, wb2 As Workbook, wbName As String, janei As String, spm As String
Dim fil
Set wb1 = ActiveWorkbook
ChDir ""

[Code] .........

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Program Or Function To Lookup And Locate Typed In Data Across Multiple Workbooks

Jun 12, 2014

have a formula or something along those lines that will look for the data you type in to the selected cell and will show you on how many workbooks it has been entered in. For example, I have workbook a, b, c, d, e, f. all have 12 sheets. On these 12 sheets there is a place to enter the serial number of an item. What I would like to be able to do is on a different workbook be able to type in a serial number and have it show which workbooks it has ever been typed in and its location on said workbooks. and if possible the results of the item which would be whether it was accepted or rejected( this bit is not totally must have. but the workbook and sheet location is a must.)

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Import Macro (CLS File) Into Multiple Workbooks Using VBA

Sep 20, 2012

I have 400+ workbooks in a folder. If they are all .xlsm (macro-enabled) workbooks, how can I import a macro (.cls file) to a particular sheet (sheet1) in each workbook using VBA so that when a user on another machine opens one of them, the macro works? Right now, I have this code to loop through all workbooks; I only need the import function to go in the middle. Copying and pasting or importing manually 400+ times is just plain unrealistic!


Sub OpenfileUpdate()
Dim strFile As String
mFolder = "C:files1Files"
strFile = Dir(mFolder & "*.xlsm*")
Do While strFile <> ""


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Matching Records In Two Workbooks

Feb 3, 2010

In Excel 2003, I need a macro to do the following:

For each record in column F (starting at row 2) (workbook: CATS LITTERS LISTS AS AT 01 FEB 10.xls) (worksheet: RAKE)

Find a matching record in another open workbook (workbook: DOG TRAINING v 3.xls) that has multiple worksheets as

follows: ...

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Import Only Selected Columns From Different Workbooks To Master Workbook

Apr 15, 2014

I'd like to import column A,E, H, and I in different 11 workbooks in MYdocument folder to one Master workbook.

I'd like to import 'Name' and ' ID' in cell E3 and C3 in each different 11 workbooks to cell A1 and cell B1 in Master workbook.

Starting row for Column A,E,H and I are 'row 6' because row1 thru 5 are title, name, and comments.

In the Sheet 1 in Master workbook will be the Main sheet for command buttons, so I want to import after Sheet1 in Master workbook.

I want to import each worksheet , not stacked type. I got 11 workbooks in my document right now, but numbers are always changing. I also import in row 2 in Master workbook because I need to add title or button on row 1 in Master workbook.

How can I import only selected columns from row 6 into row 2 in master workbook?

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Import Blocks From Text File Into Seperate Workbooks

Jun 13, 2008

I have wrote a few macros before which involved searching, copy pasting and comparing.

I now need a macro that can first open a text file, in this text file will be 6 section separated by 6 different titles so it will look something like this



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Compare Two Workbooks And Copy Matching Row

Jul 23, 2013

I have two open workbooks, the first is called "Original Data.xls", the second "SIP.xls".The "Original Data" workbook contains a sheet called "Data" which has a list of information in the column range 'B:H', starting at row '4'.The "SIP" workbook contains a sheet called "Staff" which has a list of unique ID's in column B, starting at row 4.What I'd like to be able to do is compare the unique ID's in column 'B' of the "Data" sheet to that of the unique ID's in column B of the "Staff" sheet. NB.

There could be multiple records for the same unique ID in the "Data" sheet, but they will only occur once in the "Staff" sheet.If a match is found, I'd like to copy the row from the "Data" sheet and paste this to a sheet called "Matched", starting in B4, also contained in the "Original Data.xls" file.As each match is found I'd like to paste this into the next available line on the "Matched" sheet, and I would like, if at all possible, for the macro to continue checking for multiple entries until column 'B' in the "Data" sheet is blank.

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Copy Matching Rows From 2 Workbooks

Aug 8, 2006

I have 2 work books A and B. I want to be able to copy the entire rows out of WB A, which contain the same data as one of colums in WB B



Bob Smith | 3 Smith Lane | 0204587512 | |

Tom Brown | 3 Brown Lane | 020241445 | |


| |

Would give me WB C

Bob Smith | 3 Smith Lane | 0204587512 | |

Any way of doing this?? I know that i could use ' find' then copy the data, except i have around 300 records...

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Import Range From Multiple Workbooks With Names Listed In Column

Mar 31, 2008

I have been trying to use a FOR EACH C ...... NEXT loop, where each cell in the range is the beginning of a worksheet name that I need to import.

What I have got so far is:

Sub FindMyFiles()
Dim fs As FileSearch
Dim ImportWB As Workbook
Dim MasterWB As Workbook

Set fs = Application.FileSearch
Set MasterWB = ThisWorkbook

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Lookups For Separate Workbooks Matching Date

Feb 18, 2014

I have workbooks based on the date. Here is an example "Daily Numbers Report - Summary_2014_02-18-06-02-30"

All of the files are formatted this way. Then, in a master file I have dates going horizontally for the entire year in the following format Tue Jan 15, etc. How could I do a lookup that would grab from all of the open files and match the date BUT subtract 1 day from that date for all the lookups, so Feb 18 would look at 2-17?

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Macro To Compare Workbooks And Look For Matching Values

Dec 4, 2006

I want a macro to compare each value on workbook 1, Sheet "Destroyed", column "C" against each value on workbook 2, Sheet "ERT Master", column "B". For each instance where the value on workbook 1, matches a value on workbook 2, the row where the match is found on workbook 2 needs to be highlighted in yellow from columns A to H. This needs to be repeated for each value in column "C" of workbook 1.

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Autofill Data In Tabs Based On Data From Main Tab

Dec 29, 2013

My main data tab is collecting gallons pumped for a particular piece of equipment. I have a drop down box to populate the piece of equipment and VLookup to identify the unit number associated with the equipment. I would like to create a separate tab for each piece of equipment that will track the number of gallons pumped during the calendar year. Here is the format for the main tab:

DateBeginning Meter ReadEnding Meter Read GallonsEquipment IDEquipment Description

1/2/2014565443565625 18212006 ford f250
1/10/2014565625565675 5022006 Chevy 2500
1/11/2014565675565750 754Ford Taurus
1/12/2014565750565830 8012006 ford f250
1/13/2014565830565900 7012006 ford f250
1/14/2014565900566000 10012006 ford f250
1/15/2014566000566125 12512006 ford f250
1/16/2014566125566215 9012006 ford f250

Here is the format for each piece of equipment:

2006 Ford F250

Date Gallons
1/2/14 182
1/12/14 80
1/12/14 80
1/12/14 80
1/13/14 70
1/14/14 100
1/15/14 125
1/16/14 90

The formula I used in Cell A4 is =INDEX(Gasoline!A4:A23,MATCH(1,Gasoline!F4:F19,FALSE),1)

Cells A4 and B4 have the correct values. My problem comes in A5,A6 and B5,B6. These should not have a result because they are different pieces of equipment. Throughout the year, each piece of equipment is going be used on the main tab. How do I keep the individual tabs from picking up the same entry multiple times.

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Compiling Partially Matching Data Into Matching Rows With Macro

Jan 20, 2013

My task is to combine two large databases into one spreadsheet by extending the number of columns. The data from each database is 90% matching based on an identification number, however occasionally there are additional rows or unmatched identification numbers that need to be kept for analysis.

When this happens, there needs to be a blank row inserted to represent the missing data in the rest of the corresponding row.

I am having trouble finding a quick way to do this because I have approximately 12,000 rows (and columns up to DV when combined).

for example:


[Code] .....

needs to become:


[Code] .....

I am guessing I will need a macro of sorts, So far I have made one column that tell me if the ID's are matching or not (1 or 0) and if they are not matching (0) I manually insert the rest of the row that is missing or make space for the duplicate data (which needs to remain).

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Copying Data From Main Worksheet To Another

Apr 11, 2012

I have a main spreadsheet that lists all the members and profile URLs for members in a forum. In Sheet 1, Column A is the username and Column B is their profile URL.

In sheet 2 I have a list of the members who are in listed in a particular category in the forum. However, I don't have the profile URL data. What I want to do is create a macro that look in Sheet 1 for the username and if profile URL is thier, copies that into sheet 2 next to the appropriate username.

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Copying DATA From Main Sheet Into Different Sheets

Mar 25, 2014

I have a data sheet that I enter all data into. I would like to divide the data into different sheets depending on the month the job was entered. Please see a sample I have attached. I have tried to convert the month (colE) into a figure (colF). I am hoping the data automatically copies across into the correct month sheet or perhaps I can push a button and it will do it for me. Data will get entered on a daily basis by staff but only onto the main sheet, this will then by some miracle be duplicated into the corresponding sheet without loosing any data on the main sheet.

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Distribute Data From One Main Worksheet To Several Other Worksheets

Jan 6, 2010

I am in need of an Excel Macro to help me create an address list by market. For simplicity sake I’ll set up a mini-example: I have an Excel document with a MASTER tab that lists the Market (Column A), a person’s name (Column B) and their Phone number (Column C). What I need to macro to do is read column A and make a new tab for each market in that column, then populate the name and phone fields accordingly.

A found one macro that was close, but it does not automatically make a new tab (I have to do that manually) and it does not refresh the sheet each time I open it, so when I run the macro again I get duplicate entries.

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Extract Data From Main Sheet To Other Sheets

Mar 29, 2009

I have already placed a siniliar question but I think it fell through the cracks or it was to difficult to understand!! I am losing my mind as the hrs tick down and I can't get this done

I have a detailed sheet called "detail"

I have 5 other sheets called "J1" "J2" "J3" "J4" "J5"

The sheets are exactly the same with headers already in. However "detail" sheet has all the detail and the "J" sheets are blank.

I need a macro in a command box that will start on line 5 of the detail section and look in column "D". if either of the "J"s are in column D then the row will be copied, cell colour turns green, and pasted in one of the 5 "J" sheets depending on the value. This process should continue to loop until there are no more lines left in "detail" to copy

I just can't get my head around how to write a macro that will perform this. I have searched through different threads and tried and manipulated a few but I can't get it to work at all. I think I am so frustrated after 8 hrs that

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Split Of Main Data Based On Column Into New Worksheets?

Apr 4, 2014

spliting of main data By column criterias which start from column E1:L1 something like Pivot Table in new worksheet, but based on formula functions.Each worksheets have to based in one of this column D1:K1 headings. That also have to rapidly change with main data table.

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Populate Data From Multiple Worksheets Into Main Report

Aug 3, 2014

I have to create a report that captures the work of 2 different resources on each day of the month, the sheet i am working with has 3 tabs - Main (this houses the main report, with identical fields for each resource), ABC - for details pertaining to work done by the resource ABC ... and a tab called XYZ for details of work performed by XYZ. A resource can work on multiple projects and 3 different modules in one day.

So for each date, i need to bring in the details for columns .. Project Name upto the column # of FB's, for each resource that is for ABC and XYZ.

I have attached a file with sample data, it has the main tab with what it looks like before the data is pulled from the ABC and XYZ tabs ... and what it should like after the required data has been pulled from the ABC and XYZ tabs.

What i am looking for is the formula that i got to enter in the main tab in order to pull the required data from the ABC and XYZ tabs for each date mentioned in each of the columns for each resource (that is ABC and XYZ) in the main tab.

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Copy Data From Multiple Sheets To Main Datasheet?

May 6, 2014

I have a workbook that contains multiple sheets, currently five sheets of which only two of them are Info Datasheets.

I would like to create a VBA code that pulls data from multiple info datasheets and compiles that data into one Main Database sheet. However, after that initial collection, I need the code to maintain the rows data. Specifically, if any row's data changes in the info Datasheets I need that row on the main Database sheet to update.

The columns in the info datasheets range from A:AH, however I only need the columns A:E to be copied. And I would like the code to add column F in the main datasheet displaying the sheet name were the data was retrieved

Each Info sheet (Metals, Polymers) are setup identical; Rows 1:3 are the headers, and Column D and/or Column E will denote a change to the row.

The Main Database sheet (Table of Context) has 2 rows for the header. So, the data will start on row 3

F-S886 (Material Properties Database)_DRAFT_5.xls

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