MACRO To Get Sum Of Specific Column From Various Worksheets And Appending Sheet Name

May 6, 2014

I have a workbook named as "DCR_Summary". In the sheet "FX", I want to get the sum of a specific column from two different workbooks named as "WNCR REPORT" and "DCCR-REPORT". The name of the column is "FXCOLL". The summation should start in row 7 all the way down where data is available. The good thing is that, my sum range will always starts at row 7 in both files but the bad thing is that the position of column "FXCOLL" is changing every day. The expected result is shown in the attached "DCR_Summary". It should pick at the same time the Sheet names where the summation came from. Sheet names is also changing and sometimes the FXCOLL is nil, hence, 0 value can be returned.

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Macro Data From One Sheet To Another - Appending To Existing Data

Jan 3, 2008

I'm trying to move data from a primitive user form to another sheet acting as a DB. I will further pivot the data in a third sheet to boil up results.

Here is the primitive user form - or desired data from the user form: ...

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Macro To Find Specific Text In Column And Copy Certain Cells In Same Row To Different Sheet

Dec 30, 2011

how to work macros or VBA

I have a workbook with multiple sheets named by month and year that I use to keep track of loans I work with at a bank. In these sheets I have info such as:

Column B = due date
Column D = loan# A
Column E = loan# B
Column F = status
Column H = followup needed
(Columns A,C, and G aren't important for the current need)

What I am trying to do is create a main sheet (TRACKER) that all I will have to do is press a macro button and it will pull info for each loan that is in a pending status.

I need a macro that will search column F (Status) on all sheets and find each instance of "Pending" and once that is done, copy rows B,D,E, and H in each "Pending" instance and copy them to their designated area on my TRACKER sheet. After that is done I need it to continue to the next "pending" instance and do the same on the next available line on my TRACKER sheet.

The overall goal would be that everyday I can press the macro and it will repopulate the sheet with the current pending items (as each day I will change pending status' to complete and no longer need to track it the next day).

I already have the tracker sheet set up and ready to go with the spaces as follows:
Column G&H = Merged cells where due date will need to go
Column I&J = Merged cells where loan# A will need to go
Column K&L = Merged cells where loan# B will need to go
Column M thru S = Merged cells where followup needed will need to go

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Extracting Data From Every 3rd Column And Appending In Single Column

Mar 11, 2013

Macro for a repetitive task. I have data in every 3rd column (max of 11 columns) that I want to extract and append the data in column A in sheet 2. The data contains some blank cells and I'd like to remove them also.

I've attached an example in this workbook : tractdata.xlsx

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Appending To A Column Using A Cell That Changes

Oct 13, 2009

I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction. Firstly, I am using Excel 2007.
What I am trying to do is add to the bottom of a list/column of values. The value I want to add is a changing value which I have set to change once every minute.

For example, in cell A1 I have the value '2000' This value '2000' is placed into cell B1
Once the minute has elapsed, the value changes (by web capturing). This value could be anything. But I want this new value to be placed below the B1 cell, into B2.

Then, another minute passes, the cell A1 value could be different again and I want this new A1 cell value to be placed below the B2 entry, into B3.

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VBA - Appending Weekly Worksheet Data To Master Sheet

Feb 21, 2014

I've a workbook with two sheets 1)'weekly' and 2)'summary.'

Weekly is divided into products (up to a maximum of 8) with a fixed number of columns (4) directly below but a varying number of rows beneath as follows:

Product A (main header)
Issue|Serial Number|Analysis|Comments

--couple of blank rows--

Product B
Issue|Serial Number|Analysis|Comments

--couple of blank rows--

Product C
Issue|Serial Number|Analysis|Comments


This weekly data must be appended into each product's respective grouping within the 'Summary' tab. With the following small additions: 2 additional columns filled with the model and current week must be inserted beforehand:

Product C
Model|week|Issue|Serial Number|Analysis|Comments
Product C|7|data|data|data|data
Product C|7|data|data|data|data
Product C|7|data|data|data|data
Product C|7|data|data|data|data
Product C|7|data|data|data|data
Product C|7|data|data|data|data

Summary page will contain the groupings of Product A through H. The weekly may only contain 1 (say Product D) in any given week, or all 8.

I realize there are more efficient ways of doing this, i.e. pivot tables, creating discrete tabs for each product, etc... but I've been tasked by the higher-ups to generate the above as I've laid out.

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Print All Worksheets Before Specific Sheet

Apr 21, 2008

I am seeking the most efficient code to print all excel worksheets beginning with sheet "XYZ" and ending with the last sheet in the workbook.

- Sheet "XYZ" is always the starting point
- The number of sheets after "XYZ" is variable
- The names of the subsequent sheets are unique and not sequentially named/numbered
- The printing will be to one report (i.e. don't print pages individually)

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Macro To Extract Data From Specific Column To New Sheets Specific Column?

Jun 14, 2013

I'm trying to find a way to use a macro to extract data from a specific column from Sheet1 based on the columns header/title and copied into Sheet2 into the respective column with matching header/title.

For instance, in Sheet1:



So the above table would be the result i'm aiming for.

NOTE, its not different workbooks. I'm looking for sheet to sheet macro.

I've attached a file as well if someone wants to have a go at it. There are no codes in it.

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Copying Data From Multiple Sheets And Appending Master Sheet - Reverse

Feb 5, 2013

Copying data from multiple worksheets, but my problem is quite the reverse.

I have data for each month as a worksheet from 1970-2012. They are in a workbook with the recent years at first and the oldest years at the end/..

Like 2012Dec,2012Nov...............1970Feb,1970Jan

I would like to know how to write a macro to copy a range of data from Jan 1970 then add data from Feb 1970 and so on until Dec 2012.. The range remains the same throughout all the sheets.

I was able to do a rough code, but I am stuck doing the reverse part...

Sub ReverseList()
Dim Sht As Worksheet
For Each Sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If Sht.Name "MEGA" Then

[Code] ..........

Also is it possible to restrict the range selection in each sheet based on the month and year?? For Ex. Accounting for leap year and 30 day months...

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Excel 2007 :: Appending Sheet Number Automatically By Dragging Cells In Formula

Jul 12, 2011

appending excel sheet number in a formula. Here is the example.

In an excel book, I have sheets 1 to 50. In each sheet i have a standard format to enter the details. And in one sheet I want to keep some summary with required cells. I made a table by applying formula, for example in cell A1 i kept formula ='9'!$D$9. In this '9' refers sheet9. In the similar way i want to capture the data from all sheets.

A1 cell ='9'!$D$9
A2 cell ='10'!$D$9
A3 cell ='11'!$D$9....etc

Is there any formula to append the Sheet number automatically (like dragging the shell) intead changing sheet number manually. because it is wasting so much time.

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Macro That Changes Worksheets Not Specific One?

Apr 16, 2013

I have tried Sheets("").Select to just have the macro work on any worksheet in a workbook not just on the specific worksheet (i.e.Sheets("4474-60-2").Select . Get an error though.

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Apply Macro To Specific Worksheets In Workbook

Apr 17, 2014

I have the following macro:

[Code] .....

So right now the macro is run in every single worksheet in the workbook. Unfortunately, it appears the TRIM function erases formulas in cells. I want this macro to apply only to certain worksheets. Say the worksheets i want the macro to run on are named A1-A100.

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Copy Information Between Worksheets Based On Specific Column Entry

Oct 29, 2008

My workbook contains several worksheets each recording the results of equipment tests - one sheet for each piece of equipment. Rather than open each worksheet to check the date of the last test, other 'overview' worksheets pick up and display the last test date from each equipment record using the formula =MAX('sheetref'!A15:A500). Is there a better formula to do this?

Some items of equipment are tested at more than one frequency, ie Monthly, Yearly, etc. Therefore, the entry on row 15 of an equipment record may be column A 28/10/08 column D 'M' and row 16 column A 29/10/08 column D 'Y'. The above formula will only display the last test date, irrespective of frequency. There is a seperate overview sheet for each test frequency therefore, I need to modify the formula so that the date it copies from the equipment record worksheet to the overview worksheet is the date of the last test for the specified frequency.

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Macro To Copy And Paste Specific Worksheets Into New Workbook

Dec 23, 2011

My problem is as such; each month I receive an application for payment. This will contain around 20-30 worksheets. However I only need to interrogate around 3-4 specific ones. The worksheets I require contain data describing the plant/equipment a company has purchased, or materials purchased over a period of time. Each month the worksheets are updated with the previous months data appended to the bottom. I am required to established if the equipments have been purchased at the correct rate.

The worksheets are all protected thus in order to interrogate them I am required to copy an paste their contents into a new work book in order to format them and insert my new "assessment" columns. I need to keep the work sheets separate in the new work book as they have different layouts however they have the same layout and work sheet names each month.

I needs a macro which would allow me to open up a new book them copy the specific worksheets from a specific file into the new work book. I then have a separate macro which re-formats them into the layout I require.

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Creating Macro To Print Specific Worksheets In Workbook

May 15, 2014

I have an excel workbook with about 40 worksheets. I have a formula in A1 of each sheet that returns a 1 or a 0 depending on whether or not the name of the worksheet is in a list.

What I am trying to do is create a macro that will print all worksheets that have a 1 in A1.

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That Takes From Manual Sheet The Number In Specific Column And Multiply It By The Percentage In Sheet

May 29, 2009

I'm trying to create a formula that takes from "Manual" Sheet the number from colume G2 and multiply it by the percentage in sheet "AllocationRule".

My formula currently is =Manual!$G$2*AllocationRule!$B5.

What needs to happen is that the total number in "Manual" needs to be distributed evenly in 4 rows by the percentages allocated in "AllocationRule".

Right now I can't copy my formula over to the sheet because the "AllocationRule" should stop at B5 and not go further and the G2 from "Manual" should not change for the percentage allocation but should change to the next row for the next month.

And then after I've done the calculation I want the LOB in "AllocationRule" to be displayed in the LOB in "H1913_H1914" but I'm not sure what formula to use.

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Macro To Copy Specific Values From Different Worksheets To One Final Worksheet

May 26, 2014

I want to run macro for copying specific cell values from worksheets according to their headers in one final worksheet of the same workbook. worksheets can go upto 30-31 ws as per the dates in the month. This would really save time and energy of copy paste.

Attached is the workbook : Datewise.xlsx‎

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Macro Automatic Printout Worksheets Daily At A Specific Time

Feb 2, 2007

Need Macro to automatically printout my worksheets daily at a specifi time?

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Have Macro Point To Current Sheet Instead Of A Specific Sheet Name

Apr 2, 2009

How do I change this macro to refer to the current sheet name instead of "FullScreen (2)"?

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Search In Sheet In A Specific Column

Aug 11, 2009

I have been working on a spreadsheet with 3 sheets and have done everything except the last function which I just can't work out.

Data is entered on the first sheet in a list with an item number, description, dates etc and then finally, if they are a certain type of item, a variation, a 'variation number' in a column.

The next sheet is then called 'variations' and here starts my problem. I want to have a formula that picks up if a variation number has been entered on sheet one in the 'variation number' column and if so, add that item into this sheet, in order.

So to summarise, I need sheet 2 to search on sheet 1 in a specific column for numbers 1-30(ish) for a series of items.

I then need sheet 2 to list each of these in order, copying over each item that goes with the number from sheet 1 in the same format.

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Code To Open Different Sheet, Specific Column

Mar 26, 2009

I recorded a Macro to open a specific sheet and it works fine however I want to go to the next step and have the sheet open to a specified column in the sheet based on the column in cell 'H2' on the current sheet.

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Run Worksheet Specific Macro Only On One Sheet?

Apr 15, 2014

I'm trying to add some code so that it only runs on the specific sheet or a range of specific sheets - but this list might change in the future) as a worksheet event... When I have been doing this in the past, I have been copying the code to each of the individual sheets but this now seems to be incorrect.

This time, though, I have created the code on one sheet (with a Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate() event) which launches a macro in a separate module - my logic being to have as little code as possible in each of the sheets for copying, pasting, editing purposes, and centralise the main code in the module. However, I've noticed that this code is actually being run on all the sheets - even those I do not want it to run on. I thought, while developing this code, that it would only run on the one sheet it had been added to (e.g. right click the worksheet name, view code).

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Run Macro In Specific Sheet Range?

Jun 16, 2014

I have my template workbook with sheet tab as following:

Summary/Report/Contact 1/Contact 2/Contact 3/Contact 4/Contact 5/Note/

And I have one macro to run and only want to run in the specific sheet as below:

Summary/Report/Contact 1/Contact 2/Contact 3/Contact 4/Contact 5/Note/

The sheet name for contact 1 to 5 is varies means it can be change to any name based on different job. How should I write my macro in order to do that with one macro?

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Macro Showing Only A Specific Sheet

Sep 7, 2009

Writing a macro that when runned will show only two specific sheets in a work book. If i run macro 1 the sheet "xxx" and "start" should be the only visible sheets in the work book. If i run macro 2 after having runned macro 1 sheet "yyy" and "start" should be the only sheets appearing.

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Hiding Specific Column And Updating Information On Another Sheet

May 30, 2014

Check the attached sample file

a. actual data in columns is approx 150 items (that is why i need to hide/unhide columns)
b. there are about 120 persons whom above items are issued depending on expiry of life of item i.e. issue date plus number of months mentioned in row 3. for example if coat was issued to John on 5th Jan then it's life expires on 5th May and so on.

Now what i want

1. by clicking hide checkbox only that specific column should hide or if i click Hide All check box all column in range should hide.

2. as i enter issue date expiry of that item should automatically update on corresponding month sheet i.e for above example 5th May should automatically get entered in sheet May.

I have entered sample data manually in months sheet.


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Populate ComboBox With Specific Sheet Column Range

Mar 4, 2008

I am attempting to populate a ComboBox ( named "SRnumber2") on a userform (named "UpdateSR"), but have hit a brick wall. The following testing code was working but now it is not:

Private Sub UpdateSR_Initialize() 'This section of code initializes the drop-down boxes.

'Add list entries to SR Number combo box. The value of each
'entry matches the existing SR Information spreadsheet entries in column "A"

Sheets("SR Information").Select

SRnumber.ColumnCount = 1
SRnumber.RowSource = "A2:A200"
SRnumber.BoundColumn = 0 ...........

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Name Range Of Worksheets And Find Duplicate Data In Column In Each Sheet

Jun 11, 2013

I have made up 7 worksheets that are completely identical with exception of course to the data they contain. I have a master sheet that contains some of the data from each of the other sheets that will be shared between them. Things were working very well until I discovered that some data was duplicated on a couple of the sheets; and I am in need of adding more worksheets.

The formula I am using for this will not allow me to have more than the 7 worksheets. It is an IF statement array. So now I am wondering how will I be able to add these extra sheets. I would like to use my worksheet names in a range but have evidently done something wrong and could not get that to work before, ending up with this very long 'IF'. !Can worksheet names be used to create a named range?

Also, I would like to know if there is a way to prevent duplicate data on these sheets. I am using conditional formatting on each sheet now, but that of course only works on the current sheet.

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Copy Column And Transpose To Row - Multiple Worksheets To Summary Sheet

Jul 21, 2014

I have over 200 worksheets - separate participants data. On each sheet there is a summary column of data at the moment. I now want those columns of data copied to a summary sheet but transposed to rows.

I have attached an example with 3 worksheets and the sort of summary sheet I am after.

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Macro To Go To Specific Sheet Upon Choosing Option

Oct 16, 2007

Im looking to create a macro that goes to a specific sheet on my workbook upon selecting an option. Example being I open the spreadsheet and a list of options come up such as:


Upon selecting one of those names you are transferred to the sheet named "BRIAN", "JOHN", "JAMES" etc etc etc

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Assigning Macro/Module To Specific Sheet

May 27, 2009

I have a workbook that has 2 similar worksheets. One called "Wood Shafts" and the other called "Iron Shafts" I have the macros worked out for the sheet called "Wood Shafts" and I just realised I need to apply similar Macros to the sheet called "Iron Shafts" (same functions but different values from different columns). Some how I need the code to be able to tell the difference between the two sheets. I am at a loss.

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