Excel 2010 :: Finding Values Using Linear Extrapolation?
Mar 26, 2014
I am looking to find out certain values from a current set of data using linear extrapolation in Excel 2010.
I have attached the data i am using below:
I need to find out the specific power output and heart rate values, at a set blood lactate value (i.e. When the blood lactate value is exactly 2.0mmol.L-1, what is the given power output and heart rate).
I have tried plotting the data into a line graph with a secondary axis, however because i am unable to change the horizontal axis range for the power output values, i cannot interpret the data in this way.
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Jun 15, 2014
Using Office 2010.
I am trying to find duplicate numbers in sets but so far I can only highlight the ones that are in exact order. I need to find each set that has the same numbers, in any order. Example..
I will provide an example of sets of 3. But I get 3, 4 usually but sometimes 5 or 6.
I get them from different people.
Person A- 234, 569, 498, 849, 848,343,567,347 etc...
Person B- 432, 596, 677, 566, 565,433, 455 etc..
Now I need to find each set that has the same numbers, any order. Like 234 from A and 432 from B would be the same, so I would need to highlight them 2 sets. But I can not figure out how to do this. For Excel to highlight it they have to be 234 and 234. Does not recognize same numbers, different order.
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Aug 25, 2014
Please find the attached MS Excel 2010 file <average set.xlsx>.
There is set of positive set & negative set of values available in the Column A. The values are plotted against Column A in Column B. Light green are positive sets and light yellow are negative sets.
Now I want to calculate the average for the positive set & negative set of values as shown in light majenta in the cells F4:F9. Also all majenta cells to be plotted by formula.
The Column H and Column I also same as like above , but here negative set of numbers starts first.
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Nov 14, 2012
i have product group,product name and the statistics. I'll use an example of students with score. I have these set of data:
1 Student Name Score Sum
2 Student1 Anna 48 80=Sumif(A:A,A2,C:C)
3 Student1 Anna 32 80
4 Student2 Tom 30 80
5 Student2 Tom 30 80
6 Student2 Tom 20 80
7 Student3 June 55 60
8 Student3 June 1 60
9 Student3 June 4 60
Now we have 2 students with tied highest scores with 80 Scores. Naturally i want the rank to be as follow: Top1 Anna since she has the highest score "48", and Top2 Tom, and Top3 June.
The problem is, the score data can vary and Top3 can probably have the highest score and he still didnt make the highest score collectively. And there will also going to be other situations as well because im working on a very large data set, and not these 3 students.
the max score is tied, and since im making another column with sum scores, the data is going to be redundant, and hopefully theres a formula to ignore this.
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Sep 15, 2013
I have some data with recurring key values and differing values in the second column, I need to produce a unique list of key values with the second values concatenated together.(See below)
The data can be 10 rows to 5000 and I can have anything from 5 to 150 sheets (Separate data sets), a macro would go a long way to keeping me sane.
Sample data Required Output
A | B Z
1| 10 | a 10,a,b,c
2| 10 | b 11,a
3| 10 | c 12,a,b
4| 11 | a
5| 12 | a
6| 12 | b
My system is Windows 8 Excel 2010.
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Mar 7, 2013
I have a spreadsheet and on sheet 1 it currently has 45791 rows filled with data and it increases each day.
Each row looks like this
On Sheet 2 I have 3 columns. These are the list of horses that are running on a particular day.
What I want to do is to be able to list in columns D,E,and F on sheet 2 the last three ratings the horses achieved from sheet 1.
how to acquire the latest rating of the horse by using the following formula.
This works a treat but for the life of me I can't fathom out how to get the formula to pick the latest three ratings and place them on sheet 2.
I am using excel 2003
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Apr 1, 2014
I am trying to find the Maximum Value in Column C based on the criteria that Column B contains "Afghanistan but NOT Mobile.
In a second cell I also want to find the maximum value in Column C based on the criteria that Column B contains "Afghanistan" AND "Mobile"
The code I have come up with is in the table however it is only showing the max value for cells containing "Afghanistan". If I add the wildcard "*" it does not return a value. how I can achieve my objectives?
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Feb 17, 2010
Any function in Excel, that would allow me to have a unit cost price (for example: 0.5432) and then for a table of figures containing the pack sizes to determine the correct unit price that would allow all pack costs to be at 2 decimal places. I have included an example below:
My spreadsheet would look like the following:
Cell A1 (Unit Cost Price) = .5814
Cell A3 (Pack of 75 units) = .5814*75 = 43.605
Cell A4 (Pack of 80 units) = .5814*80 = 46.512
Cell A5 (Pack of 100 units) = .5814*100 = 58.14
and so on
I need some way of making cell A1 change to a value that will cause all cells A3 to A5 to be 2 decimal places or less.
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Aug 18, 2008
So I have a Sales Data Extrapolation question.
I have August sales data up until August 17th. I need to extrapolate the data to determine what my sales numbers will look like for the entire month.
Here are some of the specifics: 17 days of sales so far, sold 12,598 units. Total stores 1,500
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Jul 26, 2013
I have "Worksheet1" with Columns A and B for IP Addresses, then Column C is for a device name.
I have "Worksheet2" with a range of IP Address from F5:I260
When I enter a new device and assign it the IP addresses on "Worksheet1", I would like the IP Address to highlight in "Worksheet2"
This way I can keep track of which IP address I have used. Excel 2010
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Jan 27, 2014
Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14
Salary 10,000 20,000 30,000
Salary 30,000
I have a table above (in red), as an example, my actual table goes out 60 months.
Where the Green Value is, I need a formula that will reference the two months above it (They could be any of the 60 months), that will then sum the salary from the table between the selected two months (including these months)
I have tried,
tblCluster[[#Headers],[Jan-14]:[Dec-18]],">="&'Cluster Analysis'!$I$51,
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Apr 24, 2014
In Excel 2010 I am attempting to replace values in a cell, the right two values with "00", but am having difficulties with the correct '=replace' function.
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Jan 12, 2010
How am I able to extrapolate data from vertical to columns?
ColumnA ColumnB
Field 1 Result 1
Field 2 Result 2
Column A Column B Column C Column D
Row 1: Field 1 Result 1 Field 2 Result 2
This is different than Transpose.
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Mar 28, 2014
I have in column A duplicate values and in column B different responses (Sheet: Lookup). I need to look up the value in column A (Sheet: Results) and bring back all the responses in column B (horizontally).
Nittie Query.xlsx
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Jan 15, 2014
I am working with an Excel 2010 workbook that has two worksheets in it. What I am trying to accomplish is I want the second worksheet to scan the first worksheet for a student's name, and count all of the instances that the student has a score less than a certain threshold (we'll say "5" for this example). I have tried using various combinations of vlookup and countif functions, but have not had much success. I did get it to a point where it worked, but only for the first instance of that student's name; it wouldn't continue searching the first worksheet for any other instances.
I have attached a sample workbook as a reference : Sheet1.xlsx
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Mar 25, 2014
Excel Version : MS Excel 2010
Attachment filename : <Forum to plot the values.xls>
My requirement is i want to plot the values V1, V2, V3 and V4 from the given condition (A1 / A2 / A3 / A4) and the given date.
If the given date is not available then the formula should take the older date than it not next date. For example if the given date is 10-Mar-14 and the date is not available for the given condition then it should take the older / earlier dates like 09-Mar-14 or 08-Mar-14 like and it should not take 11-Mar-14, 12-Mar-14.
The values should be plotted in the yellow cells.
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Jul 31, 2014
When I update a cell (change A1 from 2 to 3), any cell that references that cell correctly changes its value (B1 = 2*A1). However, the screen will show the new value in B1 (6) over the previous value (4). At first I thought it almost looked like a strike-through, but then I realized the old value and new value were simply stacked in B1.
If I scroll the screen away that cell and go back to it, the correct value will now show without the stacked values. I'm not having this issue in any other program (Open Office), and I don't seem to be having any kind of stacking issue in any other Microsoft program.
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May 9, 2013
I have some text out of note pad in the following format
"cat" "dog" "bird" "turtle"
"cat" "dog" "bird" "turtle"
There is several lines like this. I need to copy it out of notepad and paste it into excel where every word in quotes is in its own cell. Right now if I paste it everything goes into cell A1.
I am using excel 2010..
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Nov 8, 2013
I recently received an .xls book which I then saved as .xlsx (I'm using 2010). There are just under 8,000 rows and 20 columns. File Size 1MB.
The only formulas in the sheet are the ones in a column which I inserted and copied down for all 8,000 rows. Nothing too complicated: no arrays or anything. The sheet calculates fine.
I am simply trying to copy and paste these formulas as values (into the same cells), though at every attempt Excel crashes. I tried on smaller sets of the column and just got it to work for a few hundred rows, though it struggles with any more than that.
I opened a different workbook of mine, and tried the same operation on twice as many cells containing complicated, lengthy array formulas and the action completed instantly.
There is no Conditional Formatting in the book, no code, no 'last cell' issue, no Named Ranges, no external links.
I have even copied the data to a new workbook, then copied the text of just one of the formulas over into this book, added an equals sign, copied down and recalculated, then tried to paste as values again. Still crashes.
=IF(AND(N3>1,ROWS($1:1)<>MATCH(M3,$M$3:$M$7979,0)),"Exact Duplicate","")
is far more resource-hungry than I thought, though if that were the case, wouldn't the issue be during calculation (which, as I said, is fine) and not during a paste attempt? No, it can't be this.
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Jan 14, 2014
I am looking up the largest value across various sheets (1 to 99) with the following formula:
That correctly returns the largest value in range B1:B50 across sheets 1 to 99.
However now I want to know the sheet name of the value above in a seperate cell, let say in: A3.
I'm using excel 2010.
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Feb 18, 2014
I have a spreadsheet with two date/time columns 'Date1' & 'Date2'. Each date/time column has its own column with corresponding values ('Var1' & 'Var2'). These dates cover the same time period, however values for 'Var2' were collected less frequently than 'Var1'. I want ONLY the values in 'Var1' that correspond to the dates in 'Date2'
I am trying to select values from one column 'Var1' which have correlating date/time in column 'Date1' that match the dates specified in 'Date2'. Basically I need the values from 'Var1' that match the same date/time as 'Var2'
See the attached image to make it clearer..
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May 8, 2014
This relates to this thread - [URL] .....
This is the only macro in this file
[Code] .....
It will perform the sub-totalling for the column that has the current active cell
When I select Column I
It does.....
-for each blue cell it finds it provides a total of all the white cells bellow it
-for each yellow cell it find it provides a total of all the blue cells bellow it until it reaches a yellow cell
It works backwards, so not exactly as I've just described, but that isn't the problem
Problem is -
UK Excel 2010 - results are as expected
US Excel 2010 - returns zero values for totals
We've possibly narrowed the problem down to when it looks at cell properties, more specifically -- If Cells(rowX, 1).Interior.ColorIndex = 20 Then
How to get results in blue and yellow cells when you select a cell in column K then execute the CreateTotals macro.
Attached File : Example-1p.xlsm
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Oct 8, 2011
Why the recorded code doesn't work? I recorded the code below to format the Y-axis values of a chart with the recorder.
With Selection.Format.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font
.NameComplexScript = "Arial"
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Nov 29, 2011
Excel 2010 how to not chart zero values in a Pivot Chart?
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Dec 25, 2011
I am running excel 2010. I have set up a variable " testvalue" type variant
I would like the prog to step through a row of data which can contain text or numbers. If any number is greater than 3,000,000 I want exit the do. However, if no number is greater than 3,000,000 I want to record this as a "bad file". I have the follow code which trips at the first "case".
testcol = 1
testrow = myTextRows - 1 'penultimate row
Do While Len(wbText.Sheets(1).Cells(testrow, testcol)) > 0
testvalue = wbText.Sheets(1).Cells(testrow, testcol).Value
Select Case testvalue
[Code] ........
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Feb 24, 2012
I wish to use a formula to grab data out of cells A1 & B1 and use that data to complete a hyperlink URL in cell A3. The base URL never changes but the last two variables do. For instance:
URL Format: http://www.test.com/XXXX&page=XXX
Example data:
Cell A1 = 1234 (always 4 digits)
Cell A2 = 567 (always 3 digits)
Desired Final Result, hyperlink: [URL] .........
I cannot seem to figure it out.... my formula i have gives errors:
=HYPERLINK("http://www.test.com/"(A1)"&page="(A2), "Linked")
This is Excel 2010
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Mar 7, 2012
I am having a workbook (say a.xlsm) which has value entry fields and some values are given to another workbook (say b.xlsm) which has some sort of calculations and the result is projected back to the book a. most of the time book b will be closed. I am using Excel 2010.
I opened and saw that the result which is calculated and projected from workbook b is not getting updated. I opened the workbook b and saw that the values I have entered in a has not been updated in b. note that I am opening one book at a time and I do click on update links when I am asked.
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Jun 4, 2012
I have a spreadsheet (Excel 2010). I want to fill categoryid in Sheet One based on values of Skill and State which are part of field in Sheet two.
Sheet One (Has Four Columns and I am looking for filling CategoryID based on Sheet Two
FirstName LastName Skill State CategoryID
John Edward Ballet California
Ed Catalino Tap London
Natasha Curtis Ballet Australia
Shen Watson Modern Kansas
Sheet Two
CategoryID CategoryDescription
1 Dancers/Ballet/United States/Alaska
2 Dancers/Ballet/United States/California
3 Dancers/Ballet/UnitedKingdom/Wales
4 Dancers/Ballet/UnitedKingdom/London
5 Dancers/Tap/United States/Alaska
6 Dancers/Tap/United States/California
7 Dancers/Tap/United Kingdom/Wales
8 Dancers/Tap/United Kingdom/London
9 Dancers/Ballet/Australia
10 Dancers/Modern/United States/Kansas
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Oct 22, 2012
I have excel 2010....
I am having problems creating a chart off of the following data. Each of the cells which have a numerical value are v-lookuping from another sheet. It needs to remain this way as when I switch brands (through data validation), the numbers will update and the chart should as well. Right now, the chart shows these values as zero. I have done this a million times in excel 2007, but now with 2010, I keep having this problem
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Nov 9, 2012
Not sure if it's me or a new change in excel 2010, yet creating a simple macro as listed below does not work.
Outside of macro I will select a range of data and copy.
Then, using macro I'd like i to perform: paste special values, in the current cell
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