Export Template Data To Single Workbook

Oct 11, 2007

I am trying to create a template which when filled out will automatically transfer multiple cell information to an excel database, and everytime the template is filled out - transfer the new information to a new row (sequentially) - I do not want the info to remain on the core template - it needs to be blank after every use.

I tried the template wizard - which worked to a degree but I was unable to move the database file to an alternate location and still have it work - I was also unable to alter the code created by the wizard due to password protection.

to sum up I need a template that updates numerous cells on a database in sequential rows that can be transfered to another computer / location.

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Export Data From A Template File To Total List File Using Macro In Template File

Dec 18, 2012

I have a template file for ordering trafolyte and steel plates. I have added macros to this template file. The existing macros do the following (shortly described):

Macro 1: clears order
Macro 2: update order date + send a read only file to the supplier of plates + save a read only copy of the file into one of three folders acc to info in one of the cells.

It's the Macro 2 I want to edit.

I want to add a "function" which copy a selection of data.column A to N from row 12 to 548 but only the rows where there is a value in column A.

Row 1 to 11 includes standard order info and Macro buttons.
Row 11 includes the heading for order data.

For everytime someone click on the Macro 2 button in the template file, I want the selection to be paste into the first "available" row in a "Total list" file.

The "Total list" file may have to be open (or a function to open, paste selection and then close the "Total list" file may be added)

File and Folder info:

To simplify suggestions, the following file and path info can be used (I can change to the correct later):
Template file name: template_order.xlsm
Template file location: \servershared emplate

Total list file name: total_list.xlsx
Total list file location: \servershared otal

Selection info:

The template file exists of a "general order info area" A1:N10
The column heading for order data is located at A11:N11
The selection to be copied is A12:N550 - But only rows where column A includes data (not empty).
(If the spesific order consists of 14 plates than there will be item no 1-14 in column A and I then I want to copy A12:N25 (row 25 will be item 14).

When I try to use record macro it looks like it only records what's happening in the template file - It doesn't record the pasting in the total list.

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VBA To Duplicate Template Worksheet And Populate With Successive Data From Single Column

Sep 30, 2009

I've created a single worksheet that is essentially a "dashboard" type of report that displays data for a single employee/person. This worksheet (let's assume it's my "template") contains formulae that is driven by a single lookup cell (in this case, the employee's ID, in cell, for example, A1).

This "dashboard" report (for just one individual) needs to be duplicated for the entire employee population (let's say ~100 people); this employee population is stored as a list in a separate worksheet, in a single column.

Is there a vba solution that will copy my template and populate the cell A1 (of each duplicated template worksheet) with the the employee IDs - of course, it would be ideal if the solution can search in my employee ID list and continue down until there are no more IDs and create the same number of worksheets as there are IDs?

Because the macro is creating numerous worksheets, is it possible to name the worksheets based off of an adjacent value (in the same sheet as the IDs) to each respective ID (I'm thinking of a concatenation of the employees' IDs and names)?

One major wrinkle in this process: the above process would be ideal if the "template" worksheet won't change (i.e. no changes to formatting, no additional data elements, etc.) However, it's likely that the client will want to add/remove/change items/elements to the "template" dashboard. Assuming, at this point, all 100 worksheets for each individual/employee have been created, it would be a huge pain to manually add/remove elements from each sheet. Is there another macro that would delete ALL employee sheets? That way, I can re-modify my single template and just run the original macro to re-create my duplicate sheets (but populated with different IDs) again.

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Copying Rows From Workbook Containing Data To Template Workbook

Mar 6, 2014

So I basically have a template workbook that the code is stored in. I need it to pull an entire row if Column C in workbook "rawdata" contains specific text, in this case "PRCH - Purchase".I have never had to do anything like this before, it has always been working in the same workbook. It's failing at the 'mp = ...' line every time. There might be other errors in the code too, I just cannot resolve the first one!

[Code] .....

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Export Data From UserForm Into Another Excel Workbook

Oct 9, 2013

I've been investigating how to use a UserForm in Excel. While I've learned some, I can't quite figure out how to export the data from the UserForm. I want the form in one workbook and have it record a new row in a different, but constant workbook each time the action button is clicked. I have been able to create the form and included the action button, but I don't know what code to assign to the button.

I think I know the important pieces to the puzzle, but I don't know the syntax or how to put them together.

Form Details:
2 Text Boxes (TextBox1 & TextBox2) - TextBox1 is the Employee Name. TextBox2 is the Employee Number
10 List Boxes (ListBox1:ListBox10) - All ListBoxes will return a value of either "Yes" or "No".
1 Action Button (RecordCommand)

Export Details:
File Path Where the new workbook will be stored: E:HR Team Audit
File Name of Workbook where form data will be stored: "HR Audit Record Workbook.xlsx"
Column Headers will be in Cells A1:L1 of that workbook

Below is the code for the Text and List Boxes:


Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
With TextBox1
End With

With TextBox2
End With

With ListBox1
.AddItem "Yes"
.AddItem "No"
End With

[Code] ........

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Export TextBox Data To Seperate Workbook

Mar 3, 2008

I have built a simple little logger forlogging insurance policies set up without permission, at the moment it logs all data in sheet2 of the active workbook. What I want it to do is when submit is clicked is to export and save the data to a seperate (central) workbook to collate all entries and not to save it in the active workbook. I've inlcluded the file and the code is as follows;

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim ws As Worksheet, lRow As Long, Str As String
Set ws = Sheets("Sheet2")
lRow = ws. Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Row
'____error handling______
If TextBox1.Value = "" Or NullString Then
MsgBox "Ooops, it seems you haven't entered a policy number!", vbCritical, "Error..."....................

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Excel 2007 :: Split Sheet Into Workbooks Using Workbook Template Based On Data In Column A

Oct 5, 2011

I have a workbook that has a sheet called CustInvData, this sheet contains 4,421 rows of invoice transaction data for 178 customers starting on row 2 (headers on row 1). I need to split the transaction data for each customer out into a workbook template based on the customer name in column A. I need each workbook named by the customer name along with a month and year (example: Bellsouth-0911.xls), this should create 178 unique workbooks. And since we sometimes have to go back and rerun invoices for previous months, I'll need to control the month and year manually in the code.

The parsed data needs to be copied to a pre-formatted invoice template. This template has 2 sheets, Sheet1 is called 'Product Summary', this is a table that uses VLOOKUP functions to read the data in Sheet2 called 'Product Details', this is the sheet the parsed data needs to be copied to for each customer invoice. The 'Product Details' sheet has formatted rows 1 thru 11, row 11 being the header row for the data from CustInvData to be copied. So the parsed data needs to start at row 12.

Last, once the data has been copied into the 'Product Details' sheet, I need the data to be SubTotaled at each change in column J (Product) and use the 'Sum' function to add a Subtotal in column L (Retail Price) for each unique product category.

Example data below, I've simplified it (the actual data array spans from columns A to Y)

Customer NameProduct Retail Price


I'm a bit of a novice with macros, but I know Excel pretty well.

Using Excel 2007 running on Windows Vista

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Excel 2003 :: VBA - Adding Named Template Worksheets Based On Single Cell Value

Apr 24, 2012

I'm trying to make a macro in Excel 2003 to create x amount of named worksheets that are a copy of a different worksheet.

1. I have a main worksheet that will have a number manually entered into a cell (lets say A1);
2. I have a 'template' worksheet;
3. I'll assign the macro to a button on the main worksheet

If I enter '10' into cell A1 of the main worksheet, I'd like to click the button and have Excel create 10 copies of the template worksheet. These new worksheets should all share the same name with a number after them (ex: banana 1, banana 2..... banana 10).

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Getting Macro To Collate Data Into Single Workbook?

Apr 16, 2013

Every month we collect data from a number of employees and average it out in a new excel workbook ready for analysis. Each employee sends in their monthly data, structured identically, with only the numbers in the data tables different.At the moment, we just copy and paste every single data return into the separate worksheets of a single workbook, and on the front page of the workbook we create a simple formula which adds the equivalent cell in each sheet together to get a total. Its not hard to do, but its very lengthy as a process.What I've been researching, is the possibility of a macro that can automatically send the outputs of separate workbooks into one central workbook, so that we don't need to go through the copy and pasting of each return every month.

E.g, Say I have 10 workbooks, named Book1, Book2, Book3 etc, which each have a number ranging from 1 - 10 in cell A2. Could A macro be designed to bring all those values together into cell A2 of an 11th workbook, e.g one entitled book11? I'm aware that said Macro may need to exist in each separate workbook in order for the process to be carried out.

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Combine Data From Different Workbooks To A Single Workbook

Oct 3, 2008

how can you combine all data from different workbooks in to one workbook. i have 544 workbooks to combine. here is a sample screenshot of the table i need to combine.

it consists of 9 columns. rows are not consistent in number and sheets are named with numbers starting from 001 to 999 ....

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Exporting Data From Master File To Template File (Auto-Populate Template)

May 6, 2014

I've attached 2 test files, one is the database master file containing the projects (each row represents a project, unique reference number in column A) and the other is the blank template file i'm hoping to export data into and then save down with the naming convention "column A_column B.xlsx"

Kept the test files simple but would need to modify any code to apply to much larger database consisting of many more fields etc.


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Consolidation Of Workbooks To Single Workbook When Data Is More Than 66k Lines

Aug 24, 2012

I have around 21 excel files in a particular folder all the files column headings are same and but number of line differ from 0 to 50K. Overall all 21 files will have more then 2 Lakhs lines.

i require a code which consolidate the all 21 files in to single workbook. if first sheet in full then data should copy to next sheet, so on. I also require file name in the first column of destination file when files are being copied.

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How To Call All Data In New Workbook Or In Single Sheet From Different Sheets

Dec 28, 2011

Call all data in new workbook or in single sheet from different sheets (except 1 or 2 sheet) of workbook. i already use some macro to hide some data from sheets so i want only filtered data.

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How To Have Single Userform Put Data Into Two Separate Sheets Within Same Workbook

Feb 25, 2014

Is it possible to have a single userform put data into two separate sheets within the same workbook.

I have a userform set up for entering client data into a quote register,with no problems ( sheet 1)

A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9

What I would like is for the data to also go to sheet 2, where I have a form set up to print off for our technicians to take on site.

The problem will be that I would like the data A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9 not to store on this sheet after it is printed, so the next set on entries , can be printed etc.etc

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Create Multiple Workbooks With Data From Single Workbook

Mar 18, 2014

I have a TEMPLATE workbook that has 106 cells (all in the same worksheet) that need to have data input in them.

I have a separate DATA workbook with 3,000 rows of data, each row has 106 columns that correspond to the cells in the TEMPLATE workbook.

I need to create 3,000 new workbooks that are populated with the data from the DATA workbook.

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To Consolidate Data From 2 Or More Sheets To A Single Sheet Within A Workbook

Feb 1, 2009

I have 2 sheets which validates data using vlookup.


Table 1ABResult1121232313

=VLOOKUP(A7,B:B,1,FALSE) is the formula in result1 column.
Sheet 2

Table 2DEResult21020102040203010#N/A

=VLOOKUP(F7,G:G,1,FALSE) is the formula in result2 column.

The basic idea of these vlookup is to check whether the data present in A or D column is present in B or E. If the data is there then it will be retrieved in "Result1" or "Result2" columns. If not then the result would return the value "#N/A".

What im trying to do is to copy the resultant data(from Result1, Result2) other than "#N/A" from individual sheets to a final consolidated sheet.

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Copy Data From Multiple Workbooks To Single Workbook In Another Location Using VBA

Jun 10, 2014

I have a folder which contains multiple 'Customer' workbooks (example attachment 'Customer_001'). Each workbook has a filename unique to the customer (Customer_001, Customer_002, Customer_117 etc). The workbooks contain a single sheet with customer information and answers to questions. These 'Customer' workbooks are automatically saved into a folder once the customer completes a Userform and clicks 'save'. Potentially, there could be 100's of customers' workbooks saved in the folder, each with their own unique filename.

I also have a 'Master' sheet saved in a different folder (example attachment 'Master'). The 'Master' workbook has multiple sheets named 'Department 1' and 'Department 2'. The purpose of the master sheet is to consolidate all information from the individual customers' workbooks.

Specifically, I would like a command button on the 'Master' workbook to execute the following tasks...

1. Copy the data from range A3:F3 from each of the 'Customer' workbooks held in the folder.
2. Paste the data into the next blank row on the 'Department 1' sheet in the 'Master' workbook.

3. Copy the data from range A7:F7 from each of the 'Customer' workbooks held in the folder.
4. Paste the data into the next blank row on the 'Department 2' sheet in the 'Master' workbook.

5. Save the 'Master' workbook.
6. Delete all 'Customer' workbooks in the folder.

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Code To Copy Data From Dif.cells In A Sheet To A Single Row In Another Workbook

Mar 3, 2008

I have a workbook ("CaTr") Sheet1 has data ranging ("B2:I41").

There are about 30 cells values (scattered) which needs to be copied in a workbook "CA_Log" in one single next available row .

As soon as the CaTr.sheet1 is filled I want the operator to click a button to trigger this event. Then the sheet1 in workbook CaTr should be saved as "G3" cell value.

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Import Data From Several Closed Workbooks To A Single Sheet In An Open Workbook

Aug 3, 2009

I need to import the data from a specific sheet (same named sheet on all closed workbooks) to a sheet in an open workbook. All the columns are identical in every workbook but the number of rows is variable, so the data from each subsequent workbook must be appended to the end of the current data.

Whenever a button is pressed, this macro will clear the sheet, then import the data starting in A3. The workbooks are in different folders but they all have the same name, so some sort of explorer window will probably be needed to actually select each file.

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Macro To Copy Data From All Columns Containing Header To A Single Column In Workbook

Apr 11, 2014

I am a macro newbie and I think this is beyond me.

I've been trying all morning with no success to make a macro that will copy data from all columns of one workbook containing specified header text to a single column in a different workbook.

So for example, I've got a workbook called coupon barcodes that has multiple tabs for each person redeeming coupons on sheets 2-88 (sheet one can be skipped) and some of the columns are labeled "voucher 1" in cell A4 or B4 or C4 etc. with a list of all the coupon barcodes that customer redeemed below that. I want all of the data from all of the columns in this workbook that have the header "voucher 1" to be copied and pasted into one column (order doesn't matter) also labeled "voucher 1" in another workbook I have open called vouchering database.

There must be a way to do this that is easier than searching the internet all afternoon again

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Determine If Workbook Is Template Or .xls

Apr 18, 2008

I have an excel template spreadsheet which auto loads the following when i open it:


I enter data into the userforms and save as a normal .xls file.

If i then open the .xls the auto open kicks in and opens the userforms and xlDialogSaveAs again.

How do i just get rid of all macros or vba code when i save as a .xls file so nothing auto loads.

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Default To Template Workbook

Jun 28, 2008

I am using Excel 2007. I have a template BOOK.xlt in the XLSTART folder which opens a customized workbook each time I start Excel. This part works fine. If I want to open a NEW workbook, with Excel already open, by clicking the OFFICE BUTTON, NEW, BLANK WORKBOOK, I do, in fact get a blank workbook, but without any customization. Is there a way to open a NEW workbook with customization using OFFICE BUTTON, NEW, BLANK WORKBOOK set of keystrokes?

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Export Sheets To A New Workbook

Apr 28, 2009

I use this code to export sheets to a new workbook.

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Export Table To CSV (workbook)

Dec 30, 2012

I'm trying to export a table to a csv file

Check out this screenshot:


So I'm just trying to export B2 through the last Row in D (B2:Dlastrow)

Perhaps it's having a problem because the data is being populated with a vlookup from a different sheet?

Here is the workbook(pardon the size, I just wanted to include it in its entirety)


Take a look at sheet ""Deactivate"

Here is the code I'm using


Sub Images1()
Dim LR As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
With Sheets("Deactivate")



Export Table to CSV (with code & workbook)

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CSV Export Of All Sheets In Workbook

Feb 10, 2010

I've found several posts that talk about this but none are quite what I'm looking for and I don't understand them well enough to modify to my needs.

I have a workbook with several sheets. I wish to

1) save the workbook as is (you'll see why)
2) export each sheet as "worksheetname.csv: to the same folder as the original workbook
3) Close the workbook without saving it becasue I've discovered that if you then save it it overwrites the last CSV file I just created with the info reformatted in a goofy, unusable way (hence the save in the first step

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Export & Import From 1 Workbook To Another

Dec 8, 2006

I have a rather large workbook with around 10 sheets. i want to setup a 'export' button on this workbook that will allow a user to save raw data from this workbook into another excel workbook and an ' import' button that will allow user to import raw data and use the existing formulas/links from this large workbook.

As in sample file, i want to be able to export/import all the cells that are orange in colour (in my actual file, all raw data cells are not actually orange, thought colour coding it would make my problem easier to understand)

I was thinking around these options:

1) Copy and then PasteValues from the large worksheet into another workbook for exporting and same idea for importing

2) For all raw data, copy out all the values and put their corresponding addresses in another excel sheet. e.g. column1: Sheet1!$A$1, column2: value
and import it in by reading the address n value.

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Export Workbook.cvs Then Import

Apr 21, 2007

I have found code by John Walkenback

I need to adapt it to allow several worksheets to be exported to a workbook .cvs .Then imported back into the original workbook including all blanks.

I have included the Walkenback workbook and a test workbook that I have been playing with.

Just about reached the brick wall with my abilities on this problem

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Add Worksheet Template To Existing Workbook?

Oct 4, 2011

I need a macro to add a work sheet template to an existing work book, I can add a blank work sheet no prob but it needs to be a template

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How To Identify Workbook Created From Template

Nov 7, 2013

I have created a spreadsheet that I wish to save as a template. However, when the a new workbook is created from the template it needs to be saved as a Macro Enabled workbook not just a workbook which is the default. To achieve this I added the line 'thisworkbook.FileFormat=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled' to the 'beforesave' macro for the workbook. This works fine except that it makes saving the file as a template quite difficult.

How I can trap the first time a workbook created from a template using New is saved would be most useful.

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Vba To Copy A Template Worksheet To New Workbook

Mar 18, 2007

I have created a template with a Worksheet called "Certificate".

There is a userform that is opened on Auto_Open of this template and
allows a file name and some other parameters to be input.

On pressing the OK button on this form, I want to do the following.

1. Create a new XLS workbook with the file name entered on the form
(this includes the full Windows folder address).

2. Copy the Certificate workbook from the template across to this new

3. Close the original template (maybe closing needs to be done at the
end??) and make the "Certifcate" worksheet in the new workbook the
active worksheet.

4. Using the parameters entered on the userform, change the details in
"Certificate" (this code is already written but not set up for the new
workbook - currently it updates the template "Certificate" worksheet)

5. Save the new excel workbook with the changes.

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