Find, Compare And Assign A Value For Schedule Format.

Jul 30, 2009

I have a schedule database the one I need to transform some cell values in time format. The thing is that I have the format as follows, and I was trying to set a macro to convert every "*" in 15 min value without succcess.

Associate below works as folllows:
Sat 3:30 - 8:30 Mon: 4:00 - 8:00
Sun 2:30 - 5:45

*(start) represents 0:15 min value.
I need to transform the *'s and sum the time format and place the value below the START and STOP column.-

Note: (disregard dots)

Agent: Julia Roberts
Day Start Stop 00:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00
Sat.............................................** **** **** *** **** **
Sun.....................................** *** **** ***
Mon ...............................................**** **** **** ****

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How To Find Last Date Of Payment Schedule

Sep 30, 2013

I'm working on a report where i need to find the last date a payment was made by a certain client. The problem is that not all clients have the same amount of payments so I cant just choose a payment number in my formula.

Trishlast payment.xlsx

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Find Word And Assign It To Another Table?

Aug 1, 2014

I have one workbook with 3 Sheets (Table1/Table2/Table3). In Table 3 are the following columns "Table1" and "Table2". I need one script which search in table1 and table2 the words from test1 to test15 and write the assign numbers in table 3 in the right columns / row! If one value is not found, this value should have the number 0 in table 3.

I have the following examples attached, file Mappe1_Test1.xlsx is the before status and Mappe1_Test.xlsx should be the after status.

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Find Cells With Same Value And Assign A Number To Each

Jun 11, 2009

I use my spreadsheet to keep score during tournaments. when i calculate my leaderboard at the end of the event i list the results first place all the way down until it finishes the list of players. i need to be able find players with the same or equal score and list them as tied for the same place.

another words if i get to the 3rd place and i had 3 players tie for third i need my leaderboard to show them all in 3rd place . currently it would number then 345. i listed below how it should format it. i also attached a file it will make it more clear.

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Compare Format In VBA

Mar 18, 2009

how to compare format in VBA

eg: I want to check if a particular cell has this format "MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm"

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Compare 2 Worksheets In Different Format?

Aug 15, 2013

I have 2 worksheets I need to compare. One of the worksheets is sent to me from a vendor and its not in the same format (regarding the order of column labels). What would be the most efficient method to compare these two spreadsheets in a way that I can call out anything that is not in BOTH spreadsheets?

For example, if John Doe shows in spreadsheet A but not in spreadsheet B, can I get that to call out? Likewise if its in B but not A? Im basically trying to locate all discrepancies between the two.

Not sure if I have to get both worksheets in the same column order or not

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How To Compare Cells And Format Conditionally Over Whole Sheet

May 30, 2014

I wish to compare two sheets [Sheet1 and Sheet2] within one workbook and format the second sheet conditionally, based on an exact match to the first sheet.

Cell by cell, I can add the specific conditional formatting rule to each cell but this is tedious and its hard to see where I have applied the conditional format and where not.

So I tried to construct a macro to apply to a range of cells.

I tried to assign the logical result of the compare test to a cell outside of the range[lets say on Sheet2, A1] , and then format the range cells based on that logical value. I think my error is in conditional format criterion but I am a bit stuck.

[Code] .....

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Find Format: Find Method And Combine It With A Countif Or Loop

Feb 20, 2007

I'm trying to use this Find Method and combine it with a countif or loop. Something that will count a number of occurences of a unique type of character. I'm looking to find all "F" characters in Bold, Italic and Size 16. Here's my find code that I'm trying to use. I can get it to work by itself but not along with a countif or loop.

Sub count_4()
Dim r As Range
Set r = Range("A1:A6")
With Application.FindFormat.Font
.Bold = True
.Italic = True
.Size = 16
End With
r.Find(What:="F", LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, searchformat:=True, MatchCase:=True).Activate
End Sub

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Conditional Format - Compare To An Adjacent Column Of Numbers

Sep 15, 2009

I have a column of numbers (column A) which I'd like to compare to an adjacent column of numbers (column B) and, by row, determine if the number is larger.

If it is, I'd like to place a different colour on the cell. What is the formula I need to use to accomplish this?

Col A Col B
30,000 5,000 - A is larger than B, therefore A is formatted RED
20,000 20,000 - A is the same as B, therefore no format applied
10,000 15,000 - A is less than B, therefore A is formatted GREEN

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Compare And Find

Jan 22, 2010

I am trying to find out if the articles in column A exist in column C. if yes, return the value of the same cell in column D, if not, return "no Match".

I know for a fact that there are money articles in column A do exist in column C, but I see the "no match" in the corresponding cell. for example, manuallyfin this article in column A13622356, and manually find it in column C. it is there, but the Vlook up returned "no match" value

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Compare Two Coulmns & Find Duplicates.

May 13, 2009

I have a sheet which contains more than 8000 names (in 1 column), & another sheet which contains around 600 names (in 1 column), is there any way wherein i can compare both the columns & find out duplicates if any?

Sheet which contains 8000 names contains duplicate cells as well, but dat doesn't matter, i jst need to compare & confirm the sheet which has 600 names should be unique (Not included in 8000 data)

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Find And Compare Values In A Sheet

Aug 29, 2013

I need a formula that will look at a entire work sheet find a name, then find a date, and display a string from a cell in the date row.

For example I want it to first find all the rows that has "Jane Doe", then find a specific date from those rows, and then display a value from a cell in that row. Keep in mind that the there will be no consistency with the row data, but the column's are static.

Attachment 261622

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Find Blank Cell And Compare...

Jun 29, 2009

I am trying to write a macro and i am having trouble hgetting it right. I have large amount of data in columns and what I would like to do is the following.

1. First I need to find the first blank cell in that row.

2. After finding the blank cell, I would like to compare the value in 3rd column from the blank cell( For example if the last blank cell is Row1,ColumnR then I need to Compare Row1,ColumnO) with Column E ( Is always Column E).

3. Based on above example if Row1,ColumnO>Row1,ColumnE, then goto next row else Row1,ColumnR value should be Row1,ColumnE and I would like to get Row1,ColumnS and Row1,ColumnT vaues to be same as last 2 columns from the blank cell which was determined first (i.e., from above example Row1,ColumnS and Row1,ColumnT vaues to be same as Row1,ColumnP and Row1,ColumnQ).

4.I would like to perform the above procedure for all the rows in the worksheet and the blank cell may be anywhere in the column for that particular row.

I don't know whetehr it is possible to write a macro to perform above procedure or i need to do that manually which i hate as i have large amount of data.

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Compare Two Strings And Find Difference?

Aug 6, 2010

What I'm trying to do

A1 = Hello John, my name is Steve, how was your day?

B1 = Hello John, my name is Steve, was day?

I need C1 to return:

how your

Is this possible?

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Find First Two Words In A String And Compare To Another With VBA?

Mar 28, 2014

What I am trying to do isn't very complicated. I started on some code, but it's just not good enough to do all of what needs to happen.


Cupcake Monster
Aisle 5
Shelf H

The Cupcake Ghoul
Aisle 2
Shelf P

Fred Baxter's Diary
Aisle 1
Shelf X

Angry Cupcake Beast
Aisle 3
Shelf A

Everyone Loves Cake
Aisle 4
Shelf R

So I have a list of titles that I want to search for a particular string. The title in this list is the "proper" title,whereas the rest of my workbook typically uses a shortened version of the title. Sometimes the two will match 100%, but usually, they will be close.

If the string in the table above has more than 2 words, I want to use the first 2 words to check for a match. If the string has 2 words (will never have fewer), I want to match the first word. I want to do this IF there is no 100% match (if possible or reasonable). I will settle for just matching 1 or 2 words. I want to copy the values to another sheet and then delete the row that I originally got the data from.

What I want to do is search the list for "Angry Cupcake" and return the Aisle and Shelf location of Angry Cupcake Beast. There will never be any other "Angry Cupcake", so I am not worried about mismatches there.

Dim SearchRow As Integer
Dim StoryTitle As String[code]....

how to do and can get to work without issues is an exact match. This still leaves out all of the shortened titles though.

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Compare Tables And Find Difference

Aug 14, 2008

I have two lists (List A and List B) of hundreds of items that reside in a single worksheet.
Some items may or may not occur in both lists.
Every item in both lists has a value on the range of 1-50.
I am only interested in those items that occur in both lists.
I need to find the difference of the values for each of these items (List A - List B), including negative values.

I have tried many variations of formulas using VLOOKUP with no luck.
I cannot figure out how to accomplish this with a Pivot Table.
I want to make a macro for this.

Here's an example:

List A
W 29
X 11
Y 13
Z 4

List B
V 8
W 10
Y 30
Z 6

Where the results would be:
W = 19
Y = -17
Z = -2

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Compare Values In 2 Columns And Find Corresponding Value In 3rd

Feb 7, 2008

I have gone through various posts but am unable to get the answer. What I'm trying to do is find if a value (text or number) in Col. A exists anywhere in Col C. and if it does, find the corresponding entry in Col. D and paste it back against the value of Col. A in Col. B. To explain better I have attached a sample excel file Ex1. In the file, the entry "sun" in Col A is present in Col C and the corresponding value in Col D is 24 which should be pasted back against "sun" in Col B.

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Find, Compare And Delete From 2 Columns

Feb 8, 2008

I an using Excel 2003. In that i am having 2 columns (A&B). I need to take each value from Column A and search that cell value in Column B. If it is not found in Column B then delete the cell data in Column A. Then take the next cell data in Column A. Find operation and delete if not found. Do it for entire rows in column A. Then repeat that for Column B also. So my final result will be the same cell value in Column A and B. I need VBA code.

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Find In 2 Columns, Compare And Delete

Feb 20, 2008

I an using Excel 2003. In that i am having 2 columns (A&B). I need to take each value from Column A and search that cell value in Column B. If it is found in Column B then delete the cell data in Column A. Then take the next cell data in Column A. Find operation and delete if found. Do it for entire rows in column A. Then repeat that for Column B also. So my final result contains uncommon cell value in Column A and B. I need VBA code.

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Compare Two Columns And Find Missing Values?

Jul 17, 2013

I have two list of names, mostly duplicates. List in column B has about 30 more names than the list in Column A and I need to identify which names are in column B that are not in column A. Names are in exact same format since they were pulled from the same data base.

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Compare And Find Nearest Date With Criteria?

Aug 18, 2013

Finding nearest date(others1-5) compared to Column C's dates(birthday).


1. must not be after column C's dates

2. must be at least 4 days apart

attached comments in spreadsheet.

Date Example.xlsx

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Compare Two Employee Records To Find Differences?

Oct 5, 2012

I have been given a task to compare a set of the current months employee records to last months employee records. The goal is to a) find employees who are still in our group but may have changed managers b) find employees who are no longer in our group and c) find employees that are new to our group. Once this information has been compared between the two workbooks, it needs to be exported to a new spreadsheet that needs additional columns added for formatting in order to import the new spreadsheet in a tracking tool.

For example, last months spreadsheet includes the tracking tool ID column and has a row for each employee. For an employee that is currently with the team they would need the tracking tool ID to be put in the newly generated spreadsheet. Additionally the current employee might have changed managers and that needs to be updated. A new column needs to be added to the new spreadsheet that shows that a current employee is "Active". For employees that are new to the team they won't have a tracking tool ID because they are new but would still need to be considered "Active". And for the employees that have left the group, they would also need the tracking tool ID from the old employee record but would need a column that would mark them "InActive" since they are no longer with the team. My last step is that I want to add a column called "Team" that would iterate through each employees managers and assign them to a specific team based on the manager that they have.

My general idea has been that I need to loop through all of the employee names or numbers from this months records for comparisons to the names of employees from last months records. Once a match has been found I need to copy the entire row from the current months to the new spreadsheet. That way I will get the latest info or "row" for a current employee and that would also handle finding if they have a new manager. Next I need to pull over the tracking ID from the last months records, create a new column called "Status" and make the employee "Active" and create a "Team" column showing the team.

For employees that are no longer on team, I need to copy the whole row from the latest employee records, pull over the tracking ID from the last months records, update the "Status" column and make the employee "InActive" and populate a "Team" cell showing the team. And lastly for the new employees, I need to copy over the row from this current months spreadsheet. They wont have a tracking ID (It will populated when the Excel file is imported in the tracking tool) and I need to update the Status column to "Active" and also provide their "Team". After the new spreadsheet is generated I am done. The file can be imported. And the next month I need to kick off this script again.

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Compare 2 Columns To Find Unmatched Values

Oct 26, 2007

Is there a function to compare 2 columns to find all of the values from one column that are not in the other column? Basically my data looks like this:
........................ 25-1...........22-2
.........................33 .............457

I have another list of data (just the numbers like columnB) that I want to put in column C and see what is in column C that isn't in column B. The numbers will be arranged in a different order, and there will be data in column B that isn't in column C. What I need to do is find out what is in column C that isn't in column B so that I can go back and define what procedure they fit into (that is a seperate process).

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VBA Macro - Compare Two Sheets To Find Duplicate Values?

Jan 14, 2014

I am currently working for data validation team. I have to validate tons of data every week so it would be great if i could remove dupicates.

I want to compare two worsheets, sheet 1 has the order number with description (which i have to find) for the current month and sheet two has got standard report from the past week giving all the order numbers with no description. I need a VBA based macro to find all matching order numbers which are in sheet 1 column A, in sheet2 column A and return the corresponding value in column B in sheet 2 and also return the description in Column C.

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Find Cell That Contains Certain Text And If It Exists Compare 2 Other Cells

Jun 25, 2013

I've a spreadsheet and I need to find cells in Column A that contains certain text and subsequently being able to compare the data in 2 other cells (column F and Column J) and post the results of comparison in Column L. Please see the tables below:

In this table, if Range("A1") contains abc, then data in Range("f1") would be compared against Range("J1"). If F1 = J1, then Range("L1") would say "ok" otherwise "needs to check" as in Rows 2.

Please note that the amount of data varies daily.

Column F
Column L



needs to check


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Compare 2 Different Columns Of Data - Find Unique Results

Mar 2, 2007

I would like to compare some keyword lists if possible.

I have a large list of Unique keywords in Col A (From A3),

This Column is called Keyword List A - Large"

I then have a keyword list in Column C (From Cell C3),,

This Column is called "Keyword List B - Small.

I then have a column called "Unique Keywords Found",, This is Col E,, with hopefully returned results being entered from cell E3 downwards.

What I would like to be able to do if possible is run a Macro that would compare all the unique words in ColA and C and return only the difference, (The Unique words not found in ColC as Col A is the "Master List")

If possible could a pop up box appear saying
List A No Rows:xyz
List B No Rows: xyz
No of Uniques Found : xyz
Time Elapsed (sec): xyz

I'm running windows XP and Excel 2007.

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Updating Records & Find A Certain Row, Compare And Act Based On An If Statment

Jul 8, 2006

If you look in the file you will see a records sheets and a form sheet. I want to see if a record has been broken. All the times are in seconds and the distances are in centimeters. How can I find a certain row, compare and act based on an if statment?

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Toggle Cell Format: Assign A Key To Toggle Between Two Different Cell Formats

Oct 3, 2007

Is there any way you can use VBA to assign a key to toggle between two different cell formats? I want to toggle a cell from white border with black text to black border with white text and visa versa, with the same key or button. I've searched the posts but can't find this mentioned.

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Excel 2013 :: Pivot Table Compare Current Data With Refresh Data And Format New Values?

Jun 18, 2014

vba in excel 2013 pivot table that updates from an online CRM rows are a to h and it can be any number of rows. What I am trying to do is track progress. In column f values indicate probability for success 10 25 45 90, which can go up or down. The pivot table is refreshed to get the latest values from CRM. the update is handled by a connection to the crm not in the vba.

So far I been researching methods to conditionally format values that went up, down or remained the same since the last refresh with up down and across arrows. I have managed to piece together what I think should work but alas it is not. So I have come to you internet.

My code first clears any formatting and goes down the column avoiding null or empty cells, comparing the values in column f to values in column j.
I have 3 conditions greater than, less than or equal to, and would like add an icon for each based on the result of the comparison.

Finally when it finishes the column the code copies the current values in the pivot table column f to column j outside the pivot table which i hope to be able to hide once the cf works. The code is below

[Code] .....

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Compare Column A To Column B Then Highlight / Format Any Duplicates

Mar 17, 2014

Trying to compare a list of names in 2 columns. Column A has a short list of names I'm looking for in the long list of Column B.

How can you create the macro that does...

If any value in Column A matches any value in Column B

Then format (bold, highlight, etc...)

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