Find Top 3 Value From Large Number Of Data

Apr 20, 2014

I am facing problem to make summary sheet of top 3 value from large number of value of my excel sheet like-




[Code] ......

Now I want to make summary in sheet2 top 5 value among the list of sheet1 separately from group 1, 2 & 3.

If group number is 1 in sheet1 then top 3 value will be like this-




If group number is 2 in sheet1 then top 3 value will be like this-




If group number is 3 in sheet1 then top 3 value will be like this-




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Method For Find Large Number Of Data

Jan 19, 2010

Each sheet contains 30,000 rows of data in column A, C, E, G and I.
I want to find each cell of column A, C, E, G and I to another sheets column A, C, E, G and I respectively.
If match found then it should return "True" in column B, D, F, H and J.

I have tried VLookup, but it takes too much of time for calculation (1,50,000 vlookup Formulas needs to calculate in each sheet with If condition) some time calculation gives wrong results.

As well as I want to do filtering on this all the data... so that time calculation gives the problems (I have used application.Calculation=xlCalculationManual)

So now I am using Range.Find method, but that loop excecutes for 30,000 times and each ittration contains 5 Find methods.

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Find Value In Large Range Of Data

May 29, 2014

I have enormous amounts of data to sort through (as we all do) and I am trying to link them to unique identifiers for easier data maintenance later.

What I want to do is vlookup from the 'solved' sheet a code, which will search the 'data' table and return the 'DFU' code.

Example 2905.xlsx

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Find Function Within Large Data

Aug 1, 2006

I have a large amount of data, in columnA a list of cars, columnB a list of engines, in columnC the city built, in columnD the country to ship, in columnE distance, in columnF the time.

Now some makes, city's and destinations match and sometimes the engine, but i would like to be able to say cellX = (time to ship) where cellA = Ford AND cellB = 1.8 AND cellC = London and CellD = Ireland

The key data is the city built and shipping destination, so i'd like to say if cell A3 = London AND Cell B3 = Ireland AND Cell A5 = Ford AND CellA7 = 1.8 then CellA10 = (distance) & CellA11 = (time)

Vlookup's are of no use due to the large amount of data. But is there a way of writting this command in VB?? or am i missing something in Excel?

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Find Large Value If List Is Having Duplicate Data?

Dec 30, 2011

I am facing problem in finding the second large value while my list is having duplicate data.

For Example

my numbers are:-

if I want to find out the top four value by using the formula:-


the result is coming like: - 90,87,87,65

instead of this I want the result as: - 90,87,65,45.

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Data Filtering Based On Last Two Digits Of Large Number

Mar 17, 2006

I have a very large database where I want to filter out numbers that do
not have certain two digits as their last two. For example, the column
based on which I want to filter out data contains numbers like
197301310153. I want to filter out anything that does not end in 53....

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Convert Large Number Of Row Data Into Columns For Easy Printing

Mar 1, 2014

i was stuck with some mass data which spans over many rows and columns. i am relatively new to excel and wanted to know how i can get this data arranged in a way where i can access all the data from a printable view. i have attached a file explaining basically what i want.

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Simplifying Formula When Data Needs To Be Extracted From Large Number Of Worksheets?

Jun 16, 2014

simplifying a formula which gathers data from about 50 worksheets from within the same work book.

The data to be gathered is in the same cell on each worksheet and is simply a number but i want the SUM of theses numbers carried forward to another worksheet. Each worksheet is named by date i.e. sheet 1 is named "16 June 2014" and sheet 2 is named "23 June 2014" and so on until "30 March 2015" (Each sheet represents one full week Monday - Sunday).

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Using Lists To Find Information In Large Db

Nov 20, 2008

I have a sheet with many columns of data relating to different companies as shown below (obviously my actual sheet has much more data):

NOTE: the Mr. Excel forums display the data in the correct form. I've tried to fix it here but obviously that didn't work perfectly, so if you want to view it correctly, click on the link above.

Comp Name Facility Name Product Name clean date
Comp A
Plant 1A Prod A1 11/11/2008
Prod A2
Prod A3
Prod A4
Plant 2A Prod A1000 12/1/2008
Prod A1001

Comp B
Plant 1B Prod B1 12/5/2008
Prod B2

In a new worksheet I want to see only the information relating to the Facilities, specifically the clean date of each facility, such that the information looks something like this:

Facility Name clean date

Plant 1A 11/11/2008
Plant 2A 12/1/2008
Plant 1B 12/5/2008

I know that I can use a simply vlookup formula such as the one below:
=VLOOKUP(C21,Info,3,FALSE), where C21 is the Facility Name and "info" is a list of the last 3 columns of my initial datasheet. However, I need to remember add each new facility name to the 2nd list when it is added to the main datasheet.

Is there a way to have the 2nd sheet automatically add the new facility name every time I add one on the main sheet, but without showing the many empty rows inbetween?

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How To Find 1 Value In Range Of Other Large Values

Mar 24, 2013

I'm looking for a formula that would tell me if a value in colume E can be found in column M while the values in column M may have characters before and after the value I'm looking for. The values are alpha and numberic in many cases.

Find E2 in M:M where E2 = 0123 and is in M:M as a15012388. The "yes/no" result is marked in red where I would like to have the answer.

Looking For


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How Do I Find The Median Of A Subset Of A Large Group

Apr 10, 2009

So what I have is a large list of items, and each item has the price of the product, and a product type.

What I want to do is find the median price for each specific product type, using a formula, without having to sort or filter my large list of products.

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Large Number Count

Aug 17, 2007

If I have the numbers 1-50 repeating in columns, 1-50, 1-50 etc is there a way to determine that number "1" falls 1st, 51st etc in the sequence without doing a manual count? Or that the number 2 falls 2nd, 52nd etc?

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VBA- Large Number Of Lines

Jan 10, 2007

I am trying to copy part of one line of pasted information in to a certain place on the line below.

i.e I want

to look like


This needs to happen for a large number of lines. I have already added a space in between all the original lines.

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Find The Top 5 /bottom 5 Values Using The Large/small Functions

May 28, 2009

I understand how to find the top 5 /bottom 5 values using the large/small functions, but the question I have is: How do I get associated fields. For example I attached a sample sheet with values (Fields: Ticker,TE,Sector,Return). How do I get the Ticker,Sector that the return is for. I'd like to show all the associated fields that relate to the retun, but I can't find the solution on how to do that.

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Want To Display The Cell Next To A Max/large Number.

Sep 22, 2009

I'm working on a spread sheet to identify the to ten numbers from a list. I can find thes numbers and use ( =MAX('MHF2'!B:B) )for the function to do so. I'd like to dispaly the data in the cell directly to the left of this number... How do I do this?


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Formatting Large Number Of Websites?

Jun 17, 2014

I have an issue where I need to apply certain formats to a number of text strings which are domain names. This is purely for reporting purposes. I don't need to actually visit the url. This video demonstrates a bit more. [URL]

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Sorting In A Large Number Of Rows

Oct 29, 2007

I am trying to sort in rows, a large number of rows. I can do text to columns, delimit by colon, and sort individual rows. But I have spreadsheets that are 100s of rows long. Is there anyway to automate?

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Large Number Loosing Last X Digits

Jun 13, 2008

I have problems in PASTING my 19 digit number from the source report into excel.

E.g, the original value is 8321515222222123122 but it always transfer to 8321515222222120000

I have tried the simple cell format setting, that is after pasting, I set the cells to text, but it doesn't help and also try the custom fomat "###################", but it is still the same result with the last 4 digit lost.

What I want the format to be is not in scientfic and have to be full display.

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Find Row Of Large Value In Array And Return Values In Different Named Range

Feb 28, 2012

I have four named ranges (Segment, Keyword, Impressions and Dropdown) and I would like to create a formula-based ranking of keywords by impressions and clicks. Using the following array formula, I am able to return the correct values for impressions or clicks:

{=LARGE(IF(Segment=DropDown,Impressions),$H7)} where $H7 is the number ranking 1, 2, 3 etc.

My question is what array formula could be used to find which row in the array returned that number and then pulls the data from the same row in the other named ranges?

Essentially find row of {=LARGE(IF(Segment=DropDown,Impressions),$H7)} but return Keyword and Clicks on that row.

Other Notes: I cannot use pivot tables and some values might be the same which would make Vlookups not accurate for duplicate values.

Link to an example document to clarify this. [URL] .......

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Applying Formulas To Large Number Of Dates

Mar 17, 2009

i have a spreadsheet with a certain data (rate of return) associated to a specific day of a year. (ex. 8-dec.-08 0.99865), and i have to calculate the rate of return (r) for every month, which is done by applying a formula (GEOMEAN) to all the rate of returns for the days of a month (ex. GEOMEAN(r[01 dec.]:r[31 dec.])).

i don't have any problems with that part. the hard part is that i have every single trading day from jan 00 to dec 08 (2000+ days), and i do not want to manually select the ranges. also, the dates do not include weekends (trading days per year = 252) which means that i cant (a) automatically determine a range or (b) automatically associate a number of days to a month (ex. oct 08 doesn't have the same amount of days as oct 07, because of the way week-ends and holidays are arranged..)

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How To Get Large Number From Raw Excluding Date Format

Apr 10, 2013

I have data in F6:AG6 raw filled with numbers as well as dates, i am looking for formula which can calculate a larger value of number format (excluding date format).

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Convert Text To Number - Large Database

Aug 30, 2009

The format of the numbers are:


I have 2000+ numbers is coloumn B.

There are a lot of sets of numbers that are still text! It's highly annoying and I need to analyze the data in Access.

I tried the paste special advice and the 3 ways microsoft suggests. I have a feeling its not working because of the required format that I need.

I need to do this project tonight!

Background: these are imported numbers, I had to combine other excel databases... By the way, is their an easier way to combine excel sheets into 1?

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Delete Blank Rows :: Large Number Of Row

May 18, 2009

The following macro deletes blank rows in my project (I have a source sheet that I "transfer" information to various "law practice worksheets", and it works fine. However, once I get past a certain number of rows (my project will include 65,000 rows), the macro does not delete the blank rows any more from the "law practice worksheets" (I previously sent this spreadsheet to the Forum with another question that was not answered yet). Here is the macro for deleting rows:

On Error Resume Next
Application.DeleteBlankRows = True
On Error GoTo 0.............

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Vba Macro: Check A Large Number Of Cells

Jul 13, 2006

What i'm trying to do is to check a large number of cells, if "0" is written down in that cell it stays as it is and if the number is different from "0" i want to put a "1" instead.

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Slow Writing To Large Number Of Cells

Mar 1, 2007

I heard there is an efficient way of writing large amounts of data at once to a worksheet. My program is writing alot of data (e.g. 600+ items in each row) and takes over an hour to run because it writes to each cell one-at-a-time. I seached this forum and couldn't find the answer. Here is an excerpt from an old 1998 article by Dermot Balson and William Mercer that used code to write to cells in large chunks but it doesn't work for me - I get a method failed message.

'to read in
Dim A As Variant 'MUST be variant, no brackets
A = Range("SomeRange").Resize(10,20) 'reads 10x20 array starting at range SomeRange
'(NB I've used Resize above but you can specify a range of cells any way you want)

'to write back to sheet
Range("SomeRange").Resize(10,20) = A
'A can be any data type but MUST be two dimensional even if you are only writing one
'column or row - first dimension is used for rows, and the second for columns
'this can be slow - see third question below for workaround..

Here is the link to the article: A more detailed explanation how this trick works

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Find Number Of Rows Between First Piece Of Data And The Last?

Jan 27, 2012

I have a spreadsheet like the one below. The data is just a bunch of 1s but they are in specific cells:

A4 1
A5 1
A8 1

I need to calculate the number of rows between the first piece of data and the last. In the above example the answer would be A8-A4 = 4 Rows.

I am thinking I need an array that searches for the first data point, then returns the cell ID, does the same for the last data point then subtracts the higher cell id from the lower.

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Excel 2007 :: Handling Large Number Of Records

Jul 10, 2013

I have various month's data - forex tick data - each month has between 12 and 14 million records and comes down as a .csv file.

I would like to analyse the data in Excel

How I can breakup the huge .csv file into manageable excel parts?

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Macro To Link Large Number Of Cells Between Worksheets

Feb 18, 2008

I would like to write a macro that links cells in one workbook (working) to cells in another workbook (summary).

I don't want this to be a straight swap thought, I'd like it to contain the following formula:


The cells in the working workbook are listed vertically, while the cells in the summary workbook are listed horizontally.

ie. link G8-G18 in working to B3-K3 in summary
link H8-H18 in working to B4-K4 in summary

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IF Functions To Reduce A Large Number Of Bands To A Smaller Set

Nov 27, 2008

I'm using nested IF functions to reduce a large number of bands to a smaller set using the following formula:


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Formula Not Working On Large Number Of Records (500,000) - 2007

Nov 2, 2009

I am trying to use a simple formula: COUNTIF($CT$2:$CT:$430749,CT2)

I am trying to fill this down all the rows (430,749 rows). The formula behaves as its supposed to up to around row 650. After this point, all resulting values are all the same, which happens to be the same value that was returned from the original formula in C2. However, this is not correct. It's like the formula just stops working after row ~650. I tried F9 without success.

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