Finding 2nd Occurence And Lookup Value

Jul 27, 2006

How can I find the 2nd occurence of a value in a list and lookup a value in the same row?

My data looks similar to this:
Name.............Order No

How can I lookup Alan's 2nd Order No.?

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Lookup Info In Two Columns - Pick Out Last Occurence In A Third

Jan 6, 2009

I have a list of data which is not in any particular order....

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Lookup Nth Occurence In Range & Limit Rows To Search Based On Cell Value

Jan 14, 2009

I have a UDF for a lookup_occurrence formula (thanks to Dave), and I was wondering if it was possible to tweak the range it looks at with if statements.

I have a formula like this =Lookup_Occurence(B13, INDIRECT($N$5), 1,1,5) where N5 says exit card 1.

I need it to only look at a certain rows within exit card 1 depending on the value entered in I5.

If value I5 says Period_1 it will only look in rows 12:46.

If value I5 says Period_2 it will only look in rows 48:82 etc.

I believe I need to modify the xl look part of the code with if statements.

Below is the code. I am wondering if I can replace the xlLook line with nested if statements. If I5="Period_1 then rows 12:46" etc.

Function Lookup_Occurence(To_find, Table_array As Range, _
Look_in_col As Long, Offset_col, Occurrence As Long, _
Optional Case_sensitive As Boolean, Optional Part_cell_match As Boolean)

Dim lLoop As Long
Dim rFound As Range
Dim xlLook As XlLookAt
Dim lOcCheck As Long

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LOOKUP Finding The Zero

Jan 4, 2008

I have a LOOKUP formula with MID in it to asign a Letter digit to each numeric in a certain position of a number. Works great (thanks jonmo1) on 9 out of 10 numerics.
see below


But when that 4th digit is a zero I get #### instead of my C letter that I need.

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Lookup But First Finding A Unique String?

Jul 3, 2014

mockup.xlsxStarting out with a 9 by 11 grid.

Column A will have times that need to be referenced in a lookup. (Ex Sat 8:00am)

Row 1 will have basball field codes reference with a lookup. (Example Field 4

Cells B2:I11 have distinct codes or possibly nothing. (An example would be: Tier 1 A1-A3)

These codes will move around from time to time. They will always remain distinct within the grid, but could appear in any of the cells from B2:I11.

I have 2 columns I want to populate with values from the grid.

First is Fields. I want the first cell to populate with the baseball field found in row 1 of which the code Tier1 A1-A3 falls under.

For example if this season Tier1 A1-A3 is found in the column under Field 4, then I need to return Field 4 as a result.

Second is the time. I want the time to be populated based on what row the Tier1 A1-A3 code falls in.

For example if Tier1 A1-A3 is in the Sat 8:00am row, then I need that value returned.

In short, I need to search the grid and find a given value. I then need to use a lookup (or other tool) to return the first value in that row. And secondly via lookup return the first value in that column.

edit: added spreadsheet example. First sheet is grid in question, 2nd sheet is a typical schedule.

The first Team (Scared Hitless) is A1, the team they play first is Sands Duel Fuel (A3) They play at 11:00am on Field TR3.

You will see on the grid under TR3 and Sat 11:00 the code Tier 4 A1v3. This code is what I want to search and correlate into times on the schedule rather than doing the data entry by hand.

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Finding Results Not In A Table Lookup

Jul 31, 2007

It highlights (with an x) all data that appears in both sheets a and sheet b. However I want it to highlight all the ones that are no on sheetA.

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Lookup Not Finding Cell Number

Aug 18, 2008

I am having trouble using a cell reference with a VLOOKUP formula. i have 2 worksheets each containing an invoice number column. the first sheet uses the VLOOKUP to find a shipping code from a range of values in the 2nd sheet (the range includes the invoice number, shipping code and 2 other columns). i can get the formula to work by simply typing the lookup_value into the formula like so: =VLOOKUP(7128,'Detailed List'!$B$7:$Q$1500,5,TRUE)

this gives me the correct result but what i need to happen is for the formula to take the lookup_value from the invoice number cell reference in the first sheet for that record and match it to the same value in the 2nd sheet. so instead of the code above it would read: =VLOOKUP('F10','Detailed List'!$B$7:$Q$1500,5,TRUE). the value of cell F10 is '7128'. however, when i try this i get a return of #N/A and no matter what variation i try it still produces the same result.

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Dificulty Finding The Right Combination For A Complex Lookup.

May 19, 2009

I am having a difficult time with a look up. It would be very hard to explain so I'll attach a copy of the section of the worksheet that the problem lies on with comments so you can see whats going on. The problem there is a numbered list with a reference number i can't seem to figure out a lookup that will look in the chart above and find the row associated to the reference number and according to how many before it have that reference number find a secondary reference number listed in the column above. The attachment should clear it up.

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Lookup Formula Finding Incorrect Results

Nov 3, 2009

If I type in an age in A1, in A2 I want an age group to appear

the groups are

so far, if I type in an age then it normally enters the group ABOVE what I want

i.e. if I enter “24” then it put the group “25-29”. if I enter “42” it puts “45-49” and so on.


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Lookup Date In Column And Finding Specific Text Value Row And Clear

May 10, 2014

I have a userform where the user will identify a record to delete. I need to search another worksheet (Month) for the event's name which is associated a date. Once it finds this event's name I need to clear the contents of that cell.

Here is the code I am using for the record deletion from the 'Data" worksheet. I need to also locate and clear the cell as stated above.

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Result In The 1st Occurence In A Set

Mar 10, 2009

Is there a formula which will result in the 1st occurence in a set? I would like the formula to look for "Y" in columns A, B and C and let me know the month in which "Y" first appears. I've attached a spreadsheet to make sense of this.

For example, Header Row

(A1) July (B1) August (C1) September (D1) 1st Occurence

(A2) Y (B2) N (C2) N (D2) July
(A3) N (B3) N (C3) Y (D3) September
(A4) N (B4) Y (C4) N (D4) August

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Find Last Occurence

Feb 23, 2010

=find("a",F3,3) will find where the letter 'a' occurs for the third time in cell F3 but how do you find the last place 'a' occurs in cell F3?

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First Occurence, Insert Row

Feb 2, 2009

How do I insert a row on top of the first time a value is found?


"There are 3 Bs"

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Findest The Lowest Occurence In A Row

May 7, 2009

What is the formula I would need to use in the attached spreadsheet to calculated the lowest or first occurrence within a row? As you can see in the top table Product A is delivered in weeks 2, 4 and 6, what I need is the lower table to show the first week i.e. wk 2 that the product has been delivered.

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Return Corresponding Data For Each Occurence...

Oct 31, 2008

I have attached a sample file. What I need the formula to do is lookup the value in Column A on 'EE Data Sheet' (which has multiple occurances of the same value) and give me the corresponding value in Column E (ID #) only if the date in Column K (Service Dt) is greater than 7/21/2008. The return value needs to be on the '151_SD Sheet'.

In other words, I need the ID number from Column E on the 'EE Data Sheet' returned to me on Sheet 151_SD for each occurrance of 1806-151 (Column A on EE Data Sheet) only if the date in column K is greater than 7/21/2008. The areas highlighted in yellow show the data to be returned on the 151-SD sheet. I tried vlookup & match and hlookup & match, but I only got the first occurance of 1806-151.

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Find Last Occurence Using Dates

May 7, 2006

I am wondering if there is any way that I would be able to see when the last time an instance occurred within my Pick 3 lottery spreadsheet.

I don't know that I am stating this correctly, but here goes.

Pairs are located in columns F:K. Dates are in column A.

If I wanted to determine the last time that the 17 pair occurred, what formula would I use to give me the actual dates that this pair occurred on .

I need the dates listed so that I will then able to count the actual days in between hits.

Or would it be simplier to just try and use the filter feature of excel??

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Count Of Each Occurence In List

Feb 14, 2008

Count number of times numbers occur in long Excel data list. I get list of bar code entries representing how many times parking passes were used each month and need to count occurences by number. Ex. 890093= 23, 890097=123, 980403=0, etc

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Frequency Of Occurence In 12 Hours

Mar 26, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that contains the number of faults in 12 hours. What I would like it to know the frequency of fault i.e 204 faults means a fault every 00:02:03
Is there a formula I can use.

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Count The Occurence Of A Value Across Multiple Worksheets

Feb 26, 2009

I'm Tim, and I'm just an average Excel user who found his way here through Google. I did a little poking around and this looks like a great community. Maybe I can contribute on future visits.

I'm wracking my brains over this one but I can't seem to get anywhere. What is easy on a single worksheet becomes a conceptual nightmare when extended across multiple sheets........

I have an Excel 2007 workbook with ten worksheets, each is 5 columns by *about 50 rows. My column headings are the same on each sheet. All of the cells are formatted as Text.

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Transpose Rows At Every Occurence Of A Value In Column

Apr 8, 2008

Transpose rows at every occurence of a value in column ...

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Marking Up Latest Occurence In 2003

Apr 30, 2009

I am looking at a register of documents that are constantly being revised. What I need to do is mark up which ones need to be reviewedDocument RevisionViewedapples1apples2yapples3apples4apples5pears1pears2ypears3pears4oranges1oranges2oranges3

If a revision is marked as Y then previous revisions don;t need to be looked at and can be marked with n/a anything older doesn't need to be reviewed except for the latest one. In the above table if apples revision 2 has been viewed so rev 1, 3, and 4 are no longer relevant and only rev 5 needs to be reviewed. Pears rev 2 has been reviewed so on rev 4 needs to be reviewed. No Orange documents have been reviewed so only rev 3 needs to be reviewed.

The above is just an example my table consists of 8000 entries.

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Fill ComboBox With Only 1 Occurence Of Each Item

Feb 15, 2008

The ideal is I have a list which the use fills in, for sack of argument Goal 1, Goal 2, etc but I have a problem. This list which the user builds I want to appear in a combobox with is quite easy using the list function and naming the range.

The problem I have is that Goal 1 or 2 can be in this list more than once, if it is at all possible I want or would like the Combobox to only show Goal 1 once and not twice or how many times it occurs. I require the Combobox just to show all Goals once no matter how many time they occur.

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Find 1st & Nth Occurence & Return Adjacent Value

Mar 14, 2008

I was wondering if you have similar values how you use formulae to return the first or the last value from a list?

I have attached an example and I was wondering if you guys could have a look at it?

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Occurence /count Of A Cell Value In A Column/range

Nov 14, 2008

I need to find to the occurrence/count of a cell value in a column/range.

Like say column A has following values

A14 and so on ..

I need to find the no. of times or count A12 is there in the column A.

I have tried using .count function in the range A but this instead gives the number of cells in complete range A

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Find Last Occurence Of Value And Return Balance From Another Column

Jul 24, 2006

I am trying to create a run balance sheet (see attached sheet). Column C has a list of job numbers, with column D showing the reqd quantities. Once the job is run, the qty is entered in column F and either a balance or the word complete returns in column H. My problem is, is that, when a job with a balance attached to it is re-run, that balance should be returned in Column D.

Ie 574361 has a total of 707 of which 320.4 was run, leaving a balance of 386.6.
When I type in 574361 again, I need column D (in the cell next to the job number)to automatically locate the last reported balance and return its value.
I have tried VLOOKUP and INDEX, but cannot get the thing to return.

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Sequentially Number 1 Occurence Of Each Duplicate In Column

Feb 28, 2008

how many accounts, and list the total on the bottom.
So, I have something like this:


I need the column next to it to show #1 next to 10003722 than jump to the next one and have 2 next to 10008981 and so on...

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Percentage Occurence Of Specific Word In Range

Apr 29, 2008

I want to count if cells in a specified range =yes then divide the range to get a total percentage of yes cells. I have a data validation list set up with the values: yes, no, n/a. I don't want the total percentage to change when using n/a.

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Delete Characters After Last Specific Character Occurence

Jun 11, 2008

I have one column with many numbers. Some have one dash and some have two.


Is there a way that I can remove all characters after the last – (dash) in the number?

If number is 123-123456-65
Then 123-123456

If number is 98B12354-889
Then 98B12354

If someone could just lead me in a direction, I might be able to figure it out. However, my code is elementary and most of the time, I record macros and the play with the code until it does what I want.

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Setting Values In A Variable Range Occurence Query

Jul 18, 2006

I am trying to count the occurences of combinations within a range defined by contiguous cell values in one column. My problem lies with setting the value of variables that are queried within the defined range. My macro should;

1)Set ComboValue1 & ComboValue2 values to A1 & B1 cells values respectively
2)define range to be searched by how many contiguous values there are in column D
3)search column E for 2 figure combination (defined by A1 & B1). If present increment counter by 1 and add to column C (to be visible in worksheet). If no match carry on
4)define new range by next set of contiguous values in column C
5) step 3
6)when all possible contiguous ranges defined and searched from column c, perform again on next combination down columns A & B with refreshed occurence counter
7)finish when all combinations are searched for

Sub CountComboOccurence()
Dim ListCounter As String
Dim ProgCounter As String
Dim Counter As Integer
Dim ComboValue1 As String
Dim ComboValue2 As String
Dim Rng As Range
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
ListCounter = 0
ProgCounter = 0
Counter = 0
ComboValue1 = 0.......................

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Identify Matches Of Combinations & Find Actual Occurence

Apr 28, 2008

I have another challenging solve for a VBA macro. So here it goes, as I have become frustrated trying to make an array formula with no joy. On my sample worksheet provided below this is what I am trying to accomplish:

(Solution cells) B4:I4 looks to the (Combination cells) M5:R10 for a match
If a match is present then cell J4 gives a "win" ,
If no match then cell J4 gives a " lose ".

Next if a win is present in cell J4, then cell K4 looks for when the draw number that matches occurred on from cells A4:A10, then subtracts the two(e.g. solutions cells from combination cells) to give the actual " # of draws to a win ". If no win is present in cell J4, then the default is zero for cell K4

The formula would be copied down thru cells J4:K12

Please refer to sample worksheet attached so that you can understand more clearly of just what I'm trying to do.

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