Finding Data By Specific Values In A Row And Column
Jun 6, 2013
Any way to search for a value down column A, another value across roW 1, and tells what value lies in the cell at their meeting point. 4 example, I'm looking For "47" somewhere in column a, and also the number 53 somewhere in row 1, and I need to know what value is in the cell where those to meet.
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Jan 28, 2010
=(SUMIF($J:$J, "Player1",$K:$K)+SUMIF($L:$L,"Player1",$M:$M)+SUMIF($N:$N,"Player1",$O:$O))-SUM($I:$I)
This looks up if Player 1 was in the top 3 scoring zones and adds up the players total score.
I have another column in this table of data labelled 'Number of Players'. I was wondering how to lookup the total score for this player in the games he played under 6 players for example and the games he played in where there were other six players.
I've tried using that formula ^^ with variations of IF and SUMIF formulas to try and figure it out, but I keep getting formula errors or it just returns with the total score, and not just with the total score under 6 players.
I am also trying to create a graph of date on the x axis against score to date on the y axis - everytime I try, the x axis is always numbers instead of the date?
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Apr 4, 2013
I have a list of data:
I want to have a formula that finds the sum of the values in Col 1 (Qty) for the rows that equal, eg: 140, in Col 2 (Product) So that I can have a list of Products of the Qty that relates to each product. (there are products in increments of 10 from 10 to 920, that is, 92 products)
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Oct 23, 2002
What is the easiest way to find the last occurrence of a value in a table using functions. I want to avoid VB if at all possible and note the row number and use it in an index function to report text adjacent to that last occurrence. I would normally use match but match only records the first match and not the last.
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May 10, 2014
I have a userform where the user will identify a record to delete. I need to search another worksheet (Month) for the event's name which is associated a date. Once it finds this event's name I need to clear the contents of that cell.
Here is the code I am using for the record deletion from the 'Data" worksheet. I need to also locate and clear the cell as stated above.
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Jan 31, 2012
Here's an example of what I need..
I want to
2.5 corn
4 corn
7 green
2 green
I'd like a macro to find all corns, add up the column A for each corn and place the sum beside the last corn in column C
Then do the same with green, etc.
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Mar 3, 2014
I have a column with lots of rows. I want to locate a specific one and insert some data into this row at specific columns. This is what i have come up with so far:
[Code] .....
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Nov 15, 2011
I am having trouble getting a formula to work with exactly what I need. I need a formula to find the total quantity of each product. The file I'm searching from does not list the product name or description in the subtotal column. The host file is similar to below and I just want the product name and total quantity in the new worksheet. I will have a list of all products we carry in the new worksheet and I want to pull the total quantity ordered for each item, and if none were ordered return a quantity of 0. The program the host file is exported from also lists a header at the top of each page, so for example there may be a header in between the last occurrence of Product D and the Subtotal.
Product A Description Sub description Date Ordered Quantity Ordered
Product A Description Sub description Date Ordered Quantity Ordered
Product A Description Sub description Date Ordered Quantity Ordered
Product A Description Sub description Date Ordered Quantity Ordered
Item Subtotal Total Quantity
Product B Description Sub description Date Ordered Quantity Ordered
Item Subtotal Total Quantity
Product D Description Sub description Date Ordered Quantity Ordered
Product D Description Sub description Date Ordered Quantity Ordered
Product D Description Sub description Date Ordered Quantity Ordered
Item Subtotal Total Quantity
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Jun 14, 2013
I'm trying to find a way to use a macro to extract data from a specific column from Sheet1 based on the columns header/title and copied into Sheet2 into the respective column with matching header/title.
For instance, in Sheet1:
So the above table would be the result i'm aiming for.
NOTE, its not different workbooks. I'm looking for sheet to sheet macro.
I've attached a file as well if someone wants to have a go at it. There are no codes in it.
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Apr 29, 2013
I have a graph which is reading from a table. This graph is reading flows from a flow meter, but after reading data for over an hour the graph gets really squished. I'm looking at creating another graph with just the last 50~ values from one column. Is there a way I can create another table that only reads the last 50 values from one column?
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Feb 10, 2009
I have two columns. One column has UPCs - some of which are duplicates. The second column just has number values. I'm trying to add the sum of all of the numbers in column two which are attached to their respective UPC. For example,
COL A///// Col B
11111111111///// 10
00000000000///// 15
11111111111///// 10
11111111111///// 4
00000000000///// 2
So, I need a third and fourth column to give me the total value for a single SKU(col A) of all the values in col B. In this example the Third column would contain the SKU, and the fourth column would contain the sum of all values in column B that are associated with the single SKU in column three. The third and fourth column would look like this:
COL C///// COL D
11111111111///// 24
00000000000///// 17
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Nov 22, 2013
I have an excel sheet with about 1000 reference numbers in. I would like to know how many of these are unique...they look like this:
[Code] ........
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Jun 3, 2009
Hi, I'm very new to writing Excel Macro's and wanted to know if I could do the following. Conceptually, I understand what I need done and think it should be fairly straightforward.
There's 2 main events in this loop (I hope that's the correct terminology):
Input 1) User defines the beginning cell to start the loop. In this case, A2.
Input 2) User defines the range of columns/rows to display. The formula for rows that I've thought of is 4r. So if a user wants 20 rows below cells A2, they simply input 5 for r. The number of columns is a constant 5. So if r=5, then I'd want the range to be A2:E22......
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Jan 5, 2014
I am working with a nonprofit to set up their financial ledgers. There is one workbook with 12 sheets, one for each month. The goal is to be able to set up a formula that searches through all 12 sheets for every donation that a specific individual has made. For instance, let's say that John Smith gave x amount of money on 1/1/2000, y amount of money on 1/10/2000, and z amount of money on 2/2/2000. This data will appear on 2 different worksheets. I have the following formula, which allows me to look through one sheet at a time:
Where Column A in each sheet is individual name, and column B is amount donated. Sheet "Jan" is the data for the month of January, and sheet "Smith" is the culmination of John Smith's donations for the full year. Using this array function, I am able to retrieve all data for John Smith in the month of January, but I can't find a way to make one function that searches for all of John Smith's donations in each month. Is there a way to build an array function in VBA that would accomplish this?
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Mar 7, 2013
I have a spreadsheet and on sheet 1 it currently has 45791 rows filled with data and it increases each day.
Each row looks like this
On Sheet 2 I have 3 columns. These are the list of horses that are running on a particular day.
What I want to do is to be able to list in columns D,E,and F on sheet 2 the last three ratings the horses achieved from sheet 1.
how to acquire the latest rating of the horse by using the following formula.
This works a treat but for the life of me I can't fathom out how to get the formula to pick the latest three ratings and place them on sheet 2.
I am using excel 2003
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Aug 22, 2012
I need some code that will find the column with the header of "Gender" and change the values from "M" and "F" to "Male" and "Female" but I keep running into issues.
I want to use a Select Case statement so I can set all other found values as blanks.
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May 8, 2013
I have a large amount of data and am trying to find certain values.
Firstly - I am looking for any cell which has the number 0 in it, as I need to edit that specific cell. However, when I search for the number 0, multiples of 10 (e.g. 10,20,30,etc) come up in my search. Is there anyway to find the number 0, without also finding the multiples of 10?
Secondly - I am also looking for values over 100, is there a search function which allows me to do this?
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Apr 27, 2013
I have a small challenge with the following parameter
2 columns of data, the first A contains sets of calendar dates:
A1 27-4-2013
A2 27-4-2013
A3 27-4-2013
A4 28-4-2013
A5 28-4-2013
Op to 5000 lines but normally around 140 of them for each date in April 2013
Colum B contains wind speed data from a met tower
B1 15.0
B2 5.3
B3 7.9
B4 3.2
B5 32.4
What I need to find are the Highest, Lowest and Average wind speed for a specific date.
I have a NOW -1 function in field C1 I would like to use as the parameter to search for in column A so I get the last full calendar days full data set (10min values), so writing it up it sounds something like this: Look in column A line 1:5000 and if you find any date the same as in C1 then move the content of B to a new separate column D line 1:140 and when all 140 lines are extracted for the specific date then find the Highest, Lowest and Average wind speed between those extracted data.
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Apr 22, 2009
What I'd like to do is; If column C contains data then insert a blank column and shift column C to the right.
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Jan 16, 2008
I Need to loop through col W Used range except the last row which is totals or the first 4 rows which is Heading stuff, and if value > 0 post it to a column on the right based on the day code. ( 31 values 1 for each day)
Day code is in cell M1 and is an Integer
Day 1 = Post to Col 101
Day 2 = Post to Col 102
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Dec 29, 2008
I have a table (Sheet 1) with four columns data, A,B,C and D. There are about 60,000 entries in them. In Sheet 2, I wish to enter a value in A1 which will be from A OR C columns of Sheet1 and get its corresponding value from B or D (Sheet1) in B1 (Sheet2) with the help of a formula. i.e. IF(A1, Sheet1!A60000:C60000, then B1 = B or D of Sheet1).
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Oct 20, 2009
I have the following code. Is there any way to select a range once the last cell with data is found. I would like to be able to select whatever cell in column A is selected with the code below through E2.
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Oct 13, 2011
Column A
Row1 Orange-Apple-Pear
Row2 Orange-Grapes-Melon
Row3 Berry-Apple-Melon
Row4 Banana-Grapes-Melon
Row5 Orange-Grapes-Banana
Given the information above:
I want to find a macro that will auto filter on for example
"Banana" would filter to rows 4,5
"Orange" would filter to rows 1,2,5
"Apple" would filter to rows 1,3
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Mar 8, 2012
Is there a VBA code I can use that will delete all rows that contain "ABC" or "YXZ" or "HHH" in column A ?
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Jan 11, 2005
I'm attempting to write a macro that will select all the rows which contain a value in a specific column. Say for example, all the instances of "test" in column C, I need to select the entire row with that value in the column.
I should also mention that by using an autofilter, only specific row numbers are selected. The source spreadsheet is dynamic and will not always display the same value in the same row, and thus I need something a little more adaptable.
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Jun 15, 2006
I have a main soure data which consist of row & column information. What i want to do is search the data from the source data into my result data as per the attachment file. Example: I want to information of Jan & banana from the main source file to appear in the XXXX
Result data(criteria base on Month & type)
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May 8, 2013
I have a table like the one below, only it has a few hundreds of rows and columns and I need a solution in order to fill in the blank spaces with 0 and 1 in order to get the total by row and by column. Is there any way to do this with a formula/macro ?
1 May
2 May
3 May
4 May
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Jun 16, 2014
Any quick way to extract data from a table. I need to extract a value from a column that meets criteria from two different columns. I thought I could get this to work with vlookup, but have had no success. Sample data below in table 1 and I would like to get my data into table 2.
[Code] ..........
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Nov 25, 2009
I am in desperate need of a function that will count a column of data where there are blanks and values based on a certain date that will also capture any data that is added after refreshing the table from Access. I have tried several functions but this is what I have: =(ROWS('TouchBack Detail'!$Q:$Q)*COLUMNS('TouchBack Detail'!$Q:$Q))+(COUNTIFS('TouchBack Detail'!$B:$B,'Nov TouchBack Summary'!B$1)). The result should be 3 but it’s including all other cells in the column that are not and should not be included in the refreshed table’s data (Table_TouchBack.accdb). I have attached the spreadsheet for review. The function is in cell B27 highlighted in yellow.
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Feb 22, 2014
In my table I want to create a user form where the individual would enter a number which would correspond for the Header Row.
The user would also enter a Number that would correspond for the first main column (Column B).
Based on the numbers entered, I want to find the next highest number.
For example if 61 is entered 66 would be chosen.
-Same would be for the numbers entered to find the column.
Based on the numbers entered I would like to find the intersecting cell.
Basic code I can embed in a user form?
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