Formula - Count Of Items That Meet Specific Range Criteria
Dec 4, 2012Attached excel sheet below. Suggest a formula to get the count of items that fall in a specific data range ?
Count of items that specify a range criteria.xls‎
Attached excel sheet below. Suggest a formula to get the count of items that fall in a specific data range ?
Count of items that specify a range criteria.xls‎
I need to formula to count the number of cells that meet the criteria below,
Find the letters 'AT' in some part of the cell and a blank cell next to it...
Doing a different formula for each, doesn't bring out the correct figure.
I am trying to use COUNTIF formula to count how many item in a column that meet certain criteria, say between 10 and 20...
Is there a way I can sum the result of a formula on a range of cells that meet a criteria? For example, I need to sum the difference of only the cells that are >46. (a1-46)+(b1-46)+(c1-46)...+(g1-46).
In this case the result I'm looking for is on row 2:
Is this possible to calculate in 1 cell only (h1)?
I have a table with 3 columns with an unkown number of rows (text, date, date) that is being imported daily.
I want to create a 4th column with dates starting from today and each subsequent row be one day earlier. I want to look at 30 previous days.
I then want to count the number of rows (looking at column 1-3) with the following criteria:
Countif column2<= "date in colum4" AND column3< "date in column4"
Basically, need to count rows that have 5 columns of data in it. If all 5 columns within a row have something in them greater than one character, that row needs to be counted.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn my spreadsheet I have several columns and I have written a formula that has two conditions. If these are met the result is counted. However I want to add another condition. I need to write a formula that displays information relating to the conditions in a cell if the other two conditions are met. For Example, if the formula picks out that a row has the word 'John' and has the a number between 1 and 14 it will copy the inputted data at the beginning of the row.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a sheet of data. The data starts in row 4 and can be variable in length. I want to delete rows that do not meet a specific criteria, for example a location, Leeds, which is in column "i" of the table. I have written the below but it seems to delete data from row 1 rather than row 4 and repeat down each row
Code below
Sub deleterows()
Dim i As Integer
Dim intCounter As Integer
Dim strLocation() As String
p = Range(Cells(4, 6), Cells(4, 6).End(xlDown)).count
[Code] ..........
I need to add nonblank cells (cells have text) in a column that equal the
criteria of another cell.
So I want to add the cells in Column C that have text but also equal the date in Column A (which is equal to the date in Cell A1).
I have tried the follwoing:
I have a spreadsheet which is linked to several other worksheets. I have managed to include formulas to count how many cells have numbers between 101 and 5000 by using this formula -
but now I want to count the number of cells in another worksheet that are equal to or less than zero. When I use the same formula as above it counts all the blank cells. I have tried using a countblank formula and then deducting this from the result, but unless the other worksheet is open the countblank formula does not work.
I want to count the number of groups of 3 adjacent cells in a horizontal range (C5:EV5) in which any cell in the group of 3 has a value in it (as opposed to all the cells being blank or containing "0"). For example, if any or all of the cells in C5:E5 have a value in it, it would count as 1, and if any of the cells in the group F5:H5 have a value, it would also count as 1, and so on. Is there a way to use COUNTIF for this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have come up with 5 countif formulas that work perfectly separately but need them to be combines into one big criteria.
=countif(PM[Customer Name],"*" & purch & "*"
AND so on for each criteria. H
need a formula to calculate the total number of x's in one column (column B, C, E are training types= x) where the corresponding column date falls within a date range. It’s to total each type of training done for each month. I have 3 training type columns and a cell that calculates the total number of trainings for the each month:=COUNTIF(F2:F100,">="&DATE(2008,2,1))-COUNTIF(F3:F200,">="&DATE(2008,2,31)).
So now I just need it broken down by training type per month. How many x's in each column for February as an example.
I want to make a function that gets the range like. "A1:B9" And this function automatically gets the range when given criteria meet.
For example: I have a cell A1 with value 0 and next 0 value in cell A10. I want to put that function in C1. So this function returns me the range like " A1:B9"
I want to sum all cells in column A that have one of several tags in an adjacent cell in column B.
- Some of the rows in column A are not tagged
- There are currently 3 tags that are valid in column B (I, S, R), but this could increase (or reduce) in the future, say to I, S, R, E
- The possible tags are contained in a named range, but don't have to be
- It's not possible to restructure the data because the columns are in a scratch sheet, where a variety of calculations are created on the fly in the column. I've attached an example, which might make it clear
- There are several (up to 10) sheets like this in the workbook with lots of different calculations that are then summarised in to some analysis.
- The overall objective of the workbook is to be able to;
a) include/ exclude individual calcs for any one column
b) include/exclude a country - solved
I need to count the number of occurances that meet two criteria i.e.,
Status needs to be UNSOLD
Size needs to be =>10.5 and also <12.5
BP Formula.xlsxI'm not sure what formula to use or if Excel can do this. I want to use it to determine number of blood pressures in a certain range. So if I use column A for SBP (systolic BP) and column B for DBP (diastolic BP). I want a formula to tell me if column A is between 140-159 or column B is between 90-99. I can get that part, but what I'm having trouble with is it counting each row twice if both column A and B meet the criteria, whereas I want every row (person) to only be counted once if either column A OR column B meet the criteria. (See attachment)
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a spreadsheet which contains data for crime incidents occurring in a month. I have created a worksheet which uses "IF" statements to pull in data that occurred within the last 24 hours only. I would like to create a report that can be printed which has a crime category and lists all the incidents for that category below that occurred during the day. The issue I am having is that all "IF" and "LOOKUP" statements are line for line and I want to be able to skip blanks or where it is not the category in the title.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a row that contains a different time (hh:mm) in each column where each column represents a different date which is display in row 3. If there is no time the cell is populated with "N/A"
I want to count how many cells for a specified Month/year are not equal to "N/A". I have been able get each selction criteria to work but when I try merging numeric and non-numeric queries I lose it.
The following formula was able to give me the count of cells "N/A"
=COUNTIF('Master Data'!$UA59:$ALZ59, ">0")
and this gave me a count by Month/Year
=SUMPRODUCT(--(YEAR('Master Data'!$UA3:$ALZ3)=2012),--(MONTH('Master Data'!$UA3:$ALZ3)=1))
When I tried creating one COUNTIF I was unable to get it without an error as I needed the YEAR/MONTH functions.
I have a large database that is updated daily. From within the database I need to:
1. Select all records where date field A is 14 days or less than date field B
2. Where a field C matches a text criteria, i.e., =DOGGIE
3. Append KITTY to field D of all records that match criteria 1 and 2
4. SAVE results as a text file.
I've got a forecast from a customer and need to summarize it with part number, quantity and date.
The spreadsheet is part no in column a due dates in row 1 values at the intersection of part no and due date and i don't want 0 quantity to report back.
my output needs to be partno, date due, quantity.
I am looking for a formula that either accepts the number in a cell if the numbers on two other cells are "approved". In other words, I have on cell A1 my value to be tested. On cells A2 and A3 I have two numbers. On cell A4 I'm looking for a formula that copies the number on A1 if A2 is bigger then 0.25 and A3 is smaller then 0.35. In not, there's no copy or a N/A appears.
View 3 Replies View RelatedA B C D
1 Yes Red Green
2 Yes Blue Black
1 No Blue Black
2 No Blue Green
2 Yes Red Black
I am interested in finding the number of unique entries under column A where column B = Yes; Column C = Red OR Column D = Black (answer is 2)
I would like to make a list like the one below
1 - 50 mm 87 pieces
51 - 100 mm 99 pieces
101 - 150 mm 46 pieces
151 - 200 mm 42 pieces
I have a list with values all ranging from 1 - 200 mm. Which formula can I use to sum them up in the above 4 classes?
Looking to have a macro call a subroutine every time it finds a cell meeting specific criteria.
Code in plain english would look like this:
For EACH cell in range A1:BZ500 meeting the following criteria:
Cell value is a date
Cell's date is at least a week or more in the future
Cell background (Fill) = RGB color code: (R:191 G:191 B:191)
DO the following:
Call repeatingsub
As the subjects states I need to count the unique entries in a filtered range.
View 7 Replies View Relatedhow can I sum up all the "Type of Defect"[CR, LOF, DR] for a specific Welder. They were tag as Welder 1-7. In the attached example (Sheet1- Data), Welder 1 has 2 "CR" and 1 "LOF", this figures to be reflected in Sheet 2 (TOD).
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have data in the following type
A Criteria B
A Criteria C Criteria A
C Criteria C
D Criteria 1
2 Criteria 3
Criteria 2
3 Criteria
I need a formula that will count the number of unique values in column A that have "Criteria" in column B. In this case the desired output would be 5 (A, C, D, 2, and 3), a blank cell in column A does not need to be counted.
I'm trying to create a formula that tells me the following:
If the item is marked as closed (vs. active), then how many renewals/terminations replacements/etc are there? These are two difference columns in a worksheet.
I need to count the amount of Unique codes in column A BUT ONLY if they are still OPEN status. Hopefully the attached example will be explaination enough (I want to automate the RED figure...
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