Formula Type Dependent On Another Results

Sep 6, 2006

I want to create a formula, the formula has to be dynamical.


A1 holds the nr - 5
A2 holds the nr - 8

Depending a solution of a sum, my answer is 1 or 2. This nr (1 or 2) is located in cel B1.

In cel D1 i want to have the numer 5 or 8 depending the previous answer. I want to use a code like this: A($B1), if B1 = 1 than cel D1 formula would be A(1) and has the value 5.

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Formatting Cells Dependent On Results From Other Worksheets

May 30, 2009

I have a workbook with three sheets.

Sheet 1 is an original 'in progress' work.

Sheet 2 is a copy of sheet 1 taken on a particular date.

Sheet 3 is information extracted from Sheet 1.

On sheet 3 what I need to do is change the font colour of a cell to red if the information it contains in relation to Sheet 2 is different i.e Sheet 1 cell and Sheet 2 cell are different

For example

Sheet 1 cell value = Deb
Sheet 3 cell value = Deb
Copy of sheet 1 taken to create sheet 2 on a certain date
Sheet 1 cell value changes to = Bed
Need Sheet 3 cell to change to = Bed as it is different from sheet 2

I did try conditional formatting but it will not work with info. from another worksheet that I can see. Maybe someone out there has another solution.

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Excel 2010 :: Comparing Cells And Displaying Text Dependent On The Results?

Aug 15, 2012

I have attached a work book example of what i am trying to do.

Column D is what i originally did in terms of the formula and now i have to have a column display text dependant on what is in column A to C.

I was trying this formula =IF(b2>a2,"Start Target Missed",IF(c2="","Failed","Tracking")) However if this isnt working.

Is there anything i can do to change this?

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Change Formula To The Results Of The Formula For Cells That Have Results

May 9, 2006

I have a range that has formulas that are based on other fcells outside the range.

What I want to do is, if the cell has a value to remove the formula and paste the results. If the filed is blank (no results from the formula) to leave the formula in place.

There could be a marco to run when this process is needed.

example attached

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Results Show Results Of Formula, But Should Be Blank

Jul 27, 2006

I am trying to create formula that will show overtime worked in a given day. The code I am using is a simple one ([ cell - 8], for hours worked). The problem is when the time cells are blank/not used it shows a -8 in the cell. what I need to do to create a code that will eliminate the -8 from showing. The cell its self is taking the result from another cell with a formula and then subtracting 8 from the result of the formula in the other cell.

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Dependent Formula With Value Range?

Jan 27, 2014

how to make make cell D4 dependent on the value in cell D3. So if cell D3 = 10 (it's max), then cell D4 could equal 0-10. I want to use this in conjunction with Solver so that D4 is a variable, but can't be greater than zero until D3 is maxed out. I've already tried different formulas, but I'm not very good at writing them and data validation didn't seem to work either.

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Dependent Drop Down List With DEPENDENT DEFAULT VALUE

Jan 22, 2010

I have two drop down lists 1) Country and 2) States/province

Country has list: [US, Canada]

If "US" is selected, [Arizona ,Florida, NewYork] is listed in the 2nd drop down list
If "Canada" is selected, [Alberta, Ontario, Quebec] is listed in the 2nd drop down list

First, I select "US" and choose the states to "Florida"
Next I change the country to "Canada" and forgot to choose province
Then, the 2nd dropdown list is changed to [Alberta, Ontario, Quebec],
BUT the current value is still "Florida"

Now I have "Canada" and "Florida" selected in the sheet

If the primary list is changed, can I make the 2nd drop down list to show a default value (e.g. blank or the first entry i.e. Alberta)?

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Move Formula Dependent On IF Statement

Apr 15, 2014

In the attached spreadsheet, I have data pertaining to the amount of money raised for a bunch private equity funds, and the dates when this money was raised.

For a little background, private equity funds raise money in various batches or "closes", so a fund may initially raise $5M in its "first close" and then in its "second close" it may raise another $5M or so. And then a "final close" would be the last time that fund would raise money.

I'm trying to figure out a way to move data in my "Fund Size" and "Fund Size Date" columns to the corresponding "First/Second/Final" close amount/date columns, according to the "Status" of the fund in my Column A.

Essentially, if a fund is either "Fundraising" or "Fundraising and Investing" status, then I would need the fund sizes and fund size dates to populate in the corresponding columns left to right.

And then if a fund is in "Investing" status, the most recent values (or those furthest right) would need to appear in the "Final Close" columns.

Fund Closes.xlsx‎

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Multiply Dependent One Cell Formula

Aug 8, 2006

All to occur in cell G2

Condition 1.
If F2 is > 0 then multiply F2 by D2.

Condition 2 in the same cell.
If the product of F2 multiplied by D2 is > E2 AND the sum of F2 and F1
multiplied by D2 is > 0, then add the product of D2 multiplied by the sum of
F1 and F2 to E2, otherwise input E2

Condition 3 in the same cell.
If the product of F2 multiplied D2 is < E2 BUT the sum of F2 and F1
multiplied by D2 is > 0, then input the product of D2 multiplied by the sum
of F1 and F2.

Condition 4 in the same cell.
If F2 < 0, and the sum of sum of F2 and F1 multiplied by D2 is < 0, then 0.

This is the best way I could think of the write out my intention. I think if
I can get the above scenario into a one cell formula that should resolve my

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Formula Dependent On Variable Range

Aug 9, 2007

I've developed a code to load csv files in excel and do some formatting on it. In addition I want to add a few cells which calculate making use of the data in the file. The data tabel (resulting after the csv import) always has the same number of columns, but the number of rows varies depending on the imported file.

My problem now is that I need to change the formula for my calculation depending on this number of rows.

This is what I got so far (not including the csv import):

Option Explicit

Dim varRow As Double

Function fctCountNrRows() As Double
varRow = Selection.Row
End Function

Sub subAddTotals()
Cells(varRow + 2, 1).Select ..............

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Formula Dependent On Text In Adjacent Column

Oct 7, 2009

I have a datatable which has a column containing up to 25 different text codes (which are currency pairs). I need to insert a specific number (as seen in the attached example) in a second column. This number depends on the text in the first column. I suspect this is very simple but at the moment, not for me!

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Sales Growth Per Month Formula...</title><script Type="text/javascript" Src="clientscript/vbulletin_post_loader.js?v=384"></script><style Type="text/css" Id="vbulletin_showthread_css">

Jul 10, 2009

In my spreadsheet below I want to be able to enter a sales number for January, the value of cell F2.

I want cells F3 thru F12 to automatically calculate according to the "Growth Per Month" value in cell H1.

Example: If January sales are 20,000, then February should calculate to 21,000 (january * 105%).

Excel Jeanie HTMLSheet1

E F G H 1 2010 Per Month Sales XXX 5% 2 XXX XXX 3 February $ 10,000 4 March $ 5,000 XXX 5 April $ 2,500 6 May $ 1,250 7 June $ 625 8 July $ 313 9 XXX $ 156 10 September $ 78 XXX 11 October XXX 12 November $ 20 XXX 13 December $ 10 14 $ 39,990
Spreadsheet Formulas Cell Formula F3 =F2*10*H1 F4 =F3*10*H1 F5 =F4*10*H1 F6 =F5*10*H1 F7 =F6*10*H1 F8 =F7*10*H1 F9 =F8*10*H1 F10 =F9*10*H1 F11 =F10*10*H1 F12 =F11*10*H1 F13 =F12*10*H1 F14 =SUM(F2:F13)

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IF Formula - Column To Show Text Value Dependent On Combination Of Three Columns

May 12, 2014

I have three columns that each have a drop down of text options; column A has three options, column B has three options and column C has two options. I want to have a fourth column that will show a text value dependent on the combination of the three columns.

It ends up being 18 variations so my IF formula just won't compute.

This is basically the format I have and works for a few values then just chucks up an error when I extend it to all 18 variations:

IF(AND(A1="text",B1="text2",C1="text3"),"show this text",
IF(AND(B1="other",B1="other2",C1="other3"),"then show this", ) etc etc

Any way I can get this to work for all 18 possible outcomes??

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Formula To SUM For A Given Field Type Specified In Another Column

Oct 27, 2009

I'm sure this will be a very simple one for someone - it leaves me *head scratching* though! I have attached a VERY generic example and it includes what I am trying to SUM for the given data. From the example if we look at Question Z1:
"Total Cost of All types of "Lemons"" = ?? I could simply do

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Type Mismatch With VLookup Formula

Jan 23, 2013

Here is my line of code producing the error:

If .Range("T21").Value > Application.VLookup("AE25", .Range("L7:T10"), 6, False) Then
T21 is a time value
AE25 = HPL1

The lookup range: (times are time values)

Excel 2010LMNOPQRST7HPE1Adam W.HPA7:00 AM3:00 PM8HPE2Not StaffedXX9HPL1KourtneyHPC1:00 PM9:00 PM10HPL2Not StaffedXXMain

The HTML representation of range does not show the merging of columns L:M, N:O, Q:R and S:T on a row by row basis. Unmerging did not appear to make a difference.

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Type Mismatch With Simple Formula?

May 26, 2013


fma_rng = .Range("C" & fma_top & ":C" & fma_btm)
rows_blnk = Application.CountBlank(fma_rng)

why I would be getting a 'type mismatch' error with the line in red?

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Concatenate Formula Nested Within IF Formula Is Not Producing Expected Results

Aug 24, 2014

I am trying to use a combination of Concatenate and IF formula to produce an email.

My input.

D4: First Name:
D5: Middle Name:
D6: Last Name:

D8: Organization:

Once all these are filled, I want the formula to produce a result like

I have used the following formula.

[Code] .....

Problem is if there is a middle name the formula works fine, but in case where there is no middle name, it produces the following result.

How do I remove the additional (.) in cases where there is no middle name.

Attached File : Email Generator.xlsx‎

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Count Formula For A Negative Type Of Data

May 7, 2014

I can't seem to find the right formula that can tell me how many times i have a negative number in a series of cells.

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SUMPRODUCT Formula (count How Many Of A Particular Type Of Entry There Are)

Oct 3, 2008

I have a range of data going accross columns, the entries include, U, T, and F1 to F11. I have a requirement to count how many of a particular type of entry there are, this needs to be done in groups, e.g, counting attendance bonuses which are included in entries, F5,F6, F8 and F11, (i.e. in one cell i need to total how many F5's,6's,8's & 11's are in that row?!). i just cant quite seem to get the formula right to count them.

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SUMIF - Value Used In Formula Is Of Wrong Data Type

Jul 27, 2012

I have a formula =SUM(IF($I$4:$I$302="A",$K$4:$K$302)) works fine.

I am using the same formula referencing a different column =SUM(IF($W$4:$W$302="A",$Y$4:$Y$302))

And I get the error : "A Value used in the formula is of the wrong data type"

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Excel 2007 :: SUMIFS - How To Specify Criteria That Looks At Type Of Formula

Jul 31, 2012

I'm trying to sum over a range (column A) based on values in another range (column B). Column B's cell values are calculated with a simple numeric formula that is either a subtraction or an addition of two cell references. I want to sum all the column A cells for which the corresponding column B cells are determined by a subtraction. Then separately, sum the cells for which the corresponding column B cells hold an addition. It seems that SUMIFS is the function to use, but how do I specify the sum criteria as "a subtraction" or "an addition"?

Windows 7, Excel 2007

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VLOOKUP Formula Works But Not If Type In New Data In Cell?

Aug 23, 2013

I have a spreadsheet with a VLOOKUP formula that I have to send to a customer weekly. They are required to type a code in column E of what they invoice, and it pulls the rate into column G based on a rate table I have. The formula is: VLOOKUP(E2,Rates!A:B,2,0)

When I made the spreadsheet, the formula worked perfect. But when they type their codes in and send it back to me, it's messed up. All of the codes they've typed in do pull the correct rate. However, if I try to go to column E and type a different code on top of what they typed (a code that IS IN the rate table), it will tell me: "The value you entered is not valid. The user has restricted values that can be entered into this cell".

If I create a new tab and mimic the exact formula and columns as I am trying to work with, it works perfectly. But for some reason, once they've typed their data into my spreadsheet, something messes up even though the formula is perfect, dragged down, etc. All columns are formatted as text. And the range in the rate table is correct as well. When I try to mimic the formula in the other tab, if I click a cell in column E, there is a drop down list there showing all the available codes from my rate table to choose from. But on the spreadsheet that is messed up has no drop down list on the cells.

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Formula That Allows Me To Type In Their Hour Work If It's Greater Than 40 Hours

Dec 28, 2006

I am building a spreadsheet to manage 15 folks wages to be able to know how much money has been spent.
We routinely work 40 hour weeks and have a sheet that automatically multiplies hour work by person (Say A1) times their hourly rate (say A2)

My question is how could I right it a formula that allows me to type in their hour work (A1) if it's greater than 40 hours?

Say A1 is 40, A2 =$20.00, A3 =(A1*A2) $800.00

If the A1 is 43 what would I put into A3 that would automatically multiply the additional hours over 40 times 1.5 A2

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Cells Display Formula, Not The Results Of The Formula

May 29, 2009

To get cell to display results of formula I must edit (F2) and hit enter. Is there an easy way to do this in bulk rather than editing and hitting enter on hundreds of cells?

Example of formula:
=IF(COUNTBLANK(K2)=1,"",CONCATENATE("*** ",K1,": ",K2," "))

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Use The Results Of A Formula As Column/row Numbers In Another Formula

Oct 1, 2009

I have two cells. The first cell has the formula:

=CONCATENATE("D",TEXT(MATCH($B$6,'Zip Ranges'!$D$1:$D$157,0)+1,"0"))

which results in a col and row number (such as D65).

The second cell has the following formula:

=INDEX('Zip Ranges'!$A:$B,MATCH($B$6,'Zip Ranges'!D1:$D$157,0),2)
I wish to replace the 'D1" in the Match function with the results of the first cell's formula.

I assume Indirect would work, but I don't know how to code the formula to use it.

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Lookup Type Formula For Column AB In The (worksheet/tab) Titled 2009

Jan 8, 2009

I have a lookup tab which contains three columns: Column A is a tax ID #, Column B is a set of numbers and Column C is a list of street names. I need help with creating a lookup type formula for my column AB in the (worksheet/tab) titled 2009, which will look at and compare the data in columns F & G and compare them to columns B & C in my "lookup" tab and if a similar address is found based on both the street name and number then the tax ID # affiliated with that address from the "lookup tab" will be automatically placed in the column AB in the 2009 tab. I hope this makes sense.

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Wrong Data Type Error In Simple Array Formula

Jun 30, 2013

I am trying to use FIND and an array formula to find the position of text in a range of cells (A2 and A3 in the example) which could be one of a number of options (C1:D1 here). But the array formula throws up the following error: "A value used in the formula is of the wrong data type". The simplest illustration of the problem is as follows. The formula in B2 is

and $C$1:$D$1 contain REF and ATM respectively. [/CODE]
203047 05AUG 08.55 OKEHAMPTON ATM
CO-OP GROUP 380611 REF 191 7553375222 BCC

We see that B2 has a #VALUE! error - wrong data type. But for some reason B3 is ok returning 22!

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Formula To Identify Data Type And Calculate Monthly And Cumulative Figures?

Jun 7, 2014

I receive monthly expenditure returns from different departments which I have to consolidate. The problem I'm encountering is that some departments submit their data as a monthly figure and some as the cumulative position. It would be useful if I had a formula that identified what data type was submitted and from that calculate both the monthly and cumulative figure.

If you look at the attached example I'd like to input a formula in columns I and J that uses the data contained in columns B to E to calculate the monthly and cumulative expenditure figures.

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VBA Functions: Type # For Date (Type:=?)

Oct 22, 2008

1. Is there a VBA Function equivalent to the FIND() function, If so What is it?
2. Let's say Im Putting a Date into a inputbox, what is the type # for date (Type:=?)??

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IF Formula (looks For Y And Results Y)

Jan 28, 2009

I would like a formula that looks for Y and results Y. See two examples below.

Cell B2 = Y
Cell D2 = N
Cell E2 = Y
Cell F2 = Y

Cell B3 = N
Cell D3 = N
Cell E3 = N
Cell F3 = N

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