Move Formula Dependent On IF Statement

Apr 15, 2014

In the attached spreadsheet, I have data pertaining to the amount of money raised for a bunch private equity funds, and the dates when this money was raised.

For a little background, private equity funds raise money in various batches or "closes", so a fund may initially raise $5M in its "first close" and then in its "second close" it may raise another $5M or so. And then a "final close" would be the last time that fund would raise money.

I'm trying to figure out a way to move data in my "Fund Size" and "Fund Size Date" columns to the corresponding "First/Second/Final" close amount/date columns, according to the "Status" of the fund in my Column A.

Essentially, if a fund is either "Fundraising" or "Fundraising and Investing" status, then I would need the fund sizes and fund size dates to populate in the corresponding columns left to right.

And then if a fund is in "Investing" status, the most recent values (or those furthest right) would need to appear in the "Final Close" columns.

Fund Closes.xlsx‎

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Dependent Data Validation List With IF Statement

Jul 25, 2013

I am having trouble with a dependent dv list. Please see below:


Support is a named list from the parent dv list
Internal_Cost_Centres is a named list
Project_Code is a named list

When I select Support from the parent dv list, it will return the list named Internal_Cost_Centres, however, when I select something else it doesn't work.. there are 3 options in all on the parent list (Support, Production, Project) and whether Production or Project selected, I want it to return the same list - Project_Codes.

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Dependent Formula With Value Range?

Jan 27, 2014

how to make make cell D4 dependent on the value in cell D3. So if cell D3 = 10 (it's max), then cell D4 could equal 0-10. I want to use this in conjunction with Solver so that D4 is a variable, but can't be greater than zero until D3 is maxed out. I've already tried different formulas, but I'm not very good at writing them and data validation didn't seem to work either.

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Dependent Drop Down List With DEPENDENT DEFAULT VALUE

Jan 22, 2010

I have two drop down lists 1) Country and 2) States/province

Country has list: [US, Canada]

If "US" is selected, [Arizona ,Florida, NewYork] is listed in the 2nd drop down list
If "Canada" is selected, [Alberta, Ontario, Quebec] is listed in the 2nd drop down list

First, I select "US" and choose the states to "Florida"
Next I change the country to "Canada" and forgot to choose province
Then, the 2nd dropdown list is changed to [Alberta, Ontario, Quebec],
BUT the current value is still "Florida"

Now I have "Canada" and "Florida" selected in the sheet

If the primary list is changed, can I make the 2nd drop down list to show a default value (e.g. blank or the first entry i.e. Alberta)?

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Multiply Dependent One Cell Formula

Aug 8, 2006

All to occur in cell G2

Condition 1.
If F2 is > 0 then multiply F2 by D2.

Condition 2 in the same cell.
If the product of F2 multiplied by D2 is > E2 AND the sum of F2 and F1
multiplied by D2 is > 0, then add the product of D2 multiplied by the sum of
F1 and F2 to E2, otherwise input E2

Condition 3 in the same cell.
If the product of F2 multiplied D2 is < E2 BUT the sum of F2 and F1
multiplied by D2 is > 0, then input the product of D2 multiplied by the sum
of F1 and F2.

Condition 4 in the same cell.
If F2 < 0, and the sum of sum of F2 and F1 multiplied by D2 is < 0, then 0.

This is the best way I could think of the write out my intention. I think if
I can get the above scenario into a one cell formula that should resolve my

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Formula Type Dependent On Another Results

Sep 6, 2006

I want to create a formula, the formula has to be dynamical.


A1 holds the nr - 5
A2 holds the nr - 8

Depending a solution of a sum, my answer is 1 or 2. This nr (1 or 2) is located in cel B1.

In cel D1 i want to have the numer 5 or 8 depending the previous answer. I want to use a code like this: A($B1), if B1 = 1 than cel D1 formula would be A(1) and has the value 5.

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Formula Dependent On Variable Range

Aug 9, 2007

I've developed a code to load csv files in excel and do some formatting on it. In addition I want to add a few cells which calculate making use of the data in the file. The data tabel (resulting after the csv import) always has the same number of columns, but the number of rows varies depending on the imported file.

My problem now is that I need to change the formula for my calculation depending on this number of rows.

This is what I got so far (not including the csv import):

Option Explicit

Dim varRow As Double

Function fctCountNrRows() As Double
varRow = Selection.Row
End Function

Sub subAddTotals()
Cells(varRow + 2, 1).Select ..............

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Formula Dependent On Text In Adjacent Column

Oct 7, 2009

I have a datatable which has a column containing up to 25 different text codes (which are currency pairs). I need to insert a specific number (as seen in the attached example) in a second column. This number depends on the text in the first column. I suspect this is very simple but at the moment, not for me!

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IF Formula - Column To Show Text Value Dependent On Combination Of Three Columns

May 12, 2014

I have three columns that each have a drop down of text options; column A has three options, column B has three options and column C has two options. I want to have a fourth column that will show a text value dependent on the combination of the three columns.

It ends up being 18 variations so my IF formula just won't compute.

This is basically the format I have and works for a few values then just chucks up an error when I extend it to all 18 variations:

IF(AND(A1="text",B1="text2",C1="text3"),"show this text",
IF(AND(B1="other",B1="other2",C1="other3"),"then show this", ) etc etc

Any way I can get this to work for all 18 possible outcomes??

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Date Formula & Add If Statement To The Existing Formula

Dec 19, 2008

I currently use the following formula: =workday(H21,H23,J20:J34) which calculates my date based the date entered in cell H21. While testing I realized that I needed to add another variable to the formula for a specific scenario. When my Date in H21 is less than todays date I require another workday formula to be calculated. How can I add this if statement to the existing formula?

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Move Formula In Cells

Oct 3, 2008

I have to move formulas from cells without the changes ?

Then i use copy-past it changed the rows and collums numbers, but i need to keep absolutly the same formulas

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Formula For If And Or Statement

Nov 14, 2009

if-and-or statement if possible. The formula would go in cell A10.

If D5="x" and D4=7, answer would be "H8", if D4 is blank, answer would be "x".
If D5=2 or 3, and D4=7, answer would be "H8", if D4 is blank, answer would be "v8".
If D5=1 or blank and D4=7 or blank, answer would be " ".

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If Then Statement In A Formula

Oct 6, 2008

I am a sales rep and am designing a spread sheet to help me track my commissions, on occasion I need to split the commission with another rep I have the spreadsheet set up as follows:

J1 Dollar amount - the total amount of the sale. K1 fee% - my fee is negotiable so this number will vary by client this field is formatted as a precentage. L1 total commission - takes J1*K1 to give me a $ amount M1 split y/n - here is my question, i would like a formula that will divide L1 in half if I type a Y or Yes in M1 I'm sure this can be done but I dont know how, also would the formula go in L1 or M1 if I want the results to be displayed in L1?

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Using Value Of A Formula In IF Statement

Apr 21, 2006

I'm entering a simple IF statement in excel that asks if one cell is bigger then another. However one of the cells I'm referencing is also a formula, so excel is not reading the value in that cell. How can I get around this problem? Is there anything that will enable me to compare just the value of that cell? I have attatched the file and the cell in question is F21.

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Move Two Cells Down When Copying A Formula?

Sep 13, 2012

I got a sumif formula, where I sum the hours if a certain person is represented. =SUMIF(K12:R12;"TW";K11:R11) Hours in row 11 and the person in row 12.

The patern in my excel document is that every second row is hours and persons. Hours on odd row number and persons on even.

My problem is that when I want to copy my formula down, it goes one row down to =SUMIF(K13:R13;"TW";K12:R12) I want it to go two rows down to =SUMIF(K14:R14;"TW";K13:R13)

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IF Formula To Move Values From One Worksheet To Another

Sep 19, 2013

IF formula to transfer specific text and values from sheet 1 to sheet 2 (please refer to attachment). Sheet 2 should display the name, state and unprocessed rate for each month for individuals with a rate of 95% and 30 or more unprocessed files.

Unprocessed Files.xlsx

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Move Only Value Producing Formula To Another Column ??

Dec 24, 2008

s/s is very large and the need is to transfer formulas from one column to another. Column L contains formulas in cells L7:L45 (attachment) - (L7:L326415 in working s/s). Some of these formulas result in a value being given. I need to transfer formulas only from those cells having values to cells three columns to the left on the same row. I do have code which I was using for another application. This puts a formula in the correct places but it is the wrong formula and I don't know how to amend it so that it carries out the required action. Small attachment enclosed for better understanding of what is involved. Or could anyone change the line ".formula = ......" in the following code to make it work??

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Use Offset Formula To Move To Next Row Data?

Jan 11, 2013

Is it possible to use offset formula to move to the next row data? I am trying to achieve all H&S data will be captured in sheet 2. I know there is an easy way to do that by filtering it. But I am trying to automate the summary template in sheet by putting a formula from the data in sheet 1 below.

Customer Unit Price


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Move Formula Range One Cell Down?

Jun 19, 2014

how to move formula range without inserting any rows. For example, I have a sum(a1:a3) and I need to have sum(a2:a4). I have hundreds of these little formulas through the spreadsheet and they are driving me crazy. Is there any way I can select a block of data and have a macro simply shift all formula ranges within that block one down? Copying the formulas down and then moving the result in place of the original doesn't work as I have formulas relying on these results and I will get #REF errors. I bought an Excel VBA for dummies, but have been so swamped with work that I haven't had a chance to look at it, or even to think about where I would begin to look.

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Formula To Move Info From One Column To Another

Nov 13, 2006

I need a formula that will take the value of one cell and put it in another cell other than the one in which I am typing the formula. I can't think of how to do this.

I have two columns, A & B (no headers), of information. The columns are not identical, and column B has empty cells scattered throughout the column. For each empty cell in column B, I want to copy the same row of information into it from column A, as if I'm just scooting the information in column A that's on the same row as the empty cells in column B.

This is simple with a cut/paste, but when there's thirty empty cells, cutting and pasting takes time. (What's really frustrating is that I've figured out a few formulas that will copy the information from column A but all the information gets pasted in the column in which I'm creating the formula (say, column F, for example). THAT doesn't help me because the empty cells in column b are still empty!)

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Increment Formula With If Statement

Aug 7, 2012

How to increment a formula with an If statement that transforms 2 values in time format and then as long as these two values keep beeing added in the cells the formula keeps active in the column.

I tried to apply the code for all the but this makes my file huge like 20MB!

You can check this on the file, go the "records" sheet, add the time in the "shift start" and "shift end" fields, then the difference value goes to "hours" in the sheet.

[URL] .....

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Using IF Statement With Length Formula

Jan 2, 2014

I'm trying to use an if statement with a LEN function, i want to say if column O2 is 5 characters long then populate with Y if not populate with N.

I have tried.


but it doesn't work?

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Counting Formula With If Statement

Mar 14, 2009

I need a Count formula with an If statement to count how many accounts in column A have a start date (column B) greater than today?

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If Statement (put 'IF Formula' In Cells)

Sep 23, 2008

I am trying to put an "If statement formula" within cells using VBA but it errors at the word "error".

Basically what I am trying to do is put similar to the following example into a range of cells.. for example:

...with B2 being worked out by the for..with and the value (in this instance 100) being put in by VerbLen.

NB: Column A contains a reference number hence not having this actioned on it and counts start from 2

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Formula On Making A Statement

Jan 20, 2014

I need a formula to look at a cell and if it is =< 102 say "Flat Bed", or =120 "Double Drop"

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IF Statement That Returns A Formula

Oct 2, 2008

Can an if statement return a formula (e.g. =IF(A1=1,C1+D1,0))

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Formula To Move Column Automatically To Different Sheet?

Apr 23, 2014

I have a excel file Sheet 1 is active data Sheet 2 is complete data, How can I make the column move automatic from one sheet to another with out cut/pasting?

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The Result Of A Formula To Move To The Left And Top Of The Table

Dec 6, 2009

This formula tells me the highest number: =LARGE((G36,O36,W36,AE36),1)

The result is AE36. The answer is correct. I get the highest number. I want the formula now shows Y3 instead of AE36.

In my situation Y3 is the name of 1 of my tables. In my case I get from this table, the highest number.

These are 6 cells to the left side. These are 33 cells to the upper part. In the future I will work with more tables. So the answer must always move

I've been busy this few days to investigate. That is why I know it works with offset. Anyway, I still do not know how it goes.

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IF Statement Missing Parenthesis In Formula?

May 15, 2014

"your formula is missing --) or (. Check the formula and then add the parenthesis in the appropriate place. The following is one long string. I broke it up to make it easier to read.


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OFFSET Statement Formula Static

Oct 21, 2008

Is there a way to make the last two parts ("height" and "width") of the OFFSET statement formula static (meaning they alway refer to the same cell)? I am inputting a different number in the "colum" section of the formula and every time I changes which cells the "height" and "width" refer to.

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