I have a column with dates in it. Example "04/04/2007" don't know if format will matter that is why I am showning an example.
I need a formula that looks at that column and tells me how many days were entered for a month. I thought a pivot table would work well but the same date could be entered many times and that would skew the number of days counted. The final result is a table that had each month with the number of days entered. Keep in mind that I only want each day counted once even though it may have been entered 5 times.
I have a simple date formula that I want to present "yes" in a cell when another cells date is less then or equal to "Today". I just can't figure out how to make it show my result cell as blank if my date cell is blank?
here is my formula.... =IF(G8 <= TODAY(), "YES", "")
I have an issues with a formulae I have written to measure two factors;
A; How many different countries appear within a certain date range. B; What countries are they.
I tried a unique list, but could not get it to work within a range? I dont particuarly care how the data is pulled through as long as I do it. At the moment I have become stuck in 'Unique Ranges' and have n given up?
The formulae issue is in the tab "Problem_Formulae", the dat in the sheet 1, and the date ranges in sheet 2. Also, just to make life a bit more challenging pivot tables are a no go .
I was given this spreadsheet to count attendance by entering the entry date and exit day, however it's counting the first day and the last. I'm needing it to only count the first day and not the exit day.Book2.xls
I am trying to insert a formula that counts the number of dates within a certain date range. why this sample file does not work, the answer I am looking for in cell C1 is 3.
I need an IF formula, that states if a date is more than a month after the date in the cell then it is timely and if it isn't then it is not timely. For example the date in A1 is 12/11/05, if the cell is A2 is 13/12/05 (or any date after that) then A3 should read Not Timely, if A2 is 12/12/05 (or any date before that, including a date before the date in A1) then A3 should read Timely. Is there any way to do this?? At the moment I am having to go through manually and put in either Timely or Not Timely.
I've got a database with a date header across the columns C1 to W1 [C1 value = '02/04/07 and W1 value = '30/04/07]
Each row represents a different person For each person there can be one of skills: Maths, English, French, Science, Geography on each day. Most people keep the same skill for the whole month but some change multiple times within the month.
What I'm after is a formula which will return the total number of people who have had each skill for at least one day within a time specificed time period. The startdate criteria is in A1 and enddate criteria is in B1
E.g How many different people had Maths on at least one day for the period 16th April to the 20th April.
At the moment I've been trying to work along the lines: =sumproduct((C2:W200>=datevalue(A1))*(c2:w200
how many dates appear in a column. I have a spreadsheet wherein when a name is encoded in column A, the date is automatically logged in column B. Now, i need to count how many of those dates occurred in column B.
For the month of May - how many 1 May 2007, 2 May 2007...an so on.
After that - i need to match those dates to the name of the encoder and a another encoded status. It's like - 1 May 2007+john+approved = 1 occurence. I need to count them separately and combined.
I am trying to work on a spreadsheet (I am very new to all this). I have colum I with dates in and Colum K with dates in... When a product comes into my shop I enter the date it arrived in Colum I and when it leaves I enter the date in Colum K.
What I would like to try to work out is how do I ask Excel to tell me How many blank cells there are in Colum K if I enter a date range for Colum I
I will try to give an example.
Colum K may have 200 entries for the week 6/5/13 to 10/5/13. I need to know how many cells are blank in Colum K if the date range on Colum I is between 6/5/13 to 10/5/13
The end result should basically tell me how much stock I have left in my shop for that week.
I have found something that sort of works by using this =SUMPRODUCT((I1:I200<=TODAY())*(K1:K200="")) but ideally I need to be able to change the word TODAY into a date range like 6/5/13 to 10/5/13 and I cant seem to do that???
I have a spreadsheet that I use to log incidents. In column "A" I have the date in month/day/year format (8/14/2014). I am attempting to automate the graphing process so I have a graph that will tell me how many incidents I had in the month of August. I have attempted the following formulas (and other similar formates with minor changes)...
=COUNTIF('CY14'!A2:A500,"8,2014") and changed around the date format =COUNTIF('CY14'!A2:A500,"&DATE(8,2014)) =COUNTIF('CY14'!A2:A500,"August")
All of these come up with "0" while I have 17 listed incidents for August. Am I doing something wrong, or is this not possible.
I need a way in VB to say tell me the amount of dates that are less than todays (09-Dec-09) date. Using the above list the answer should be 2. Every formula I try returns the value 0.
I need to do is, on sheet 2 is to have a formula which will count all cells in column A containing dates from 1/1/2009 to 31/1/2009, Another column will count all dates from 1/2/2009 to 28/2/2009 and so on. I have tried the countif format but this does not seem to work.
I have been trying to count dates in my spreadsheet. The dates are supposed to go back in time (what they do). But I want them to jump over the weekends' dates instead of landing on them.
What I have is Start Date, Req'd Qty, Days it takes to make, Date it is required to start production (which I have a problem with).
A 1 26-Nov [Thursday] 2 1500 3 5 4 'Problem' I used for this cell that formula: =if(A2>0,A1-A3,"") , as I don't want it to show anything if there is no requirements.
It comes back with 21-Nov which is Saturday when I want it to come back with 19-Nov (Thursday) as we only have 5 working days in a week.
I am trying to make a document that counts some results within a range. The criteria of that sum is that it needs to be within a date range. I made a small example in a new document to make things clearer.
Link if it does not work for image: Image - TinyPic - Gratis foto's delen en afbeeldingen & video's hosten
The results between D10 and lower need to be count towards the total on top in one of the cells of January or february (And more in the real document). I need it to automatically stick it in the total of January or February. I need excel to check the Cells in C10 and lower for the date. If the date is in January i want it to automatically write it in total of the corresponding month.
I'm trying to count how many times an action happens between a time frame on a certain date.
This is how my data looks and comes to me (screen shot of a small portion of it - there are 22876 cells to count and it's very time consuming to manually):
data by rld2m2, on Flickr
There is no way to separate the date and time with the program the data comes from.
What I'd like to do is count what how many transactions take place between 10/1/2013 12:00:01 AM and 10/1/2013 3:00:00 AM (example time frame) from the above data.
I am running Excel 2007 at work in compatibility mode. My company is in the process of switching to Excel 2007, but not everyone has it, so I save my files in Excel 97-2003 format, so they can be viewed by everyone.
Problem: I am trying to count the number of occurrences of "dates" between a starting date and an ending date. (e.g., cells B16:B1000 contain dates when a test at work was performed. I want to count all tests that occurred between 12/30/2007 and 1/9/2007.) Please note that the dates cross the new year
More Info: I have searched this board, found a similar post, and tried the different formulas listed but get a result of "0" (zero). If I try the same formulas at home using Excel 2000, they work. The formula types I've tried include regular and array styles I am led to believe that this is either an Excel 2007 bug (bug??? - Nah, not from Microsoft!), or one of the cute changes between the new and old versions that I keep running across. The last possibility is that I am doing something wrong, which a smart betting man wouldn't rule out either!
I want to count the number of sales in three periods. prior 7 to 12 months, prior 4 to 6 months, and over the last 3 months.
I have three letters that occur in column B of sheet 2.
A for active, P for pending, and S for sold. The date of activity appears in column C for each event. It is in mm/dd/yyyy format. Currently I have over 5000 rows.
I would like to total the sales for each period and place it on sheet 1. can you help or point me to the right place to read up on it. I can get the information by using a pivot table but there has to be a faster way.
I run a small holiday cottage and I want to use excel to tell me which days of the year I get most enquiries for.
Every time I get an enquiry for a certain period in the cottage, I enter the dates into excel.
I have two columns - Start of holiday and End of holiday.
What I would like to do, is give each day of the year one point if someone enquires for it.
e.g. If someone asked for 3rd january to 5 january, I would give 1 point to the 3rd and 1 point to the 4th of january (but not the 5th as that is the day they would leave!)
At the moment I find it easier to count with pen and paper than use excel for this problem.
i'm trying to count dates within a 2 week date range. I don't want to update the formula every day to the actual dates that would make up two weeks so I tried this formula but it keeps giving me an error.
I would like some help from someone on this subject if possible. I am running a stats report in a workbook where each member of staff have their own running totals of how much work they do and how much of that work is incorrect (per week). I have worked out that if I use the following:-
I get the total amount of work. To explain the above, it returns the amount of times a date appears between two dates i.e B95 is week commencing date and C95 is weekending; therefore giving the total amount of work in that period.
What I am struggling with is that I need a formula to look at the above date range and then look at another column that has either a ‘Y’ or ‘N’ (for yes or no) and for the formula to count how many N’s there are (thus how many in that given range there were)
It appears to me quite a small ask for Excel but I can’t seem to get it to work.
I’m looking for a formula that will count the number of occurrences of “YES” in column A between a specific date range (column B) BUT only if the it's categorized as "LAB" (column C).
Up until now I’ve jerry rigged the spread sheet to do it with various filters, if, and countif formulas but I’m looking for something that will fit in one cell and lower the overall size of the file.
To make it even more complicated I’d like to feed the formula the date range information from another editable cell so that it can basically be queried for whatever dates my boss is concerned about at that second.
I need to count cells withdates in theme in a column. So that would be a CountA function; but only if the values in the cells are within a certain date range, a COUNTIF function. Here's what I thought:
I am trying to count the number of orders written per day. I used the following formula on another sheet and it worked fine, however on this one, A8 is a date only, and F2:F2000 is a date and a time.
I tried reformating the cell for date only, and it displays only the date, however, the time information is still stored, and I can't get it to do the count. Is there a way to count the date regardless of the time?
Need a formula for counting the number of occurences of a month & year in a date column? The spreadsheet is looking at items raised in any given month e.g. all items raised in Dec-08.
I'm working on an excel file where I can see if customers pays too late.
I've got this for the moment:
Date order Expiration date Days over Days too late Paid?
15/06 15/07 0 -2 NO
[Code] ........
My question is about "Days too late". When Paid changes to "YES", the days too late stays the same number it was before. When it's "NO" it keeps counting.
I have to produce a report which shows how many sales each of my company's eight branches has sold this week. The problem lies in the fact that my manager wants the week to start on a Friday, so effectively I need to count the number of sales for each branch since the last friday (including Friday but not today, ie today's report would count all sales from 05/06/2009 to 08/06/2009).
Is this possible?
My data is as follows: Branch name is in column P, Date Sold is in column S. I have added a column which is next to Date in column T which has "=WEEKDAY(S2)" to give me the week number which I was using to try and count but failed miserably!
I need to make formulas to count the number of weeks that each phase of a project takes, but I currently have the start and end dates of the phases. (See attachment)