I am wondering if there is a way to automatically update my pick 3 lottery files by using excel. I use lottostrategies.com to obtain my results. If anyone knows how I might start to instruct excel to perform such a task, please respond. Or if I am going about this the wrong way in as far as thinking excel can perform such a task.
I'm trying to code so that any changes made to Excel document will automatically change in PowerPoint. I have Copied and Pasted Special link so that its connected but when ever a change is made in Excel in powerpoint I get a pop up box saying I need to press update. But I want to bypass the pop up update box and have it so that powerpoint automatically updates when I change something in Excel.
This is the code I have so far. I don't know if it's right or if I am on the right track as I get a compile error saying I need a End with.
I am working on a manpower spreadsheet and need for one spreadsheet to extract data from another and automatically update if it is changed and I am struggling below is an example of what is on spreadsheet 1:
and the information from spreadsheet 1 is copied to spreadsheet 2, however if amendments are made to spreadsheet 1 they are automatically updated on spreadsheet 2:
When I am writing a formula that includes a lookup, it returns the # NAME? error in the spreadsheet. If I delete the trailing ), retype it, and hit enter then the formula returns the correct value. How do I get the formula to work correctly as it is written to the sheet from VBA!
Here's the line of code that writes the formula to the worksheet:
The results of the formula in cell K36 in the attached spreadsheet returns a value of null. It should be $1,200. Am I blind or have I done something wrong. I just can't see the problem with the formula.
I am linking to cells on a spreadsheet and in some cases the formula is showing in the cell and in others the contents of the linked cell. I have forced updating (F9 )and F2 enter with no effect. Is their something i am missing as I want all the links to update automatically. If I copy and paste a working formula into one of these cells it updates albeit with the wrong reference but if i go in and edit F2 etc then it shows as a formula.
I have two very large spread sheets that are worked on individually. Because of there size, sharing them causes issues and lock-ups (excel not reasoning) and lengthy download time.
They are now worked on individually with two separate file names.
I am trying to find a way, even a program, to at the end of each period, combine the files and update the data that would have been input.
I have attached examples of what might take place.
Example 1
Example 2
As can be seen, Example 1 has had information added to Columns A, B and C, whereas Example two has had info added to Columns D,E and F. Also, the data in Example 1 (E,3 and F,3) has been updated to reflect No with F,3 changing to "Blank"
The result is to combine both spread sheets and update the added / amended data into one spread sheet that shows an updated position as follows.
Let's say that in column A I have numbers,"Yes" and "No". I want in column B to have only the numbers from column A, in the same order without any empty ranges, and everytime I add in column A a new number, column B to update automatically with that number. Let's have an example:
A B Yes 12 12 13 No 10 13 No 10 Yes
And if I want to add in column A: A B Yes 12 12 13 No 10 13 25 No 15 10 Yes 25 15
So the column be will update automatically. I already tried =IFERROR(INDEX($A$1:$A$10,SMALL(IF(ISNUMBER($A$1:$A$10),ROW($A$1:$A$10)),ROWS(B$1:B1))-ROW($A$1)+1),") but using this many times get's my file very heavy and the excel is working slow.
I need to use the VLOOKUP feature from the most latest files, I am using VLOOKUP in VBA code which is working fine, however the problem is that the files from where I do VLOOKUP are added randomly in a week.
There are 2 Files, 1st File where the data would be looked up from the 2nd File, Now the 2nd File has names like this "Offline Data as on 10th May 14", "Offline Data as on 13th May 14", "Offline Data as on 23rd May 14", etc.
Now these files are send by another department, and each time the most recent data has to be searched from these files.. All of these files have to be maintained separately for record purposes.
Hence in the VLOOKUP, Lookup file keeps on changing...so is it possible to make a code in such a way that the code picks up the most recent file for reference, from the above example we would need to pull the data from the most latest file which is "Offline Data as on 23rd May 14" , if any other file is added in that folder more recent than the one mentioned than the code should automatically link it to that file.
I have managed to codify the lookup but due to this filenames being changed always I have to do this manually..as this has to be done at several columns in several sheets its extremely time-consuming.
So, logic code to pick the most recent date which is embedded in the filename...
I have a basic formula =C17+'Asset Depreciation 2008 Onwards'!C24, and I want to copy it down just using the drag function. Problem is that the second reference range of cells are in rows and hence when I copy it down it doesn’t automatically update the cell references because it want to update them by column number instead of row number. IE I want it to display =C17+'Asset Depreciation 2008 Onwards'! D24, instead of C25. Do you know if there is any way of telling Excel that I want it to increase the column number by 1 every time, instead of the row number for this part of the formula?
I have one source spreadsheet, where are columns NAME, DATE. I read these data by ADO to other spreadsheet, where I can change/delete data and then run macro for update data in source spreadsheet. The problem: In source spreadsheet is column "NAME" and column "DATE", with values e.g. "Joseph"; 1.1.1980. I read this data to other spreadsheet, then I delete in it value 1.1.1980. When I run macro Update, it messages error.
Sub UpdateItem ... .Fields.Item(1).value = activecell 'activecell value = "Joseph" If Not isempty(activecell.offset(0,1)) Then .Fields.Item(2).value = activecell.offset(0,1).value Else .Fields.Item(2).value = "" 'I tried Empty and 0 too but when I read data again then, it displays 0.1.1900, nothing works End If ... End Sub
It seems that in source spreadsheet has data in column "Date" format Date and when I try to update data in format String ("") in source spreadsheet by Update macro, it messages error. When I used
.Fields.Item(2).Value = Empty ' or .Fields.Item(2).Value = 0
after rereading data it displays 0.1.1900 What I want to get is that if the cell with date (in other spreadsheet) is empty, the cell in column Date in source spreadsheet after updating will be blank (contains no values).
I have a range that has formulas that are based on other fcells outside the range.
What I want to do is, if the cell has a value to remove the formula and paste the results. If the filed is blank (no results from the formula) to leave the formula in place.
There could be a marco to run when this process is needed.
I have a primary excel spreadsheet that I work from. The architecture is as follows:
Sheet 1: Called "Information" Column A: Name Column B: Date of Birth Column C through Z: Various bits of information.
Sheet 2: Called "Master" Cell B1: Contains the date and time of last update from the VBA I am asking for below.
On a weekly basis I get sent a "Update" spreadsheet that is constructed the same way as my primary. This is what I would like to do with some VBA:
From my primary sheet I run the VBA and it opens a pop up that allows me to select the updated worksheet. Next it cycles through both worksheets (Primary and Update). It compares Column A and B, if it finds a match it updates columns C through Z from the "Update". In order to get a match cell A1 and B1 of the primary worksheet has to match Cell A1 and B1 of the update sheet exactly.
The second thing I would like it to do is if the update sheet contains a new entry...in other words the update sheet has a row that does not match the primary it copies the row from the Update sheet to the Primary. In this way, the Primary sheet is always growing with new information and updating any old information it matches.
The last thing I would like to do is copy the current date and time after the comparison is complete to the Primary workbook to sheet "Master" in cell B1. This way I always know the time and date of the latest update.
I would rather not have to update each date manually so could any of you kindly inform me of a command whereby all of the 2008 dates can be updated to 2009?
Is it possible to download search results in Windows 7 to an Excel spreadsheet? I searched for file names that started with a specific alpha character in a specific folder using Windows 7. The results came back with several hundred file names. I'd like to create a spreadsheet with columns for the file name and the sub folder name that contains the file. Is that possible?
I have a spreadsheet in which I do calculations, I need to do them many times and want to record on another spreadsheet the results of two cells. I would like to show the results as a string of values.
I want to filter my results using a combo box on my spreadsheet. I don't mind how this is done, even if it just hides all of the information which isn't relevant. I've done it with a VLookup but I want to be able to edit it easily without the formula popping up. So if you click Barlcays, only barclays appears. I'd also like a button to reset if possible. I've attached an example of how I sort of want it to work.
I am trying to create formula that will show overtime worked in a given day. The code I am using is a simple one ([ cell - 8], for hours worked). The problem is when the time cells are blank/not used it shows a -8 in the cell. what I need to do to create a code that will eliminate the -8 from showing. The cell its self is taking the result from another cell with a formula and then subtracting 8 from the result of the formula in the other cell.
I have a series of rows 14000+ lines strong in an excel sheet.
The series contain caribou location reports from those caribou that have a collar attached to them.
Along with other information, each row contains three important columns related to this question. Collar Number, Date and LC (LC = Position Fix quality or Signal Strength).
I need a formula that will find the best and latest signal strength for each collar and for each day!. The formula should result in a 0 or 1. (no or yes).
There are about 30 different collars each reporting on certain days. The LC values are 1 to 7 with 7 being the strongest.
I want to automatically update data from one spreadsheet to ther one i am novice to vb programming
here are two file plzzz help me out --sheet 1--sheet(data of sheet one to be copied into) and is there any way that the data copied also gets saved the in that spreadsheet as next time data in sheet 1 is updated!
I have a spreadsheet that update from the data warehouse (I do this manually daily) there is always new sports being added
When I update I would like a macro to check for new sports and if there is one then msgbox me and add it to my table on the next sheet that I use for lookups.
I need to have all the information in one workbook for all 100 employees and still provide an individual report for each user and an overall report. In the attachment is a "Summary" and "Calendar" sheet these are the original individual files. summary contains personal information and the "calendar" tracks absence and holiday and the totals returned to the Summary sheet. I think what I need is a Master worksheet that has all the information in for each employee pre row and to have a "calendar" input/change/ call worksheet sheet to call an individual detail, this would also update the master worksheet with any changes.
I have about 5 text boxes. The user enters data in each text box and, as of right now, the data automatically gets saved as I am using the _change event. (TextBox1_Change()) This stores the value of each text box into a cell of my choosing on an Excel spreadsheet automatically.
From what I gather (according to a great ozgrid administrator ), it would be better, as a coder, to not use the _Exit event and instead, perhaps I should use the _Enter event. (TextBox1_Enter.) This way, when the user fills out the information in the text boxes, the information will NOT be loaded onto an Excel spreadsheet automatically as they type. (Which is what it does now by using the following code for each text box
Private Sub TextBox1_Change() Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & intRow.) = TextBox1.Value........
I have to create a series of drop down lists with choices on it for people at the company to fill out to see how much time they spent on each type of project. The plan is to have people fill out a "daily form" to see how much work they did that day, and have the results of that feed into a "monthly form" to sum up how much they worked that week. One of the aforementioned drop-down lists have them choose between three categories of work, M, N and B.
I have to make it so that in the monthly form, the results from the daily form segregate themselves into the different M, N and B tables in the monthly sheet. To make it more clear, on the daily sheet, there is just one huge table. For each row, they are to input what type of work they did, how long they worked, etc. On the monthly data table there are three different tables, one for M, one for N, and one for B. I want to have the entries from the daily spreadsheet to feed themselves into one of the three tables in the monthly spreadsheet depending on whether M, N or B was chosen.
What I want to be able to do now though, is somehow, when someone sends the document back to me, create an FTP queue. I can do this with BulletProof FTP, because it allows really simple text queues. So, what I need excel to do is, when someone has finished selecting their files, is write the results to a text file like exactly like this (without the Line1:, etc.):
Line1: <text from D2> Line2: 0 Line3: 0 Line4: 0 Line5: ? Line6: <text from E2>
(then repeated for each row in the excel document until column A is returning blank)