Get Pivot Data: Pull Out The Data From The First Column(A), And Then Average

May 31, 2006

I have a Pivot Table, with lots of data in, what I want to be able to do is on a separate sheet pull out the data from the first column(A), and then average out the figures from Columns(B-E).

When this has been done on the sheet (with the average data) in the next column, I then want to use Column(F) (from Pivot Table), and do a simple sum to work out 5% of the difference if it is greater than ZERO between Average Column and Column(F) (from pivot Table) Column(F) must be higher than the average in order to work out the 5%.

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Pull The Data From, Hence The Source Of The Pivot Table

Mar 27, 2009

I have a pivot table created. How do I determine which sheet it is pulling the data from, hence the source of the pivot table? Also, if can you go into source and modify data points, then in pivot table, will the results would be automatically modified with updated data points?

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Pull Column Data (Sheet3) From Master.xls And Paste To Column 4, Sheet4 Of WorkingSS.xls

Feb 16, 2008

Pull Column Data (Sheet3) from Master.xls and past to Column 4, Sheet4 of WorkingSS.xls

I'm assuming this would be done with VBA or a really exotic macro.

The Funky Part would be that the WorkingSS.xls file column data is being copied/pasted too (WorkingSS1.xls or WorkingSS2.xls ect) the file may be different every time so I would need an insert in macro or VBA to "Choose File Please..." then continue.

The Master.xls workbook has spreadsheet lets say "Sheet1" in which I need all the data in Column A (except the header or cell A:1) copied TO WorkingSS1.xls on Sheet4, Column B, but Column B already has about 6000 rows of info, so I need it copied to the very end of (A:6001 although it will be different everytime) or the first empty cell at the bottom of that column.

next another Column from Master.xls workbook lets say "Sheet1" again in which I need all the data in lets say "Column B" copied to the WorkingSS1.xls on Sheet4, Column F. Caveat this time is that the data needs to copied to the same row as the first copy/past. So it would be pasted into F:6001. Double caveat is that the Column F contains no other data except for what we are about to paste in.

I have several more steps of automation to be done here but this is the beginning and a big hump I need to get past. The rest I think I can do.

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Vba To Pull Column Data Into Userform?

Apr 3, 2014

I got it when I click on the cell it loads the userform but it is populating with row data instead of column data.

I would like when I click on for example cell T4 and the userform pops up to see the textbox data going down the rows instead of across which is is currently doing.

so clicking on T4 brings my userform up filled in with information from

T5 and U5
T6 U6
T7 U7
T8 U8
T9 U9

I have when I click on the cell T4 column

label amount receipt

electricity 384.00 ZgHl2V

This way I can change amount or receipt and update my worksheet.

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Dim r As Long
r = ActiveCell.Row


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Pull Sample Data From A Column

Sep 23, 2006

I have stored production data in Column A. I want 5 data randomly pulled from that column with click of a button. Would this Happen?. I have attached an excel sheet.

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Pull The Data From The First Column Based On The Ranking Of The Second Column

Sep 15, 2005

Item Quantity
A 2
S 7
D 3
F 6

I am looking for a ranking formula that will pull the data from the
first column based on the ranking of the second column
so that the end result will look like this
1 S
2 F
3 D
As S has the largest quantity, F 2nd largest etc

The list I will pull this from is variable in length but in the

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Pie Chart To Pull Data From Single Column?

Jul 26, 2013

I'm doing a termination report at work and I need to create a pie chart based on data in a selected column. Ive never used excel charts before but I cant get the pie chart to display the information that I want.I created a sample workbook. Its very a simple column of data. I would like a pie chart based on the percentages of "yes" to "no". I havent been able to get it to work.

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Add Same Text In Every Nth Row (Column A) And Pull Other Cell Data Into Same Row B

Jul 10, 2014

Is it possible to make every 17th row column A state the same thing without manually inputting it and then would is it possible to get every 17th row column B to pull certain data from other cells in B and put it together?

Example Column A has First Name, Last Name, and Phone. Column B will have the manual inputs.

Then I add another blank row after Phone for Password. The password will be the last name and last two digits of the phone. Is it possible to do this automatically if the other three fields are filled or does it also have to be manually input?

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Function To Pull Out Data From One Column To Another Without Duplicates

Apr 4, 2008

Here is what i'm working with:

what i want it to do is pull out the stuff in column C and put it in column F. But i don't want it to duplicate it at all. So for instance in this case, submarket 1 would be cary-morrisville-apex / submarket 2: northwest wake / submarket 3: north wake etc.

would this involve a VLOOKUP function but an if then function as well? I'm not really sure how to go about it.

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Formula Tweaking To Pull Adjacent Column Data?

Nov 18, 2011

I have three columns of data laid out like this:

Column A Column B Column C Column D
(blank) Purchase Orders Shipments # Shipment Reference Field
12345 1ZX123 xxOO12346
12346 1ZC345 KJH12347--45
12347 1Z7YYT 0000012345XXX

I'm trying to write a formula for column A that essentially looks at the field in column B, finds the instance of the data anywhere in the entirety of Column D, and when it locates it puts the corresponding field from Column C of that line in the results of column A. So the result above would turn out like this:

Column A Column B Column C Column D
(blank) Purchase Orders Shipments # ShipmentReferenceField
1Z7YYT 12345 1ZX123 xxOO12346
1ZX123 12346 1ZC345 KJH12347--45
1ZC345 12347 1Z7YYT 0000012345XXX

I have the origins of a formula here...but I don't know how to put in the part where i'm retrieving the data from Column C of the same line as the target data.

=INDEX($D$1:$D$100, MATCH(B1,1*LEFT($D$1:$D$100,LEN(B1)),0))

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Match Data On Two Sheets And Pull Identifier Value From Separate Column

Apr 1, 2014

I have tried a slew of different formulas but I can't seem to get the outcome I am looking for. I need to make a station comparison for an individual project build based off a master list. Sheet 1 has the individual build with column A as a part number, column b as a description and column c as a quantity required and column D is blank. Sheet 2 has a master list of every part we carry formatted as: column a as a part number, column b as a description, column c as a quantity required and column d as a unique station identifier for that part (which is always a number).

What I am trying to do is match the part number on Sheet 1 Column A to Sheet 2 Column A, and when a match is found, take the unique identifer under column D associated with that part number and have it displayed on Sheet 1 Column D.

Sheet 1 will change with each build, but it will always be the same format in columns a,b,c,d. Basically I have a format on sheet 1 for what is needed to build each custom kit (787 kits) and sheet 2 carries every part we offer along with the identifer in column d (always a number value). I want to create a formula I can easily copy to match the value in sheet 1 column a to sheet 2 column a and add the identifier from sheet 2 column D to sheet 1 column D. The average kit is roughly 120+ parts so doing that for each part 787 times will be a nightmare. Also in case this matters, sheet 1 column A will have the parts arranged in a random order based on what is desired for that kit. Sheet 2 column A has the part numbers in order from our lowest part number to the highest number (basically an entire inventory list sorted from lowest to highest).


(For sheet 1, since it doesnt carry formating 11111111 is in column a, nut, flange is in column b, 1.00 is in column c and the output data i want would go into column D)

Sheet 1
11111111Nut, Flange 1.00 *Starts blank* -looking for - Output from Sheet 2 Column D (1)
33333333Bolt, Squared 4.00 *Starts blank* -looking for - Output from Sheet 2 Column D (4)
55555555Bolt, Coated 3.00 *Starts blank* -looking for - Output from Sheet 2 Column D (2)
22222222Bolt, Hex 4.00 *Starts blank* -looking for - Output from Sheet 2 Column D (11)
44444444Bolt, Screw Type 2.00 *Starts blank* -looking for - Output from Sheet 2 Column D (3)

Sheet 2
11111111Nut, Flange 1.00 1
22222222Bolt, Hex 4.00 11
33333333Bolt, Squared 4.00 4
44444444Bolt, Screw Type 2.00 3
55555555Bolt, Coated 3.00 2

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Average Data In Column

Nov 25, 2008

I do not use excel very often but know there is a simple formula to take the average of numbers inputted into a column. For example, I would like to sum all the values entered into column “D” and then divide that by the number of entries

36/9 = 4

If I were to add another entry it would automatically change the divisor to 10

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Sum/average Even Column Data

Jan 11, 2008

How to sum or average the data in the even column ( I mean column 2, 4, 6, etc) in a range (like range A1:DD1)? I tried to use Mod and Iseven to get it but failed.

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Average Of A Series Of Data (advanced) Column Reference

Aug 14, 2009

i need to write a formula that spits out the average of a series of numbers when (if):

every time "CAD" appears (column A) it takes the numerical figure of the cell directly to the right of it (column B). the data is arrange vertically, e.g., the range of "CAD"s is all vertical (column A), about 200 entries.

is there a formula/function that takes data from the columns completely adjacent to one another?

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Pull Data From Sheet Based On Criteria - Populate UserForm And Ask For Missing Data

Feb 8, 2014

I have a spreadsheet that is updated weekly -- but every week new info is added that needs a user to input corresponding info. I use a vlookup function to link to another spreadsheet that populates the info from previous weeks and the info that is missing shows up as #N/A...

First I was using a msgbox function to get the info:

HTML Code: 

For Each b In myrange
If Application.IsNA(b.Value) Then
Employee = b.Offset(0, -2).Value
SSID = InputBox("Please enter ID# for " & Employee & " :", "New Employee Found")
b.Value = SSID
End If
Next b

But it can be up to 30 different new employees... and that is time consuming.

I would like to make it more user friendly by creating ONE userform that displays all of the employees as labels -- has a text box in which to put the ID # -- and then has a drop down box to choose the type of employee (2 options). I want all of that info to go back to the reference spreadsheet so it will be saved for following weeks, and then redo the vlookup to get the info into the new weekly spreadsheet (I can do that part)....

HTML Code: 

Private Sub CloseButton_Click()
Unload UserForm1
End Sub

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()

[Code] ......

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Using If Function To Pull Data From One Cell Based On Data From Merged Cells

Jul 24, 2014

Looking for a formula to accomplish the following:

I'm trying to populate cell A31 on a worksheet titled "VolumeTotals" with the data in Cell E23 from a worksheet titled "CurrentCustomers" if the merged cells F3-F22 on worksheet "CurrentCustomers" are equal to the word "Contract".

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Find Closest Match Data On Worksheet1 And Pull Data From It To Worksheet2

Jan 8, 2013

I have an excel workbook with 2 worksheets. One worksheet shows the MASTER LIST of COMPLETE Customer Names (e.g. ABB Supplies Incorporated). The other worksheet has information on customers but the customer names typed in are incomplete (e.g. ABC Supplies). I need a macro that would look do a comparison of the customer names in the 2nd worksheet to the Master List worksheet and pull the data (complete name, address, etc.) for those that would match (partial match since company name is 2nd worksheet is usually incomplete).

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Excel 2010 :: Compare Data In Five Sheets And Pull Out Missing Data

Oct 2, 2013

I have one excel 2010 workbook with 5 work sheets, each work sheet contains a list with first/last name(one column) and the company name, some have a 3rd column with their email address in each sheet represents each year starting at 2008 thru to 2013 i have to find out if the people that attended an event in 2008 also attended it in 2009/10/11/12/13 and if they didnt, put their name and company name onto a blank worksheet within the same workbook without using a macro, how can i do this?

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Convert Column Data Fields To Row Data Fields In Pivot Table

Feb 8, 2014

Austria - A10Sum of SeiA51CountryHourSum of SeiASum of SeiT
Sum of SeiT4.88Austria - A10514.88
1Sum of SeiA561562.83


left side pivot created in vb 6.0 & right side pivot table created manually in excel.

i want to generated pivot table using vb 6.0 same as right side pivot.

Set PRange = ws1.Range("R1:Y" & finalrow)
Set PTCache = wb.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:=PRange)
Set PT = PTCache.CreatePivotTable(TableDestination:=ws2.Cells(1, 1),


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Data Extraction (pull The Data To Another Sheet For Each Line)

Feb 23, 2010

I want to pull data from another sheet, however there are multiple listings of each and I want to pull the data to another sheet for each line. I maybe easier if I try and show below:

Col. ACol. BCol. C
Smith 3612

I want to pull this data for each name in Col. A in to another sheet. I've tried "IF", "Vlookup" and a couple of others, it just seems to be hitting the first option and pulling the data but not the ones below.

So if I selected Green on the second tab it brings through the "6" and "5", but not informtion from the listing from Green below. So I wiould like to list all the Green's, and the applicable data.

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Use Data Validation That Will Pull Data From A Source List

Jan 12, 2010

Is there a way to use Data Validation that will pull data from a source list and also be able to type in additional data or just new data in same cell?

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Vlookup Won't Calculate: Pull Data From "ILComp" Column B

Jun 11, 2009

for some reason my VLOOKUP formula isn't calculating. i want the VLOOKUP to appear in column E of "2ILMaster." I want to pull data from "ILComp" column B. i've tried formatting both columns as number and general, and the formula still doesn't work.

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Pull Data From Different Columns Based On Info In Column "A".

Aug 25, 2009

I'm having a little trouble figuring out what formula to use for situation. I have 5 columns of information.

Column A = School # of current school
Column B = School 1 Name
Column C = School 2 Name
Column D = School 3 Name
Column E = School 4 Name

What I want to do is in Column F to look through a row of information and find the current school.

If A="1", pull from B
If A="2", pull from C
If A="3", pull from D
If A="4", pull from E

I tried doing a VLOOKUP table, but I think I'd have to do one for every row, but I could be wrong. I also thought of INDEX(MATCH), but I couldn't quite figure it out.

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Pull Data From Two Sheet And Paste Into Master Sheet With Desired Column Only

Aug 28, 2013

I want vba code to pull data from two sheet in workbook, code has to pull all data from first sheet , then pull data from second sheet and paste some particular column only below first column sheet

e.g i pull data from two sheet(ONSITE&CCI)


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Macro To Pull Data From Multiple Sheet To Main Sheet Based On Column Headings

Sep 13, 2012

I need a Macro which pulls the data from different sheets of excel (which is not formatted properly) to Main Sheet. Also some of the columns will not have the same names, so macro should handle this exception as well.

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Pivot Table - Data To Be Concatenated On Next Column

Apr 29, 2009

I have some data a pivot table I would like them to be concatenated on next column. The X signifies the Blank cell on the pivot table. Now I can concatenate (in 1 cell) using VBA but I don't know how loop thru the Blank cells. I have about 1000 rows of data. I would like Data like this:

Investment Price Source
009451AP0 FTID FTID 009451AP0 Total x
967673Z RWP RWP 967673Z Total x
AA.CDS23 MarkIt Markit AA.CDS23 Total x
AACE.BD10BA Total x

[Code] .........

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Pivot Table Not Showing New Data In Column

Sep 6, 2012

I have added some new data into an exisitng column

WHen I try to create a new pivot table those new data names do not appear but the total of records is correct and the reange is accurate

IT is just not showing in distributed between the new names in that field

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Loop Through Data In Second Column Of Pivot Table

Sep 27, 2012

I have a pivot table with two columns: Code and Quantity. I want to loop through the Quantity column and hide all values = 0. I can do this easily by incorporating this into my code:

pt.PivotFields("Code").PivotFilters.Add _
Type:=xlValueDoesNotEqual, DataField:=pt.PivotFields("Sum of Quantity"), Value1:=0

However, I have a "(blank)" code in all pivot tables. I do this because occasionally there is no data to organize in a pivot table. Having a "(blank)" option will allow my code to work even when there's no data. Therefore, I want to keep blank visible at all times. The above code hides "(blank)", however.

The below code is what I've tried with no success.

Set pf = pt.PivotFields("code")
For Each pi In pf.PivotItems
If pi.PivotFields("Sum of Quantity").Value = 0 Then

[Code] ........

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Pull Out The Data In The DATA TABLE Sheet

Mar 11, 2009

I've been playing around with VLOOPUP, MATCH, SUMPRODUCT... But I can't seem to get this one right..

See the attached Excel file..

I think it should be fairly explanatory.. I want to use the dates in SUMMARY sheet, to pull out the data in the DATA TABLE sheet. The numbers in Column A on the DATA TABLE sheet, is first date in each month, and the numbers represent the day of the month.. .



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Pivot Table - How To Use Same Data For Filter And Column Header

May 13, 2014

I have a list of S/N with Pass/Fail result next to it. A specific S/N can appear several times in the list:


When creating a pivot table of SN vs. Result (count) I get:


I want to get the FAIL count of SN in which PASS > 0 (First two rows)

BUT I can not figure out how I can filter based on the values of the pivot table itself (rather than the values of the original list). When I try to use 'Result' field as report filter, I can not get it as a Column label (and vice-versa). In this case I get:

I get:
111 | ...1
222 | ...1


111 |...3...1
222 |........1

Desired (alternative):

111 |...3
222 |...0

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