Highlight Specific Cell Locations

Nov 28, 2007

I have a spreadsheet (70 columns numbered 1-70 x 200 rows (1-200) and I need to highlight specific cells using the respective co-ordinates i.e. row x column which I have in separate columns.

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Can Excel Highlight Specific Cell Rather Than A Row

Jan 15, 2014

When I enter number in cells the row that i am on is highlighted, this is standard.

Is it possible to have the same thing happen but highlight a specific column as I go down rather than the row number instead?

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Highlight Part Of A Row If Specific Cell In That Row Is 0

Oct 11, 2013

I want to highlight part of a row ie I25-P25 if a specific cell in that row is 0 (O25) Cant figure out a formula to do this.

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Highlight Entire Row When Any Cell In 1 Column Contains Specific Value

Aug 24, 2008

Code that will highlight a entire row when a cell from a column has a value of 0. It will check all the cell from Column C1:C100 and check all the cells that contains a 0 value. Need to highlight the entire row that contains this cell value and fill it in orange color.

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Highlight Rows Where Only Specific Cell Values Match?

Jul 22, 2014

I'm finding it hard to explain what I am trying to do (which may be why I can't find a solution through Google), so I have an example. I am using a much larger spreadsheet than this sample(18,000 rows)



I want to highlight rows if there are multiple instances of ID and # values - I included a column at the end showing which rows in this data set would be highlighted.

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Conditional Formatting - Highlight Cell Containing Specific Character Within Text

Jul 26, 2013

I have an excel spread sheet & I wish to highlight any cell that contains any of the following characters with in a string of text.

/ : * " < > ? |

E.g. a cell in the spread sheet containing the text "Is this a Question?" would be highlighted.

I have tried to use - 'Format only cells that contain' > Specific Text > Containing > for each of the characters and this does not work.

When I do this any cell containing any text is highlighted.

In addition there is formatting on any cell > 60 characters which turns the cell red and this works fine.

What would happen if (when I get the problem above resolved), a cell is > than 60 characters & contains a character listed above?

Does 1 formatting take precedent over another?

(Not critical to know the answer to the additional question, just curious - as long as it is highlighted one colour or another then no problem.)

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Highlight Specific Cells In Row If >1 Contains Specific

Apr 30, 2007

I'm trying to use a conditional format on a range of cells so that if there is more than 1 "A" contained in any given row, the cells containing the "A"s are highlighted (e.g. red)

I've tried:

but it doesnt work & now I'm stuck.

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One Cell Reading From Different Locations

Dec 1, 2008

the attached workbook, I am looking for M19, N19 & O19 to read from different locations depending on how many cells are called on when info is entered in P8.

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Same In-cell Dropdown In Two Locations

May 21, 2012

I made an analysis table that shows a list of prices on a certain company. I have a table on one worksheet and I made a chart (from that table) on another worksheet. I'm using an in-cell drop down list on the table worksheet to change to different companies. Is there a way that I can put the same drop down list on the chart worksheet? Essentially, I want to be able to switch the company on either worksheet and have it change on both worksheets. I'd like to keep the chart and table uniform and running together.

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Excel 2010 :: Display Cell Ranges From Multiple Locations Based On 2 Cell Values?

Jun 4, 2013

I need to display a set of cells based on the value of two drop down cells i have. As I am not very good at english and worse at explinations, I'll try via screen shots...

I have two dropdowns (C4 and C6) that will indicate what table to use (Second sheet / screenshot). I want that "table" to display in the yellow box on the first page. To complicate matters, some options do not have a CLA option - those starting with X. As there are 24 different outcomes and each is 3x9 if/then statements just dont seem to cut it.

P.S. I have excel 2010 and windows 7

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If Data From 1 Cell Matches Specific Data Of Another Cell Then OK If Not Highlight In Red

Oct 22, 2012

I have been wracking my brain around how to put this formula together.

Is it possible or it can't do more then 1 cell at a time?

Here is an example:

If F1= button request and E1= Scoring then OK (take no action) also i want to add that Folder in F and Corrupt in E would = OK

If it doesn't match to highlight the cell in red

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Program Picks 2 Values From The Same Cell Locations

Jan 10, 2008

The thing is that i have alot of sheets (more than 20) and my program picks 2 values from the same cell locations on each sheet. This leeds to more than 30 arguments in my formula. I am gonna use this for alot of excelfiles constructed in the same way, but with varying order and names on the sheets.

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Highlight Specific Text Within A Cell Of Other Text

Jun 19, 2009

This is the text:

Take 5 PPE Swabs per Area, Both Shifts. Test various equipment - hands, aprons, sleeves, hats, etc.

What I need is for "Take 5 PPE Swabs per Area, Both Shifts." to be bold and highlighted in gray, but none of the other text. Conditional formatting highlights the entire cell, which won't work.

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VBA Cell Select Button To Jump Around To Standard Locations In Each Worksheet

Sep 25, 2009

I'm using a button in my sheet to jump around to standard locations in each worksheet. Generally in the active worksheet I have these three buttons working perfectly.

However I have one button that takes you from the worksheet into the dashboard. The problem is if you had scrolled the dashboard around you may be put at your last place. I want the screen to jump to and center on R1C1

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How To Highlight Last Two Cells In Specific Row

Mar 26, 2014

I need to figure out how to have the macro look for a specific word and then highlight the last two columns in that row of that word and then repeat the process throughout the spreadsheet. I think it gets me very close to what I'm looking for: ('average of submitttocomplete' is the word i'm looking for)

Dim lColumn As Long
lColumn = Cells(Selection.Row, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Range(Cells(Selection.Row, Selection.Column), Cells(Selection.Row, lColumn)).Select


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Find And Highlight Specific Numbers

Jan 22, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with a stock list. Each item has an individual number. I have a code below, which I have doctored from other various sources. The problem I have is that if I search for number '12' the spreadsheet highlights every cell with 12 in (120 121 122 123 etc...) Is there any way I can change the code so that it returns only the 12 and not every cell that contains 12? The current code is as follows:

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Highlight Rows If Cells Contain Specific Values

Dec 24, 2008

I need to creating a macro to highlight entire rows if a cell in that row (C) contains specific values.

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Highlight Rows After Specific Text In Column?

Dec 7, 2012

I have a 14 column report with a dynamic range of rows. In Column A, there will only be one cell that contains the text "Added Sections:".

I need to highlight, 10 whole rows up to the 14th column, after the cell that contains "Added Sections:".

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Highlight/select Data Between 2 Cells Containing Specific Words

Nov 6, 2008

Sample data (all in column a):

Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 1
Heading 2.........

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Minus Number From Cell And Result In Specific Cell And Specific Column

Jan 20, 2009

I have number in cell (A1) = 100. when I enter number in any cell of column(B) for example (B1)=10. then in cell (C1) the result of (A1) - (B1) = (90) and if I add in cell (B2)=10 then in cell (C1) the result of (A1) - (B1+B2) = 80 .accumulatively in cell (C1). and any number in column (B), the result will be (A1) minus any number in column(B) accumulated in (C1)

second question

I have number in cell (A1) = 100. when I enter number at cell (B1) = 10 then the result would be in the adjacent cell (C1) = (A1) - ( B1) = 90 and If I enter a new number in cell (B2) = 10 then the result would be in the adjacent cell (C2) = (A1) - (B1+B2) = 80 and If I enter a new number in cell (B3) = 10 then the result would be in the adjacent cell (C3) = (A1) - (B1+B2+B3) = 70 and so on. I want the result to be add automatically to adjacent cell in column (C)

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Set Locations Using VBA

Dec 5, 2007

I have to manually cut/paste each excel doc which belongs to a specific Store folder, and copy then into their own shared directory, so for example:

Lets say my company has 10 Stores, and I know their online folder locations, the first step I guess would be for me to map the locations of each store, I am not sure what the best way to do this is, would I use the Case select ? to make the set = ?

So for example, Stores 1 - 10.

Set 1 = Dir("Z:Northwest1")
Set 2 = Dir("Z:Northwest2")
Set 3 = Dir("Z:Northwest3")
Set 4 = Dir("Z:Northwest4")
Set 5 = Dir("Z:Northwest5")
Set 6 = Dir("Z:Northwest6")
Set 7 = Dir("Z:Northwest7")
Set 8 = Dir("Z:Northwest8")
Set 9 = Dir("Z:Northwest9")
Set 10 = Dir("Z:Northwest10")

I am not an expert on Case Select, but was thinking:

Select Case myStores
Case Is = 1.......................

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Backup At 2 Locations

Dec 15, 2012

The code below works. Now I need that while it does the backup file in the same location, we also took into C: Backup_Contabilidade. Finally also put the date and time.

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) With Application
End With

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

[Code] .....

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Counting In Different Locations

Dec 14, 2011

i am counting hotels in different area of 1 city

city area hotel_name hotel_name hotel_name
NY st-1 A001 B001 C001
NY st-2 B001 C001 D001
NY st-3 D001 E001 A001

count by checking NY and see how many branches A001 is having in all these areas. (i should get answer 2)

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Change Table Filter Greater And Less Than To Specific Value In Specific Cell And In Another Worksheet?

Apr 16, 2014

I would like to change the greater than number to the value in cell 'I11' in sheet 'Linear Programming Data' and the less than number to the value in cell 'I12' in sheet 'Linear Programming Data'. The code I am using was done by recording a macro since I don't know how to code in vba.

Sub Results2()
' Results2 Macro
' copy table filter power by greater than and less than
Sheets("Finalizing Results 2").Select

[Code] .......

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Macro To Copy Specific Cells From Row From Source &amp; Stop When Next Row Cell = Specific Value

Nov 7, 2008

I have a protected template and unprotected source worksheets - - - what I would like to happen is for the macro to start and if the source worksheet cell B3 equals "Report Total" then stop - otherwise copy template worksheet then copy 6 specific cells from the source to paste values to specific cells on the newly created worksheet (B_ to C7, D_ to I7, E_ to C9, F_ to K9, A_ to C11, M_ to K11 and then K13=F13-30)

After that then start all over again unless the next row’s cell (B4, B5, B6, . . .) is "Report Total" then stop - - - the row count could be from one to a couple hundred.

Here is what I have so far but I know that with each copy the name will change and as it goes down the source file each row will change and I also need help with that.

Sheets("ee template").Copy After:=Sheets(3)
ActiveCell.Offset(0, -11).Range("A1").Select

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Backup Spreadsheet In Several Locations?

May 13, 2014

I have a spreadsheet on a server, password protected, and certain columns, rows locked...

This is shared with 6 others and can only be accessed one at a time.

If It so that when the user saves the spreadsheet it saves over itself on the server it's located AND on the individual users computer as backup; how would I go about doing this!?

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Resetting Shape Locations

Apr 12, 2012

I have many spreadsheets that use shapes such as arrows and other symbols. The process for these spreadsheets is to move the shape (arrow for Ex) to indicate a specific location of pain or something like that.

Once the arrow is in position, the spreadsheet is printed to PDF and and a snapshot (in adobe) is "taken" and the picture (with the arrow) is pasted into our application.

My questions is how can I move the shapes back into position when you want to do it all over again.

When I have a few shapes I use

PHP Code:

Set sShape = ActiveSheet.Shapes("Right Arrow 6") 2
    With sShape
       .Top = 220
       .Left = 91
       .Rotation = 20
   End With 

For each shape

But if I have lots of shapes, 50+, it's a bit more cumbersome.

Can I loop through the shapes when I enable the macros to pick up the current positions and use that information when I do a reset (loop back again to move any shape that were touched back to where it was when the spreadsheet was opened?

Currently I have them close the spreadsheet without saving and just reopen.

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Determine Net Displacement Between GPS Locations

Oct 20, 2012

I'm trying to determine the net displacement between GPS locations and am wondering how I can easily code this in Excel. As far as I know, you need to calculate the distance between Point B to Point A, Point C to Point A, Point D to Point A, and so on. The following is the formula that I would use:



Point A

Point B

Using the following formula (or setup), this is how I would calculate net displacement:

(123460-123456)^2+(3700010-3700000)^2 = (16)^2 + (10)^2 = 256 + 100 = 356

I assume if I want net squared displacement, I would square root this value SQRT(356) = 18.867

If my formula is correct above, I wonder why Excel gives me an answer for the following net displacement formula (same as above just using Excel formula): (A3-A2)^2 + (B3-B2)^2 = 116

Using this same formula, I could incorporate SQRT in as follows: =sqrt(((A3-A2)^2) + ((B3-B2)^2)), which results in 10.77. This value is clearly different than the value above (18.867) thus I wonder if I'm just mis-calculating something in Excel.

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Preset Tab Locations In Workbook

Sep 10, 2007

i have a User form that i'd like to add preset tabs command locations to.

For example,

on open i'd like the active cell to be on cell M3. and as the user presses the tab button jump to the following cells locations:


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Moving File Locations

Mar 5, 2010

I have to select about 200 odd files from a folder, and move them to a different folder. The problem is, I have to manually select the 200 files from a list of approx 10,000 (not in order).

I have a list of the filenames (with extension) in an Excel Spreadsheet, and I'm wondering if there's a way to automatically move the files using an Excel macro or something?


File location = C:EBDumped
and I need to move the 200 files to C:EBSent

So I would need to move ONLY the files where the file name is in the Excel list.
The file type (extension) is always the same, but the name (and length of the name) is different.

Is this possible using Windows XP with Excel XP?

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