List Box- Sheet With The Following Sample Data On It

Dec 5, 2009

I have an excel sheet with the following sample data on it.

Name Age Sex Height
Ray 33 M 5' 8''
Sind 29 F 5'4''
Ralph 3 M 2' 1"
Ryan 1 M 1' 2"

I have managed to extract this info onto a form named Form1 which has 4 list boxes in which the above info is displayed in the same format.

To be more precise

Listbox1 shows all the Names,
Listbox2 shows Age
List box3 shows Sex and
Listbox4 shows height respectively.

What i want to do is, When i select an item on Listbox1, all corresponding enteries on Listbox2, 3 and 4 should also be simultaneously highlighted,

For example if I select the third data Ralph on the ListBox1, then ListBox2 should highlight 3,
Listbox3 should highlight M and
Listbox4 should highlight 2' 1" simultaneously.

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Random Sample Out Rows Of Data From A Sheet

Oct 4, 2009

I've coded a macro that can randomly sample out rows of data from a sheet. This macro is used to sample out certain rows from a master sheet full of data (which has 48 columns) based on user names (a column titled LAST_UPDATE_NAME). For Example (ref. wkb attached), if for 5 users named Alastor, Catherine, Emma, Julie and Victor for whom i've to choose data from the Dump sheet.

I need to design a module in which if i input the no. of samples to be chosen against each name, then that many number of rows has to be chosen for that particular name and copied to a new sheet (probably such sheets can be renamed with the usernames). Also i want to consolidate the copied data from the multiple sheets and consolidate them to one sheet.

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Random Sample Of Size N From Dynamic List

Feb 13, 2014

I am working on a sampling tool in Excel which is based on what a user enters into a column. The user enters observation codes (text) in column A beginning at row 2 and going down to however many they have. I already have formulas which determine the sample size needed based on the number of nonblank values in that column; the resulting sample size is in G4. I'm thinking that I will need to have a form with a button module to select the random sample from the values in col A. This way Excel isn't running the module while the user is entering the values. The resulting sample can be pasted into a separate column or sheet.

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Extraction Sample Of Emails From A Sheet Proportionate To The Original

Nov 10, 2009

I have been set a task to do and I wonder if you could point me in the right direction.

Task - extract 2000 emails from a 6000 email database

The 2000 emails have to be proportionate to the original database.


The main database has the emails plus town and employee size ranges

Column A - Emails Column B - Town Column C - Employees

So if Column B states that 50% of the entire database is from one town, then my extracted emails must also have half from that town (1000).

Also there are around 5 employee ranges and so they need to also be proportionate to those percentages too in the final extraction.

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Pull Sample Data From A Column

Sep 23, 2006

I have stored production data in Column A. I want 5 data randomly pulled from that column with click of a button. Would this Happen?. I have attached an excel sheet.

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Create Automatic List In Excel Sheet With Filtered Data From Another Sheet?

Dec 27, 2012

So I have a guest list workbook. There are two sheets. On the first one is a list of names on Column A. On Column B is a classification: 'C' if confirmed; "D" for declined; "I" for pending. I want to have all the names with "C" on sheet 1 appear on sheet 2 automatically.

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Cant Pull Data From Another Sheet After Drop Down List Selection From Another Sheet

Jul 31, 2009

I have an excel workbook with two sheets. Sheet 1 has a list of people names, rank, address, and phone numbers. Sheet 2 has boxes where a user can select a last name from all last names in sheet1. What I want to happen after the user selects the last name in sheet 2 is for it to automatically fill in the rest of the data (ie Rank, First Name, Address, city, Home phone number, Cell Phone number). What do I need to do in order for this to work?. Attached is a very small example of my much larger project.

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Index Function - Data Identified Based On A List Of Account Numbers And Return This Data To A New Sheet

May 8, 2007

I have a multiple column spreadsheet (Call it- "Money") whereby I need the data identified based on a list of account numbers and return this data to a new sheet.

In "Money" I have:

IE; columns B, C respectively have cust #A100 & 20.00
columns E, F respectively have cust #B100 & 40.00
columns G,H respectively have cust #C100 & 60.00

(above for illustration-there are 100 lines of data in these columns with varied account numbers and respective dollars)

So what I have now is a new sheet I have named "Control". I have listed all my account numbers like A100,B100 etc. in column A. These are the account numbers for ident purposes.

I need the data entered in "Money" identified by those columns B,E,G with respective amounts from C,F,H and based on the list I have in "Control" whereby in "Control" if A100 is listed in column A then the figure to be returned in column B is all the data bits found in all columns C,F,H from the entire sheet "Money". Tough to explain but ie below....

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Data List / Protect Sheet

Dec 23, 2007

I'd like to protect Excel Worsheet and use the function from Menu Data -> List. The problem is that when I protect the Worksheet the option for new row is not appearing. Although I select all CheckBoxes and allow Sort, Insert Row, Insert Column, Select locked cells, Select unlocked cells etc...

p.s. Excel 2003

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Data Validation List From Other Sheet

Mar 26, 2009

Is it possible in data validation to have a list from other sheet? Example:my list is in Sheet of the same workbook.

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Pull Random Sample

Oct 10, 2007

I want to pull a sample of 15 numbers from column A, the catch is that the contents of column B cannot match once the sample is pulled. How do I do this.

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Getting Data From Several Sheets Into 1 Sheet As A Master List

Dec 17, 2012

I am trying to get specific data from several worksheets and put it into a master list. My biggest problem is the the primary sheets are constantly updated and would need to extract some data fromt the master list for these updates.

What I have now is working fine, but I have to duplicate some of the data whenever I add a new sheet.

Can this be done using formulas or do I have to learn some VBA or use of macros?

I have Sheet1 with point numbers in column A; X, Y, and Z coordinates in columns B, C, and D. Other sheets are the same format for different jobs! I would like to be able to have all points in the master list and accessable from all sheets when the jobs overlap and same data is requested.

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Data Validation Using Reference List From Another Sheet

Jun 2, 2009

I m using Data/Validation function in Excel2003? Is it possible to have reference list of drop down input from another sheet? I recorded the macro for this function and had the following result

Sub Macro1()
With Selection.Validation
.Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
xlBetween, Formula1:="=$C$2:$C$6"
.IgnoreBlank = True
.InCellDropdown = True
.InputTitle = ""
.ErrorTitle = ""
.InputMessage = ""
.ErrorMessage = ""
.ShowInput = True
.ShowError = True
End With
End Sub

How can I change reference List from the same sheet $C$2:$C$6 to "sheet2!$C$2:$C$6" or it is a limitation for this function?

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Populating Data From Another Sheet Using Dropdown List?

Apr 22, 2013

I have a workbook that contains data on a different sheet that I would like to populate on a different sheet by selecting a value from a drop down list. The format of the data is identical just different numbers. But are broken out into different projects... I am incredibly new at this and just barely learned how to make a drop down list.

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Insert Sample Mean Symbol In Excel?

Mar 3, 2009

How to insert the sample mean symbol, so that the "bar" is centered over x?

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Excel 2007 :: Differentiate Between Sample IDs

Apr 24, 2013

I am working in excel 2007. I have been using the COUNTIFS function to pull out some summary stats from my data. For my data I have sample ID's which are a letter followed by a number e.g. A12, A20, A39, A50. I have 40 columns of variables I am looking at which for each sample ID have either a value of 0 or a numerical number. For each column, I want to count firstly any samples that are greater than 0 (i.e. they have a numerical value) AND if the sample ID differs. This is because I have multiple samples per ID and so I want to know how many different ID's have a numerical value.

Is this at all possible in Excel? I do not know all of the functions very well, so I cannot find anything that will allow me to look at differences in the samples ID.

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Average Formula When Sample Size Changes

Jan 17, 2008

I am computing the average of anywhere from 5-10 numbers. When the numbers are not inserted there is nothing left in the cell. The problem is I get a value that is close to the average but not the real average. (Also the cells I am using are N37:Q41 for the first 5 samples which is constant the next 5 are not always constant W37:Z41) Here is the formula I am using:


I have the same problem with a standard deviation formula and the same group of numbers (I get something close but a few points off).


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Calculate A Sample Size Using The Population

Apr 16, 2009

How you do use excel to calculate a sample size using the population, error limit, confidence level and upper error limit rates?

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Data Validation Using List In Another Worksheet - Works For All But One Sheet!

Dec 30, 2008

I am running into an odd issue and hope someone might be able to shed some light.
I have created several lists on one sheet in a workbook and have assigned named ranges to each individual list. So far, so good.

On various other worksheets, I have created Data Validation rules to allow users to select the relevant data from drop-down lists. (using formulas such as =List1, =List2, etc. in the Source box to capture the named ranges I had created).

Everything works perfectly...EXCEPT for one worksheet, which continues to give me the error message, "You may not use references to other worksheets or workbooks for Data Validation criteria." Can anyone explain why this error would only occur on one worksheet and work fine for all the other sheets? I'm perplexed!

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Dropdown List And Transferring Data To Another Sheet Automatically

Dec 27, 2012

it has been eye opening to say the least. I have a question however, I am in the process of creating a workbook of different things for my construction company and I am stuck. Is there a way that I can pull a cost code from a drop down and have whatever data is inputted into the cell to the right automatically transfered to a budget report (another sheet)? Example - Inputting time for my crews - select a code from the drop down list say for "concrete" Then I input the crews hours per day in subsequent columns and then sum it up at the final column. Can the sum of the hours worked doing "concrete" then automatically be transposed to the budget in the "concrete" section?

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2 Staged Validation List Using Single Data Sheet

May 14, 2014

Originally I had a file with multiple tabs to sort data, this was becoming very ineffective so what I have done is modified the original WB posted into the desired new format. The WS PSM-04-03A is a vlookup based report that used to pull data from each tab based upon the WS Name (the code is still their) what I have done is combined the WS and made a column(ColumnD) for what used to be the WS Name. All WS have besides "Home" and "PSM-04-03A" have been combined into 1 WS and the title for the data from the original sheet names was added to columnD of "Recommendations" in the new file. (i.e. I did not add all files just some so you could see what I was getting at).

So using the two WBs as an example the Isomeration Unit/MEK Dewaxing Unit/ROSE Unit tabs have been combined into one tab and a new columnD added to signify what used to be done with the "tab". Now if you look at the validation on WS "PSM-04-03A" on the first WB it utilizes the WS Names to populate a list in cell A4 and cell C4 then populates with all columnA items from that WS. Now that I have combined the data I still need the validations to populate the same. So A4 in the new WB would populate with all non repeats of the unit in ColumnD of the WS "Recommendations" and then cell C4 would populate with the filtered columnA results based upon the columnD choice.

OLD FILE : (PSM-04-03) PHAR Tracking v2.xlsm

NEW FILE : (PSM-04-03) PHAR Tracking Modified.xlsm

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Loop Through Customer List And Go To Sheet And Insert Data

Mar 18, 2014

I have created a excel workbook in which I use for keeping up with storage unit rent. I have a tenant list sheet and each tenant has a sheet on which I keep up with charges and credits. What I want is a macro the will loop thru each tenants sheet based on tenant list and insert data and go to the next sheet. I found this on the web:

[Code] ......

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Show List Of Data Based On Value In A Column On Another Sheet

Jun 26, 2014

formula to use in my report

Let's say I have a summary table on Sheet 1 6000 rows of data on sheet 2.

In Sheet 2 I have 3 columns, Name, Month and Score. Name Column (A) has names of students Month Column (B) has months January, February and so on. Score Column (C) has data from Green, Yellow and Red. Red is if they failed.

In the summary table on Sheet 1, I need to show all the names that got a "Red" Score. And their corresponding months.

It should look like this.

Month l Name l Score
January l Mike J l Red
March l Joe M l Red

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Methods To Pull Data From Another Sheet Using Dropdown List

Jul 19, 2014

I am doing a spreadsheet where I have 1 main sheet and 2 sheets with data.On the main sheet I have a drop down list to select either one of the 2 sheets and upon selecting,all the data from that selected sheet will be displayed on the main sheet.

What i do not understand is the code given below

data:=IF($C$7='A2'!$A$2,INDEX('A2'!$A$6:$B$20,ROW( $A3),COLUMN(B$1)),
INDEX('A1'!$A$6:$B$20,ROW($A3),C OLUMN(B$1)))

How do i attach spreadsheet in this forums btw?

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Compute T-test With Unequal Sample Sizes?

Oct 24, 2007

using the ttest formula function

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Calculating Multiple Comparisons Over Large Sample

Aug 4, 2009

I have a sample of aproxomatly 30,000 records, and I am working to do some data analysis on it.

I am comparing multiple fields using sumproduct(), but if I go above two criteria, the calculation time becomes incredibly long. Is there a faster way to preform these large comparisons, or am I stuck watching my Excel lag out for 5 min every time I recalculate the sheet?

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Randomly Choose Sample Rows After Using Autofilter

Nov 5, 2009

Can anyone explain clearly (using layman terms) about how to go about randomly choosing specific number of rows from a set of autofiltered records?

For e.g., If there are 1000 rows of data in a worksheet and after applying autofilter to certain column(s) [one or more] say i get some 75 rows. Then how can x no. of rows be chosen where x can be input by the user or calculated based on a certain percentage? Say if out of these 75 filtered rows, 8 rows have to be chosen randomly - where 8 can be input by the user or also be calculated as 10% of 75.

Also, is it possible to choose these x records from the filtered set of rows without actually copying them to another sheet?

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Pull Out The Sample Date And Time 20 Times

Dec 3, 2009

I have a file that samples performance on a cpu. The output shows the sampling date and time in column A. This column changes depending on how long I run the file. No matter how long the column, I only want to pull out the sample date and time 20 times. So if I had data in column A with 300 rows, I want to divide 300 by 20 and pull those 20 numbers and put them in column B in chronological order. Same thing if I had 4000 rows in column A, I only want 20 samples.

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Extracting Alphanumeric Values From Sample Spreadsheet

Aug 3, 2012

Any code that can extract the alpha numeric values from sample spreadsheet below?

Where in col A "SCn" is extracted (or copied) and then pasted in col H?

n = 1 to 99

That is - from this:


[Code] .........

To this:


[Code] ......

There are thousands of rows to extract the alpha numeric values from.

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Pull Data From Others Sheets Using Drop Down List To Select Sheet Name?

Sep 29, 2010

I'm not including my spreadsheet because it has company information however, I will try to articulate my request as best I can. I currently have an Excel spreadsheet with about 20 worksheets, I would like to be able to click on the first worksheet, create a "Drop Down box" or "Data Validation" box or whatever I need to do to be able to view information in a range of cells on ANOTHER worksheet within the same workbook.

I've tried Data Validation, Drop Down Boxes, Define name ranges, all to NO avail. I'm missing a step somewhere, because I'm still not able to view the information on the first worksheet.

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