Lookup & Return Adjacent Value From Left

Apr 2, 2008

I have two worksheets. The first one contains 500 rows:

Column A - Company Name
Column J - Formula that calculates a 'company score' based on other data in columns B-H
Column K - Number of directors

The second worksheet contains over 3000 rows:

Column A - Name
Column B - Company
Column C - Designation

I want to caculate a score for each person (from worksheet 2) that does the following:

Personal Score = ('Company Score' / No. of directors) * Designation Weighting

Where Designation Weighting (numerical value) is determined by Designation (text). There are 10 different and mutually exclusive types of text in the Designation column.

My problem is compounded by the fact that each person (in worksheet 2) can be directors on several companies. The Personal Score that I want to calculate needs to recognise which different companies they are directors of and sum the scores derived from each company.

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Lookup Left Most Column & Return Adjacent Value

Oct 1, 2007

Basically what I am trying to do is use a Lookup formula on a sales invoice where the product name and product price will be automatically entered into the sales form when the product ID is entered. What would the formula be?

Product Information
RegionProduct IDProduct NameProduct Price
Product IDHPPHomeware Pizza Pan19.95
Product NameSPPStone Pizza Pan 29.95
Product PriceHCDHomeware Casserole Dish19.95
Units SoldHCPHomeware Cookie Pan 9.95
Total SaleCWChina Wok 19.95
HEWHomeware Electric Wok29.95
WCMWilson Coffee Machine29.95
HBMHomeware Bread Machine49.95
HBMDHomeware Bread Machine -Deluxe89.95
HRHomeware Rotisserie119.95
OGGOlson Gas Grill 159.95
OEGOlson Electric Grill 159.95

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Lookup & Return Adjacent Result

Dec 15, 2006

I have a list of people with SSN, about 3000. This list contains business done by each individual, which can be in all 50 states. I have another list of the same individuals with just their name and addresses and what we call "client number". I need to put the client number with the list for the individual states. See example list:

List of individuals with client numbers

123 John Doe
456 Jane Doe

List of individuals with state business

John Doe AR
John Doe CO
John Doe FL
John Doe MS
John Doe TX
Jane Doe MS
Jane Doe TX
Jane Doe AZ

I need for those client numbers to appear in the column before the names on list with states.


123 John Doe AR
123 John Doe CO
123 John Doe FL
456 Jane Doe MS
456 Jane Doe TX

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Lookup & Return Values Of Adjacent Column To Textbox

Mar 28, 2008

I have an excel sheet with cols of information e.g IDNo, FirstName,LastName etc. I have created a form in VB where you enter the IDNo (& Click on a command button called View) It should populate designated textboxes on the Form. Thus it should check the col where the IDNo is stored, find the IDNo and populate the adjacent cols i.e FirstName, LastName in designated textboxes on the form.

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Lookup Nth Occurrence Of Date & Return Adjacent Cell

Jun 5, 2008

I have a list of dates in column AF. I would like to retrieve a value from the 2nd occurrence of a date, so I used the function for the Nth Occurrence on this website as follows:

Function Nth_Occurrence(range_look As Range, find_it As String, _
occurrence As Long, offset_row As Long, offset_col As Long)
Dim lCount As Long
Dim rFound As Range
Set rFound = range_look.Cells(1, 1)
For lCount = 1 To occurrence
Set rFound = range_look. Find(find_it, rFound, xlValues, xlWhole)
Next lCount
Nth_Occurrence = rFound.Offset(offset_row, offset_col)
End Function

The excel formula I am using is as follows: =Nth_Occurrence(AF2:AF622,AE2,2,0,1)
Where AE2 is the date I am looking up. My question is this: When I put in a date ("1/12/2007") instead of AE2, i get the correct value. I tried giving AE2 and the AF column the same date formatting (3/14/2001), but this doesn't work. The date I am searching for also changes, so I cannot just type the date into the excel formula.

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Lookup Column Values On Another Sheet & Return Adjacent Cells

Jun 11, 2008

Essentially, sheet b is a list of 900 people I need to mail to. Sheet a has 3000 rows of people, many of whom don't need the mailing. It has mailing addresses that we need in sheet b.

We have two worksheets, sheet a and sheet b

compare sheet b, column c (email addresses) to sheet a, column x, (email addresses).
If they match, move sheet a, columns d, e, f, g, and h to sheet b.

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Lookup/Match Column Values On Another Worksheet & Return Adjacent Cells

Jul 1, 2008

I have two excel sheets. The first sheet has a column with codes and another column with dates. There are more than one date for the same code. The second sheet has just one unique code. I would like to match the code on the second sheet with the code on the first sheet and return ALL the dates associated with that code to the second sheet - horizontally.

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How To Read Cell Value To Left Of Max In Adjacent Column

Aug 14, 2014

Have 2 columns of data

Need to read the cell value of column A that corresponds to the MAX in column B. Trying to use OFFSET to read the col to the left but will not work.

Example of table and expected result


1 1
2 1
3 2
4 6
5 3 Result = 4

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Lookup Data Left Of Found Lookup Value

Nov 28, 2006

here is an example....

(this is on a sheet called Summary)

----A--------B --------C------- D
1Names----At Bats----Hits----Batting Average

Using the LARGE function, Excel has created a list based on batting averages(on a separate sheet called Line-up). It looks like this.....

2 -----------.737
3 -----------.700
4 -----------.675
5 -----------.816
6 -----------.649

The problem I am having is figuring a way for Excel to also bring the corresponding names (after using the LARGE function to create the line up list).

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Lookup Value On Left Column

Aug 15, 2013

Worksheet 1



Pizza Hut

[Code] ......

In worksheet 2, I would like to lookup the type of food that have expenses at 500.

So the output column should look like table below.




Sushi King

Papa John

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Lookup To Left To Map Two Worksheets

Apr 4, 2008

I am trying to copy "E_CODE" column values corresponding to "Trimmed E_N" from sheet1 to sheet2 "check" column.

to do this, i am using the LOOKUP function to match the text in "sheet2 - CONC" with "sheet1- Trimmed E_N", and if it matches, return the corresponding values from "sheet1 - E_CODE".

not all strings in "sheet2-CONC" exist in "sheet1-Trimmed E_N", so i should be getting "sheet1 - E_CODE" values only for those that exist.

I tried using VLOOKUP but it kept giving me N/A, and i couldn't figure out why even after searching the forums. LOOKUP is giving me values that are greater/lesser than because of its inherent properties and now i am not sure what to do.

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Left Lookup In A Range Instead Of A Column

Aug 24, 2009

Here is my spreadsheet

A B C D 1 Matt 5 4 75 2 Joe 25 23 66 3 Ron 31 33 82 4 Jim 22 45 91 5 Steve 99 100 11
I used the large function to find the top 5 greatest numbers. I have them ranked in another area below the first set of numbers.


I need to find some sort of formula to return the name for the appropriate number. For example, I need the cell immediately to the right of 100 to return Steve; 99 to say Steve; 91 to say Jim. The INDEX/MATCH formulas used for left lookups works only for a column. I would have to set the index/match formula individually for each column to the right of the top 5 numbers, and that defeats the purpose. I might as well just find the numbers and connect the names all by hand.

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Lookup Value To Left Of Search Term

May 15, 2007

I am trying to use a lookup formula to search for a word in a column, and return the value of the column directly to its left. I know that this cannot be done using the vlookup function, and I am not able to move the columns around. Is there another possibility? In plain English then, I would like cell E2 to look up the value of D2 in column B2:B4 and return the relevant value in column A2:A4.

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Lookup Text Not In Left Column

Mar 13, 2008

I have a data validation box and wish another cell to lookup the text in the validation box from a list a return a number next to it.

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#NA Error In A Vlookup When Using SEARCH And LEFT As The Lookup Value

Feb 2, 2010

In the attached sheet I am trying to use the formula below but am getting a #NA error. I have narrowed the problem down to the use of the SEARCH and LEFT functions that I am using to determine the lookup value of the VLOOKUP formula.

what I am doing wrong? If I substitute the SEARCH and LEFT function with the number "14" it works just fine. You can find examples of both in cells B29 and C29 on the rename tab.

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Lookup Date Heading & Offset To Left

Apr 4, 2008

In the attached spreadsheet you will see the table of data in cells e6:L16. In cell N6 i am doing a hlookup to find the date in the table of data that is closest to the date in cell A4. The formula in cell M6 is where i am having the problem and i was trying to pull in data that is 4 columns to the left of where the hlookup date is in cell N6. The problem i am having is when i input any date higher than 06/30/07 the Index formula does not display the correct date. What is confusing me is that the Hlookup formula in cell N6 still works with higher dates but the index formula does not.

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Return Value Two Cells Left Of Value

Jan 16, 2014

I'm trying to go down column a, look for a certain word, let's say 'excel', then return the value in the cell four cells to the right.

My best guest was


But the search function and the find function really aren't built for that.

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Match And Index Function For Lookup (Left Columns)

Jul 12, 2014

I need a formula for left coulmn lookup (using index and matching function) and lookup array has duplicate value.

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Index/Match To Do A Left Lookup Is Yeilding A #N/A Error

Feb 21, 2007


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Lookup Value And Copy Adjacent Range

Jan 11, 2010

I have three columns (A to C) with contineous data (# rows always variable).

I would manually type a number in a cell (S2) that would correspond with a number in Column A. What I would like the code to do is that it finds the number in column A and selects the whole range in column B and C starting from that row, and copies that whole selection to N10.

After that all the data in column N should be substracted with a value given in S3 and all data in column O with a value given in S4.

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Lookup Adjacent Data On Another Worksheet

Nov 29, 2007

I have been using a look up that should be bringing me back a numeric value when i enter a certain code that relates to that value.

When i enter the code 267760RuVw the number brought back shoud be 850
When i enter the code 532210BiMe the number brought back should be 2000

The look up that i am using is =VLOOKUP(B4,Lorry!B3:O37,14)

All my sheets are in the same workbook

The look up value is on a sheet called "Pricing" and the table array is on a sheet called "Lorry"

The cell that the look up is entered into just returns N/A

Why is this not working?

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Double Lookup And Pull Adjacent Cell

Apr 14, 2009

I need is spread across various rows. In a separate sheet I want to be able to lookup two identifiers and pull the number needed in the adjacent row.

The first identifier is a 3 letter character, the second is CURREVO and I need the number to the right of CURREVO. My problem is CURREVO is not always in the same column, but in relation to the 3 letter character is always in the same row.

A B C D E F GDMGCURREVO52011.25YTDREVO243085.00DTYCURREVO11892.50YTDREVO59783.50ECUCURREVI1943.00YTDREVI 5,541.25CURFRQI4.00EEGCURREVO32864.75YTDREVO205426.75EICCURREVO658761.26YTDREVO3507022.68EILCURREVO335741.70YTDREVO1720830.72ENTCURREVI161242.39YTDREVI638681.84CVLCURREVO796266.21YTDREVO4816890.98ENDCURREVI34479.19YTDREVI44074.54EYECURREVI11880.12YTDREVI 108,007.02(Null)MICCURREVO1098694.15YTDREVO5766072.54NEUCURREVI25251.90YTDREVI 158,236.60CURREVO207.00

in a seperate sheet, I want to pull NEU, in that row I want to find CURREVO and bring back the adjacent number = 207.00

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Return Blank If There Is No Value Or No Data In Left Cell

Mar 10, 2014

my question is how to return blank cell if i have no data inputted in left cell.. or if AH9 is blank or no data inputted AI10 will be blank using this formula.. =IF(AH9<75,"A",IF(AH9<82,"B",IF(AH9<87,"C",IF(AH9<92,"D","E"))))

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Return Nth Character In A Cell Starting From The Left

Nov 15, 2006

How do I return the Nth Character in a cell starting from the left.

For example, cell A1 has the word "Baseball". What formula will give me the 6th character to the right, which would be "a"?

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Offset / Match - Formula To Return Left Column Value On Same Row?

Feb 16, 2014

Latest Status
Latest Date
Current Status 1
Current Date 1
Current Status 2
Current Date 2

Sun,16-Feb-14,11:0 PM
Sun,16-Feb- 14,10:41PM
Sun,16-Feb- 14,11:02 PM

My formula =IF(B3="","",OFFSET(A3,MATCH(B3,B3:F3,0),0,2)) in A2 is giving me #value error.

The correct solution should be Take2, while matching the condition from B2 latest date.

Sheet Attached. File Name-Latest.xls Zippyshare.com - Latest.xls

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How To Return Value Adjacent To Cell From Another Sheet?

May 18, 2009

I have one column of about 10 names (each of which is unique). The cell adjacent to these names is empty and I want to insert a value into this cell.

The value I'd like to insert into this cell is located in another sheet attached to the same file. This sheet has the same layout, except the unique name has the value next to it and the order of the names is different.

I'd like the formula to determine where the name from the first sheet matches the name from the second sheet. I'd like it to then display the data associated with that unique name in the first sheet, adjacent to the name in the blank cell.

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Function To Return Value Of Adjacent Cell

Sep 18, 2008

I am trying to write a function that will return the value in cell B based on its position adjacent to cell A (above). Cell A contains its own formula and may the values may change.

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Find 1st & Nth Occurence & Return Adjacent Value

Mar 14, 2008

I was wondering if you have similar values how you use formulae to return the first or the last value from a list?

I have attached an example and I was wondering if you guys could have a look at it?

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VBA - Lookup Value Found In A Column Within Another Range And Copy Adjacent Values

Jan 30, 2014

I'm trying to create a macro that can lookup values down a list, find that value within another list and copy the adjacent cells.

The values to look for will always be on the same column and the values to look into will always be in the same range or columns but not always in the same row.

For example.

AI:AI contains a list of ID's which will be manually input every day so they might have a different order.

C:AF has all the data to look into. C always being a list of ID values and I want for every ID found on AI:AI to be search for on C:C: and then once a match is found, I need specific adjancent cell values to be copied next to the ID found on AI.

The values that need to be returned are found on columns B,D,F,G,H,I,J,P,AF and they will always display on those columns.

I've been doing this based on vlookup and INDEX/MATCh formulas but I've come across some limitations for something I want to develop further so I'm trying to do this based on VBA.

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Determine Date Return A Value From Adjacent Cell

May 2, 2014

column 1 is vouchers
column 2 is date

vouchers column is populated with a voucher code for every date date column is populated with dates beginning with today, ending with the last day of the year.

I would like to create a function that evaluates the date file, If date = today's date, return value in the adjacent vouchers column.

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