Macro To Lookup And Copy Numeric?

Apr 24, 2014

I currently have a spreadsheet using this formula:


It works great (a tip I got from this site Now, I would like to take the LOOKUP portion & use it in a macro.

What I want to accomplish is to have the macro look at the prior month's data, scroll to the last entry in a column then LOOKUP to get the 1st numeric it finds and copy it to another spreadsheet. I need it to bypass any text it finds, and only accept a numeric for calculation.

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Lookup Based On Numeric Range Scope

Nov 19, 2009

I have a spreadsheet and I’m trying to create several different staffing scenarios
Basically what I want is to populate column E with the amount of staffing based on the number of classes in column B. The range that I want to apply is in the green box in the sample. I’m trying to have excel give me the staffing value if the current number in cell B5 is a certain value – so in the example 1 through 4 = .2, 5 through 8 = .4 and 9 through 12 = .6. this site gave me some ideas so I tried V lookup and Index but I seem to be missing something and wonder if it is not combinations of nested functions?

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Lookup Multiple Arrays Return Text Or Numeric?

Jan 23, 2012

Is there a formula to look in multiple arrays and return whatever it finds i.e. text or numeric values?

Sheet1  ABCDEFGH1Cat0 CatFive Donkey32   Mouse2 Wolf43 
4WolfFour CatFive Donkey35   Mouse2 WolfFourSpreadsheet FormulasCellFormulaB1=LOOKUP(9.99999999999999E+307,CHOOSE({1,2,3},0,VLOOKUP(A1,$D$1:$E$2,2,0),

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Macro: Copy Columns & Lookup Associated Values

Dec 5, 2006

I have attached a file with an example of what I need. The data tab show the data has been given to me. I need it in a different format to be able to load it into our system. The Needs tab shows what format I need. Basically, I need to convert this table into a flat file, where there is a record for each "X" value only.

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Copy Numeric Part Of String?

Aug 23, 2012

How do I copy the numeric part(11 Digits) of a cell

EG. A1 = "GL CREDIT DDA07 60291627599 ZFT"

I Require "60291627599" in A2


GL CREDIT 62180577391@DDA ZFT

GL CREDIT 62300192854 62300192854 DDA06 ZFT


The numeric 11 digit number is not always in the same position in the cell.

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Copy Numeric Part Of String

Aug 23, 2012

How do I copy the numeric part (11 Digits) of a cell ,

E.G. A1 = "GL CREDIT DDA07 60291627599 ZFT" in only want "60291627599" in A2


GL CREDIT 62180577391@DDA ZFT

GL CREDIT 62300192854 62300192854 DDA06 ZFT


11 digit not always in same position in cell.

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Copy Values Outside Of Numeric Range

Sep 11, 2007

I have around thirty columns I manually search using AutoFilter to find values outside certain ranges. The ranges are different for every column and I copy/paste the out of range values onto another sheet. I am wanting a marco to do this for me.

Here is what I have worked up so far. I thought Select Case would be the easiest to adapt for each column by just changing the values.

Sub ColumnCase()

Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
NextRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
Range("A" & NextRow).Select

Column K is the first of the columns I sort. The code above seems to be trying to paste the entire column rather than only the cells with values outside the range.

What would be the best way to select the cells which are out of the particular range?

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Separating Alpha And Numeric Without Using Copy And Paste

Jan 21, 2009

I have data in column with combination of alpha-numeric like "Member # 308166 RCI Number 4801-60436". can I split this without using copy and paste?

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Copy Text To Cell And Convert To Numeric Formula

Feb 15, 2014

I have a spreadsheet where I enter text values in a cell, e.g. (.5 x .5) x 2 x .009. I want to find a way to automatically populated the cell to the right with the formula version, e.g. =(.5 * .5) * 2 * x .009 and format as three decimal place number.

One other question, is there a way to enter a template for entry in a cell. It would be nice if the text value above would take care of the parenthesis and multiplication signs for me.

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Extracting A Numeric A Specific Numeric String From A Description Cell

Oct 22, 2009

I am trying to do is extract the volume size of products in 'ml'
from 10k plus products from a description field cell.
this description field could also contain the weight of the product in grams
so I cannot just do a search for a numeric string ,
it has to be associated with the milli-litres statement .

is is possible to do a sort of ' *ml ' search and then select and copy to another cell ???

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Macro Does Not Run With Numeric Values

Jun 9, 2007

The Macro below will not combine numeric values Just Text. I get a Type Mismatch Error When I open It. I need for this macro to run with Numeric Values 1,2,3,etc.

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Convert Numeric And Scientific Symbol To Numeric Only

Jun 4, 2014

I have a column of several thousand entries listed as numeric with a scientific symbol eg.

19.53mSv/1mSv (some have a mix and or alpha/numeric range)

I want to convert them to the numeric value only. I'm extracting to a chart which is not recognising the alpha and throwing the data out. I tried find and replace, trying various options within the 'replace format' tab with no joy.

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Finding A Non Numeric (or Numeric) Character In A Field

Sep 1, 2008

I have a few thousand products codes (i.e ABCD123BLA08 or SHU267BLA) They are non standardised in length or structure. I wish to pull out everything upto the end of the third numeric digit.( ie ABCD123 and SHU267) I cannot use left as they are all different lengths. Ideally i would serach for a non numeric char after the number then use left up to that point. Search can't do this, FIND can't do this.

ABCD123BLA08 would be ABCD123
SHU246BLU would be SHU246
I147ORT08-12 would be I147

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Macro To Pivot Non-numeric Data?

Jan 13, 2014

I am trying to create a macro that will essentially "pivot" some non-numerical data I have. One column contains data with leading zeros. I need to retain these leading zeros. The attached document has two tabs; one that displays how the data comes into excel titled "Data" and one titled "Desired Output" with the desired output from the macro.

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Excel 2007 :: Copy Same Cells From Multiple Worksheets All Named In Ascending Numeric Order?

Jan 15, 2013

In Excel 2007, Windows 7 Home Premium, I am trying to summarise multiple worksheets into one sheet, creating a list in one column in this summary sheet that includes the cell contents from the same cell from each sheet. For example, my first sheet is called KCD183 and I want to list the value from KCD183 Cell A2 in my Summary Cell A2, then show KCD184 Cell A2 in Summary Cell A3 (i.e. the next row down). So my Summary sheet will list all cell A2s from all my sheets, 1 after the other down column A and will continue to add these for any new sheets I add.

I realise that I could just export the spreadsheet to Access and report on it from there, but I don't have the software!

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Macro For Sorting Alpha Numeric Data

Nov 21, 2008

In column A I have alpha-numeric data similar to:


And I need to sort them so that they are like:


With the numbers first, in ascending order. Then the letters, grouped by letter ascending, and the number following them. But I can't have it where it looks at the first number after the letter (A1,A186,A20). It has to look at the WHOLE number and then sort it.

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Macro For Sorting Alpha-numeric Data

Nov 21, 2008

In column A I have alpha-numeric data similar to:


And I need to sort them so that they are like:


With the numbers first, in ascending order. Then the letters, grouped by letter ascending, and the number following them. But I can't have it where it looks at the first number after the letter (A1,A186,A20). It has to look at the WHOLE number and then sort it.

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Macro To Select Numeric Values In A Column

Jun 5, 2014

In cell A1 I have a countdown timer from an external source that counts down to 00:00:00 approximately every 10 minutes and then resets.

I need a macro to be triggered whenever 00:00:00 is reached.

The macro will select column AL and copy a range of cells (within AL) that contain numeric values only and paste these numeric values in the adjacent cells in column AM. It is important that the paste is values only and not formatting or formulas.

Column is being fed dynamic data from an external source and displays either #N/A or numeric values.

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If Statement Numeric Or Alpha Numeric

Jan 12, 2010

I have a column that has cells with values as

C084111X AA
A001290U AA

I want to write an If Statement is a column next to each entry that denotes two options either Broker or Agent. Where the code is say 19352510 then Broker and where it is say C084111X AA then Agent.

Broker codes will never contain a letter. The Agent code will always start and finish with a letter.

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Lookup Value; Then Copy 5 Cells To The Right

Jan 24, 2010

On "SHEET1" loop through column "MODELCD" and perform a vlookup of its line items on column "NAME" in "SHEET2";. Once it finds a match on "SHEET2", copy the data in all 5 cells to the right of it and paste it back into "SHEET1" (in the cells to the right of the "MODELCD" line item being looked up).
I have attached a workbook below to help illustrate my task. What I'm trying to avoid is writing "10" separate Vlookups, when I could capture all the data in one procedure. I have been trying to figure this out for a couple of hours and decided to see if someone else knew how to do it. I have the idea in my head on how to do it, but struggle to translate it into working code.

Im open to using a FIND or SEARCH method instead of a VLOOKUP, but I was just more familiar with vlookups. This code i will be running on about 1000 line item, if that dictates one method vs the other.

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Lookup And Copy Rows

Jan 30, 2010

Running Excel 2007, I have attached an example of the spreadsheet I'm working on. The actual spreadsheet contains many more sheets and thousands of rows, with several more locations, but the concept is the same.

Challenge 1:
I want to search Computer Name (column C) for names starting with AKL, WEL or WLG and then copy those rows to the NZ worksheet (leaving the original worksheet rows intact).
Then for names starting with DEN, copy rows to the USA sheet.
Then similar for other names...

I have been exhausting myself by experimenting with all sorts of nested INDEX, MATCH and VLOOKUP formulas, but I'm not up to the task and suspect a vb macro is the best or only way to do this..?

I found this post but I haven't been able to adapt it to work in my sheet... probably just my inexperience...

Challenge 2:
The next time the IT dept gives me an updated asset report, I will copy all the relevant data into this 'All Data' sheet, replacing the old data that was there - can the NZ and USA sheets dynamically adjust, or do I have to delete what's there to guarantee I won't accumulate old data? I guess I could use a blank 'template' file each time, if this is easier than building the function into vb...

Once the data is organised in this way, I intend to create a summary sheet that will show a count of assets in each location, probably with a stacked chart to pretty it up.

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Using A Lookup To Copy Data

Jul 4, 2007

In Sheet2 l have a list of data (more complex than the sample but l expect the answer will be the same)

I would like to enter a name (ie Rob) from column A into Sheet1 and have excel copy all of the lines with the name "Rob" into the new worksheet

I think l know how to use a lookup to copy one line but dont know how to copy multiple lines with the same lookup ie Rob

******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Broomhayes Sick.xls___Running: xl2000 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutE8E9E10E11E12E13E14=
[HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name box

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Lookup Value And Copy Next Column Value To Another Cell

Sep 9, 2013

I'm having a hard time understanding the Find function and getting the syntax correct. For the example below I need an entire function that will look up the most previous value of 'Incident_Number, and copy the corresponding 'Description' into the last record.

My spreadsheet has an Excel Table with column A titled 'Incident_Number' (a Number) and column B is 'Description' (a String). Incident_Number may contain cells with duplicate entries, but in each case, there will be a corresponding 'Description'. I already have a macro that creates a new record for either 1) a New Incident, or 2) an existing Incident. If I'm creating a new record for an existing Incident, what I need to be able to do is auto populate 'Description' with the value in the previous record that has the same Incident_Number.

In the example, the macro should copy "The battery was replaced" from the most previous record whose incident number is 1001 into the new record.

Incident_Number Description
1001 The battery is dead
1002 No power at the console
1003 System crashed
1001 The battery was replaced
1004 something else
1001 ?? (should read, "The Battery was replaced"

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Lookup Value And Copy Adjacent Range

Jan 11, 2010

I have three columns (A to C) with contineous data (# rows always variable).

I would manually type a number in a cell (S2) that would correspond with a number in Column A. What I would like the code to do is that it finds the number in column A and selects the whole range in column B and C starting from that row, and copies that whole selection to N10.

After that all the data in column N should be substracted with a value given in S3 and all data in column O with a value given in S4.

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Lookup Find If Copy In Next Blank Cell

Mar 4, 2008

I have a workbook with 12 sheets. On the 12th sheet I need some VB to go to each of the other tabs and find the letter “E” or “H” in column F. Once the “E” or “H” is found in column F and a number =>9 is found in column E then copy that row from column A-F and paste this row to sheet 12.
On sheet 12, I would like to be able to paste the row in a way that will hold the date in column A. The date can also be copied from each sheet found in cell E1. Also, the tab name has to be copied to sheet 12 with the row the E or H was found if “=>9 criteria” was met.

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VBA Lookup Value Copy, Paste Values Between Two Workbooks

Aug 21, 2009

I have a standard template worksheet called "Input" (the workbooks name is "Input Capture") which spans C12:U1100.

In addition I have a seperate worksheet which is based in an all entirely seperate workbook called "People Data" (the workbooks name is "Succession Planning") which again spans C12:U1100.

What I would ideally like is a macro which matches the value in column C and populates the entire row (much in the same way as a HLOOKUP, only pasting values) with the exception of columns M and Q.

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Lookup Copy And Paste Cell Formula

Apr 20, 2006

I am trying to vlookup. I want to copy and paste formulas instead of values. Can I use a formula like IF because VLOOKUP only returns the cell value?

Is there a way to return the formula instead of the value using VLOOKUP?

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Lookup #N/A! Error: Copy And Consistent Throughout The Sheet

Jan 11, 2007

I cannot determine why I am getting an N/A error in Cells I11:L11. The formula is copied and consistent throughout the sheet. The Table referenced in the formula appears to be fine. I just cannot figure this out.

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Copy Cells Between Workbooks Based On Lookup

Apr 7, 2008

I have two workbooks, one with two sheets and the other the new workbook where I want to copy the cell values. What I am trying to accomplish is:

1. From Workbook book1. sheet2. cellb (dynamic row values) I want to look for the value in book1.sheet1.cellb (static row values). If it is found I want to copy the cell values from book1.sheet2.cellb, celld, and celle to book2.sheet1.cellb, celld, and cellg. If there in a new value in book1.sheet2.cellb, I want to copy the same values (cellb, cellc, celld,celle) to book2.newrow.

I am attching the two workbooks with sample data, for clarification.

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Copy Color Cells From Other Sheet Similar To Lookup

Jun 29, 2009

I have two sheets, one is "Summary" sheet and the other is "Sheet1". Both sheets has the same template. The "Summary" has color bordered cells and the "Sheet1" has no color. Whenever new color had been added to "Summary" sheet, I would like color from "Summary" sheet to be copied to "Sheet1" in same locations like if red been added to D12 cell in "Summary" sheet, D12 in "Sheet1" will automatically filled in red from "Summary" sheet. Similar to Lookup.

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