Macro To Update Sum Of Working Hours For List Of Employees From

Jan 30, 2013

Need VBA macro to read and sum data from multiple worksheets

The “summary” worksheet contains list of all employees. I need to update the total number of hours for each employee by scanning all worksheets in the workbook as follows:

Once I click on a "update" button, I need to scan all worksheets (I have one worksheet for each week) which contains the total number of hours for employees by week. I need to calculate and add the total number of working hours for each employee then move to the next worksheet and so on ..

Once all worksheets are all scanned, the final total of working hours get posted in front of the employee name in the assigned field.. I need to do this for all employees. I also need a macro to create a new worksheet.. I attached an example with little description inside .. Labor Detail Job to Date-2.xlsx

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Calculating Employees Hours In Macros?

May 31, 2014

Im doing a spreed sheet to calculate employees hours. I have the employees names in column R and their hours in column S. example R5 = Mike S5 = 8. I need to search column R for all the mike's and total his hours, then move to the next employee and so on... I have already sorted the employees names so that all the names and hours correspond and starting in column R5 and S5 until the proceeding row is blank and then paste the results in column B5 (employee name) and D5(total hours)

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Calculate Employees Work Hours For Overtime?

Apr 15, 2014

I have to calculate employees work hours for overtime.

in the timesheets:

1 ID Date Code Hours PayMethod
2 A123 4/14/14 TRN 20:00 Regular
3 A123 4/14/14 TTT 15:00 Regular
4 A123 4/14/14 TRN 13:00 <----- total for cell D2,D3, and D4 is more than 40

1 ID Date Code Hours PayMethod
2 A123 4/14/14 TRN 20:00 Regular
3 A123 4/14/14 TTT 15:00 Regular
4 A123 4/14/14 TRN 5:00 Regular <----- to make 40
5 A123 4/14/14 TRT 8:00 Overtime <----- 13-5=8, so i have to write down 8 here for overtime

How can I do this?

I want to make a command button for macro to perform this.

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Converting Hours Worked To Number Of Employees?

Mar 30, 2012

I need to create a formula that assumes 40 hours = 1 FTE (full time employee). As an example if I have a total of 100 hrs I need to know how many employees to hire. So in this case it would be 2.5.

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NIGHT Working Hours Macro Calculation

Sep 29, 2012

I would like to write a macro that can return the number of hours worked during the night shift.

In this case, the night shift starts at 21:00pm and ends at 6:am next day.

The column "I2" returns the number of hours worked during the day - formula ((F3-C3+(F3<C3))-(E3-D3+(E3<C3)))*24);
The column "J2" gives the overtime hours taking into account the number of regular hours allowed - IF(OR(I3="",I3<6),"",IF(I3>H3,"",I3-H3));
Cells "C3:F13" allows users to set up (using a data validation list) starting time, lunch in, lunch out, end time ( columns C and D AM; E and F PM);

My question is: How can I calculate night hours in column K, without having conflits with numbers returned in column I (worked hours)? Is it possible to write a macro for this?

Below please see the table:


Start Time
Lunch In
Lunch Out
End time
Regular hours
Worked Hours
Night Shift

[Code] ......

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Calculating Total Hours Worked By Group Of Employees For Certain Hour

Mar 23, 2013

I need creating a formula that will tell me the total number of employee hours worked during a certain hour (6:00 AM) for a particular department. Some employees clock in at 6:00 AM, some clock in at 6:30. Here is the current formula I'm using which only tells me the amount of employees in the department not how many hours worked . I have three employees that clock in at 6:00AM and one at 6:30AM, the total I'm looking for is 3.5 but my formula gives me the result of 4.

C5:C1446 is a list of departments
T1503 is the 6:00 AM
D5:D1446 are the Clock In times
K5:K1446 are the Clock Out Times


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Countif Formula: Count Of Employees Next To The Each Manager's Name Who Login Time Is Less Then 8 Hours

Oct 6, 2009

I have a sheet in which in Coloum A I have manager names, then in Colum B I have list of Employees reporting to that manager, then in Column C, I have total login time of each employee which should be => 8 hours. In a new sheet, I want to get the count of employees next to the each manager's name who login time is less then 8 hours.

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Creating Simple Monthly Work Schedule For 6 Employees But Need To Tally Hours

Aug 19, 2013

Maybe it is the layout but I was trying to keep it simple and just put hours into a cell for each employee.

I have 2 employees per day, one in the morning and one in the evening. How to get excel to add the hours for each employee at the bottom per month. Simple right?

Here is an example of what I thought would be so easy (first week in excel spreadsheet format)

sun mon tue wed thu fri sat
emp1 5 emp3 6 emp5 5 emp1 4 emp3 5 emp5 5 emp1 6
emp2 5 emp4 5 emp6 5 emp2 5 emp4 5 emp6 6 emp2 6

Is there a way to associate cells to look at values for each employee and add all the cells for the month?

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INDEX And MATCH To Pull Back Employees Hours From A Master Sheet

Jan 26, 2010

I am usuing INDEX and MATCH to pull back employees hours from a master sheet, I am asking excel to Index, matiching firstly the agents name and then the day of the week (Formatted: Mon,Tue,Wed,Thurs,Fri,Sat,Sun). This works perfectly for every day of the week using the following formuls except for Sun where it returns #REF!


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Using COUNTIF To Determine # Of Employees Working Each Hour

Oct 1, 2009

I'm using Excel to schedule employees shifts at my restaurant. Column A is their name, Column B is their start time, Column C is their end time. I'd like to be able to count the number of employees working during any given hour of the day to assure I've got enough staffing each hour. I'm thinking it will require a COUNTIF function but I can't figure out how to make it work. I've attached a sample sheet.

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Difference Between Dates And Times In Days , Hours Mins ( Working Hours )

Mar 2, 2010

The below formulae allows me to see the difference between two dates and only returns the difference in working hours ie :
Difference between
02/02/2010 08:00 & 03/02/2010 08:00 is 16 Hours 0 Minutes


The following displays it in the Hrs and Mins format

=TEXT(B15,"[h]")&" Hour"&IF(OR(TEXT(B15,"[h]")+0=0,TEXT(B15,"[h]")+0>1),"s "," ")&MINUTE(B15)&" Minute"&IF(MINUTE(B15)1,"s ",""))

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How To Calculate Hours Between 2 Or 3 Days Exclude Non-Working Hours

Dec 29, 2013

I'm having difficulty to calculate hours between 2 or 3 days exclude non working hours.

Attached is the example of start date with time & end date with time.

The situation is like "when the case log in till the case assist in working hours." so i will get the hours from case log to case assist.


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Find Next Working Day For Part Time Employees - Exclude Holidays / Weekends

May 16, 2014

My aim is to find the end working date for each task, as well as the next working date for the next task. The working days for this employee are only Monday (6hours), Wednesday (6 hours) and Friday (8hours).
Start Date
Completed Days
Remaining Days
End Date



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Worksheet Change Macro Takes Too Much Time When Run With Update List Macro

Feb 1, 2009

I have a worksheet in which I have a worksheet_change macro. This worksheet_change macro makes sure that a few cells will keep their colors, even if the user copies and pastes a new value to that cell. This worksheet_change macro runs each time there is a change on the worksheet. Now my problem is that on the same sheet I have an update list macro which updates around 20.000 rows and two columns (which is alltogether around 40.000 values) and it takes a while to run. So.. it takes a loooooooooot of time (too much) when these two macros both run.

My question is that can I somehow disable the worksheet_change macro while the update list macro runs. I mean something like when I start the update list macro to disable worksheet_change macro and when the update list macro finishes, then reenable worksheet_change macro?

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Macro To Search List Of Times And Record The Ones That Lay Between Certain Hours?

Mar 18, 2014

I have a list of times in a column. I'm looking for a macro that will go down the column and record all the times that lay between 5 and 7am, 1 and 3pm (13:00-15:00) and 8 and 10pm (20:00-22:00)

How to write it?

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Macro To Update List

Jun 17, 2006

I ran into a dead with this simple but overlycomplicated task in Excel. How can I write a macro to update one workbook from many workbooks? My case. I have workbook A with 2 sheet tabs, sheet1 contains 6 columns: one for date, one for 0-20%, 21-40% ... 81-100%. Each of the rows underneath the heading contains a single data value ( total) from each of the 5 sheet tabs from the workbook being created each week of the month. Sheet2 build the chart reflecting the data gathered on sheet1.
I need a macro that will update workbook A sheet 1 or add the new data generated that particular week down the columns for each of the columns stated? How can I achieve this?

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Delete Expired Dates From A List Of Employees

Aug 3, 2009

Basically I have a list of employees. This list is simple in that it shows their off time "From:", "Till:". in columns to the left of there name. So in Cell A:A would list all of there names.. In the example sheet I have just a few listed. To the left of their name if "From:" (column B) and then "Till:" (Column C). And this From, Till repeats itself for several columns so that multiple off-times may be made for each employee.

Basically what I want to do is delete any sets of dates that are expired (based on the "Till:" date) and shift the remaining dates over. So in other words, if Sam has a date in there of 8/1/09 to 8/1/09 meaning he is going to be off for just that day, and today's date is 8/2/09, then that "from" and "till" date of 8/1/09 to 8/1/09 would get deleted from his list and the remaining dates (if any) would get shifted to the left.

Hopefully I have provided a good enough explanation of what I am trying to do here.. Please let me know if you have any questions! I have provided an example the reflects my setup (and the setup can be changed if it makes anything easier)

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Display Employees List Whose Passport Going To Expire In Given Period

Jul 14, 2009

I have my Employees List in one Sheet and in another Sheet2 I want to Display those Employees Names and List whose Passport going to Expire in the dates entered in Sheet2 A1 and B2 Cell.

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Macro To Create Hyperlink List Not Working?

Jul 10, 2014

I have a macro that would create a hyperlink for every one of the files in a folder that a specific cell gave the url address for.

Recently I got moved to a new pc and forgot to migrate my macro's over. In combing back through previous threads... I found the macro, but now it won't work.

[Code] ......

The error that I get is:

Compile error:
Invalid use of property

I get this error at row

Range (Cells(Rows.count, "U").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Address)

Why did the macro used to work and not anymore?

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Generate A Dynamic List Of Employees On Sheets Based On Information?

Mar 26, 2014

I would like to generate a dynamic list of employees on sheets based on information on Sheet A. Here is my workbook structure:

-Sheet A contains all employees information (Name, division, salary hire date, etc)

-Sheet B is named Div A

-Sheet C is named Div B


Here is what I want to happen:

-Sheets B should pull the employees name and salary from sheet A only for employees of division A

-Sheet C should pull the employees name and salary from sheet A only for employees of division B


Sheet B, C , etc. should update the info and resort every time sheet A is updated.

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Create Macro To Pull From List And Then Update Charts And Print

Nov 1, 2013

I am trying to create a Macro to pull from a list and then update the charts and print. I have a list that has over 100 clients. I believe I need to loop but I am not familiar with VBAs at all. Below is what I am trying to accomplish.

Sub Update()
' Update Macro
Application.CutCopyMode = False

[Code] ......

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Sum Of Working Hours

May 29, 2014

In attached file I need doing sum where total working hours are not showing correct.


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Calculating Net Working Hours

Mar 13, 2008

I am working in call center, and I get tickets and i have to meet my Services Level Agreement (SLA) with in pre defined working hours.

My working hours are 8:00 AM to 17:00 PM, Monday to Friday. (this includes 1 hour of Lunch time which is not considered as business hour)

As per the SLA, i have to complete the ticket in 40 business hours, i.e 5 business days.

Suppose a ticket is created on 3/5/2008 10:00 AM. I want to know how much time is left for me to work on that particular ticket.

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Display 40 Hours In Hh:mm Not Working?

Aug 5, 2014

I am measuring total time accumulated over a week using hh:mm format. Once I pass over the 24 marker then the format changes. How can I keep this to hours only?

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Calculate Working Hours

Nov 25, 2009

i had a sheet with the employee name,Working Place, Designation,Starting Time & Ending Time of each employee working in a Department. I want to track the no of hours each employee worked in the Format 1 Hr: 45 Mins .

i tried to get the result by substracting the ending time from starting time and then formatted the cells using the TIME FORMAT from the FORMAT Menu>Format Cells > TIME. But i m not getting the required result. I want a vba code or formula for extracting the no of Hrs & Mins the employee worked using the above formula.

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Adding Working Hours

Dec 18, 2009

I want to write a macro to add business hours to a datetime value, excluding weekends, non-working hours and holidays.

e.g., I have a value (datetime) of "18/12/2009 11:30:00 AM", I want to add 10 hours to this, so as to get the result as "19/12/2009 12:30:00 PM".

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Night Vs Day Working Hours

Jan 31, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that calculates the total working hours of our warehouse staff, overtime, etc... using some good advice that has been published here before.

Cell C1 : starting hour
Cell D1 : ending hour

The hours are filled in, using 1904 system, without date as 08:00, 12:00, 21:00, etc... total hours is calculated as follows:

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Working Hours Between 2 Dates

Mar 3, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with various date fields and next to those time fields. I need to calculate the amount of working hours between the 2 lots of values

for example

Cell A has "22/02/2008"
Cell B has "16:44:00"
Cell J has "25/02/2008"
Cell K has "08:59:00"

The answer i'm looking for is 01:29:00. The working hours are Monday to Friday 07:30 - 16:00. This is what I have so far and it gives me the total hours between the 2 dates but not the working hours. =IF(J10-A10=0,K10-B10,((J10-A10)+(K10-B10))) (Formatted with [h]:mm:ss). I have tried using workingday() but can't get the desired result

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Calculating Working Hours Without Using Dates

Mar 18, 2014

I'm trying to calculate shift working hours without using dates.

The scenario is

Cell A1 = Start Time
Cell A2 = Start Time
Cell A3 = Break Time

Basically I want the output to calculate hours worked between:-

0000 and 0600 as a total in cell A4
0600 and 1800 as a total in cell A5
1800 and 0000 as a total in cell A6

Then if the value of A5 is greater than A3, subtract A3, but if the value of A5 is less than the value of A3, A5 should be zero and the remainder of the value of A3 subtracted from A4 (or A6) depending which has a value.

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Calculating Working Hours Between Days?

Aug 15, 2010

how can i calcaulate working hours between two days.

Working Hours 07:30 - 14:30

e.g. mm/dd/yyyy

start time 01/04/2010 17:34:58

stop time 01/05/2010 08:23:35

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