Match Cells In Another Column And Populate Data Automatically
Oct 11, 2006
I have a worksheet where I need to match the work items from Region A to Region B. If the work items match , then I need the formula to automatically populate the corresponding data in the next 3 columns as similar to Region A. I have tried searching the forum and but I could not work out the formula. I am not sure if the formula is Vlookup or INDEX/Match which both I am not well verse. I have attached a sample sheet.
I am trying to match info from one column with another column and if it matches, I need the formula to populate the relevant data from the adjacent column. I using Vlookup and I am not sure why it does not work. I have attached a simple example.
how to make a certain type of date automate. It's kind of hard to explain, but basically, I'd like to make it so that when I enter a date in one column, another column will automatically populate with the 1st of the next month. For example:
If I enter 4/26/2009 in the 1st column, column 2 will read: 5/1/2009 If I enter 1/19/2008 .................................................. 2/1/2008
Also, it's very important that if the FIRST date is already the first of the month, then the second column will read the same. For instance: If I enter 3/1/2009 in the first colum, the second column will ALSO read 3/1/2009.
I need to summarize some information from a different worksheet. Worksheet A(WS-A) is the summary and worksheet B (WS-B) is the source of information. On WS-B I have a range of values under the title "Materials" which I use to put together an estimate. This range has about 25 rows and not all of them are populated depending on the needs of the particular job.
If it matters, the Materials cells are populated by a drop down "list" from yet another worksheet. On the summary (WS-A) I want to show only the cells from WS-B that have a value in them so that if, within the Materials worksheet, there are only 6 rows that have data in them...only those 6 rows are shown on the summary worksheet.
I need to auto populate an excel spreadsheet however it has 3 criteria to match. Pressure, size and name. I need to somehow lookup the name and if it matches the pressure rating and size then return the quantity in that cell. There is 2000 cells and I am sure there is a logic function or someway to complete this task faster then manual entry.
I have a 14 column workbook with 40,000 lines (records) Basically a mailing list of people and companies- no formulae.
There are MANY records where I only have a Person's NAME,the COMPANY name and STATE with the remaining columns empty. There may be more than one person (record) associated with the same Company.
There are quite a few records that have the no peoples names but COMPANY name, STATE AND address, City, Telephone, Sales, # Employees, and S.I.C. codes.
I would like to ask EXCEL to:
"Wherever there is a match of Column C (Company) and Column G (State) then POPULATE EMPTY Columns D (address), Column E (City), Column H (Zip), Column I (Phone), Column L (Sales), Column M (Employee #), and Column N (S.I.C. Code) from the info in the matching record that HAS the data.
My desired result is to have a list of peoples names with company , sales, phone # etc.
Is it possible to have a column count up if two other cells meet criteria?
What I would like to happen (if it is even possible) is, if cell B1 equals CO and C1 is a duplicate, then G1 enters #1 for the first time it is duplicated, #2 for the 2nd time it is duplicated, etc.
Is this even capable of happening.
I am attaching my spreadsheet (TAB "AG Orders"). I filtered the spreadsheet so you can see an example of what I am looking for. I manually typed in column G but I was hoping these numbers could automatically populate.13-14 budget-AG test.xlsm
I have a excel workbook. which have a master data sheet or table as drawn.
[Code] ........
The above sheet is master sheet. I have also worksheets which named are matching with column head from "DARCL", "MMT", SSL"......till "GRT" (No "order" named worksheet is there). So I want to feed data or value as total order in "ORDER" column, (it is not necessary to put the value in each row) and the total value or number is distributed by me in particular column or colums. After data feeding I have required a command button or any button that can copy or show the reference row (customer name) with its cell value in the matched column head worksheet. As example: total order is 200 put in "ORDER" column in row 3, and 200 is distributed as by myself 100 in column "E" (MMT) and 100 in column "H" (RITC) and so on...after this feeding, I click the button and the data will show or copy as table M/S UIW : 100 in "MMT" worksheet and M/S UIW: 100 in "RITC" worksheet.
As example layout of others worksheets.(attach pic)
After click command button on the master sheet the related customer name and the value will be populated in respective matched column head with worksheet. If there is no cell value in master sheet the below mentioned cell are hides.
I'd like to automatically populate a 9 box grid using data from Excel. The number of names for each rating can be anything from 1 to 100 so the size of the grid would need to be adjustable. I would like one table for each function and grade. Attached is what I'm trying to do. In the 'example tables' sheet, I've shown how I'd like the tables to look, but with my live data the tables would be bigger so I'd like to do one table per worksheet (or possibly one function per worksheet - so 3 tables).
I have a spreadsheet that contains many lines of information that will constantly be added to and updated. One of the columns contains a drop down with 4 possible options. I am trying to get the data to copy to a sheet based on 1 of the 4 options selected. So for example, if Education is selected, then that row of data should also appear in the Education sheet. Same goes if one of the other options is selected.
I have seen several examples on this forum, but they are mostly macros (or formulas that don't quite apply). I am trying to use formulas so that the information is updated live so macros don't really seem to be a viable option.
I am including a sample of the spreadsheet with data on the main sheet and how I want it to look when it is transferred over to the other sheets. I had to substitute a lot of the information (with numbers or filler words) due to it being confidential.
I would like to know how to automatically populate a combobox with the data in a certain range. Attached is a simple workbook with the example. I know how to do this with the additem. But I dont know how to create the array or userform initialize to populate the combobox with the range.
I'm looking for a formula that when copied down in row D would automatically fill in what is in colum D above if columns A:C match.
If A25:C25=A1:C24 (for example A25:C25 = A8:C8) then D25 will automatically fill in the content of D8. Then next it would be A26:C26 match A1:A25 and so on.....
I want find the data in some rows that same with one or more cell and automatically fill the data. And for more details, I have attached the examp file (Examp.xls).Antoni
I need to automatically populate a column with an alphanumeric MFR0001 to MFR9999 and am currently using the formula below to add 1 to the start point (A1)...
A1=MFR0001 Formula in A2 =LEFT(C1,3)&(RIGHT(C1,4)+1)
This works perfectly if I start at MFR1000, but breaks and drops the 000 if I use it on the number I need to start with (MFR0001).
How I can refer to sheet...Without activating sheet. i have this
Private Sub carga_click() Sheets("Codigos de Area").Select Sheets("Codigos de Area"). Cells(1, 2).Select While ActiveCell <> "" ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select ComboBox1.AddItem ActiveCell Wend End Sub
let's say you have array like this: ___A__ 1|value 2| 3| 4|value2 5| 6|value 3
and you want to populate (copy, move values in) the empty cells ___A__ 1|value 2|value 3|value 4|value2 5|value2 6|value 3
this code will do as long the last cell in the array is not ""
Sub PopB()
For LoopCount = 1 To ActiveSheet.Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row If Mid(Range("a" & LoopCount), 1, 1) <> "" Then _ TheQuestion = Range("a" & LoopCount) Range("a" & LoopCount) = TheQuestion Next End Sub
I am trying to find a way to populate a column based on the changes in the data of another column...
For example, I want to fill in the code when the customers cost changes, I want a numeric code to populate & change. So for the first 5 lines, the code could be 21, and then when the cost changes to $37.51, want the code to change to 22.
I'm looking to populate my Helper Column with all duplicates from my Data Column. Please note that my helper column needs all instances of a duplicate.
Data Column Company ABC Business DEF Corporation GHI Business DEF Company ABC Business DEF
Helper Column Business DEF Company ABC Business DEF
The formula needs to be dynamic and it will need to be able to be copied down.
I am trying to build a staff roster. The staff rotate over a 4 week cycle. the name of the staff member, and their shift needs to be looked up from the key then matched with the particular week. the name and shift then need to populate specific cells.
I have attached the worksheet so you can see what i am trying to achieve.
I am hoping to populate a column with data from another worksheet. Basically, I have a set of columns, one for Location, Zip Code, Longitude, and Latitude. I want a formula to say, if the location equals X, then pull the associated information from the other worksheet. -- I assume it would be an if or vlookup, or combination.
I am using Excel frontend and Access backend for my project. Now I want to write the code that will execute when the userform1 is loaded and populate data from Access table in to the 2 column listbox. I have written the following code but that doesn't work properly.
My sheet goes from monday to friday on the coulombs. On the rows i have various data sections for each day. I would like the data on the last day (any day after monday) that there is data for a sheet to input that data into the monday slot when the "master date" is changed on the cheese sheet. The idea here being that the script will take the last entered data for a given sheet, and put it into the monday coulomb on the same sheet when the date is changed. This is kind of hard to explain so if you need clarification let me know. Attached is the sheet i'm working with.
how to do some complex stuff in Excel but sometimes I don't know how to do some really easy stuff. After I have named a data set of say a certain ten cells in one column, is there a function or a way to input the name and have that data populate a different ten cells? For instance if I have a huge amount of data all coded and I want to take equal but different portions and run them through a template, how can I make it so I just have to enter the a code for any of the data I have coded and have it populate momentarily where ever I need it to go? I'm sure this is very easy to do unless I have explained it inadequately.
I need to populate a combo box on a form with the column name (A,B,C...etc) and the first row data. I need the code to check all columns in-case of missing column data.
Its important to note the data will be dynamic. In my add in, a form opens on requests and asks the user which column he needs to action data on. this could be on any one of several non similar spreadsheets.
E.G.: Combox to hold the following data (see column D has no data or header row):
Column A - Date Column B - Rep Column C - Customer Column D - Column E - Product