Matching Items In A Range?

Dec 29, 2011

I think I've been at the Xmas sherry for far too long as I can't see the wood for the trees with the following code. It is supposed to find the position of the string_to_find within range_to_match.

I have checked and the address returned locally by range_to_match.address is correct. However the individual items (current_item) are coming back as blanks (as in the Msgbox) - rather than the members of the range.

I did try and do this via application.match but again got an error.

There is an option explicit at the very top of the module.


Public Function match_string(range_to_match As Range, string_to_find As String) As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim pos As Variant


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Matching Items

Jan 27, 2006

getting correct formula and normally there are people much smarter then I in the
discussion group. What I have is a workbook with 4 worksheets and on on of the worksheets I have a layout like this. (sheet 1)
1 Name Origin Driver #
2 Mrs Soandso 125 anywhere
3 Mr. Someone 327 anywhere

Drver numbers are blank

On another worksheet(sheet 3) I have a list of subscriptions (I.e drivers
numbers already filled in) I have this set up as a list.

1 Name Origin Driver #
2 Mrs Soandso 125 anywhere 37
3 Mr. Someone 327 anywhere 39

What I am looking for is a way to pull the drivers numbers from sheet3 into sheet1. so basically in sheet 1 if a1 and b1 match the name + origin in sheet 3 it will pull the driver number from that row into c1 sheet1 . If nothing matches then it should leave it blank. The data in sheet 1 changes everyday for me as I get a manifest on who to deliver wheels on wheels to, my problem is while I know all the correct drivers go to what people, I can never have a day off as someone filling in for me has to go through 400 addresses and look each one up and put coresponding drivers number into it.

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Matching Items In 2 Columns

Dec 13, 2011

In Col A, from A1:A12 I have


In column G from A1:A6, I have


How could I return an 'x' in column C against the A values corresponding with the G values, for example an 'x' in C6, an 'x' in C9, an 'x' in c15' etc? And a blank for example at C8 and C14.

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Matching Items From Two Sheets

Mar 24, 2007

I have two majors (classes) listed on two differents sheets and need to put the matching classes on a third sheet.

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Returns Items Matching Condition

Jul 24, 2007

I am trying to have an order form auto populate information, however I have run into a small problem when doing so. I am unable to use VBA because it is locked by whoever originally created the spreadsheet so I need a formula solution if possible. I would like for the worksheet "Order Form" to auto populate the type of printer cartridge when there is a 0 in the column "On Hand" on the "List" worksheet. I know a loop could do the trick but I was wondering if maybe a vlookup or if statements could get the job done. Here is a completed sample of what I would like to happen.

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Multiple Matching Items From Table

Jan 30, 2008

I'm working on a travel form, which allows people to enter a travel itinerary. From that, I want to be able to extract the cities where they are spending one or more nights - so that I can then do the calculations for accommodation allowances.

I am able to calculate the number of nights stay in each city where there is an overnight stop. But I'm stuck on how to extract every combination of City and Nights where Nights is greater than zero - there is no need to calculate for cities with no overnight stay.

I have attached an example spreadsheet.

Some notes:

- the itinerary and accommodation tables have to remain separate, as they hold more data than in the example,
- the itinerary table can't be sorted for number of nights. It has to be in chronological order for each segment!

Every lookup function I check out seems to demand a sorted table.

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Multiple Arrays - Matching Data To Items

Jun 20, 2012

I have code that runs through multiple arrays trying to match data to items in the arrays and it takes a long time to run.

dim a as long
dim b as long
dim c as long
dim d as long
dim e as long

dim MyAarray as variant

[Code] ..........

That's basically what the code does. however, it takes an extremely long time to get through with everything as each array increases in size.

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Parsing A Row Of Multiple Items From A List Of Matching Unique

Jan 8, 2008

I have two worksheets: A and B.

Worksheet A:Contains 2 columns: Issue# (Col. A) and Program (Col. B).

Issue# contains a list of multiple issues. There are several instances in which the issue# is repeated.

Any particular Issue# field may have several issues in it, delimited by a comma.

Program is a program associated with the issue and this column also contains duplicates.
Worksheet B:Contains 1 column: Issue# (Col. A)

This is a unique list of issues#'s.

All Im looking to do is parse all Issue#'s from Worksheet B and have some way of knowing if that issue# is anywhere in Worksheet A. Most importantly, I need the "indicator" to be displayed on Worksheet A. This way I can see what program(s) is/are associated with the matching issues.

A couple other notes:All Issue#'s in Worksheet B are referenced at least once in the Worksheet A Issue# list

There are several issues in Worksheet A which are not referenced in the issue list on worksheet B (of which I dont care about)

I really hope that makes sense, but if not...

Here's the best example I could come up with: ....

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Remove Matching Items From A Workbook Based On A Master List

Jun 16, 2009

I have Workbook A populated with skus from a report and I want to remove all rows in this workbook that do not have a matching sku in Workbook B. Each workbook contains only one sheet and the skus are in column 1 of both workbooks.

Also, I am looking for a good resource/tutorial for working with workbooks, worksheets and ranges within. I don't anticipate this being the last time I will be confronted with this and would like to learn more.

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Comparing Two Column For Matching Number But The Items Compared Also Contains Letters

May 2, 2006

I am trying to compare two colums. They both contain numbers mixed with letters. I am wanting to match only the numbers in both not the letters. Example:

column a = m454 column b = fsh454-1
m543 fst998-2
m998 fsm434-1

my match is m454 and fsh454-1, m998 and fst998-2. The items can be in any order in the column. The end result I want to indicate the match by putting an X by column a item that matches column b.

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Find Range For Items From An Combobox

Feb 24, 2009

I have an workbook with two worksheets: sheet1 and sheet2. In first sheet I have an combobox (with data from sheet2, range A2:end xldown). In second sheet I have:

column A: item
column B: item with range
column C: range

I need to select one item from combobox (for example 3) and after that to select a cell (for example D3).

In sheet2, column A, I need item 3 to be deleted.
In sheet2, column B, I need item 3 to be added.
In sheet2, column C, I need the selected cell (D3) to be added and so on for all the items!

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Count Number Of Items Within A Certain Value Range

Sep 9, 2008

I would like to make a list like the one below

1 - 50 mm 87 pieces
51 - 100 mm 99 pieces
101 - 150 mm 46 pieces
151 - 200 mm 42 pieces


I have a list with values all ranging from 1 - 200 mm. Which formula can I use to sum them up in the above 4 classes?

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Add To Listbox Items Not Found In Range

Feb 4, 2008

What I am trying to do is for example Sheet 1 has a range of names A1:A20 and on sheet 2 on non contigious ranges some values from the range on Sheet 1 shown here and there. What I would like is on a form ListBox1 shows all names used in Sheet2 and on ListBox2 all names that were not used.

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Matching First Name In Range Of Names

May 1, 2009

I'm trying to find a way to check if the first and last name that are the content of cell A are anywhere in cell B and beyond. I've included an example: In the example A1 must match B1, C1 and C2.

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Count Unique Items In Filtered Range

Dec 13, 2009

As the subjects states I need to count the unique entries in a filtered range.

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Limiting Number Of Items In A Range From A List

Nov 19, 2008

Here's my problem. In column B, i wish to allow users to choose 15 items for which i have created a list using validation. Each cell in the range B1 to B15 will contain one item. I have managed to allow them to select only 15 items by locking the other cells and allowing only the range B1 to B15.

However, i need prevent users from entering more than 5 identical items from the list. They can only choose a same item up to a maximum of 5 times.

Would you guys have an idea of how i can get around this problem? I really need to prevent them from entering the same item from the list more than 5 times and not only warn them.

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Pulling Items From A Multiple Column Range

May 4, 2009

I need to be able to pull the information into another section of the workbook and place it into order (ie Black 1,2,3,4) and then drop down to the next row and place Blue 1,2,3,4 etc. I am using a drop down menu to select the Course, and want the times to then populate to the right, each in its own cell.

Have tried the loop code available on a few different topics here however has not quite worked.

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Find And Replace Items In Specified Range Automatically

Aug 20, 2007

I am trying to find a way to automatically find and replace 2 letter symbols in a specific column into the words they represent. There are many symbols and rather than do a find and replace for each symbol, I would like to write a macro that would do them all at once.

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Filter The Range Items Dispayed In A UserForm

Jan 31, 2005

As shown in the sample attachted Excel spreadsheet, I have a UserForm set up to display 2 colums of the range "Elist" using a ListBox. The Userform is called by a Button. I want my UserForm to display subsets of the "Elist" range thus restricting the users choices based on the results of a Filter operation performed on the Elist range. I wrote some filtering code that does select my intended subset of "Elist". I then use the initialize event of UserForm to set the RowSource of the ListBox to "Elist" hoping to display the filtered subset of "Elist". However, the ListBox continues to display the full range "Elist", not the desired filter subset.

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Matching Name Range With Achieved Grade?

Sep 15, 2014

I am trying to find lists of students from this worksheet who obtained the Grades in column K4, K12 and K19 together with their own classes. Is there any formula besides Pivot Tables to find them?

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Find The Heading Matching With Range?

Apr 19, 2014

I have a Meeting Place and Cities Table(too large).An example attached as a file and explained waht is wanted.

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Pass Range Through UDF By Matching Dates

Nov 11, 2013

I'm trying to create a UDF that would be able to accept a column as an input range.

Match dates contained in two other cells and return the addreses so I can perform a function between the two addresses.

like Function multiplyrange(B2,B3,A:A)

B2= Start Date
B3= End Date
Column A is contains all the dates

sheet set up:


Start Date

End Date

[Code] ........

So it basically just multiplied all the values between the dates found.

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VBA - Find The First Matching Date Within A Range

Feb 19, 2009

In a row on the spreadsheet I have a range of dates from 19/09/2008 to 19/06/2008 mainly with a weekly interval.

I want to incorporate into the macro a find function so that it can determine the first occurrence of a specific month and return the row number.

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Macro To Convert Date Range To Line Items

Dec 14, 2013

I do not have any VBA knowledge. However, teach/show me how to write a macro to convert each new record (with a date range) into individual records for each day in that date range. It might take me a long time to learn from you but I really don't mind trying and putting in the effort. My description of the idea is shown below.

The intention is for new records to be added each time a staff/member has a new travel trip. Each new record = new row added below the last record previously added. DateRangeQ_1.png

With the macro, I hope to be able to add each new record to a separate list. This separate list shows those travel records by each individual date and staff/member name. The dates do not need to be in chronological order. DateRangeQ_2.png

So if Mary Jane enters a new business trip to Egypt for 15th Dec to 17th Dec, she will enter a new record in row 9, click the macro button and the macro will generate 3 new records in rows 31, 32 and 33 (one row for one date in the trip).

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List Box Depending On Combobox And Add Or Delete Items To Range

Jul 4, 2009

i had a user form with a Combo box,list box,text box and a command button. I need the code that works upon selecting:

1)An Item from the combo box should display the list in the list box.

eg: If Country is selected from the combobox then the list box should contain all the names of the countries from the country Column

2)An item should be added to the list in the worksheet when an item is entered in the textbox.

Like wise, when an item is selected from the combobox from "Delete Items List" all the items relating to the item selected from the combobox should be displayed in the list box and a choice to delete the items relating to the combobox item should be provided.

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Excel 2003 :: VBA To Add Worksheets Named For Items In Range?

Jan 17, 2012

I some code that reduces a long list of dates from one source of data (in its own worksheet) down to a unique list of dates (on another worksheet). I need to create a new worksheet for each date in the range (named for the date), and then allocate each line item for that date in the source data into its repsective worksheet.

I'm using Excel 2003.

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Add Items: Multi Column ListBox: Non-Contiguous Range

Sep 6, 2006

i have several listbox with two columns in a userform in a sheet i have several columns whith values and i'm trying to put the values from the columns in the respective listbox. down is the code i wrote but is stressing with column command

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim contar, j, i As Double
contar = 0
For j = 1 To 15
linha = j
For i = 3 To 65536

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Find Matching Value In Range On Different Sheet And Delete?

Jan 28, 2014

I am an inventory specialist for a dish network company and as such I track inventory in and out of technicians vans, both serialized and not. I've done a great deal of work updating a broken excel sheet they use so that it functions again but I didn't build it. I've learned a lot but I'm only self taught with Excel and had never even heard of VBA code until I dived into this project. It's a huge puzzle and is now my "baby".

Anyway, basically I have one sheet that has a list of all the items I need to keep track of. One section of this Sheet1 I've designed to have cells with dependent drop down lists that are Named Ranges on Sheet2. The tech can choose item A B or C in the first dropdown box and then the next cell shows only the serial numbers from the named range on Sheet2 of A B or C. (Was that english?)

Since the receiver comes out of the techs van once its used I want to figure out a way to delete the serial number that the tech has chosen without deleting the row or cell, just the value in it so that it can then have another serial number typed in. How can I do that?

Also, since I'm here, my 2nd drop down list seems to always start scrolled down and I have to scroll up to see my serial numbers. Why is that? The receiver list starts at the top but the dependent one doesn't...

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Matching Criteria From A Virtual ( Non-Existing Range)

Dec 10, 2008

Matching criteria from a Virtual ( Non-Existing Range)

I need help on two things:
1> Virtual Range
2> Displaying TRUE or FALSE

I want to perform a Lookup Using the Regular Match Function with the following Syntax for checking Dates falling in a Fixed Range...

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Matching Exact Combinations In A Range Between Sheets

Mar 9, 2012

I have an excel file, with roughly 1000 rows and about 6 columns per sheet of data, and about 10 sheets. I need to find combinations of numbers (in a single row) that match exactly with any of the other sheets.

For example, if Sheet 1 row 345 has the values (5,8,10,100,35,49), I want to find any other rows in any other sheets (including the sheet with row 345 values) that match exactly (5,8,10,100,35,49) and somehow identify a matching pair (possibly highlighting the cells).

I want to search every row in every sheet with all the rows/sheets in the excel file.

We could also probably add up all the values in a row into a 7th column, and find any of those #'s that match throughout the project (only in the 7th column), and I can go through and manually look for combinations myself.

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