Move Formula Range One Cell Down?

Jun 19, 2014

how to move formula range without inserting any rows. For example, I have a sum(a1:a3) and I need to have sum(a2:a4). I have hundreds of these little formulas through the spreadsheet and they are driving me crazy. Is there any way I can select a block of data and have a macro simply shift all formula ranges within that block one down? Copying the formulas down and then moving the result in place of the original doesn't work as I have formulas relying on these results and I will get #REF errors. I bought an Excel VBA for dummies, but have been so swamped with work that I haven't had a chance to look at it, or even to think about where I would begin to look.

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Move To Next Cell Below Without Using Range

Jul 2, 2008

Is there other syntax that can be used other than:


I'm trying to move to any cell below some text. So, it will find "Total" and move the cell below.

Also, is there any way to specify to select cells without specifying the actual cell name?

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Move Cell/range Of Cells

Aug 12, 2009

I've been trying to figure out how to use a formula that would enable me to copy/copy & move a range of cells right one column if a certain criteria is met.

Basically, if a criteria is met, I want to 'copy' everything from a row to another row, but offset it by one column (so that what was in, let's say, a1 would be in b2).

I've been tinkering with index(), if() and offset() in various combinations but think I must be missing something.

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Move Range To Last Cell On Another Sheet

Aug 22, 2008

Im trying to create a macro that when ran it copies all information from that row and puts it on a different worksheet. It needs to be put on the next available line in the new worksheet. and then the information deleted off the original and all rows moved up to fill in the gap. the rows all contain 2 formulas i'd like to keep specific to the row number Also it contains formulas id like to keep but change the cell numbers according to which row it is copied over to.

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Macro To Move Range Of Cells When Value Of One Cell Changes?

Oct 14, 2013

I have an excel file that contains data from bank transactions.

In column A at irregular intervals is a cell with " User Group:" It depends on how many transactions there are in a batch, could be 1 or up to say 200 as to when the next "User Group" cell is found.

After that also in column A is "Item" then "Lodgement Ref" then at the end "Batch Totals"

User Group:
Lodgement Ref
Batch Totals:
User Group:
Lodgement Ref
Lodgement Ref
Lodgement Ref
Batch Totals:

I want to find each instance of "Item" then move that cell and every cell over to column CK down to and including "Batch Totals" i.e. A3401 to CK3410 to CM 3400 so it lines up with the top of the transaction block.

There are over 60,000 lines so it's worth trying to find a solution as I can then use the methodology to make other refinements in the spreadsheet.

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Move To Next Blank Cell When Pasting Range

Jun 10, 2009

VBA to find the next appropriate blank cell in column "A" when copying ranges of varying sizes and pasting them in a new worksheet one after the next.

Currently I have recorded a macro that uses the code below to get to this location, but I am worried this will break when I get new data of a different range size;

Range(Selection, ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)).Select 'my initial range selection
ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Select 'finds last cell of my paste
Range("N69").Select 'I hit the down arrow once to get to new blank row
Selection.End(xlToLeft).Select 'to go to begining/col A of new row for next paste

I have tried playing around with


but can't get it to work.

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Move Range Of Cells Based On Cell Criteria

Nov 16, 2007

I'm trying to do is loop through a range of cells, and if the cell meets a condition I want to move it and 2 cells to the right of it left by one cell.

Sub MoveRangeOfCellsBasedOnCellCriteria()
Dim myrange, cell As Range
Set myrange = ActiveSheet.Range("H2", Range("H65536").End(xlUp))
For Each cell In myrange
If IsNumeric(Left(cell.Value, 1)) _
Or Left(cell.Value, 5) = "UNIT " _
Or Left(cell.Value, 4) = "THE " _
Or Left(cell.Value, 5) = "FLAT " Then
cell.Offset(0, -1).Range("A1").Select
cell.Offset(1, 1).Range("A1").Select
End If
Next cell
End Sub

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Macro To Move A Range Of Data Over 1 Cell, If A Certain Condition Exists

Mar 4, 2008

I am trying to create a macro that will look in Column B for the word "RPLCASE." Whenever "RPLCASE" appears in Column B, the cells in that particular row will move over (Right) one space. I am simply trying to align the data from a file that I FTP'd from Net Term to Excel. You can see how the data should look in the 2nd example.


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Verify Data In Specific Range Or Move To Next Open Cell Down And Past Value?

May 9, 2013

I have a command button that will run paste a value in a specified cell but I also need it to check for the next open cell and paste the data if the previous cell in a specifid rage is already filled with data. Here is my code I have below. *jumps with Joy* My Range is E6 to E10

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim f As Double
Dim t As Double


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Formula To Compare Sum Of Range To Cell Value And Return Cell Count Of Range Used

Jun 3, 2014

I am trying to find out how many weeks our current inventory will support our sales. I am trying to research formulas that will do this, and coming back with things like OFFSET, MATCH, INDEX but am not certain the best way to put them together to get what I need. I use excel daily, but this is a bit mroe advanced than I am used to


Starting in cell B4, I would like to count how many weeks of Demand can be covered by the specific Available On Hands in row 3 for that week, put the number of "Weeks Covered" into cell B2, and then fill over to the right in row 2. Right now, the values in row 2 are from my own manual calculations, but I would like a dynamic formula that will sum up the values in row 4 up to (but not greater than) the value in B3, give the count of cells that reached that sum (or even better with decimals to show the percentage covered), which I will copy over into B3:B13. Not sure if that makes sense, or if I can explain in a better way. The yellow cells are what I am trying to create a formula for and am currently stuck.

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Move A Range Using VBA?

Feb 16, 2013

I have a small formatting issue in my excel spreadsheet.

I would like to move cells in the form below:

















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Move To End Of Used Range In Row

Nov 1, 2007

Is there a key combination to move Right to the end of the row even though there may be blanks within that row?

If I do a Shift>Ctrl>Right arrow it will highlight to the cell just before the first blank cell.

I am trying to "Move" to the Right end of the table reguardless of what cell I'm in or if there are blanks in the row.

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If Value Exists In A Range Then Move To Next Row

Jun 18, 2014

Basically, if a cell value exists in a list on another worksheet then move to next row. If the cell value does NOT exist then look at columns J, K, L and M and see if a specific value exists in each. If any of these cells contain this criteria then copy the row and add it to the bottom of a growing list on another sheet. Here is what I have so far.

Sub OrdersHeld()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim x As Double
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim numberofrows As Double

[Code] ......

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Cut Move Range To New Sheet

Nov 8, 2006

I convert many large files from csv to Excel. Once I import the csv to Excel I must break the worksheet into multiple depending on when a Cell in column F is equal to a "cata" of which I do successfully with a macro.

The next step in VBA I attempt; is to go 10 cells to the right of the active cell (cata) and anchor that cell address so I may copy the range from "A1" to the anchored cell address.

I have been unable to pass the the value 10 cells to the right of the active cell. I would be grateful of any suggestions.

Here is the VBA Code I've been trying. (It bombs after it finds the cell 10 cells from the active cell.)

Sub SelectRange()
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 10).Select = EndRange
Range("A1,EndRange").Select 'not working'
End Sub

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Move Chart Range Every Month?

Aug 30, 2012

I am working on automating a report via vba code where the range of the chart needs to be changed every time the macro is run. Basically the chart is a snapshot of performance of 6 months .

For example : if the chart is already displaying Jan - Jun data , when the information for July is added and report updated the chart should be updated to reflect Feb - Jul data .

There are many graphs but have added 2 sample here for ref .

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Move Range Selection By Two Columns

Nov 19, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with data organized into columns in sets of two - the first column is an X value (Pixel number) and the second column is the Y value (pixel density). I'm trying to make a macro that will select the first set of columns, chart it, move the chart to the next sheet, then select the next two columns of data, chart them and move the chart to the next sheet etc. I've gotten as far as having it make the chart and move it, but I can't seem to make it select the next set of columns - I've been trying different things for a couple days now.

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Cut Then Move (insert Or Paste) Range

Feb 3, 2010

I'm having a toughs time with what I thought was a simple task. I need to cut and insert/paste a range of cells and then repeat in a loop. Explicitly, I have 3 columns with 2990 rows. Every 46 rows is a 'group' and I want to cut each group and paste at the top of the sheet so I have only 46 rows and (2990/46*3) 195 columns. I need to preserve the order so that the group at the bottom becomes the rightmost group........

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Move Correct Spelling To A Another Range

Oct 19, 2006

Let's assume I've got a list of 100 words (most spelled incorrectly and located in cells A1:A100) and I want to place only the words spelled correctly into Column B. For example, if 10 words are spelled correctly, they should go in cells B1:B10.

I start with the first word in cell A1 and move it to cell B1 to be spellchecked. If it's spelled correctly, I keep it in cell B1 and move the word in cell A2 into cell B2 to be spellchecked. (If A1 is spelled incorrectly, I move the word in A2 into B1, thereby discarding the misspelled word.)

Can I code this so that when the spellchecker box opens (i.e. word is spelled wrong) it will close automatically (e.g. [cancel]) and move to the next word?

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Move-Cut First Word From Range Of Text

Nov 6, 2006

I have a text string in a cell. it is comprised of a series of numbers and text. i would like to " cut" the first part of the string starting from the first space and paste in the cell to the left. For example.

range("b11") has the following: "This is my example"

I would like to perform the following:

range ("A11") would equal "This"
Range ("b11") would equal "is my example"

(note the space has been completly removed as well)

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Use Text In A Cell For A Formula As Cell Reference To Create Range

Mar 10, 2013

I have a list of headings and items and I have a set of formulas that work out depending on the heading what items are listed.

Say theres 10 items and the heading starts at C4 and that heading has 10 items, so it puts "C5" as text in G1 and "C15" as text in G2 so i now know my cell range of items

How can i use the text in those cells to put in a formula to call that as a range?

If I use the indirect formula it shows me the value of the cell, but im after using it to reference the cell

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Move Formula In Cells

Oct 3, 2008

I have to move formulas from cells without the changes ?

Then i use copy-past it changed the rows and collums numbers, but i need to keep absolutly the same formulas

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Move Or Remove Negative Entries In A Range

Dec 16, 2008

My check register was exported to a excel spread sheet where the deposits and debits are all in one column E. The debits are entered as a negative number. I want to create two separate debit and deposit columns with the appropriate data entered. What the best way of moving the data accordingly?

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Move After Return Direction Xltoright In Specified Range

Apr 12, 2007

Move after return direction Xltoright In Specified Range.

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("mastersheet").Range("trgadd") Then
Application.MoveAfterReturnDirection = xlToRight
Application.MoveAfterReturnDirection = xlDown
End If

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Formula That Returns The Cell Address Of The Last Cell > 0 In A Range

Jul 16, 2008

I am looking for a formula that returns the cell address of the last cell > 0 in a range.

in the example: A1CLA23 8

the result should be A7.

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Move Two Cells Down When Copying A Formula?

Sep 13, 2012

I got a sumif formula, where I sum the hours if a certain person is represented. =SUMIF(K12:R12;"TW";K11:R11) Hours in row 11 and the person in row 12.

The patern in my excel document is that every second row is hours and persons. Hours on odd row number and persons on even.

My problem is that when I want to copy my formula down, it goes one row down to =SUMIF(K13:R13;"TW";K12:R12) I want it to go two rows down to =SUMIF(K14:R14;"TW";K13:R13)

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IF Formula To Move Values From One Worksheet To Another

Sep 19, 2013

IF formula to transfer specific text and values from sheet 1 to sheet 2 (please refer to attachment). Sheet 2 should display the name, state and unprocessed rate for each month for individuals with a rate of 95% and 30 or more unprocessed files.

Unprocessed Files.xlsx

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Move Formula Dependent On IF Statement

Apr 15, 2014

In the attached spreadsheet, I have data pertaining to the amount of money raised for a bunch private equity funds, and the dates when this money was raised.

For a little background, private equity funds raise money in various batches or "closes", so a fund may initially raise $5M in its "first close" and then in its "second close" it may raise another $5M or so. And then a "final close" would be the last time that fund would raise money.

I'm trying to figure out a way to move data in my "Fund Size" and "Fund Size Date" columns to the corresponding "First/Second/Final" close amount/date columns, according to the "Status" of the fund in my Column A.

Essentially, if a fund is either "Fundraising" or "Fundraising and Investing" status, then I would need the fund sizes and fund size dates to populate in the corresponding columns left to right.

And then if a fund is in "Investing" status, the most recent values (or those furthest right) would need to appear in the "Final Close" columns.

Fund Closes.xlsx‎

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Move Only Value Producing Formula To Another Column ??

Dec 24, 2008

s/s is very large and the need is to transfer formulas from one column to another. Column L contains formulas in cells L7:L45 (attachment) - (L7:L326415 in working s/s). Some of these formulas result in a value being given. I need to transfer formulas only from those cells having values to cells three columns to the left on the same row. I do have code which I was using for another application. This puts a formula in the correct places but it is the wrong formula and I don't know how to amend it so that it carries out the required action. Small attachment enclosed for better understanding of what is involved. Or could anyone change the line ".formula = ......" in the following code to make it work??

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Use Offset Formula To Move To Next Row Data?

Jan 11, 2013

Is it possible to use offset formula to move to the next row data? I am trying to achieve all H&S data will be captured in sheet 2. I know there is an easy way to do that by filtering it. But I am trying to automate the summary template in sheet by putting a formula from the data in sheet 1 below.

Customer Unit Price


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Formula To Move Info From One Column To Another

Nov 13, 2006

I need a formula that will take the value of one cell and put it in another cell other than the one in which I am typing the formula. I can't think of how to do this.

I have two columns, A & B (no headers), of information. The columns are not identical, and column B has empty cells scattered throughout the column. For each empty cell in column B, I want to copy the same row of information into it from column A, as if I'm just scooting the information in column A that's on the same row as the empty cells in column B.

This is simple with a cut/paste, but when there's thirty empty cells, cutting and pasting takes time. (What's really frustrating is that I've figured out a few formulas that will copy the information from column A but all the information gets pasted in the column in which I'm creating the formula (say, column F, for example). THAT doesn't help me because the empty cells in column b are still empty!)

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