Pull In Address From Another Worksheet
Jul 31, 2006
I have two worksheets. The first is a master listing of all stores for a
certain client. They are all assigned a store number. The second sheet is a
list of all invoices, I need to be able to type in the store number and it
pull up the street address, city, state and zip, all in different columns.
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May 20, 2014
Assume the following list of addresses are all in separate cells of a single column (A1-A4). I just need the formula to extract the street addresses, and then a separate formula to extract the zip codes.
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Jan 6, 2014
How do I pull only the email address from a cell that is like this:
annavstone22@yahoo.com,anna,stone,,,,,,,,,,,2011-10-20 17:31:08
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Feb 4, 2008
I have about 5000 email addresses located in about 5000 different text areas, some of the text areas also contain 2 email addresses. How could I pull/extract the email addresses out only into its own list? Example;
The lines around the text block represent a field such as A1. Note all the text is contained in box A1.
{ Name: Joe }
{Address: 123 Blow St } A1
{Email: Joe123@sam.net }
{Name: Jan }
{Address: 124 Cat St } A2
{Email: J123@nbadd.net }
I need to just get the email addresses pulled out.
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Aug 26, 2009
I am trying to do season stats for my roller derby league. I have a great spreadsheet going but the one thing I want to do, I can't seem to do. I am attaching a "test" file. very simple and small but shows what I need to do.
I have different sections and I am trying to pull the highest number out of that section. For this example, it is under the green Jams Skated: Jams at Jammer. The number on the right is the highest number of jams skated while the number on the left should be the name of the skater who has this number. Okay, no problems there. My problem occurs when I try to move these same formulas to another sheet. in this case, sheet 2. It pulls all kinds of strange things.
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Aug 7, 2014
I am having a problem pulling out individual data from previous worksheet (Sheet 1) to another worksheet(sheet 2, 3, 4...) individually.
For example I want to pull out the values of IP B0b/C0b Hum to another worksheet separated by each day. is there an easy way to to this using a vba code or excel formulas?
Please find attached file.
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Jun 15, 2007
Can you use something like that to pull "All the text" from that URL back to Excel (like in Select All, Copy, PasteSpecial) rather than using SendKeys? The existing URL listed in your Test Sub would be fine to use in the example. If so, could you please modify the Test Sub code to show the code?
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Jun 11, 2013
I don't really know how to search this question but what I am trying to do is pull information from one worksheet to another only containing numbers greater than 0. For example, i have an order sheet containing everything that is in stock, then I go down the list and put in the number of items being sold (1,2,3, etc). Some items will have a value of zero.
Then the items that have numbers (the ones that are being sold) I want to be able to pull these numbers along with the item description onto another worksheet which will be the invoice. Then excel will add up the prices of only the items being sold and give me a total value on the invoice. Is this doable?
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Mar 5, 2009
I have one worksheet with 238 rows and another with 163 rows. I want to pull information into the sheet with 238 rows whenever there is a match to a record in the 163 rows. I tried VLookup, but as soon as it gets to a record in the 238 that doesn't exist in the 163 it gives errrors and stops. I've looked at =offset and =offset(match) but I'm not finding anything that deals with the situation of not always being a one-to-one (or even one-to many) relationship. Ultimately I want to pull the Category & Project fields into the records matching on IDNumb in Sheet 1 but Sheet 1 has more records than Sheet2. example......
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Mar 11, 2009
The spreadsheet will be have 3 worksheets. The first worksheet will be the mastersheet (Form-01 in the attachment) that will be used as a summary/receipt for the person participating in the auction. The second worksheet will be a list of the people participating in the auction (Names) will all applicable contact info. The third worksheet will be the list of all the items for the auction (Auction Items) with all relevant information per item and a unique number for each item.
The idea is to be able to track information during the auction on the "Auction Items" worksheet, there is a column for the bidder ID of the winning bidder. Then after the auction is over and its time to settle up be able to go to the master sheet (Form-01) and enter the Bidder ID# and have the other fields auto-populate.
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May 5, 2009
I am trying to pull data from one worksheet to another. I am using Product ID numbers. The problem I am having is that not every Product ID I am searching has a partner on the second list, so I get an #N/A. In stead of #N/A I just want a "0".
my vlookup looks like this: =IF(VLOOKUP(A1,Sheet2!A5:C500,3)>0,VLOOKUP(A1,Sheet2!A5:C500,3),"0"). If A1 does not find a match on Sheet2, it returns "#N/A" when I want it to return "0".
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Feb 27, 2014
I have a workbook, in which I will have approximately 5 worksheets. The 1st worksheet will be a summary table, which will pull data from the other 4 worksheets. These 4 sheets have data of 4 companies, thus representing 4 companies. In the 1st worksheet, I have a drop-down list that has selections for each company.
How do I make it so that when I change the selection from A company to B company, the data in the summary table will automatically pull data from corresponding worksheet? For example, if 2nd worksheet represents Apple Inc, the 3rd represents Microsoft, how do I reference from 2nd to 3rd worksheet automatically when I change my selection from Apple Inc to Microsoft in the 1st summary table sheet?
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Aug 12, 2009
I want to setup an excel spreadsheet that will list employees and when exams were completed on them. The exams need to be completed once a year. I want the excel spreadsheet to send out an email to their corresponding supervisors when is within one month or so of an exam needing to be completed so their exam can be scheduled accordingly.
I have searched this forum and read through some of the other posts regarding exporting data from excel to outlook. This seems like what I need to do but I wanted to see if anyone has an advice on what way is better than the other?
Also, if excel is setup to push the data to outlook, does the excel file need to be open? In other words if Jimmy comes within one month of his exam but no one opens the excel file will it send out the email to outlook?
Is it a better option/ or possibility to have Outlook pull/check to see if the condition exists where an employee is within a month of his exam and then let the supervisor know?
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Dec 9, 2009
I'm using a v-lookup to pull information from one worksheet to another. I know that each of the cells has a match on the second sheet, but the calcuation is resulting in a Value Not Available error. The only way I've figured out to get past the error is to go into each cell, hit F2 and then enter.
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Sep 21, 2007
I have worksheet 1 which calculates a member's pension which is based on his date of joining a scheme, date of leaving, salary and yearly contributions paid into the scheme. Normally I would input these details manually but now I have a large number of members to produce figs for. These members' details will be on worksheet 2 with a separate row for each member's details. I want excel to process each member one by one and enter his details in worksheet 2 on the calculation worksheet 1 and put the results in worksheet 3. Is this possible? And how???
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Nov 2, 2006
way to transform the commun Excel VBA reference to a cell
to the reference inside a cell, like
The idea behind is to introduce an Excel formula in a cell, with a reference to another cell. Thus, in my macro, the reference is
, and in the formula string, the reference must be the form "A1".
I now I can programm a function for it, but before I would like to know if there isn't a easier way like an integrate Excel function to do it faster and better.
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Feb 7, 2008
I have two spreadsheets, i suppose one part of the solution may be to copy spreadsheet 2 into a new worksheet in spreadsheet 1, but this is my current situation:
Spreadsheet 1 has "Employee lastname" in column F, "Employee Firstname" in column G. Column A in this sheet needs updating with the data populated in column H for that employee in spreadsheet 2 - the lastname is contained in column B, firstname in column C - so i need to to a match.
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Oct 6, 2008
I've been using the DSUM function to pull in data from another worksheet.
In brief, the problem is that when I Cut & Paste the formula from C7 to C8, I want the Column reference to change but not the Row reference.
If I copy across the Columns then the result is OK – e.g. The Formula will change from…
#=DSUM([HBAP_SHUTDOWNS_2008.xls]NWM_SuccessfulShutdownsByDepartment!$A$4:$E$2924,"Total",'Calculations Page'!A$17:A$18)#
#=DSUM([HBAP_SHUTDOWNS_2008.xls]NWM_SuccessfulShutdownsByDepartment!$A$4:$E$2924,"Total",'Calculations Page'!B$17:B$18)#.........................
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Nov 10, 2011
I need some VBA code that puts in formulas to pull data in various columns within row 2 of another worksheet.
The formulas need to be entered below some other data, which is populated from another prior macro.
The below code works well but as the prior macro can populate a different number of rows on different days, the Row count then also changes and doesn't always refer to row 2 of 'HLDRT before' tab.
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
"=IF('HLDRT before'!R[-22]C[-18] = ""A17"",RIGHT('HLDRT before'!R-20C[14],3)&'HLDRT before'!R-20C[9]&'HLDRT before'!R-20]C[-13],"""")"
Is there a way I can tell the above code to always use row 2 from the 'HLDRT before' sheet, while keeping the column number lookups the same?
I think there is a way to do it by removing the [] signs but I can't get it to work. I also then need the macro to copy these down so I'm not sure if using $ will cause problems?
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Jul 7, 2014
I am trying to use the indirect formula to pull in data from a cell in a different worksheet using the tab name as my reference. For example:
I have my tab name in cell A2, then I am using this formula to pull the information from cell g29 on the tab listed in A2, but its not working:
Also, my tab name in cell a2 is a date, does that make any difference? I've tried a couple variations on the indirect formula and have gone from the #REF! error to the #NAME? error.
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Nov 8, 2006
I have 2 worksheets (Sheet1 and Sheet2). Sheet 1 contains around 3000 records with multiple fields (columns). Column A contains the ID number. Sheet 2 contains some records with different fields except for the ID number which is common.
I need a macro to retrieve information from sheet1 and copy it to sheet 2 based on the ID Number; i.e the macro needs to get the ID number from sheet2, locate it in sheet1 and copy the data from column D in sheet1 for that particular record and paste it in sheet2.
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Feb 29, 2008
I need to copy/cut and paste an Html table from a website into and Excel sheet without the data being transposed. See link for the table I need to get into Excel:
Then cut and paste it to Excel, you see the data is now vertical. I need the table horizontal as it appears on the website.
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Feb 21, 2014
I am trying to create a document that runs a scenario based on the two drop down choices selected that determines which worksheet in the workbook autopopulates over to sheet one based on the selection. I tried doing an if statement but did not have any luck.
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Jan 17, 2014
I am trying to pull a specific time frame of data from worksheet, in a large file, into another active workbook. A fiscal month. I don't know how to at all. I figure it should be a And IF and Vlookup but do not know how to execute it all.
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Feb 3, 2006
How can I pull data from a specific cell from a closed worksheet in VBA?
Not sure but I think that Workbook("wb1.xls").Worksheet("Sheet1").Range("A2") only works if the worksheet is open.
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Jul 1, 2008
how to reference cells in 1 page from another and understand basic formula's, and would appreciate any input on how or if i can acheive what i'm trying to accomplish.
I have a worksheet with say 100 rows of information, it is a list of materials to go into a construction job. the columns to the right of the description calculate volume/quantity etc and produce a cost for the item. what i want to do is have a summary page that only lists the items that are being used, not all 100 items are in every job and i dont want to have to print the whole list with a bunch of empty values, which will just waste paper and ink. I'd like to enter a value in a cell or setup a check box or something that i could somehow use to then list that row or a part of that row of information on a seperate sheet, for a nice concise, easy to read list of job materials. i would like to do produce 1 sheet with the cost associated with the item, and one without cost.
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Jul 27, 2007
I'm still getting to grips with the Find Command. Basically, I have the below code that looks at a line in a sheet(ws_Site) based on the Line ID Number that is in column A and then Finds that that LineID_Value in a different sheet(ws_main) and copies a value from column I on that line across. Problem is, if the cell I is blank it copies it across and essentially clears the cell if there was data in it.
How can I adjust the below code to only set ws_main.Range(c.Address).Offset(0, 8).Value = LineID_Value if LineID_Value is not blank?
For Each LineID In ws_Site.Range("A7:A" & SiteRows) ' Loop through all the cells in range
LineID_Value = LineID.Offset(0, 8).Value
'Dim c
With ws_main
Set c = .Range("A7:A3000").Find(LineID, LookIn:=xlValues)
'If Not c Is Nothing Then
ws_main.Range(c.Address).Offset(0, 8).Value = LineID_Value
'End If
End With
Next LineID
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Mar 6, 2014
My query is;
I have 2 different worksheets having similar format (header rows/columns) but different data (values). I need to pull out these data based on their values, means if cell is blank leave that cell and move on, but if cell has some value then pull that value with its corresponding row & column headers to place into a simple table to further use it for PivotTable. The number of rows and columns are equal in both worksheets.
So basically, the proposed function will run a check on both worksheets within a specific range of cells for their values and if not blank, it will fetch that cell value along with its relevant row header and column header and place all these attributes into the destination worksheet.
Hope I am quite clear with my query. with the required function to ease my life?
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Oct 18, 2012
i found this code...
Sub Button1_Click()
Dim cnt As ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim stSQL As String
Dim SNfound As String
'Your sqlserver 2008 connection string
Const stADO As String = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;" & _
"" & _
but i dont see where to put in the Database object...
The Database it needs to connect to in SQl is called
The Server name is SQLSRV when you expand databases the database is called SWHSystem the Table is called dbo.Credential and from that i need to get SELECT All from the Name and CardNumber from dbo.Credential and put that in a New Sheet titled Personal
using Excel 2010 connecting to SQL 2008
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Jun 9, 2009
I have a master sheet named "Summary" and a number of following identically formatted sheets with lots of different names. I intend to pick out information from cell F7 of each of the following sheets and make the information show on the summary page. On the summary sheet in column A is the name of all the following sheets (spelt correctly), and in columns B, C and D are the spaces for the information I need on the summary sheet.
I need to set up a formula across columns B, C and D that I can copy down, which picks out the name of the sheet from column A and the cell reference within that sheet. So far I have experimented with formulae similar to the below which all keep returning with #REF! I hasten to add that all the Sheets are named and spelt correctly: =INDIRECT("'"&$A1"'!",$F$7)
The F7 would be changed for other cells in columns C and D, and so when I copied this down through all the following sheets on the summary page it should give me hte right results...
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