Reference Worksheet Where Sheet Name & Address Reside In Cells
Jun 9, 2009
I have a master sheet named "Summary" and a number of following identically formatted sheets with lots of different names. I intend to pick out information from cell F7 of each of the following sheets and make the information show on the summary page. On the summary sheet in column A is the name of all the following sheets (spelt correctly), and in columns B, C and D are the spaces for the information I need on the summary sheet.
I need to set up a formula across columns B, C and D that I can copy down, which picks out the name of the sheet from column A and the cell reference within that sheet. So far I have experimented with formulae similar to the below which all keep returning with #REF! I hasten to add that all the Sheets are named and spelt correctly: =INDIRECT("'"&$A1"'!",$F$7)
The F7 would be changed for other cells in columns C and D, and so when I copied this down through all the following sheets on the summary page it should give me hte right results...
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Sep 7, 2006
I have to convert a range reference in the form of
to a reference in the form of
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Nov 2, 2006
way to transform the commun Excel VBA reference to a cell
to the reference inside a cell, like
The idea behind is to introduce an Excel formula in a cell, with a reference to another cell. Thus, in my macro, the reference is
, and in the formula string, the reference must be the form "A1".
I now I can programm a function for it, but before I would like to know if there isn't a easier way like an integrate Excel function to do it faster and better.
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Apr 11, 2008
Tried to write a Macro to Range Cells in a sheet, setting the range values from a another cell. I have encounted a Run-Time error as select method of Range class failed. Below is the Macro.
Sub Macro1()
Dim r1 As Range, r2 As Range, myMultiAreaRange As Range
Set r1 = Range("J4")
Set r2 = Range("K4")
Set myMultiAreaRange = Union(r1, r2)
Range(r1, r2).Select
End Sub
Have the Ranges been set incorrectly
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Feb 7, 2014
I need to reference the projected and actual expenses from the total on worksheet 'expenses' So i did so, however, if I change the drop down on the expenses worksheet to only display housing data, then the projected and actual expenses on my budget worksheet changes as well to the new data portrayed on the expenses worksheet.
I need to reference the cell, without it changing when I change the category display, but I need the cell to change accordingly if I enter new data in the overall tablet on the expenses worksheet.
Or do I need to create a seperate worksheet that has the data in and reference my cells on my budget worksheet to that new worksheet?
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Oct 22, 2007
Currently I have a worksheet which is organized to have two pages on it. I will try to explain, i.e. imagine one page of the worksheet in the hypothetical range of A1:D26, then another page in the range E27:K50. So it is staggered on the same sheet. Is there an easy way to copy the range of E27:K50 onto another worksheet.
Aside from the regular copy and paste, I am having problems because there are formulas in the 2nd range (E27:K50) which loose their references once copied.
i.e the formula SUM(A1:A10) I would like to be SUM('Master List'!A1:A10) on the new sheet. Is there an easier way then going through all the formulas and adding the master list part.
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Jun 29, 2008
how to use VBA to write a formula in one sheet that refers to a fixed cell on the sheet to the right. The referenced sheet may have different names and it may be in a different order (i.e. not Sheet(2)) but it will always be one sheet to the right. I just want to have cell A1=(cell B2 one sheet to the right).
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Jan 9, 2014
I'm using a macro to paste a formulae into a destination cell on another worksheet.
The problem is that I need the Macro to put the name of the active sheet into the formulae
The macro has to work whis way becuse I will be using it with multiple worksheets, all with different names.
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Aug 31, 2006
I have a series of 24 files (for non-profit grants), each of which contains a macro to create a consolidation file of 29 departments (for each grant). Instead of opening each file individually I would like to create a macro in a different file that would open each file and run the consolidation macro in each file. So far I have been unsuccessful in compiling a macro to complete this task.
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Oct 21, 2007
"Enter a formula that adds the total gross sales for the first quarter in cell B6 in the Q1 worksheet and total gross sales for the current quarter in cell G18 in the Q2 worksheet"
**First ungroup the grouped worksheet
How am i going to formula a total gross that i don't even know what is the first quarter? i don't see anything for first quarter? and in Q2 worksheet G18 i already did =SUM formula Ungroup the worksheet? i don't think my worksheet is even group?? how i ungroup it?
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Aug 26, 2010
Here is my situation:
I created one worksheet called: Assumptions. In this worksheet I have 6 different columns representing 6 different cases.
I have completed the first case in a different worksheet called: WL. I would like to copy this case/worksheet WL and be able to change all the reference cells used in case#1: WL to case#2: FA. So all the cells used in my Assumptions worksheet were in the B columns for case 1: WL, for case 2: FA they will all be in the C column, same row, different column.
Any quick way to do the changes?
My case #1 worksheet as over 10 000 formulas, I really don't want to change each and every formula.
I was thinking there was a way to highlight ALL the reference cells used in my Assumption worksheet, so I would have had to drag from B to C cells, only 50 cells. But I can't find it.
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May 27, 2014
I am trying to find a way to automatically highlight all the cells specified by the cell references in a column on another worksheet (which will constantly have new values added).
On the attached sample, the 'Data Before' tab shows the base data before any highlighting. As cell references are added to the 'References' tab in 'column A' I want the respective cell to be highlighted on the 'Data Before' tab resulting in the 'Data After' tab and each time a new cell reference is added to the 'References' tab, the respective cell is then highlighted on the 'Data Before' tab.
I would like to have control over the highlight colour so that a different highlight colour can be specified for each date change, i.e. all cell references that are shown on the same date are the same colour but where the date changes a different highlight colour can be specified.
Highlight by Cell Reference.xlsx‎
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Jul 8, 2014
i have a code to save file referencing to a certain cell on a sheet, but how do i reference to 2 of them, since one is for a month and the other one is for year:
ChDir "X:SSS2014" ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="X:SSS2014SSS Report* " & Format(Sheets("CP").Range("D3").Value, "mmmm yyyy") & ".xlsm", FileFormat:=".xlsm
so i have D3 and F3 to reference to together?
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Apr 25, 2008
I am currently trying to make some VB code that will allow me to offset and select cells depending on a couple of variables.
I have a UserForm that requires two numbers from the user. These numbers will correspond with the cells I want to highlight (the strings from the TextBoxes in the UserForm are called 'test1' and 'test2' in the code shown below)
Dim test1 As String
Dim test2 As String
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
test1 = Roww1.Text
test2 = Roww2.Text
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1").Value = test1
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("B1").Value = test2
When this script is run, I want to end up with some selected cells in sheet1 that match up with the numbers the user enters into the UserForm.
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Feb 27, 2014
My company has complicated time sheets because we have several tasks that are billed differently to different people. Once a month we have to sit down and compile everything from several forms and so forth. I have created a worksheet that pulls all the numbers together so that they can simply be copied and pasted into our reports. The hope was to simply copy this worksheet into a time sheet workbook and it will pull out all of the correct numbers. Although all the time sheet workbooks are set up the same way, whenever I copy the file into another time sheet workbook the program keeps its references from the workbook it was in. Make sense? is there a formula that I can insert into an array to tell it to pull the information from the worksheet with the same name, but in the active workbook?
here is one of the equations I am working with:
{=TRANSPOSE('1st week'!A10:L48)}
so it would look something like this maybe
{=TRANSPOSE('[active workbook]1st week'!A10:L48)} but this doesn't work of course.
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Jun 24, 2014
I have attached what my problem is. Have a look, and let me know what you think...have spent hours trying INDEX, MATCH, IF, ISTEXT...
JamesExcel problem.pdfExcel problem.pdf
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Jan 12, 2009
I have a variable which contains the column number. How do I then reference a range in VBA using that column number, as opposed to the letter? I know how to convert the number into the letter, but I also know there has to be something more simpler. For instance, a form of the ADDRESS function, but in VBA?
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Aug 19, 2006
I am trying to adjust HPageBreaks so that blocks of information are not printed on different pages. I would like to start at the pagebreak and count blank rows before the pagebreak to determine if there is enough space to print without moving to the next page. I have tried the information on the posted threads with no success.
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Jan 9, 2014
I know how to reference cells from one sheet to another but for some reason I cannot for the life of me work out how to do this and that particular figure remains even after sorting sheets? Basically every time I reference some numbers its fine but when I sort the original sheet being referenced the figures are all wrong. I tried linking the cells and that didn't do it either?
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Jul 25, 2013
Sheet1 is a report that expresses 90 days of information and Sheet2 has three columns of 365 day information. Sheet1 has a title, a today function for the date (cell B2), two columns (A5:A94 and B5:B94), and then some other info not relevant to the problem. Sheet2 has three columns (A1:A365, B1:B365, and C1:C365) with the date in column A starting at the first of the year and then two lists of information in columns B and C. I am wondering if there is any way excel would be able to recognize the Date (B2) on Sheet1 and be able to pull the information from Sheet2 starting on that date for the next 90 days.
For example:
My report always starts on the day I am accessing it. So... Say it is 1/15/13. My today function in Sheet1 (B2) would express 1/15/13. This date would be equal to A15 on Sheet2. So I would want A5 & B5 on Sheet1 to return B15 & C15 from Sheet2 respectively.
A5 Sheet1 = B15 Sheet2 & B5 Sheet1 = C15 Sheet2
A6 Sheet1 = B16 Sheet2 & B6 Sheet1 = C16 Sheet2
A93 Sheet1 = B103 Sheet2 & B93 Sheet1 = C103 Sheet2
A94 Sheet1 = B104 Sheet2 & B94 Sheet1 = C104 Sheet2
With that being said, the next time I open up my report, say a week from the 15th or 1/22/13 (expressed by my today function in B2), I would want A5:A94 & B5:B94 to reference the new set of information:
A5 Sheet1 = B22 Sheet2 & B5 Sheet1 = C22 Sheet2
A6 Sheet1 = B23 Sheet2 & B6 Sheet1 = C23 Sheet2
A93 Sheet1 = B110 Sheet2 & B93 Sheet1 = C110 Sheet2
A94 Sheet1 = B111 Sheet2 & B94 Sheet1 = C111 Sheet2
Is this at all possible?
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Sep 12, 2012
Here is a code line that works
.To = ""
The following is passed over by the code, but does not send an email
.To = Recip
Recip is a variable taken from a cell value and, when I hover the cursor over it, shows "" complete with inverted commas.
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May 18, 2007
I have something like the following:
If Worksheets("RawData"). Cells(1, nColumn).Value = Worksheets("RawData").Cells(12, 16).Value Then code (I know the cell location of interest at this point)
End If
Then I End up needing To Do something Like the following
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = _
“L1:N1” above is a sample. Given the code above it I have the cell location in question but it is in the format such as .Cells(12,16). That doesn’t do me much good when range wants something like “L1”. I don’t know how to convert that (12,16) to a L16 for example.
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Nov 7, 2012
Basically, I need to copy and paste upon certain condition (references) and paste related-datas in another sheet corresponding with these references. Every references are organized by lines with indicators on columns.
In attached file, see:
- worksheet ANALYSIS:
* datas in E2, G2, D18, D19, D20, D21, D22 that needs to be copy based on reference in C2,
* then need to find this reference in worksheet called GROUP SAVE,
* and based on this reference, paste above cells value in corresponding "Indicators" column number
THEN, I will have to do pretty much the same with subgroup data. But I can figure out for this second step that request same manipulation.
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Jul 20, 2014
I have a workbook with 1000+ worksheets, all of which have 3-letter names. On a master sheet, I would like to make a query of how many non-empty cells there are on a subsidiary worksheet. This works:
What I'd like to do from time to time is input in column A a varying set of 3-letter worksheet names, say
And have a formula in column B that converts this to
I've learned that simply substituting the cell references A1, A2, A3 for AAB, ABC and CDE doesn't work. What do I need to do to achieve this?
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Jun 11, 2008
I have 5 columns set up: A,B,C,D,E
D is the sum of A and B
E is the sum of A,B,and C
As I add in a new column to the right of C (call it C2), I need D (which has shifted over one) to sum A,B, and C.
I also need E (which has also shifted over one) to sum A,B,C, and C2.
Essentially I need a function in a cell that will be able to reference two cells to the left even as more cells are added.
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Jul 31, 2006
I have two worksheets. The first is a master listing of all stores for a
certain client. They are all assigned a store number. The second sheet is a
list of all invoices, I need to be able to type in the store number and it
pull up the street address, city, state and zip, all in different columns.
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Sep 2, 2006
I have exported some raw data into excel. On another sheet in the same workbook I have a formatted sheet which will be my final report. I would like to know how I can copy data from one sheet to another via VBA code using the auto_open() function.
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Jul 27, 2007
I'm still getting to grips with the Find Command. Basically, I have the below code that looks at a line in a sheet(ws_Site) based on the Line ID Number that is in column A and then Finds that that LineID_Value in a different sheet(ws_main) and copies a value from column I on that line across. Problem is, if the cell I is blank it copies it across and essentially clears the cell if there was data in it.
How can I adjust the below code to only set ws_main.Range(c.Address).Offset(0, 8).Value = LineID_Value if LineID_Value is not blank?
For Each LineID In ws_Site.Range("A7:A" & SiteRows) ' Loop through all the cells in range
LineID_Value = LineID.Offset(0, 8).Value
'Dim c
With ws_main
Set c = .Range("A7:A3000").Find(LineID, LookIn:=xlValues)
'If Not c Is Nothing Then
ws_main.Range(c.Address).Offset(0, 8).Value = LineID_Value
'End If
End With
Next LineID
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Dec 2, 2009
I have a formula (AL15) to determine the address of the last column with a value greater than 1. =COUNTIF(C16:AC16,">=1")+2. I then use this column value to aquire the Absolute row "15" and the determined column=(ADDRESS(15,AL15,4)). This returns to me a Column value and row value that I need to use as a refference. How can I convert this returned value to a reference.
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Aug 26, 2009
I've used vlookup before but his #REF problem has me stumped.
I want to concat two cells in the Source worksheet and vlookup into the Defs sheet, but I keep getting #REF(G4:G6) when I want to return the 2nd column in the Defs sheet. What's curious is when I modify the vlookup to return the 1st column I correctly get the lookup cells(G6:G9).
What's wrong with the formula in G4.
My requirement is I can't change the format of the Source worksheet because it contains macros that work with ERwin. And it is MUCH bigger than the attached sample so I will copy/paste the formula down 6000+ cells.
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