Retrieve Worksheet Name Via Match Lookup
Nov 23, 2006
I need to retrieve the name of a worksheet for a product.
Workbook1 contains the Product number in column A, i want to enter a formula in column B that will search column A in all the worksheets in workbook2 for that product number, and retrieve the worksheet name that the product number is in
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Jun 26, 2007
I would like a formula to lookup a value across worksheets and if found return the worksheet name that coresponds to that value. I do have this formula below but it will not retrive the correct worksheet name if there are duplcates values.
So I tried to use the define names formula method:
Col_B =N(INDIRECT("'"&XWSLST&"'!B"&(2+MOD(S,N))))
N =8
WSLST =Sheet1!$A$2:$A$3
and modified the formula into this manner: =INDEX(WSLST,MATCH(TRUE,COUNTIF(Col_B,B2=S)>0,0),COUNTIF(B$2:B2,B2))+1
I left a sample workbook below that in column E are the values that I'm expecting.
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Aug 19, 2006
I am wanting to do is have the values from a number of cells on sheet2 returned to sheet1. The catch for me is that I am using the validation command on sheet1. When I select an item in the validation field I want to return data that belongs with that selection. It may be best with an example....
On sheet2 I have a list of companies in Col.A, their street address in Col.B & their phone number in Col.C.
On sheet1 I have a Validation field that lets me select from the list of companies...
When a Company is selected I want to have the address data & phone numbers returned and placed in the cells beside the Validation box.
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Sep 28, 2011
determining the correct formula to lookup various details from multiple worksheet:
Data as follows:
Sheet1: input
Sheet2: Data
b2,b3 Formula = Indirect(Address(match(a2,????,0),1,1,1,"Data"))
i dont know what is the correct range inside the match fuction to identiy the row number inside the Data sheet, i think the solution would be match(a2,Data!a2:a13,0) but things might get complicated if you have multiple worksheet such as sheet2: Data , sheet3: Data2, sheet3: Data 3
and each table has unsorted details compared to others sheets (Data vs Data 2)
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Jul 1, 2008
I have two excel sheets. The first sheet has a column with codes and another column with dates. There are more than one date for the same code. The second sheet has just one unique code. I would like to match the code on the second sheet with the code on the first sheet and return ALL the dates associated with that code to the second sheet - horizontally.
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Feb 4, 2013
I need to match and retrieve data.
If cell A25 matches B3:B19, B25 should pull the Name and C25 the Cost.
I have attached a spreadsheet.
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Jan 30, 2014
I am trying to retrieve values with INDEX and MATCH. I have column B that contains "i", and "m".
I have formulas for the first occurence of "m"
Which will look for the first "m" and output the value in column J that aligns with the "m"
How would I alter this or a new formula for the nth occurrence of "m"?
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Jan 8, 2010
I have to write some VLOOKUP formulas to pull several items from a report, the problem is there could be multiple items for each lookup value as the example below:
Company Data ABC Monday ABC Friday ABC Thursday DEF Friday GHI Monday
I need to reference every piece of data for every company but using the VLOOKUP formula, I am obviously only able to get the first instance of the lookup value (company ABC)
How to I write the formula to lookup the other data? The practical appliation I am using this for has anywhere from 300 to 400 lookup values.
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Jun 22, 2006
I have a Skills Matrix sheet consisting of 100 rows with Employee's names and 60 columns of all possible skills.....where an employee has achieved a skill a date appears in the appropriate column .
I want the user to be able to enter a name in another sheet and for the system to show ( on that sheet ) ONLY the column headers and dates of the skills they have achieved beside that name.
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Jan 16, 2013
How to match 2 columns in excel and retreive data from the 3rd column ?I have an example here as to what I want to do..
ColA ColB ColC ColD
niki delhi neha
vinay mumbaihardik
kapil bangalorevinay
neha patna
pooja goa
hardik kerala
Here is what I want to do for the above.
ColA and ColB contains a standard information which is supossed to be my reference. ColC contains my queries for which I need information about their place in ColD.
So I need to match ColC with ColA, so as to retrieve the matched data (between ColC and ColA) from ColB to ColD. Following is the way I expect my result to be..
ColA ColB ColC ColD
niki delhi neha patna
vinay mumbaihardik kerala
kapil bangalorevinay mumbai
neha patna
pooja goa
hardik kerala
I received an answer in that link
Which when tried, surely worked a few months back. I am now using excel 2010. I tried the same again, but this time it does not work for me. Is there something else to do which has been changed in the new excel 2010 ?
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Aug 5, 2014
I'm trying to build an Index-Match formula to retrieve a number from a "data" sheet onto a "summary" sheet.
In example spreadsheet, I need to retrieve the stock price on a specific row from "data" sheet, and as an alternative, the most recent price.
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Mar 26, 2009
I have 2 sheets recording feedback and summarising the overall percentages for each trainer.
My boss wants me to do this by month!?!?!
I have created a third sheet but I am not sure how to do the following:
Look up the trainer name
Look up the month
identify the percentages for each category
create an overall average of these percentages
So for example if Jon smith trained twice in JAN getting 100% and 50% in cat1, it would display 75% in the cat 1 cell and so on.
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Sep 9, 2013
I have a workbook with 2 sheets containing data in many columns in Sheet1 as well as Sheet2. I need to compare Sheet1 data in column F with data of Column C in Sheet2.
If column F in sheet 1 matching with Column C in Sheet2 then retrieve the value of Sheet2 Column B,C,D & E to show in Sheet1 H, B, C & D respectively. I have attached the Excel workbook.
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Mar 26, 2008
Excel offers many ways to use a key to lookup a value (VLookup, Index/Match, DGet, and the rest). What's the fastest way to perform a lookup of a small table of, say, 30 rows of key-value pairs? Theoretically, it would be most efficient to use a branch table (also known as a jump table). See the wikipedia article for branch tables: Does Excel/VBA have a way to create a branch table for such lookups?
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Jan 2, 2009
I have a workbook with 2 different types of sheet - 1 containing source data and the others 'collecting' data from the source sheet, depending on what the sheet is for.
For example, the data source contains different pets, their names, ages and their owners.
The other sheets are on a one-per-owner basis.
What I would like to do is use a LOOKUP / MATCH function to lookup the owner name typed in cell A1 of the output sheet and match it with the corresponding owner name(s) on the source sheet. I would then like it to return with each pet and append the results on the sheet accordingly - like below:
John Smith (in cell A1)
Pet - Name - Age
Dog - Rover - 3
Goldfish - Tom - 1
Gerbil - Chewit - 4
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Apr 27, 2009
I need a macro that will ask for a crew # and then select all the rows off another worksheet that contains that crew #. Then take the selected rows and copy them to the active worksheet for reporting.
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Oct 25, 2006
Is there any way to retrieve all the macro names in a worksheet?
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Jul 19, 2007
I have two worksheets, in worksheet1 i have a table containing two columns, " names" and "projects". In worksheet2 is where I ask for the name of the project. How do I retrieve all the "names" in worksheet2 that have the same "project" to worksheet1.
I know I made a similar thread in here, but that one was answered quite quickly. Then I learned that my question was written quite wrong and so the answer didn't help me much. I thought about rephrasing the question, but I read that this is a one question on one thread forum.
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Jan 18, 2013
In column A I have client names and columns B to P I have numerical data and in column Q I have a formula which gives me a percent, i am trying to think of a way/ a function that will return for me the client names when the value in Column Q is >=100%. It seems like it would be some type of reverse Vlookup.
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May 12, 2014
I have dropdown list on E1=Round1, Round2, Round3. I have select Round1 and enter value in Cell A2,A3,A4.....A20. / Select Round2 and type values in cell A2,A3,A4.....A20. I want to copy these values to another worksheet and retrieve again when selecting Round "x"
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Dec 15, 2008
I need to query a master spreadsheet and pull out all the rows on it that have the same name as I have in cell A1 of my spreadsheet
Myworkbook, sheetname = queries
Cell A1 = "ABC"
The Macro queries the "test Data" workbook (c:myfolder estdata.xls) "sheet x" and looks in column A for ABC, if it finds ABC it will copy the row and paste it into Myworkbook, sheetname = queries. There are often several rows of data that need to be copied that all have "ABC" in column A.
Also, in column B of the test data workbook, is a number, the highest value denotes the "version" of the data, the highest number is always the latest version of data that should be retrieved, e.g. if 9 the highest value in column B then all data that has ABC in column A and has 9 in column B should be retrieved, all other records should be ignored.
I guess this is a sort of a macro loop but not too sure how to do it.
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Jun 10, 2009
Is it possible to return a value or a sum of values using segmented lookup criteria. The Sample 1 spreadsheet (attached) explains it better.
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Apr 18, 2013
I get a report each day with a list of issues. the "group" that works the issue and the "priority". Based on these two factors, i need to do a double lookup (vlookup?) to another tab or file to match the priority and group and see what value should be brought back for each lines results. For example, if group1 had a prority3 issue, the lookup would find the value from the other sheet or file and bring back the value and put it at the end of the row where the formula is.
Attached are examples of the sheets.
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Mar 5, 2014
I need a formula to run down a column DCapture.JPG (starting at 142), when it finds the last entered value it needs to display the corresponding value from column J into cell AA21.
If you see the attached photo, the last entered data in column D would be 1, AA21 would be saying -30 (J205)
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Jun 2, 2012
I am very new withe macro I recieve every day a CSV file from our supplier withe a list of the products that got updated withe new price, stock count, product ID etc.
I have my own worksheet with the product ID that we use, and I want to finde the exact match to my product ID in that CSV file and delete all other that don't match.
But i need them get deletede by rows thos product ID that dosen't match to my workbook.
I tried with this, so it could set an X in front of my match then i could filter and copy it to my workbook but it dosen't work:
Because the same product ID is sometime in 100 rows and the X come only in front of one of them.
so with some macro. I need to have every row deleted that don't match to my list of product ID.
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Jan 30, 2008
I have 2 worksheets named sheet1 and need_to_delete that are in the same format: 7 digit number, 5 digit alpha numeric, text, dollar amount. I need to copy every row into sheet2 where there are no matches in the column A of the two source worksheets, and copy every row that does have a match in column A into sheet 3. I also need to keep the rows in their current order.
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Jan 8, 2008
I have a two sets of data, both which I have calculated variances plan Vs Actual, I would like to compare the previous months variances of different sheets. I have put a sort on the variances in descending order.
I want to match two fields E.g. B1 & D1 in sheet1 AND if they match then bring back L1 data in sheet2? The both sheets have same column names and in same order.
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Feb 13, 2009
Here is the situation:
On Sheet1:
On Sheet2:
D, G
aaa123, 11
bbb456, 22
ccc789, 33
I would like the function to search strings within an array on Sheet2 for a value on Sheet1 (that is, to search for 123 within the strings aaa123, bbb456, ccc789,etc.). Once a match is found, I would like the function to return another value from the same row on Sheet2 that contains the value from Sheet1 (within the string).
Can you help me?
I must use cell references for the values on Sheet1 because I am working with thousands of unique supplier numbers. In addition, all cell formats are general. I prefer to use the INDEX(MATCH combination rather than the VLOOKUP option.
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Nov 3, 2006
I am looking for a fourmla to return a value in a column next to the closest value. Yes, this would normally be a vlookup example however in my application the numbers will not match exact as such in an client lookup application. I need to find the closest value to the value compared in the range and return the value to the right of it.
I have made up a small table attached with comparing what vlookup gives me and what I am looking for.
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Aug 4, 2014
I am setting up a spreadsheet, that will have multiple sheets for each branch, this will than be referencing back to another sheet for data. As i will be replicating the sheets I want to make the formulas as easy as possible so I dont have to change them in every sheet. I have attached an example, the data sheet will have a table for each month, the remaining sheets will be each branch, ideally I would like to have a formula that looks up the data sheet and returns a value for each month and then be able to replicate the formula across each sheet. As the formula is looking at 3 different areas (date, branch and mortgage balance) i have tried using idex and match, but are not having any success.
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