Sending Linked Charts - Data Missing Or Can't Display
Aug 1, 2014
On a weekly basis I update a suite of charts in one workbook that are created from several other linked workbooks. Once compiled I send this via email to a colleague who incorporates it into another report by printing the charts as a pdf. For some reason he often ends up with erroneous data (zero's where there shouldn't be on the charts), or often his system doesn't display certain elements like titles and axes etc
We think his system is spending resource looking for the original data and getting itself knotted up, but surely there should be a way of delinking the charts but maintaining their integrity as they are saved?
I have two workbooks in the same folder which are linked bidirectionally. I send the files to a colleague, he updates them, increments the version number and then sends them back to me. I store them both in the same folder before opening them. However, on opening all links in one workbook have the form:
[Code] .....
The filename is correct (the updated book) but the sheet name, which hasn't changed, is now a #REF. Redefining the links restores the functionality but is going to become difficult when the plan is shared more widely.
Why this is happening and what I can do to make the links work permanently?
I would like to display the latest data label value for a data series So if I update my table for period 2 the chart should update to display only this value. Then period 3 and so on Workbook attached
I have a summary file in which I capture data from multiple sheets in one existing file (targetfile.xls).
One month might contain sheets that do not exist next month. When updating (edit) links, Excel reports an error (invalid external reference) on the first missing sheet, and does not continue checking/updating links for the rest of the document.
I tried =IF(ISERROR( SUM('[targetfile.xls]sheet1'!$M:$M)),0,SUM('[[targetfile.xls]sheet1'!$M:$M)),
How to temporarily disable PowerPoint charts which are linked to Excel. The problem is, whenever I copy a slide and try to paste it elsewhere, Office attempts to update all of the links in the entire PowerPoint. Since the slide deck has so many links, this takes an awful lot of time to do. I don't want to break the links completely as I would lose any ability to keep them dynamic. I've checked all of the advanced options within PowerPoint, but cannot find any way to temporarily disable links from updating.
Does anyone know why, when I copy a Worksheet (right click Worksheet > Move or Copy > Create a copy), Excel occasionally fails to copy across the embedded objects contained within the Worksheet (e.g. Charts, Command Buttons, etc.)?
This is very frustrating, and I'm wondering whether it's the way my Worksheet is configured, or whether this is a known bug.
I have a sheet with about 50-60 charts and I am hoping to have a master list of chart titles on the side, how can I link these titles with the charts themselves?
I have created a powerpoint that has linked charts from excel. Stupidly, I have saved both of these files (powerpoint and excel) on my desktop.
I need to save them on another drive (so they can be accessed by others) but i am worried that if i move the original excel file, it will break the links for the charts in the powerpoint file....
I have over 150 charts so I don't fancy going through and re-pasting each chart.
I have a Reporting workbook I designed. There is a "Parent" workbook with the following design.
It has 6 Pivot Tables on a Sheet called "Data"
It has 6 Pivot Charts that were created from these tables on a page called "Summary"
These 6 Pivot Charts are all linked through a pair of slicers.
There is a "control" page which has instructions and buttons that trigger "Refresh All" and "Create Child Workbok".
This design is so that someone unfamiliar with excel could conceivably create the final product.
Essentially I have written/put together VBA to Create a new workbook "child" which has should be a funcitoning copy of the "parent".
The problem is the copiedmoved (I have tried both) Pivot Charts no longer update/refresh when the pivot tables change. I have script that reconnects the Pivot Tables to the Slicers. Slicers are fully funcitonal. Links in cells are fully functional.
Some of this code might look familiar.
Sub createWB() ' Copies VBA modules, Calls Dim wbNew As Workbook, wbT As Workbook Set wbT = ActiveWorkbook On Error Resume Next Kill ("PATHmod1.bas") Kill ("PATHmod2.bas")
I'm trying to use VBA to automatically change the data displayed in an excel chart. To do this I count the number of items displayed on the chart using Chart.Seriescollection.Count. I then loop over the Chart.Seriescollection(x) and try to change the Chart.Seriescollection(x).Formula string to link to the cells I want.
Problem is that, sometimes, the cells the curve is currently linked to are empty. Such a curve does show up in the Count, but I can't access the .Formula, even though this can be done manually from within Excel.
I have several cells in my spreadsheet A which are linked to cells in another spreadsheet B in the same workbook. My problem is that the cells in spreadsheet A only display the link formula in the cell and not the value of the cell in spreadsheet B which it is linked. I have several other cells in spreadsheet A that are linked to cells in spreadsheet B and they display the values correctly.
I have two columns which i want to compare, they contain text data such as A123.
what I'd like is if its in column A and not in Column B then add to bottom of column A.
Once its in column A i can do the vlookup's to draw the other data, costs etc, over but don't know how to identify, and add, the missing codes to the list.
I have a sheet where one column has sequencial numbers from lowest to highest with some missing. So for example: A1 1, A2 3, A3 5, A4 6. Is there a formula that will display all the numbers that are missing from this column without skipping rows? So let's say: B1 2, B2 4 ect.
Basically I will be putting this on a different tab, so someone can go to that tab and see what numbers have not been used. It is a large range and is difficult for someone to scan through it all.
Currently, I have 3 charts which were created from data in the spreadsheet. I would like to have all 3 charts put on a userform for the users to view all at once. I would like this to appear once they click on the command button "View Capacity Charts" on the "Core Products" sheet.
I included in VBA a Userform1 with three Images, but I am not sure if that is the right way to go about....
I have an Excel Workbook with a worksheet containing around 5-6 charts placed side by side. When user clicks on any chart I want that particular chart to Zoom and come in the centre whereas the background must become inactive (Similar to how Picassa Photo Viewer works).
I have a list of tasks/rows with completion rate from 1-100%. I would like to display this rate information through individual tiny bar charts linked to each cell value. I managed to do it by formatting and resizing a chart appropriately. However, i don't know how to proceed to copy and paste the chart for all rows without having to edit the data series individually.
I am using Excel 2010 to create a simple chart. When I enter the information, highlight it and select a chart, the chart area appears blank. It doesn't matter what kind of chart I choose- it still appears blank. I've tried going into the Advanced options and indicating for All objects to be shown and that didn't work.
I'm trying to create a chart that will display dates along the vertical (y) axis and time (on a 24-hour timeline) on the horizontal (x) axis. Ideally, I'd like the chart to show the various time entries on each date, perhaps represented by a point or other mark at the appropriate intervals corresponding to the time entries for each date. Failing that, a Gantt-style chart that shows a span, represented by a bar beginning at the earliest time and extending to the latest time entry for each date would be useful....
I have an excel spreadsheet of 500 users which contains these details:
A1 = Email Address B1 = Mobile Number C1 = User Name D1 = Department E1 = Manager F1 = Handset
What i am after is something which will let me be able to use outlook to email each user their own details. So the "TO" filed in outlook to be A1 Email Address Subject to be - Company Mobile Phones Then in the body of the email to have the users details, so something like.
Mobile Number - 0123456789 User Name - Stewart Layzell Department - IT Manager - The Boss Handset - Iphone
How do I send data via VBA from a spreadsheet to a webpage that is already open? I don't want to open another IE window. I just want to be able to navigate the IE window that is already open on my desktop. Also, in reference to the open webpage, with this particular webpage (secure site), when you enter data on 1 screen, it takes you to another screen with a different url where you have to enter a bit more data and then move to a third screen with a different url and enter the rest of the data and then submit. Is there a way in VBA to have one macro handle passing data to all 3 screens and submit the information?
I currently have a tab on my spreadsheet named CSV. I have a macro that when called saves the information on that tab and sends it to a folder saved as a CSV file.
However this tab has a lot of information on and i want it so send it with only the information needed at the time. the data i want to send is in Columns A to AM and has rows down to 7392. I only want it to save the file with the data in the rows that has "Export" in Column AQ ignoring any other rows of data that i dont need it to send
I dont want anything to happen to the CSV tab ie delete lines etc as files will be getting sent regulary from that sheet still but with the data constantly updating in different cells
I need to get the data from the sheet 1 added to the sheet 2 by clicking on the ADD DATA button in the sheet 1. The sheet 1 will be filled in multiple times like a form by the users, so once the data is added to the sheet 2 I would like sheet 1 to have no data filled in the column to the right. The data will be only filled in the right column, thus the left column should not be copied to the sheet 2.
I am trying to set up a new workbook for my home accounting, this will consist of a seperate sheet for each item which will store the monthly payment data and a master data input sheet, where i intend to select the month and year from a drop down list, then input the amount in each entry for that month. hopefully i will then be able to hit enter and all data will be sent to its corresponding position in its relevent sheet.
I have a spreadsheet that is updated weekly -- but every week new info is added that needs a user to input corresponding info. I use a vlookup function to link to another spreadsheet that populates the info from previous weeks and the info that is missing shows up as #N/A...
First I was using a msgbox function to get the info:
HTML Code:
For Each b In myrange If Application.IsNA(b.Value) Then Employee = b.Offset(0, -2).Value SSID = InputBox("Please enter ID# for " & Employee & " :", "New Employee Found") b.Value = SSID End If Next b
But it can be up to 30 different new employees... and that is time consuming.
I would like to make it more user friendly by creating ONE userform that displays all of the employees as labels -- has a text box in which to put the ID # -- and then has a drop down box to choose the type of employee (2 options). I want all of that info to go back to the reference spreadsheet so it will be saved for following weeks, and then redo the vlookup to get the info into the new weekly spreadsheet (I can do that part)....
HTML Code:
Private Sub CloseButton_Click() Unload UserForm1 End Sub
I created a slick little excel sheet with the data coming in automatically via Access query. It has been working fine for months. Now all of the sudden there are a bunch of cells with missing data. The weird part is it's not as if whole columns are missing data, more like 90% missing. When I go to Access and run the query all cells are populated as the should be. There have been no changes to the query at all during this time.
I have one excel 2010 workbook with 5 work sheets, each work sheet contains a list with first/last name(one column) and the company name, some have a 3rd column with their email address in each sheet represents each year starting at 2008 thru to 2013 i have to find out if the people that attended an event in 2008 also attended it in 2009/10/11/12/13 and if they didnt, put their name and company name onto a blank worksheet within the same workbook without using a macro, how can i do this?
I have a table with 21 numbers two rows with x and y e.g.
nr.xy 205,5 195,4 185,3
so on ........
Now I wish to make a table with 100 numbers in wish y is interpolated based on y in the given table. Using many IF statements (in Dutch "ALS") isn't useful since the number of statements is becoming too large and besides is a number is missing e.g. nr7 x=0,7 the y is 0.
This is not working properly: = ALS(P12<$H$28;"Bodem"; ALS(P12<$H$27;$i$28; ALS(P12<$H$26;$i$27; ALS(P12<$H$25;$i$26; ALS(P12<$H$24;$i$25; ALS(P12<$H$23;$i$24;