Display Charts Inside Cells

May 3, 2007

I have a list of tasks/rows with completion rate from 1-100%. I would like to display this rate information through individual tiny bar charts linked to each cell value. I managed to do it by formatting and resizing a chart appropriately. However, i don't know how to proceed to copy and paste the chart for all rows without having to edit the data series individually.

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Get Position Of Certain Points In Bar Charts (corners Inside Bars)

Mar 19, 2014

I've just started with VBA coding and I'm absolutely stuck with one problem I have had for weeks!

I litterally spent days looking for an answer on google, unsuccessfully of course. So here I am

Right, so the problem is the following:

I have series of bar charts (up to 10) with some relationships between them, and I want to highlight those.

Here is a screenshot:

or here: View image: Untitled

I know how to move the shapes automatically, etc. Yet, the big issue I'm encountering is that I can't find a way to get the position of the circled points!

I tried every possible way with GET.CHART.ITEM but the best I get is the top of the bar and not the points inside of it...

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Text Trimming - Display Part Of Cells Text Value Inside Another Cell

Jun 15, 2014

I want to know how to display part of a cells text value, inside another cell.

Suppose in cell A1 i have "20-Jun-14"

How would I get cell B2 to display just "Jun"?

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Having Charts Display On Userform

Feb 24, 2009

Currently, I have 3 charts which were created from data in the spreadsheet. I would like to have all 3 charts put on a userform for the users to view all at once. I would like this to appear once they click on the command button "View Capacity Charts" on the "Core Products" sheet.

I included in VBA a Userform1 with three Images, but I am not sure if that is the right way to go about....

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Display Charts On Click Like How It Is In Picassa

Apr 26, 2009

I have an Excel Workbook with a worksheet containing around 5-6 charts placed side by side. When user clicks on any chart I want that particular chart to Zoom and come in the centre whereas the background must become inactive (Similar to how Picassa Photo Viewer works).

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Charts: Display Last Data Label Value In Each Series

Oct 27, 2006

I would like to display the latest data label value for a data series So if I update my table for period 2 the chart should update to display only this value. Then period 3 and so on Workbook attached

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Sending Linked Charts - Data Missing Or Can't Display

Aug 1, 2014

On a weekly basis I update a suite of charts in one workbook that are created from several other linked workbooks. Once compiled I send this via email to a colleague who incorporates it into another report by printing the charts as a pdf. For some reason he often ends up with erroneous data (zero's where there shouldn't be on the charts), or often his system doesn't display certain elements like titles and axes etc

We think his system is spending resource looking for the original data and getting itself knotted up, but surely there should be a way of delinking the charts but maintaining their integrity as they are saved?

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Excel 2010 :: Won't Correctly Display Charts / Graphs

Apr 27, 2013

I am using Excel 2010 to create a simple chart. When I enter the information, highlight it and select a chart, the chart area appears blank. It doesn't matter what kind of chart I choose- it still appears blank. I've tried going into the Advanced options and indicating for All objects to be shown and that didn't work.

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GANTT Charts To Display Multiple Entries Per Date

Jan 18, 2007

I'm trying to create a chart that will display dates along the vertical (y) axis and time (on a 24-hour timeline) on the horizontal (x) axis. Ideally, I'd like the chart to show the various time entries on each date, perhaps represented by a point or other mark at the appropriate intervals corresponding to the time entries for each date. Failing that, a Gantt-style chart that shows a span, represented by a bar beginning at the earliest time and extending to the latest time entry for each date would be useful....

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Formulas In VBA Instead Of Inside The Cells

Mar 30, 2013

how can I use a formula via VBA instead of putting it in the cell itself? It is causing me problems because when I put a formula in a entire row, all the cells five me the number ZERO, when I want them to stay without any number until I input something in the other row's cell in the same line. I will give an example: I would like that anytime I entry any number in a cell in column A the cell in column C will give me the number in column A times the number in column B (which is a variable daily updated via an internet connection), and when the cell in column A becomes "null" (that is when there is no number in the cell, not even a zero) the cell in column C also becomes null.

When I try to do it using formulas in the cells I always get a ZERO in all the column cause they read a 'null' as a 'zero'. Trying it using VBA I have some success but still have problems. I tried this code

If Target.Column = 3 Then Cells(Target.Row, 8) = Cells(Target.Row, 3) * Worksheets("Sheet4").Range("d32").Value

But it makes the cell in column 8 be static and change only when I click on the cell in column 3. I need it to change automatically when the number in D32 is changed too. As a formula in the cell would do.

is there any way to input a formula via VBA, how?

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Counting Names Inside Cells

Oct 6, 2013

Is there a particular function which will allow me to count particular names inside cells, e.g, in cell A1 there are three names(Ben, Jack, Tom), cell B1 (Jane, Tom, Andy). I'm looking for a formula which will count the number of occurrences of Tom in cells A1 and B1.

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Weighted Average Inside Group Of Cells

Dec 5, 2012

I have a sheet with columns for the transport number, the invoice for the each good transported, the freight for each good and the weight.

Problem is, the weight is the total weight of the goods in each transport.

I need a macro that creates a new column that divides the weight based on the freight cost for each invoice in each transport - a weighted average.

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Reading In Average Of Cells Inside FOR Loop

Dec 17, 2013

I'm working within a nested FOR loop. If you notice when I'm Assigning "ECD" I'm trying to average the cells from J (which is row 1) and column 11 to column 12. It keeps on telling me "Application-Defined or object-defined error".

Sub copytab()
Dim WSName As String
Dim NumbSheets As Integer
Dim NextRow As Integer
Dim i As Integer

[Code] .......

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Referencing Multiple Cells From Inside A Single Cell

Dec 31, 2008

I have 4 cells with simple data in them. In another cell, I would like to make a phrase and include all the data from the 4 cells in that phrase.


="Jackpot: &G2 (&G1) / &G3 = &G4 each"

I already tried this:

="Jackpot: "&G2" ("&G1") / "&G3" = "&G4" each"

Am I missing something? I'm pretty sure this is doable, I just don't know what's missing.

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Formula Or Code To Delete Cells If No Text Entered Inside Them

Jul 29, 2013

I am making a buiness card request form, which I have attached. On the Master Sheet (Sheet 1), the user enters in his/her personal data, such as his name address, phone number, etc. After he/she finished entering all the relevant data, Business Card Layout (Sheet 2) automatically populates and shows the user what their business card will look like.

Everything works fine, however I just realized that the contact information might vary from person to person. Right now, a person can enter 5 different contact information, but most of them will probably only choose four.

I wanted to know how to shift the cells down if the user does not fill out one of the contact information.

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Keeping Line Breaks From Inside Cells When Exporting Data To Outlook

Jun 26, 2014

I'm trying to generate an email out of my spreadsheet and use cell values to populate the email.

The issue I'm having is once of the cells (D17) has multiple lines in it, created by using Alt + Enter; and this formatting doesn't appear in the html body of the email.

[Code] .....

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Create PDF File From Word Doc Inside A Folder With ID And Ref Number From Cells In Excel

Jul 31, 2014

I have an excel database where I register cases. I have in it a button that creates a folder with and ID nr that is in column A (I create new ID nr in the next row, when I press the button it will create a folder with that ID nr and inserts a blank word document in it). We have a template that we copy to the folder (depending what type of case). The idea would be that once the template is filled in and ready to print, It would take the values from the ID nr and a reference number a few cells to the right. Is it possible to tell excel to open the word document in the folder and create a PDF version with the ID nr and reference number. (there are only 2 templates, so the macro would have to look for one of the two in the folder)

The name of the templates are: "Standard" and "Other".

I guess the best way to start maybe this would be that I select the cell with the ID nr and then press a macro button to have this done.

One thing that needs to be done, is to put a copy in the same folder and another in a second folder called "Binder" in my documents folder.

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Converting Static Charts To Dynamic Charts

Jun 27, 2013

My DB is in table format . I use this table as source data for 2 barcharts and 1 pie chart.Following are my table headers

Costs|exp heads|Month1|Month2|...|Month n|Spark lines|Average

When i add a month coloumn,Sparklines and Average coloumn should get updated automaticaly.Now this is not happening even if the data is in table format.I also want the graphs to be automaticaly updated.

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Creaing Charts From Cells In Various Sheets In A Workbook

Dec 23, 2007

I have a workbook that has 52 weeks representing all the weeks in the year for a trainning plan. I plug in various stats like heart rate, energy expended, power, time, ect. Then, some other fitness markers are calculated from these values. So i want to take the data from each week (each sheet) and plot it in a chart on another sheet dedicated to just charts. I'm not really sure if i should reference the different cells into the sheet then make a chart from those, or can i grab the data from the same cells in all 52 sheets at once?

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Disable Sheet Charts And Cells Updates

Apr 25, 2007

I want create something (a macro), maybe ending in a button to activate or desactivate the update (relatively) of the charts and relative cells in one of various sheets i use!

If the button is turned off the sheet is quiet!

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Copy And Paste All Data (cells And Charts) To A New Excel Application

Jul 8, 2008

I’m simply trying to copy all the data on one sheet, open up a new excel application:

Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")


and then paste all the information to the new workbook. When I try, the charts don’t paste, only the values and formats.

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Pivot Charts Versus Charts

Sep 5, 2012

I am trying to put some charts into a report that is pivot table based. I have some code that will work if the pivot tables stay stagnic but the users may change the tables around so that could be an issue of new data. I have the following code where I changed the source to the pivot table name (general name because of numberous report possibilites). I have taken out the other charts because they are just a variation of the chart 1. I am crashing on the line with the * on it.

Sub UWTierChart()
Dim oCell As Range
Dim oChart As Chart
Set ws_data = ActiveSheet
'Chart 1


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Color Column Charts Based On Font Color Data Cells

Oct 27, 2009

I have attached the relevant spreadsheet for which I need to alter the color of the columns based on Site number ( Sheet 1). % Mortality will be represented in the Y-Axis, and the Site numbers would be on the X-Axis. All columns (% Mortality) except one will be of the same color, and the one of a different color will indicate a specific site. As an example, site 86 is colored differently. The way I require the chart to look is shown on Sheet 1.

After reading through some great posts on Ozgrid, I managed to do this using conditional formatting (Sheet 2), but that sort of falls short because I am required to add a data table to the chart, and the parameter that is indicated by the column bars happens to appear twice in the data table.

I was wondering if this can be automated maybe using VBA, but with the possibility of simply matching the color of columns with the font color of respective entry in the data series.

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Cells Display As #######

Jun 20, 2008

I copied text from a large volume of different sources into three spreadsheets. When my webmaster went to import the data from a smaller test excerpt, he made sure that the column with the text in it had the cell formatting changed from "general" to "text".

Once this formatting change was made, some but not all, rows in the spreadsheet instead of displaying the text displayed "########". Other rows were fine.

I have tried using the TRIM command and the CLEAN command on one of the cells in order to see if this clears up the problem. But, my cell still displays as "####". For a smaller, sample spreadsheet, my webmaster fixed the problem by manually retyping the text.

I have too much text in the three spreadsheets to retype this all. Plus, when I tried retyping one sample cell, after having cleared it, I still got the "###" displayed as soon as I entered the "." at the end of the first sentence. But, other cells have periods ending sentences with no problems.

I do not know if there are additional hidden codes or some other problem in the text itself.

Does someone know of a tool or tools to clean text data so it is validly formatted as text? Or, if I should use a series of commands, I want to do them in the right order and do all of them so I don't lose any data. I have three spreadsheets each in excess of 1,000 rows, so corrupting the text is one concern and not having to retype text is the other.

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How To Quickly Display Given Cells Only

Jun 2, 2014

If I have a spreadsheet with 52 weeks or 365 days worth of data on it, is there a way (without using the hide function) to display dates of a certain range? For example, I only want to see the data from week 30 - week 40. Is there some kind of macro out there that I could maybe enter start date and end date in to a 2 cells (start date & finish date) and it will automatically filter it for me?

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Make Multiple Cells Display Same Value?

Jul 31, 2014

I've recently discovered that I enjoy making Excel spreadsheets as a tool to solve recreational puzzles. Mostly variations on crosswords and such. Honestly it probably takes much longer to organize everything into a sheet than it would to just solve on paper, but I seem to enjoy it this way more.

The Actual Question (for TL;DR Types):

Anyway, I am trying to find a way so that a group of cells can all copy the value of the other cells in the group, regardless of which cell the value is entered into. So I don't want there to be one "master cell" that all the cells are linked to. I want them all linked to each other.

Specifically, right now I am making a spreadsheet for a non-traditional style crossword puzzle. My intention was to make fields for the answers to each clue, with individual cells for each letter, as well as the crossword grid itself. Then I would link the cell in the clue answer to the cell in the grid, so that when the answer was filled it, it would be inserted in the proper place. But since this is a crossword, there is more than one clue with a letter that links to each cell. I could make it so that the cell in the crossword grid is the "master" and make the other two equal to it, but I would much rather be able to enter the letter into any of the three cells and have all three fill automatically.

I realize I am making this way more difficult than it really needs to be, but that is kind of what I enjoy about it. Finding creative ways to make the puzzles fit into a spreadsheet and making them more streamlined.

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Counting Cells That Display Data

Jun 12, 2009

obviously if one wants to count all cells that contain data they can use COUNTA, but what if i have a range of cells that contain IF formulas and only want to count the cells that display data?

presumably you'd have to use some variation of NOT(""), but i can't seem to make it work.

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Message Box To Display Range Of Cells

Dec 3, 2009

I am using the following code to display a range of cells from a single column (A1:A10) in a message box, with each cell value on a seperate line.

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Display First, Second, Etc Nonblank Cells In A Range

Sep 22, 2005

There will be anywhere from 1 to 5 values in each of these columns, but not
successively. There will be several blank cells inbetween these nonblank
cells, which I need stacked neatly into the first five rows at the top of the


(A10) - Apples
(A17) - Oranges
(A23) - Peaches
(A38) - Some other fruit of your choice...

(B14) - Toyota
(B21) - Honda
(B44) - Mercury...........

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Display Formula Instead Of Its Values In Some Cells

Jan 6, 2006

I encountered problem for some excel files when typing a formula but
displayed a formula instead of its calculated values, e.g.

when I entered "=100 + 100", what I exepected is to display as "200", but it
was displayed as "=100 + 100" instead.

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