On my worksheet I have a date of birth formated yyyy-mm-dd. On my form, I want to be able to identify anyone younger than 16. I tried subtracting from today's date on the worksheet, but that didn't work too well for me.
I attached an excel file for an example. Basically I am calculating on time shipping, but I want don't want Saturday and Sunday to coun't against us.I need G5 to equal 3 days. Right now when I subtract E2 from F2 I get 5 days. But we only work M-F, and Saturday and Sunday shouldn't count against us. How would I subract the days automattically, so it takes out Saturday and Sunday?
I wish to subtract the date 11/18/1877 from 11/16/1968 to get a result showing the number of intervening days but excel does not want to do it.
When I take 11/18/1900 from 11/18/1968 and format the result to get a number with no decimals the result is 24835 as it should be; but it does not seem to work for dates earlier than 1/1/1900.
I have a minor assignment at work. The manager has given me a sheet that lists each employee's start date, and he wants to know what percentage of them have worked here for more than 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, etc. I know a long way to do it, but there's several hundred names, and there must be a quicker way. Is an array formula the answer? I need a non-VBA answer, but I'm not opposed to learning a VBA method (no pun intended).
I have three cells... A1= entry time & H1 exit time...both are formated as such Custom #0":"00 so i don't have to enter the colon with every entry and exit time... my issue is that i want the third cell to count the minutes in cell A1 & H1...
I saw this answered somewhere on here but really didn't understand.
I'm trying to set up a sheet for my hours worked for the week.
I have the total per day in H2 through H6 In I2 through I6 I have an accumulative total for the days, so assuming I work 8 hours a day, I2 would be 8:00 I3 would be 16:00 I4 would be 24:00.
In J2 through J5, I'd like to have the weekly accululative worked hours subtracted from 40 so that the total is what I have left work until I hit 40.
Here's a simple one guys. How do I subtract 7:30 AM from 4:00 PM to give me 8.5 hours? At the moment it returns either 8:30 AM or (formatted Number - General):
I need 15 minutes removed from a difference in time, if the time span falls over 9:00 am through 9:15 am.
I'm inputting time like 8:30:00 in A1 and 10:30:00 in A2, then calculating the difference in A3 (2:00:00). Is there a way to remove 15 minutes from that 2:00:00, since it falls over 9 to 9:15?
I am trying to work out the response times to an event that my staff attend ( such as a fire alarm)
In C1 will be the time the event was called in, 23:55 In E1 will be the arrival time, 23:59 In F1 I want to show the time taken to arrive on site (response time)
This seems straightforward until the arrival time goes into the next day, such as 00:05 and this is when I have the problem
To make it more complicated, sometimes there is no need for an arrival time to be entered for some events ,with the end user leaving it blank or putting "NA" or "na" etc into the cell
I have tried the below formula which works to a point but leave me with an ######### error if the time is after midnight
I have the formula in my spreadsheet to compute time. It works only if the time in B1 is greater then the time in A1. I would to know if there is a formula to compute time with either negative or postive answer. For example if a carrier was set to load their papers at 12:02pm and ended up loading early at 11:50am I would like the result in C1 to be -12 or (12).
Currently I am using the formula: =HOUR(B1-A1)*6+MINUTE(B1-A1). Like I said, it is all good until someone loads early and then I get a "#NUM!"
Are there any other formula's that I can use or is there a simple modification to the formula I am using?
I have some intraday date that looks like this, hope the formatting comes thru when i post this....anyhow, the second column is TIME (ie 15:25 15:30, etc...5 minute time intervals for SP500 stock data. I want to have a column that simply subtracts row 2 column b (time column) from row 1 column b.....when i do this i get a #value....I know this must be possible to get a result i need....ie 15:30 - 15:25 = 5
Do i need to reformat the TIME column into something different? ....
In cell L7 I have (80/60)/24 and formatted h:mm to get 1:20. In cell M11 I have 1:00 (h:mm). In cell M12 I have L7-M11 and get the result 0:19. Why I'm losing a minute and not getting the result 0:20?
I have a working week that starts at 07:00 on a Monday morning and finishes at 14:30 on a Friday afternoon.
For planning purposes I need to know at any given point how many working hours are left. The reason for this is so that I can multiply that figure by the amount of Engineers available which will give me the amount of Man Hrs left in the week.
For example - if it is 11:00am on the Tuesday, how many working hours are left ....
I am having trouble finding the difference between times. I have two cells, A1, A2. Times will be placed in there each day. A1 will have the first time and A2 will have a later time that day. i.e. A1 12:25AM, A2 2:45AM. A3 would have the formula. In this case I am looking for an answer of 2:00 (2hrs).
My second issue will be times when I have A1 11:20pm and A2 1:20am. I can't seem to get it to work.
My challenge is discovering the difference in time between two rows of data that is imported with milliseconds in the time slot. In my example below I would like to see how I can subtract the time listed in line 4 from line 3 (11:18:59.566 - 11:18:59.550). When I try now I get either 1.85185E-07 or 00:00.0 or 0.000000 depending how the cell is formatted.
Using the 24hr time format in cell a1 i have a start time of 10:43 and in cell b1 i have an estimated time i think a job should take in this case 30 minutes and in cell c1 i have the actual time that job was finished in this case 11:07 and in cell d1 i have a variance between the two times which in this case would be saving me 6 minutes
Adm Date Adm Time Trans Date Trans Time 1/16/2014 937 1/16/2014 1045 1/1/2014 121 1/1/2014 121 1/14/2014 800 1/11/2014 735 1/30/2014 100 1/30/2014 205 1/13/2014 800 1/12/2014 1202
I would like to calculate the difference (# hours spanned from the dates shown). Unfortunately when we transfer the data the COLON is dropped from MILITARY TIME so I am having problems in the calculation. This is also made more difficult as some of the calculates span over two dates.
time variation between 2 dates including time (Exclude weekends and holidays), but include the worked time of weekend, if the end date and time falls under weekend or holiday.
Eg., A issues reported on 01Jan2014 12:00:00 PM and Resolved on 11Jan2014 12:00:00 PM
There are 3 weekends in the above mentinoned date - 5th, 6th and 11th
I can eliminate the weekends using the networkdays formula, but however in this case I need to eliminate 04th and 5th Jan (weekends), but Consider 12 hours from 11Jan2014(which is also a weekend), as the issue got resolved on Saturday afternoon, assuming for critical cases team works irrespective of holidays.
I need to calculate the time spent replying to my inquiries: I log the time I receive my inquiry as: 06/02/2009 09:23:00 in column A. I log the time I send my reply as: 07/02/2009 07:23 in column B. In column C, I need to put the Formula that will return the following result: 0 days 22.0 hours.