This Workbook Contains Links To Other Data Sources
Jan 23, 2014My files always says this "This workbook contains links to other data sources" can I turn this off?
View 1 RepliesMy files always says this "This workbook contains links to other data sources" can I turn this off?
View 1 RepliesUpon opening after "Enable" is selected the workbook attempts to locate several nonexistent pieces of data, either internet based files or network based files. Requested data appears to be about 11 years old and would not be applicable it located.
Edit Links shows the location of the requested files, i.e., E:filename but does not show the location within the document that causes this request. A search for "E:" does not locate text in any worksheets.
The question is how to delete or turn off this problem which slows opening, saving, and recalculation of a large multiple worksheet workbook.
I have a workbook which relies on another "source" workbook for getting some data. It then does some processing on the data and displays some results.
I want to share the workbook with the results with others, but I don't want to give them the "source" workbook.
I am running a macro-enabled Excel 2010 file, and there is a link to another workbook that pops up every time I open it asking if I want to update. I have searched formulas and pages, and can't find where it's linking from. I searched the VBA module I've been working in, and I can't find the link. When I click Data->Edit Links->Break Links and confirm, nothing happens. It still shows up as linked, and still prompts me to update next time I open it. I'd really like to get this data link severed.
View 3 Replies View Relatedi have a excel file that comes out of one system that i want to then use as a data source to combine with details out of a SQL server.
I need to be able to take the excel file and then in MS Query lookup from SQL to return fields based on the excel table.
I can see how you can create a data source for the excel file but i cant get a second data source added.
I need to do it in Excel rather than Access as this needs to be given to other users to use who dont have MS Access?
missing how to do it?
I'm creating report from a pivot table that has two data sources from two different work sheets. I noticed that you can use two data sources if you use the pivot table wizard which I tried but it can't combine the data. So I tried power pivot the same thing happened there - I will have all the column names but it will only show values from one report and if it shows values from other reports it will show the same value in all rows.
So I realized I need to create relationships which I did with a Concatenate of the dates. But still no luck.
I want to take the values in Column U, attach the names in Column A, and rank from Highest to Lowest
Then I want to do the same with Column V/Column A
And then again with Column W/Column A
And then create 3 tables within the document that display the top 5 in each category.
It's already done, but by hand. Is there a way to automatically set this up?
See A27-A32 for what I want done automatically
I am facing a issue with arranging a data in excel as weekly reports by getting a random input in the form as mentioned in the attachment
Needed like below
Name 1-Jan 2-Jan 3-Jan 4- Jan...........
Ram 0 L 0
Ravi 0 0 0
rohan 0 0 0
sheel 0 0 0
Inputs are like below format
name 2-Jan 8-Jan
Ram L 0
Ravi 0 0
rohan 0 L
sheel 0 L
Attached File : formal needed.xlsx
Is it possible to use a today or now function in an sql query to an external datasource in excel 2007? I have an excel 2007 spreadsheet, that I have linked to our financial database (MySql) using the database wizard. I can get the tables to display in excel no problem. One table shows how much staff have billed in each invoice period. I would like to create a query in excel, so that when this table displays in excel it shows how much each staff member has billed for the current invoice period, as opposed to all of them.
We weren't sure how to do this, so we decided to do a query to pull out the current invoice period, then we could combine this pivot table with the one for the amount billed table to give a table showing the amount each staff member has billed in the current invoice period (do this bit in excel).
The problem is we can't seem to make the query to pull out the current invoice period work. We have tried the query below, and all the variations of it that we can think of
SELECT invoice_period FROM tbl_invoice_periods WHERE STR_TO_DATE('" & NOW() & "', '%d/%m/%Y') BETWEEN start_date AND end_date;
We have also tried referencing a cell which shows the current date, but we cannot get this to work either (we may have made a mistake in the query here, we are not entirely sure how to reference an individual cell). The only way we have been able to get it to work is if you enter the current date directly into the query, but obviously this means it's no longer automated, which isn't a solution.
I'm trying to create a pivot in 2010, which gathers a cumulative amount from data sources within two different worksheets.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a workbook linked to another one. When I try to change the links to another book, I get a message ' the cell orchart your are trying to change is protected and therefore read only". I have checked and doubled checked and cannot find any worksheet that is protected. How can I find the problem cell or change the link to another book? I have the password but cannot find the worksheet?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a workbook with a few worksheets. In sheet1 I have a few ranges which are linked to different parts in the other excel sheets.
Is there anyway to check if a range is being used as a link in another sheet.
In sheet1 , A1 i have a value Apple.
In sheet2, A1 I have linked it to sheet1 A1.
is it possible to detect the link in sheet2 A1 from Sheet1 A1? I tried using Trace dependents but all it shows me is the link symbol? An arrow with a small excel sheet.
I have a workbook with a ton of links to other tabs, but all links and tabs are within the workbook (none to other documents). I've found that a lot of the links are no longer working. This document is only a month old, so it's not outdated or anything. i find myself having to go back and re-link everything. This is a big file...i understand if i have to re-link everything once, but i'm worried that the links will "break" again.
does anyone know why these links within a workbook are not working? is it something i have to fix in the Options?
Somehwere in a review of your book, it referred to an add-in that attempts to break all links to a workbook. I looked on the site (microsoft) with the provided URL but could not find it. Is it still there? Does it work for EXCEL 2002?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to move the workbook I have created to a different folder on the same drive. The workbook is pretty big and has loads of links to other workbooks. If I move it will all of these links fail and if so will I have to manually reset them all? I guess I am asking if there is specific method of moving workbooks which will automatically change the links to the cope with the new location?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a workbook that has many cells that link to a server on the other side of the planet. If I manually open this workbook I get the "This workbook contains links to other data sources." And the option to "Update" or "Don't Update"
If I choose to not update, everything works great. If I choose to update, the worksheet takes 10-15 minutes to open. I have tried to go to tools-->options-->Edit and uncheck "ask to update automatic links" but this makes the default behavior updating. I want to open this workbook using a scheduled task and a batch file, and have it not update, and then run a macro. Any suggestions on how to do this?
I am working with a workbook, which has links pointing to many other workbooks. Many a times, I need to open the source workbook to verify whether the source data is correct. It takes a long time to open the other files and locate the exact cell. Following is an example of the links in the workbook.
Some cells are linked to the sheets in the same workbook. I know that I can use Excel's audit function, but I found that it doesn't work well when the formula referes to other workbooks. Therefore I want to design a macro, which will land me to source cells. The macro needs to analyse the link; open the workbook to which the link refers; and find the correct cell in that workbook. If the link refers to a worksheet in the same workbook, then it should not open that workbook again. I don't know, how to use a link like the one given above, and analyse it using VBA to decide whether it needs to open another workbook.
I am new in VBA, but I have a short procedure to break all external links in the currently active workbook.Is there any option to firstly update all external links and only then break them?
Sub BreakLinks()
Dim Links As Variant
Dim i As Integer
With ActiveWorkbook
Links = .LinkSources(xlExcelLinks)
If Not IsEmpty(Links) Then
For i = 1 To UBound(Links)
I have a workbook that links out to numerous other workbooks for current data. After one of the supporting workbooks gets up dated, I return to the master workbook.
Here, I need to see the updated results. The only way that I can find a way of updating the master is to close and save it and then re-open.
Is there a way of updating the master workbook using a macro?
My first post at last.
I've recorded a Get External Data macro and wish to modify source and destination components. I would like to replace the absolute link to the file name with a variable and the Destination range to the active cell at the time I run the macro.
This is the is the macro code line that handles the source and destination components I want to modify.
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
"TEXT;C:filename.csv", Destination:=Range("AQ2"))
I am having a workbook in server, it consists more than 12 sheets. Everyday in the early morning it need to be get updated, (i.e) normally when i open the file, it as for the Password (password for workbook), then after I given it will show three buttons Update Don't Update Help, so i need to press the Update Button , it should be done everyday in the early moring.
Is there any way to do this automatically open and update and close everday through vba code or anyother ways.
I have a macro where I try to edit the links after I open the workbook. I used the macro recorder to get the code, and if I use it, it works great. However, when I try to insert some variables in the code, I get an error saying "Method 'ChangeLink' of object'_Workbook' failed. I don't know why I'm getting this error. Below is code.
Sub MyCode
Dim VarianceMonth As Variant
VarianceMonth = VarianceReport.cboMonth.ListIndex + 1
Windows(VarianceMonth & "_2007 Forecast (LGBU).xls").Activate
ActiveWorkbook.ChangeLink Name:= _
"\sf1d3shareLGBU_ FinanceAdministrative ReportsMonthly Forecasts" & VarianceMonth & "_2007" & VarianceMonth - 1 & "_2007 Forecast (Ancillary).xls" _
, NewName:= _
"\sf1d3shareLGBU_ FinanceAdministrative ReportsMonthly Forecasts" & VarianceMonth & "_2007" & variancmeonth & "_2007 Forecast (Ancillary).xls" _
, Type:=xlExcelLinks
I am try to copy a worksheet "exactly" from one workbook to another, i.e. all formulas and range names reference the new workbook and not link back to to the workbook they were copied from. The code below brings the formulas and named ranges over still referencing the source workbook: SourceWB.Sheets(sht).Copy after:=TargetWB.Sheets(sht)
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'im using an index - match - match formula with links to an external file.
Everything works fine until I close the source workbook. At that moment the liks break. The error I'm getting is #REF!.
I suspect the reason is that the source data are in form of an official table. I tried some formulas with data in the same workbook but outside the table and they keep working after the source file is closed.
I really want to keep the source data in a form of an official excel table.
I have several hundred workbooks which are linked to a master workbook from where the workbooks draw their information. Now I would like to break all the links in all of the several hundred workbooks to this master workbook and retain the information. Is this possible without having to open each workbook individually and break the links via the 'edit links' option?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI built a template which pulls data from the source file using formulas. the problem is formulas doesn't give any error it updates the right value when the source workbook is open.
I Thought problem could be with the formula and tried just Source A1=destination A1. it also updates only if the source file is open. when the source file is closed it shows the last captured value.
The source file is on the (Work) Network Drive and is accessible to few people. my template is password protected (tabs) so formulas cannot be deleted.
When ever I open a file a message comes up reading "This workbook contains links to other data sources" and then asks me wethere I wasnt to update or not. Well I don't want people to see this when they run a Macro I have created. So what I would like to know is if there is some code that I can add into the macro that will either disable that message or somehow always answer "dont update" everytime that message comes up so that the user wont have to be bothered with it.
View 9 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone have any code to put in Workbook_Open module that can get rid of this message that says "The workbook contains automatic links ......." and default the selection to Yes when asked if I want to update all linked information?
I tried this but it doesnt work ...
Private Sub Workbook_Open ()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End Sub
Currently I am using VBA Code below to Stop Update links prompts
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Workbooks.Open "C:TempBook2.xls", UpdateLinks:=False
End Sub
Is there code I can use such This Workbook so that I can save this file as another name and it will work? Biz Auto Merged Post;Dear All, I have found VBA code that works.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Workbooks.Open ThisWorkbook.Name, UpdateLinks:=False
End Sub
I'd prefer to edit links with the source workbook open, however I receive this error when I do "A formula in this worksheet contains one or more invalid references." I am able to edit links with the source workbook closed but this takes far too much time to be satisfied with that as the solution. I have used vlookup formulas and the index-match method and they both take about the same amount of time to update. I've separated each worksheet and used the "name manager" add-in and have searched all links for any type of error. I feel like I'm missing something. Is there a way to fix this "invalid reference" error so that I can edit my links with the source workbook open?
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