Filtering By Multiple Values

Mar 20, 2013

I need to filter 20 out of 100 text values (3 letters each) in a table.

The 20 values are listed in a separate column and I don't know how to filter by that range without manually selecting all of those 20 in the filter?

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Filtering Linked Values

Jan 13, 2010

either writing a formula or coming up with some way to filter out certain values and it's stumping me... it's probably way more simple than I'm making it I've got an attendance spreadsheet with employee names going down the first column and dates going across the top row, managers use codes to indicate sick, personal time, etc.

There is a separate spreadsheet for supervisors to track vacation (don't ask me why) and I was asked to link the data from that spreadsheet into the attendance one described.

Linking is no problem, since it's the beginning of the year I'll just do a copy & Paste special.... paste link and they can still use that 2nd vacation spreadsheet to update both places for vacation time. However.... the vacation sheet has some extra info they don't need/want to see on the attendance one (ie. Lv @ 12:30, Holiday, etc.) How can I filter that out so that the only thing that appears is the V for Vacation that is linked & other attendance codes that are entered (S for Sick, etc).

I'm using Excel 2007

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Filtering 100s Of Values At Once?

Feb 10, 2013

I am trying to find a way to quickly and efficiently filter an existing spreadsheet i have set up. My current spreadsheet is an excel sheet that has a couple thousand items and in the next column is the price for each item. My customers send me an email with a list of items ranging in anywhere between 1 and 1000 items requesting pricing. Is there anyway to quickly and efficiently filter the existing price list for the items my customers are requesting pricing?

Currently i have a filter on the item list but selecting each item is cumbersome and a waste of time.

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Filtering Out One Column With Values From Another

Jul 12, 2006

I am trying to do is filter out one column of data with another. Basically if a value from column A is in column B... delete it.

Here is code that I am using:

Sub filter_out()
' filter_out Macro
' this will scan one column and remove cells from it that
' are in it that are in another column

Dim INV As Range
Set INV = ActiveSheet.Range("A2")
Dim MW As Range
Set MW = ActiveSheet.Range("B2")

I keep getting object errors and it fails...

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Filtering For Unique Values. But Keep Only First Entry

Jul 23, 2009

i need to filter and delete duplicate values. where i have some issues is that i just need keep the first entry and delete the second (and so on) entry. means when i have a list with ids and hours like that:

id1 hours1
id1 hours2
id1 hours3
id2 ...

i need to have id1 and hours1 but delete hours2 and hours3. hours is the result of a formula. i tried with advanced filter but it somehow just hides me the duplicates and it sums me the hours.

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Filtering Rows With Particular Values In A Column

Apr 3, 2007

I have been trying to transpose a piece of code that was put on this forum back in 2005 into my own Workbook but have been unsuccessful. The original piece of code filtered a column for unique entries and then filtered the main sheet for each unique entry and cut and paste each row that the unique value occurred in and in a new worksheet. A new worksheet would be created for each unique filter.

So what I am trying to do is look up a list of values that i have in a list on the worksheet. Then for each entry in my list, create a new page and cut and pasted the filtered main worksheet into that page.

Finally return to the main worksheet and then remove all filters.

I have attached the original file that was submitted so you can look at how it works and I have posted a sample my worksheet (with some things disabled to reduce file size but hopefully you will get the layout. However I don't currently have that sample on this computer. It is posted on another thread under the title "Selecting rows with specific values in a column".

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Filtering Multiple Columns

Jan 28, 2008

I am trying to filter three columns of data to a given range without having to using auto filter on each column. I would like to have a Macro or Control Button or something easier than picking each set of data each time I want to filter.

Attached is a sample file.

I am not well versed in Excel and this is my first post so please bear with me in this process.

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Filtering Multiple Returns

Dec 3, 2008

I have a raw data page which contians peoples name and where they charged thier time. My problem is that I only want thier name to appear once. What type of formula do i need to use to make this happen.

Employee name Project No. WBS Code Hours
John Smith 123456 1 4
Jane Doe 123456 1 2
John Smith 123456 2 2
Jane Doe 123456 2 1
John Smith 123456 3 2
Jane Doe 123456 3 5

At the end I want to do a count to let me know how many people I have charging the job but I don't know what formula I need to exclude duplicate entries.

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Filtering For Multiple Pay Types

Sep 9, 2009

I need to find the total $ collected on repair orders that contain customer pay and warranty repairs. The problem is that C and W show up on differerent rows, if an RO has 4 lines 3 may be c and 1 line w. I don't know how to use pivit tables to get the info I am looking for, or if that is the best way to fnd my answer.

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Filtering Multiple Columns At Once

Jul 28, 2008

a formula in excel. here's what i need to do:

column A has the names of deffirent drivers (ex; john, peter, james)

column B has start time (9:00, 10:04, 11:08)

column C end time (9:14, 10:16, 11:23)

i need a formula that will take all the "john" from column A, do column c - column b for the time it took and then do an average of all of john's attemps.

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Macros For Filtering Values In Pivot Table?

Oct 2, 2012

I am currently using the following code below in the macros for filtering out a certain set of activities in fields LVL to be "0"

Dim PI As PivotItem
With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Lvl")
.PivotItems("0").Visible = True


I now wish to filter lvl activities with pivot items " 0" and "1" as well.

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Filtering Duplicate Values With Distinct Scores

Feb 24, 2014

I have an excel which is containing records of users who have given an online test.Many users have given the test multiple times. I need to extract the records of every individual with the highest score. example it could be individual A, B and C have given the test 3 times with different scores achieved. I need the records of A, B and C in which their score was maximum.

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Filtering On Specific Values Contained In Column

Oct 13, 2011

Column A
Row1 Orange-Apple-Pear
Row2 Orange-Grapes-Melon
Row3 Berry-Apple-Melon
Row4 Banana-Grapes-Melon
Row5 Orange-Grapes-Banana

Given the information above:

I want to find a macro that will auto filter on for example
"Banana" would filter to rows 4,5
"Orange" would filter to rows 1,2,5
"Apple" would filter to rows 1,3

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Filtering & Deleting Non Numerical Values Throughout Worksheet

May 11, 2006

how to find a certain criteria and delete the entire row that the criteria is in. I am more interested in finding certain criteria with vba, in my case any text/non numerical values and clear contents from that cell for the entire worksheet while retaining the rest of the cells that have numerical values in them. My data has --- in cells that represents missing data which would be easier if it was completely blank.

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Filtering Via Multiple Criteria From Different Sheet?

Jul 30, 2014

I have a workbook that has the main user interface on sheet3 and the main database i'm trying to filter on sheet2. Sheet3 has the button that executes the code to open the worksheet with the database and filter based on certain criteria and will filter unique id if a numeric value is entered and surname if text is entered.

Originally this worked ok when i had the button and the' rcrit' cell reference on the same worksheet as the database i'm trying to filter, but i decided to move them to the interface page as it was interfering with other things i'm trying to do.

Ever since then i can't seem to edit it to make it work from the other page! I've tried changing the filter ranges to reflect the new set up, but it seems to no longer be able to recognise numeric/none numeric values.

here's the code I'm using.

Sub filter()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim rCrit1 As Range


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Setting Filtering Across Multiple Sheets?

Jul 31, 2013

I work with project data.... I have attached a small sample. I will have data across 8 - 10 tabs with respect to costs associated with different projects.

What I do now is go through each tab and set filters based on what project and date range I am looking for ... if I am not careful, there may be other filters previously set that I do not notice and my data isn't accurate and I may spend quite a bit of time reviewing all the filters and resetting as needed.

But, the filtering will be the same across all tabs (i.e. I may want to see all project data for a single month, or I may want to see all project data for a single project across all date ranges.)

is there a way to create another tab which I can identify the desired filtering than can populate across all the tabs? not all the tabs contain the same number of columns of data, but they do all contain some similar columns that represent the typical filtering range.

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Multiple Criteria Filtering With Formulas

May 2, 2013

I have a database with 10 properties of a certain kind of material #.

IE: Material 1206 is Black, SG is 1.2, Duro is 70, Cure, tensile, price, etc.

I want a user to select 5 criteria from a drop-down list and have the 6th drop-down box populate available materials that meet the previous 5 criteria. I am trying to do this automatically and avoid user trying to autofilter (have to make it easy). I've extended the database out to show either a "0" or "1" if the 5 criteria match, but I can not get them into a drop-down list with a formula due to a #REF! error. I am not sure where the circular reference is coming from or what I have to do to change it.

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Filtering Multiple Combobox At Userform

Nov 24, 2013

Is it possible to create a data base with the given sample below?




[Code] ...

The Userform has 2 ComboBoxes and 1 ListBox

ComboBox1 will be the one of the Column A Value
ComboBox2 will be the one of the Column B Value

I did handle that ComboBoxes already....What I need only, when those ComboBoxes been selected the related datas will fill into the ListBox accordingly...

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Filtering Data Across Multiple Sheets

Jan 23, 2007

I have a workbook that has a sheet for each day of the month. The data on all of these sheets is formatted the same. I have a sheet that is an "overview" sheet. I want to be able to use a filter function (like autofilter does) but have it filter across all of the sheets and display the results on my Overview sheet.

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Filtering Based On Values In 3 Dependent Dropdown Lists

Feb 6, 2014

I have a dynamic dropdown list in B3. The dynamic dropdown list in B4 is a result of my choice in B3, and my dynamic dropdown list B5 is a result of my choice in B4.

When changing a value in B3 the dropdown lists B4 and B5 will be reset. This is done by this VBA Script in my worksheet.

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Create Report In The Another Sheet Filtering Two Column Values

Nov 14, 2009

I need to create report (just summing up) based on values in two different columns. I need a VBA to do it as the column values may vary at any time.

I have attached a sample workbook for your kind reference.

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Loop Filter Criteria: Sheet Filtering It By Different Values

Sep 22, 2006

I'm looping through a sheet filtering it by different values. As of now I just have the same steps repeated 13 times. I want to do a loop instead. So my question is, how do I change the criteria of the filter? I want to perform the specific functions for each JD1 through JD13

Sub Full_S_BreakdownWIP()
jd1 = "FSC"
jd2 = "SA"
jd3 = "SC"
jd4 = "OA"
jd5 = "CA"
jd6 = "DC"
jd7 = "GCA"
jd8 = "PAR"
jd9 = "LG"
jd10 = "RA"
jd11 = "DM"
jd12 = "SR"
jd13 = "USA"
For i = 1 To 13................

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Excel Advanced Filtering On Multiple Sheets

Apr 26, 2013

I am doing a project with these instructions:

The state, capital and population of all states with a population greater than 10 million or less than 1 million. (population)
The state, tree and bird of all states with a bird or tree that starts with Eastern or Western (symbols)
The state, population and area of all states with area between 100,000 and 200,000 (area)

I am having troubles with selecting just the three criteria (state, capital, and population) on my Population worksheet. Attached is my work. The copied filter keeps copying all of the data in the data set, and not those three.

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Filtering Multiple Rows Based On Data In One Row

Apr 26, 2012

I have a 'dump' of a general ledger accounting system....about 20,000 rows. Column A contains the journal number for each set of transactions (there are usually two rows in each set but sometimes three), column C contains the name of the account, and column E the amount. For example:

Row 269 cell A269 = 487 (journal number) cell C269 = Cheque, cell E269 = $50
Row 270 cell A270 = 487 (journal number) cell C270 = Travel, cell E270 = -$50

What I am wanting to do is to extract the sets of journal entries, where the account name (in column C) is "Cheque" I would want to extract rows 269 and 270 based on the above example. If I filter using the account name it only gives me one row for each journal transaction - only half of the story. Given that the journal number links the two rows.

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Excel 2010 :: Filtering Multiple Columns (OR)

Jul 18, 2012

I have a worksheet with

Col A being Name,
B being primary skill,
C secondary skill and
D tertiary skill.
(Sanitised example below)

There are about 15 diferent types of skills ("Skill x, Skill y etc") listed in each of column B,C and D.

I would like to have a filter (or similar) where all names would show if a certain skill is present in either column B, C or D.

For example, a filter that on the below spreadsheet would allow me to view the names of all people who have "Skill x" either as a primary, secondary or tertiary skill.

I am using Excel 2010.


Person 1

[Code] .........

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Sorting (or Maybe Filtering) Worksheet With Multiple Data In Cells

Nov 1, 2008

Background: I am HR manager for a construction company & keeper of the call-in list of personnel who are looking for work. I have a simple sheet that has columns:

Date Name Craft Experience ...more info...

If each call-in had only one craft, wouldn't have a problem. Those who are multicrafted ar listed e.g. "EL, MW, BM" In the column C. A caller two days later may be listed as "MW, BM, EL" We input the data as they say it since that is usually their order of expertise. (Yes, I know that it should have been set up with each craft having its own column, but I inherited the sheet & it has 4000+ entries)

I wrote a couple of small macros & assigned buttons on the sheet to allow the users to sort the sheet by date, or name, or craft. My customers (project managers) have requested to be able to sort by craft but have all the folks with any specific craft listed together.

Example (Excel 2003): ..

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Filtering Pivot Using Cell Value (for Select Multiple Items)

Sep 27, 2013

I'm running a pretty huge database with Part Numbers across several Suppliers which fluctuate constantly.

For example: a HEXAGONAL BOLT may have a Part Number ABC123, but depending on the size of the bolt it could be a ABC123-001 ABC123-V28 ABC123-40mm (etc)

There's a lot of data (some of it sensitive) so I don't want the users to see everything - I'm creating a front-end sheet and am looking for a way for a user to type in the Part Number "ABC123" into cell A1, then the Pivot below to auto-update (with Part Number on the 'Report Filter') to show all variations of ABC123, including ABC123-1 ABC123-2 etc - i.e. not an exact match; everything that contains the characters in cell A1.

The relevant information has been ported in and password protected on a sepearate sheet within the workbook, so it's literally a code to make the cell value affect the filter.

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Excel 2011 :: Pivot Table Filtering On Values In Specific Subcolumn

Jul 19, 2013

Is there is some way to filter based on the value in a specific subcolumn.

Using the example of a list of salespeople and their transactions over the year, who sell multiple products, the PT is Sales Person name for the Row Labels, and Type of Product for the columns. The resulting PT has 3 columns, for each of the products - e.g. table, chair couch, and the Values are the total number of that item sold. Is there any way I can filter, so that I will see only those sales people who have sold 3 tables or more lets say. (Thus enabling me to quickly see what other products those sales people have sold.)

(The actual situation is a lot more data heavy than that - it is actually a list of donations for a non-profit, coming in from hundreds of people, across a dozen different categories; I am trying to analyse the extent to which people who gave for a particular category (Direct Mail solicitation) also gave across other categories.

So far I've manipulated things by inserting a '% of row total' value into the PT and then using countif/sumif functions outside of the PT to figure out how many people donated solely to this category (= 100% of row total), and how many donated to other categories too (= more than 0% of row total, less than 100%), which gives me a decent summary of sole donations to this cause vs other categories too, but doesn't visualise what the actual other categories donated to were. I've also investigated making a PT of the existing PT, but I'm not sure if that's even possible...)

(I'm using Excel 2011 for Mac, but if there's some other version that would make this possible, I may be able to use another computer.)

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Filtering Values In One Column Based On Values In Another Column

Apr 7, 2014

I'm currently working on a spreadsheet that contains 30,000 leads and their respective companies and i need to filter out any leads that work for companies present in a different list of companies (1,834 companies). Basically, i need to filter column A so that it only contains companies present in column B. Is there a way to do this using the advanced filter?

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Match Multiple Values With Multiple Values From Another Table - Return Single Value

May 12, 2014

I am trying to look & match key values from 2 areas of one table with two areas of another table; in turn, it'd return one value based on the lookup table...

Attached worksheet : Test booklet.xlsx‎

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