Generate Sheet Automatically On Basis Of Auto Filter On Specific Column?
Apr 8, 2014
i want to generate sheet automatically from existing sheet applying auto filter on specific column. i attached the sample which 3000 rows actually i have more than one lac rows so i have to put filter on sub_div column and then copy and paste to another sheet and give the name of sheet like F21. i want to do automatically this provide vba code or function for this
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Apr 26, 2008
Setting up all 50 states was not so bad, and I tried a Pivot Table but I have very little experience with them and could not figure out how to show only the nonzero states. So, I looked up how to filter the pivot table and discovered I could just filter the state data without the pivot table.
So, I put all 50 state abbreviations in one column. In the next column I put countif formulas to count how many customers came from each state. (In the meantime, I learned how to use an indirect formula to pull the state ID from the first column and copy it down and have the formula advance for each row... cool!) Then, I filtered the columns on the count twice. First, in descending order; then, without the zeros.
However, the weak side of the filter is that it does not automatically update when a new state is entered. I have to go and manually filter again. So, is there a way to get the filter to update dynamically? I know that a pivot table is dynamic but I have a lot to learn and I can probably browse around and figure out how to show only the nonzero states. Once I learned that, would it dynamically update when a new state is added?
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Apr 17, 2014
I currently have a large spreadsheet that multiple people fill out. Each person fills out all the information in a row. At the end of the row, I would like a button that says "Generate Form" so that when clicked, a new sheet automatically opens with a template form that I created and is already filled out with the information that was just inputted into the spreadsheet. Also, there are four different template forms that could generate. For example, there are forms A, B, C and D. If the user inputs "B" into the first column of the row, then when he goes to click "Generate Form", a new sheet is created with all the information filled out in Form B.
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Jun 7, 2008
I want to filter the data: [the data I have In "Sheet1]"
Sub Makro5()
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="5"
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="6"
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=3, Criteria1:="7"
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:="99"
End Sub
and now I want to copy from "Sheet1" to "Sheet2" but only Field:=4, where criteria1:="99"; In "Sheet2" I want to paste my filtered data to:
Range("B1,D1,F1,H1,J1,L1,N1,P1,R1,T1,V1,X1,Z1," & _
"AB1,AD1,AF1,AH1,AJ1,AL1,AN1,AP1,AR1,AT1,AV1,AX1,AZ1," & _
"BB1,BD1,BF1,BH1,BJ1,BL1,BN1,BP1,BR1,BT1,BV1,BX1,BZ1," & _
"CB1,CD1,CF1,CH1,CJ1,CL1,CN1,CP1,CR1,CT1,CV1,CX1,CZ1," & _
"DB1,DD1,DF1,DH1,DJ1,DL1,DN1,DP1,DR1,DT1,DV1,DX1,DZ1," & _
"EB1,ED1,EF1,EH1,EJ1,EL1,EN1,EP1,ER1,ET1,EV1,EX1,EZ1," & _
"FB1,FD1,FF1,FH1,FJ1,FL1,FN1,FP1,FR1,FT1,FV1,FX1,FZ1," & _
"GB1,GD1,GF1,GH1,GJ1,GL1,GN1,GP1,GR1,GT1,GV1,GX1,GZ1," & _
"HB1,HD1,HF1,HH1,HJ1,HL1,HN1,HP1,HR1,HT1,HV1,HX1,HZ1," & _
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May 20, 2014
I have a worksheet that contains 3 columns, A, B, C, that I need to run through auto-filter and copy the results from a cell, F2, into another sheet each time the filter criteria changes.
Although the worksheet will contain over 11,000 rows (the attached sample file is trimmed down to around 1000 rows),
Col A will only have 8 different possible criteria for autofilter: 1,2,3,4,5,6,9,10
Col B has around 70 criteria, and Col C has around 700 criteria.
The number of rows in the sheet and consequently the auto-filter criteria will likely change each time (but will usually hover around these quantities).
As an example, here is how I would envision this working for Col C:
1. Starting on the 1st Sheet (named "FW15"), I auto-filter Col C on criteria/value 1
2. I copy the resulting value from Cell F2 of sheet FW15 and paste it into the first empty cell of Col C in Sheet 2 (named "CopiedResults")
3. I return to my first sheet, FW15, turn off the enabled filter for criteria/value, and turn on the next autofilter Criteria/Value of 2
4. Repeat Step 2
Keep looping through Col C to make sure that all auto-filter values have been applied, and all resulting values contained in Cell F2 are copied over to the second sheet.
Likewise, I would need to run through the auto-filter criteria in Col A and Col B, and copy their resulting values (from cell F2) into Sheet2 Col A and Col B.
Attached workbook : autofiltercriteria3.xlsx
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Jan 30, 2014
I'm trying to add code to an existing macro that is working well to add a feature.
As it sits now, my code produces a worksheet tab called "Matrix" that has headers in row 1, a variable length list of employee names in column 1, and then a variable number columns with data crossreferenced by name in the body of the spreadsheet. Not every row/column intersection has data, some are blank if the ItemXname does not apply to that individual.
What I want to do is select all the cells on this spreadsheet, apply a filter, and then filter based on the selection of names in column 1. But I want to do this using VBA, where the macro runs, it asks the user if they want to filter on one or more names. If no, then it skips this part. But if yes, then the next thing they see is the filter window like they would see if you did this manually. After making their selections and hitting ok, the VBA routine would then take their selections (some finite number, but could be 5 -10 names) and process the rest of the macro accordingly.
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Mar 26, 2014
I get this monthly report that has 5 tabs in it. The last tab, ALL_FAILURES_1mon, is a list of part and serial numbers that have failed that month. From that tab I copy the information into a master workbook that houses all the failures broken up by part number, each part number is a separate tab. I am wondering if there is a way to search in the "Monthly_Report" document for all rows containing the part number, 07X-000-ZZZ" and copy the entire row into the master fails list. I have attached a couple examples with sensitive information blocked out.
What I need is for when the macro is run, it will search "Monthly_Report.xlsx" ALL_FAILURES_1mon tab, for "07X-000-ZZZ" and copy all rows containing the part number and paste them in the next blank row of "Master_Fails_List" in appropriate tab.
*NOTE*I have attached both examples however my "Monthly_Report" document was too large so I had to upload it as a .xlsb but the original is .xlsx
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Dec 19, 2008
I want to end up with is when I type text in any row of the Master sheet, I would like the entire contents of each row to automatically be repeated on the worksheet of the same name (as per column O). For example row 5's contents from the Master sheet would duplicate into the sheet named Accommodation. In addition, should the details ever change in the Master, this would need to be reflected in the individual sheets also. My only concern is that I'd like the individual sheets to fill from the top rather than match the exact row number position from the Master, ie row 5's contents to be placed into row 2 of the Accommodation sheet seeing as it's the first occurrence, and row 6's would go into row 3 etc.
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