Generate Sheet Automatically On Basis Of Auto Filter On Specific Column?

Apr 8, 2014

i want to generate sheet automatically from existing sheet applying auto filter on specific column. i attached the sample which 3000 rows actually i have more than one lac rows so i have to put filter on sub_div column and then copy and paste to another sheet and give the name of sheet like F21. i want to do automatically this provide vba code or function for this

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Macro To Filter Column On The Basis Of Active Cell Value?

Jun 28, 2014

I want a macro which can filter the data on the basis of active cell

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Basis On 1st Column Automatically Select Input For 2nd Column From Another Worksheet

Mar 18, 2014

I have 02 separate excel workbooks
01 = source file
02 = data list

The workbook "source file" contains all the data
The workbook "data list" contains data for work with Drop-down list. And i can easily select my required description by just dropping down the list.

In case, i have new description i add it in the source file and it is updated in the working "data list" sheet.

This applies to Field device column also. But i want to improve the selection criteria by creating such script or formula which could check the input of the description and automatically selects the field device and its relevant signal (output type).

Screen shot is attached : Automatic Selection.jpgβ€Ž

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Splitting Files Into Multiple Workbooks On The Basis Of Specific Column?

Jul 6, 2014

I have excel data file where the code can split the data into different xls file on the basis of country for first sheet only.

execute the code so as to create single country wise files for all sheets. i.e. file consisting of data with sheet A1,B1,C1. The present code works only for sheet A1 and it creates different files with data related to that country. I was looking for the output file with B1 and C1 as well for that country. Also new output file needs to be renamed just as of original one.

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Automatically Auto Filter Worksheet

Dec 3, 2008

I am trying to write a macro that auto filters a worksheet automatically any time a user activates the worksheet. I already have the macro in place to autofilter the worksheet and have it linked to a push button on the worksheet, but would much prefer the worksheet to auto filter automatically if possible.

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Automatically Re-Apply Auto Filter When Data Changes

Apr 26, 2008

Setting up all 50 states was not so bad, and I tried a Pivot Table but I have very little experience with them and could not figure out how to show only the nonzero states. So, I looked up how to filter the pivot table and discovered I could just filter the state data without the pivot table.

So, I put all 50 state abbreviations in one column. In the next column I put countif formulas to count how many customers came from each state. (In the meantime, I learned how to use an indirect formula to pull the state ID from the first column and copy it down and have the formula advance for each row... cool!) Then, I filtered the columns on the count twice. First, in descending order; then, without the zeros.

However, the weak side of the filter is that it does not automatically update when a new state is entered. I have to go and manually filter again. So, is there a way to get the filter to update dynamically? I know that a pivot table is dynamic but I have a lot to learn and I can probably browse around and figure out how to show only the nonzero states. Once I learned that, would it dynamically update when a new state is added?

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How To Auto Generate Values In A Column

Jun 24, 2014

I have a user form into which data can be entered and is populated on the next sheet. The order ID is unique, is there way I can make the Order ID auto generated each time a record is entered instead of manually keying the number?

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Auto Filter To Specific Cells

May 27, 2009

I have recorded the following macros but need to fine tune them. In Field 1, I would like to be able to have criteria 1 be “=>” the value in cell “D9” instead of “160”. Likewise criteria 2 needs to be “<=” the value in cell “D10” instead of “170”. Fields 2 and 3 refer to columns “E & F” so they would be respective cell values.

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Adding An Auto Filter On Specific Columns Of A Worksheet..?

Dec 14, 2007

How do I go about using adding an auto filter on specific columns of a worksheet..?

I.e. I want to auto filter column "D", "G" and "I" but none of the columns in-between ("E", "F" and "H")

Currently I can only create the filter for one column or a group of columns that are next to each other)

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Automatically Generate Template Sheet Based On Previous Data

Apr 17, 2014

I currently have a large spreadsheet that multiple people fill out. Each person fills out all the information in a row. At the end of the row, I would like a button that says "Generate Form" so that when clicked, a new sheet automatically opens with a template form that I created and is already filled out with the information that was just inputted into the spreadsheet. Also, there are four different template forms that could generate. For example, there are forms A, B, C and D. If the user inputs "B" into the first column of the row, then when he goes to click "Generate Form", a new sheet is created with all the information filled out in Form B.

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Auto Fill Dates: The Sheet To List The Dates In A Column For Each Month Automatically

Jun 17, 2007

I have a sheet with a date and the number of months on it which will change. I need the sheet to list the dates in a column for each month automatically: e.g. Two cells contain date “jan07” and the period “10” months. The rows A1 to A10 should have jan07…jan16 listed automatically. If I change then change the number of month to 11 I would like the rows A1 to A11 to update automatically.

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Auto Filter Then Move Subtotal To Another Sheet

Feb 25, 2009

I have 4 coloumns: Barcode, Date, Qty, Intials. The products will be scanned and the above cells will be populated via a VBA code. What the problem is that in the Barcode column - a product may be scanned on several different days, each entry may have a different Qty value. So how can I autofilter to show the various barcodes and get the total value of Qty (subtotal) and then transfer this value into a new sheet showing the relevant barcode and subtotal Qty?

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Enable Auto Filter Even If The Sheet Is Protected

Nov 30, 2009

Is it possible to enable autofilter even if the sheet is protected. i have protected certain columns in a sheet as it contains formula but i need to filter the values based on auto filter. This is not working as the sheet is protected. is there any way to enable auotfilter.

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Auto Refresh Filter In Protected Sheet?

Jan 11, 2014

I have a summary sheet that pulls data from several worksheets. I have a filter on column I that hides all rows that have zero values in that column. Once I protect the sheet I cannot get the filter to update as the source data changes. I have tried other macros from forums but I cannot get them to work. I would like the filter to update every time that the workbook is calculated.

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Auto Filter Data & Copy To Another Sheet

Jan 2, 2010

macro which autofilter data & copy to another sheet.

below mention are the steps, i dont knw how to write vb code to autofilter month. Please find sample workbook on
below mention link

1.Auto Filter Date 2(Column C)

2.Select First Month (eg.May 09)

3.Auto Filter Date 1 (Column B)

4.from, the month, which filter in Date 2 (from May 09 to Dec 09..last month of year)

5.Auto Filter Column A

6.Copy each unique value on output sheet

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Copy Auto Filter Range To Another Sheet

Jun 7, 2008

I want to filter the data: [the data I have In "Sheet1]"

Sub Makro5()
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="5"
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="6"
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=3, Criteria1:="7"
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:="99"
End Sub

and now I want to copy from "Sheet1" to "Sheet2" but only Field:=4, where criteria1:="99"; In "Sheet2" I want to paste my filtered data to:

Range("B1,D1,F1,H1,J1,L1,N1,P1,R1,T1,V1,X1,Z1," & _
"AB1,AD1,AF1,AH1,AJ1,AL1,AN1,AP1,AR1,AT1,AV1,AX1,AZ1," & _
"BB1,BD1,BF1,BH1,BJ1,BL1,BN1,BP1,BR1,BT1,BV1,BX1,BZ1," & _
"CB1,CD1,CF1,CH1,CJ1,CL1,CN1,CP1,CR1,CT1,CV1,CX1,CZ1," & _
"DB1,DD1,DF1,DH1,DJ1,DL1,DN1,DP1,DR1,DT1,DV1,DX1,DZ1," & _
"EB1,ED1,EF1,EH1,EJ1,EL1,EN1,EP1,ER1,ET1,EV1,EX1,EZ1," & _
"FB1,FD1,FF1,FH1,FJ1,FL1,FN1,FP1,FR1,FT1,FV1,FX1,FZ1," & _
"GB1,GD1,GF1,GH1,GJ1,GL1,GN1,GP1,GR1,GT1,GV1,GX1,GZ1," & _
"HB1,HD1,HF1,HH1,HJ1,HL1,HN1,HP1,HR1,HT1,HV1,HX1,HZ1," & _

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Entering Data Onto Main Sheet That Automatically Transfer To Specific Sheet?

Feb 9, 2014

I remember years ago that I made a couple formulas that on sheet one would transfer to another sheet when I enter in sheet one.

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Macro To Auto Filter And Then Paste Certain Columns To Another Sheet

Jun 11, 2014

I am running a auto filter macro to I need to change it to only copy column A:B and past in column C:D in the sheet called "Diary". How to change my current macro to only select column A:B and paste it. It is currently pasting the entire row.

Here is the part of my code:

[Code] .....

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Inserting Lines Automatically On A Daily Basis

Apr 14, 2009

In cell b5 I have =today() which automatically updates the date on a daily basis. What I would like to happen is for each day there is a new line is automatically inserted with the date so:

Sat26/04/2008gone off sickFri25/04/2008Thu24/04/2008Wed23/04/2008Tue22/04/2008Mon21/04/2008Sun20/04/2008Sat19/04/2008Fri18/04/2008days holidayThu17/04/2008Wed16/04/2008Tue15/04/2008

I would also like any information on each of the line to move down when the new line is inserted. I am not really that good with macros or VBA but feel that is the only option to solving this problem. Also would everything still update even if the file wasn't opened for lets say the weekend. So it is constantly rolling.

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Loop Through Auto Filter Criteria And Copy Cell Results Into Another Sheet

May 20, 2014

I have a worksheet that contains 3 columns, A, B, C, that I need to run through auto-filter and copy the results from a cell, F2, into another sheet each time the filter criteria changes.

Although the worksheet will contain over 11,000 rows (the attached sample file is trimmed down to around 1000 rows),

Col A will only have 8 different possible criteria for autofilter: 1,2,3,4,5,6,9,10
Col B has around 70 criteria, and Col C has around 700 criteria.

The number of rows in the sheet and consequently the auto-filter criteria will likely change each time (but will usually hover around these quantities).

As an example, here is how I would envision this working for Col C:

1. Starting on the 1st Sheet (named "FW15"), I auto-filter Col C on criteria/value 1
2. I copy the resulting value from Cell F2 of sheet FW15 and paste it into the first empty cell of Col C in Sheet 2 (named "CopiedResults")
3. I return to my first sheet, FW15, turn off the enabled filter for criteria/value, and turn on the next autofilter Criteria/Value of 2
4. Repeat Step 2
Keep looping through Col C to make sure that all auto-filter values have been applied, and all resulting values contained in Cell F2 are copied over to the second sheet.

Likewise, I would need to run through the auto-filter criteria in Col A and Col B, and copy their resulting values (from cell F2) into Sheet2 Col A and Col B.

Attached workbook : autofiltercriteria3.xlsx

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Auto-Save Backup Copy Of Spreadsheet On Weekly Basis?

Apr 26, 2013

I have a shared document used by as many as 11 different people. right now I go into a document and save a copy each week in case one of them messes it up.

just curious if that can be done automatically.

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Formula: Automatically Update The Date On A Weekly Basis

May 5, 2006

Need the formula to enable a cell to automatically update the date on a weekly basis

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Filter, Copy Specific Columns, And Paste To Another Sheet.

Sep 27, 2009

Yeah it is 1:33 am where I am.

I'd like to filter a column and paste only 2 columns to another sheet in the first available row.
I found a code that was posted by Tom Ogilvy and made a few adjustments: ....

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Auto Copy Specific Data From One Sheet To Other

Jul 4, 2006

I just want to check that if it is possible to copy specific cells from one row to another sheet by using macro or any other script.

Attached is a sheet which explains what exectly I want

The sheet one is having Source data
Sheet three is the result sheet

If I put some code numbers (in number form) it should search the data from source sheet and update the same in result sheet in different rows

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VBA To Capture Info Using Filter On Specific Column

Jan 30, 2014

I'm trying to add code to an existing macro that is working well to add a feature.

As it sits now, my code produces a worksheet tab called "Matrix" that has headers in row 1, a variable length list of employee names in column 1, and then a variable number columns with data crossreferenced by name in the body of the spreadsheet. Not every row/column intersection has data, some are blank if the ItemXname does not apply to that individual.

What I want to do is select all the cells on this spreadsheet, apply a filter, and then filter based on the selection of names in column 1. But I want to do this using VBA, where the macro runs, it asks the user if they want to filter on one or more names. If no, then it skips this part. But if yes, then the next thing they see is the filter window like they would see if you did this manually. After making their selections and hitting ok, the VBA routine would then take their selections (some finite number, but could be 5 -10 names) and process the rest of the macro accordingly.

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Automatically Filter Date Column Based On Dropdown Of Month

Sep 18, 2012

I want to be able to show only the dates whose months are selected in the drop down in cell A1. I've been able to do this with a Macro that I must run every time I change A1; however, I was wondering if there was a way to have the macro done automatically. I've been trying the Worksheet_Change options with little command. In addition to all of the If/Thens, I've also tried the If/ElseIfs as well:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$A$2" Then

If Target = "January" Then
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$2:$C$14").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:= _
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodJanuary, Operator:=xlFilterDynamic

[Code] .....

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VBA To Print Active Sheet To PDF Auto Save In Specific Folder Then Mail Using Outlook

Jul 17, 2014

How do I write a vba code to print active sheet to pdf, auto save in specific folder then mail using outlook

im using 'Nitro PDF Creator'

also id like it to automatically save the pdf as the same file name as the active worksheet and also auto enter the following when opening the email server:-

Address: Cell D18
Subject: Cell D21
Email body:

find attached quotation

Optional installation available on request

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Copy Specific Data From Monthly Auto Generated Workbook To Master Sheet

Mar 26, 2014

I get this monthly report that has 5 tabs in it. The last tab, ALL_FAILURES_1mon, is a list of part and serial numbers that have failed that month. From that tab I copy the information into a master workbook that houses all the failures broken up by part number, each part number is a separate tab. I am wondering if there is a way to search in the "Monthly_Report" document for all rows containing the part number, 07X-000-ZZZ" and copy the entire row into the master fails list. I have attached a couple examples with sensitive information blocked out.

What I need is for when the macro is run, it will search "Monthly_Report.xlsx" ALL_FAILURES_1mon tab, for "07X-000-ZZZ" and copy all rows containing the part number and paste them in the next blank row of "Master_Fails_List" in appropriate tab.

*NOTE*I have attached both examples however my "Monthly_Report" document was too large so I had to upload it as a .xlsb but the original is .xlsx

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Automatically Have Column Count If Two Other Cells Have Specific Data?

Apr 28, 2014

Is it possible to have a column count up if two other cells meet criteria?

What I would like to happen (if it is even possible) is, if cell B1 equals CO and C1 is a duplicate, then G1 enters #1 for the first time it is duplicated, #2 for the 2nd time it is duplicated, etc.

Is this even capable of happening.

I am attaching my spreadsheet (TAB "AG Orders"). I filtered the spreadsheet so you can see an example of what I am looking for. I manually typed in column G but I was hoping these numbers could automatically populate.13-14 budget-AG test.xlsm

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Auto Duplicate Row Contents From 1 Sheet To 2nd Sheet If Column Contains Set Words

Dec 19, 2008

I want to end up with is when I type text in any row of the Master sheet, I would like the entire contents of each row to automatically be repeated on the worksheet of the same name (as per column O). For example row 5's contents from the Master sheet would duplicate into the sheet named Accommodation. In addition, should the details ever change in the Master, this would need to be reflected in the individual sheets also. My only concern is that I'd like the individual sheets to fill from the top rather than match the exact row number position from the Master, ie row 5's contents to be placed into row 2 of the Accommodation sheet seeing as it's the first occurrence, and row 6's would go into row 3 etc.

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