Graph Composition Of Group Over Time?
May 30, 2012
I want to graph the composition of a group over time. I want to create an area graph, where you can see what kinds of things were in the group at any given year . There are, let's say,three categories of things: A, B, and C - and I have the purchase and sale date for each.
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Aug 19, 2014
I have 5 different groups for that i have to make XY scatter graphs and my data looks like this
now i want to make 5 different graphs one per each group. Now i am making them manually in excel but it is taking lot of time to format each graphs to get unique graphs. I am attching sample file and graph for better understanding.
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Aug 20, 2008
I am working on the evaluation of a survey. I had 212 respondents which could be divided into three distinct groups. I would like to present the results of a question in columns that reflect the total frequency count in percentages. At the same time I would like those columns to be stacked in order to illustrate the contribution each group has made to that particular answer. I have attached an xls file with the data and a demonstration of the outcome I am trying to achieve.
I haven't been able to create the graph so that the columns display the total count in relation to all respondents on the one hand and at the same time are broken up into the individual groups. Among others, I have read the thread: but that doesn't answer my question as the Total there is actually the cumulative total of the other values.
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Jan 7, 2014
I'm trying to figure out a way to group columns in a bar graph without displaying them in a cluster, but instead in displaying them individually in a specific order. However, I still want to identify each group with a different color. This is hard to describe, so I'll try my best to illustrate what I'm trying to do with an example. Assume I have three groups of data and within each group I have 2 to 3 items in it with different values. In a list the data would look like this:
Group 1 - Item 1 - $2,000
Group 2 - Item 2 - $1,100
Group 1 - Item 3 - $2,200
Group 1 - Item 4 - $3,200
Group 3 - Item 5 - $1,800
Group 2 - Item 6 - $1,200
Group 1 - Item 7 - $2,500
Group 3 - Item 8 - $2,800
What I want to do is create a bar graph that will still allow me to color all group 1 items as red, all group 2 items as blue, and all group 3 items as green while still showing each bar sorted in the order I've shown above and labeled as items 1 through 8. Then, I want a legend to only show the groups 1 - 3 with their colors. To explain, the graph would look like this:
Bar 1 would be labeled as Item 1, with a value of $2,000, and colored red
Bar 2 would be labeled as Item 2, with a value of $1,100, and colored blue
Bar 3 would be labeled as Item 3, with a value of $2,200, and colored red
Bar 4 would be labeled as Item 4, with a value of $3,200, and colored red
Bar 5 would be labeled as Item 5, with a value of $1,800, and colored green
Bar 6 would be labeled as Item 6, with a value of $1,200, and colored blue
Bar 7 would be labeled as Item 7, with a value of $2,500, and colored red
Bar 8 would be labeled as Item 8, with a value of $2,800, and colored green
Then, the legend would only show the groupings of Group 1, 2, 3, 4 and their associated colors.
(By the way... I know I can do this manually by selecting each bar and customizing the color, but I want an automated way of doing this to reduce maintenance time)
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Mar 11, 2014
I have a file sheet named "ratio summary." The data to this is linked to a number of different working sheets (not in the attachment for obvious reasons)
Currently the data in the ratio summary is grouped by year but "open" and the Graph worksheet is automatically linked to the data in row11.
However when I group the data by year (i.e. clicking the "-" figure) the graph also changes.
I haven't deleted the data so don't understand why the graph data is changing.
excel graph help.xls
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Sep 29, 2009
i dont know if there is a way around this, i have a sheet, it has one large sheet with hundreds of rows under 3 headings, and i have a group on each of these so people can go in and expand their section and add details, i have a second sheet that contains some graphs simplifying the data collected in the 3 sections of the other sheet..
but i have just noticed when a section of the sheet is grouped its details are removed from the graph.
is there any way around this? i need the groups on as the sheet is so big and people do not want to be scrolling through other area's data when they can just expand their own.
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Jun 11, 2006
How can i make a graph that will graph against time? lets say i have a bank balance like this:
1/2/2000 $500
1/3/2000 $600
3/12/2000 $400
there may be more than one entry on any one given day, or there may not be an entry for 2 weeks. How can i graph the running balance in a way that it will show the timeline just as a calendar year(or however long i selected) and the points are plotting according to their date, not just equally spaced out.
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Dec 30, 2008
I want to use a line graph to display an amount over time - that's the easy part. On the other hand, I would like to have to group the lines based on a value.
A short example:
Imagine you own 3 different stores and you're selling oranges. So your table looks like this:
Now I'd like to have one graph (3 different graphs won't work as the rows increase -I need to select the whole column as data source):
Date on the x axis,
Oranges sold on the y axis,
and one line per store (e.g. a green one for store A, a red one for B and a blue one of C, doesn't matter).
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Feb 13, 2009
Hi i have alot of values that i would like to display in a graph over time.
The problem is, is that there are many different times (irregular intervals) that the value is recorded during each day.
whenever i create a graph and choose the x-axis format as the date i get a spike at each day, which is no good!
value Date Date Time
0 22/12/2008 12:33:35 22/12/2008 12:33:35
0 22/12/2008 20:53:25 20:53:25
9 23/12/2008 00:48:48 23/12/2008 00:48:48 ....
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Jul 1, 2007
I have a sheet with a table of peoples hours they are doing during the week each day. I want the hours to be put into a model shading the appropriate times to show when people will be in. I have attached a sample sheet of what i want it to do which i have had to do my self. Sheet 1 has table in and sheet 2 has the model i want to be automatically filled in once ihave entered all my data in the original table.
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Jun 18, 2008
I'm having a couple of Excel problems.
1. I have a SQL query that returns a time span. Is there any way Excel can convert, for example, 51.9451388888889 into dd.hh:mi format that still allows me to manipulate the data as time so that I can add times together and compare times. So I would like the number above to be formatted to look like this '51.22:41' and still be able to work with it as if it was just a regular time.
2. I want to make a graph from this data I have (the data in the question above). The data has this output format:
A ----B-----C
Date-time ( hh24:mi)----- Time span -------- Reason
I would like to make a graph that displays for each month the 5 highest Timespans on the y-axis and their reasons on the x-axis.
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May 28, 2014
I have several 4 groups that all need to do the same thing. Is it possible to write all of them in one group or do I have to write each one individual in the conditional formatting?
For example:
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Mar 23, 2008
I have a spreadsheet that consists for 30 rows of groups of three checkboxes on each row. I want to have only one checkbox per row checked at a time. If the user checks one box while another it already checked then I want that checbox to be unchecked.
I want checkboxes to work like groups of option buttons. Actually, option buttons would be fine but with option buttons there is always one clicked but I need them all clear until the user clicks one. They will start off clear but if the user clicks one by mistake there is no way that I know of to clear it again. Checkboxes will clear again if you click it again so I thought I would use them.
how to have a group of three option buttons or checkboxes that will begin unchecked and be able to uncheck all three is one is checked in error,
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Feb 13, 2008
I'm having an issue right now with an employee list that I am working on. What I am trying to do is determine the earliest time that an employee signed in, but the list that I can export may have the same employee on it multiple times in a day.
Here is a sample of the data that I'm using:
Emp No. Time In
9900872 9:00am
9900874 9:03am
9900874 11:00am
9900874 11:45am
9900875 10:15am
9900875 11:45am
What I want to get is the minimums only, so that the list would show:
Emp No. Time In
9900872 9:00am
9900874 9:03am
9900875 10:15am
I know how I could do this in VBA, however I have everything else working without using VBA, so if possible I would like to leave it that way. Also, I do not know if it would matter to the solution, but the employee numbers are always sorted numerically, although their clock in times are not.
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Mar 6, 2009
I have a larger data file (120,000+ rows). Each row has one column for date and another for time. Basically, I need to add 6 hours to all time entries, but also change the date accordingly.
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Jun 17, 2007
I have an Access database, with a table of jobs processed.
One column for Job ID (Unique), Date it was processed, By Who it was processed and Comments ascoiated.
I need to chart a graph of Jobs over a period of time. How many jobs done per date. In excel preferebly, I have programs like Database Plus for excel. And I am familiar with VBA. I can't figure out how to uniquely sort how many jobs for each date. As there are numerous job entries for on the same dates. I think it can be done with an SQL query or sorting it with VBA somehow. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Or can anyone suggest an application designed for charting with Access databases in Excel?
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Oct 6, 2012
I have got a project that has several hundred starts and finishes. I want to count them over time to use as an indication of progress. ( I want to show this graphically)
I have got the graph working but it is pretty long handed.
I have tried using a pviot table and picvot graph which almost does it but has a few problems (if there is no data in a month then it wont create an entry for the month, and the cumulative over time is not quite working).
Both examples are in the attached file : Progress Curve ozgrid1.xlsx
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Apr 12, 2014
I am trying to find a way to have excel recognize text data input as date/time.
[Code] .....
Where 02 Is the Date, 2020 is the time (military) Z is Zulu/GMT, MAR is Month and 14 is Year. I believe excel recognizes
[Code] .....
But I have a spreadsheet (on a confidential system) with thousands of entries that I need to convert. Also, the people I have working for me are not remotely. I reject the idea of entering data that way.
I am also trying to keep the display the same format: ddhhmm"Z" MMM yy
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Nov 24, 2013
My company has a catalog of ~6000 unique SKUs that we sell online. Currently we do not have a way to quickly determine how much a given item has sold month over month, and the rate of that change.
I have an excel workbook full of our last year's worth of sales data. I have organized it by placing each month of data in its own worksheet. I would like to be able to create a search box that will allow us to enter in a product ID, and have excel then create a graph with each month's of sales for that particular item. Is that clear?
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May 27, 2014
I am trying to make a line graph showing the gradual rises and falls in profit over a period of time, when I use the data and click line graph normally, it will plot each bit of data individually rather than gradually, for example;
13-Sep-13GBP 1,107.57
18-Sep-13GBP 6,432.74
21-Sep-13-GBP 477.71
22-Sep-13GBP 19,664.65
23-Sep-13GBP 1,604.88
If I tried to plot the above data, the graph will not show a gradual rise but instead will show a value of £1604.88 on the 23rd of September when instead I would want the chart line to be at £29,287.55 (The total).
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Mar 17, 2014
I am trying to write VBA code that groups cells between blank rows and inserts a message if a string of text (a name) is missing from the entire group. I want the code to search cells in column A and group the cells between blank cells. Use the name I input in an input box as the search criteria and insert a message in the Column C next to the last blank cell in the group and then move on to the next group and highlight the cell in red with bold text. I am including a spreadsheet with an example of what the sheet should look like before and after the code is run.
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Nov 12, 2009
I have date fields as column labels in a pivot table. When I try to group them I'm only given the option to group by integers and not by months, years etc.
I've had a look at the format settings of the column and they are formatted as date fields.
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Feb 10, 2014
I have several groups of data in the same sheet. Each group has two blank rows above the first row of data. Each group has column "B" in common (e.g., "Phone" in the example attached). I'd like to add a title/label of "Phone" to the first column in the row immediately preceding the first row of data for that group.
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Jan 17, 2013
how to use the group box to group a number of option buttons together.
Question is, lets say, i have a total of 4 group box. if i want it to work in such a way where by once 2 option buttons are being selected (1 option selected from each group box), the rest of the option buttons in the 4 group box will be greyed out. is that possible?
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Aug 9, 2006
My store uses a retail price "code" wherein a price like 99 in expressed as a
code like "PP"--exchanging the number digits 1-0 as letters.
Is there a function to do this automatically?
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Mar 21, 2014
I would like to make a scatter graph that will graph the attached. The score would be on the Y axis and the birth date would be on the X axis. This is simple to do by itself but what I would like to do in addition to this is to have the top 25% of the scores a single color, the middle 50% of the scores a second color and then the bottom 25% of the scores to be a third color. And if it is possible to have the ID visible when you move your cursor over a given dot in the graph. Currently when I make a scatter graph the X,Y coordinates show when I hoover the cursor over a dot.
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May 28, 2014
In Col X of the attachment, I have manually entered the count of the rows within each sub group, as determined by the counter in Col W. How can I do this automatically? I need this because when I filter the spread sheet by Rank, I need to know how many selections, of the filter Rank query, were in a sub group of ? number.
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Apr 18, 2014
I have this massive spreadsheet, with the maximum rows excel will fit on one sheet. In the interest of simplicity, this is what the raw data looks like:
Last First Amount
Jones Jim $1000
Jung Joe $700
White Jon $100
Jones Jim $200
Jones Jan $300
Jung Joe $800
White Jon $200
What I want to do is automatically get excel to group all the same names together. Then I want it to sum all the values for each name, then order by largest total value for each person, then order that by name alphabetically. In other words, the above would look like this after the sort:
Last First Amount
Jung Joe $800
Jung Joe $700
Jones Jim $1000
Jones Jim $200
Jones Jan $300
White Jon $200
White Jon $100
Or, if necessary, there could be sum total rows under each name...although I don't have spare rows, so IDK. I could delete some rows if I had to, but would rather not.
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Jan 12, 2014
Conditional formatting. I want to change the color of a group of cells based on data in another group of cells. Example:
If cells G8 and G9 (which are merged) are between 80% and 94%, then I9,I10,I11 (which are merged) will turn Yellow. Also, under the same scenario, IF G8 and G9 is greater than 94%, then cells I9, I10, I11 will turn Red.
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Dec 19, 2008
I have a worksheet which contains START TIME in column A, then TIME USAGE in column B and END TIME in column C. User enters start time, followed by the number of time usage in minutes, how could i possibly display the end time automatically in this scenario? how do you add the entered time usage to the start time to display the end time? Say if I enter 1:00 AM at start time and 00:15 minutes on time usage, how can 1:15 AM be displayed on the end time automatically?
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