Import Access Table Into Different Cells

Mar 17, 2014

I have a table i'm importing from access. I'm wondering if there's a way to split the table so that it imports into separate locations. The following shows what I'm trying to do.

This is the data table. You'll note that under FlatOrTrim, I have 2 choices.

I'd like the ones in flat to populate one portion of the worksheet, and the ones in Trim to populate a different part of the worksheet. Like so: (Not all the data matches up perfectly, ignore that)...

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Import Data From Access Table To Pivot Table - Enable Auto Refresh

Feb 1, 2010

I have enable Refresh on Open for my excel pivot table, but user need to click "Enable Automatic Refresh" , only solution i came across is to change the registry setting. Which i dont have access to edit registry(admin disable the access).

Alternate solution i try to use Access macro to automate the process and use Outputto save it as a excel file A. Then use excel file B to update pivot table from excel file A.(as excel A data is always latest)
The problem is i will get "....A file name already you want to overwrite.." prompt.
Which defeat the automate process.

Any other solution to enable the automatic refresh on open the excel workbook?

Or Access can overwrite the exist file or save it as another file name with timestamp ?

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Import The Last Row An Access Table

Nov 26, 2007

Is it possible to import the last row an Access table into Excel either through VBA or an excel function.

I need it to be only the last row, due to the size of the database, I have tried importing using a query but this takes a long time as it checks each row first.

Is there a way to find the last row automatically a bit like this in excel.

myendrow = sheets("sheet1").range("a65536").end(xlup).row

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Excel 2007 :: Import From Access Table Based On Parameters

Dec 12, 2011

I am attempting to create a template that will utilize data from an Access table, and allow the user to select the parameters in the Excel file. The amount of records in this table is slowing down the Excel file, and I would like to lessen the amount of data that is imported based on the user selection.

The Access table will have three columns:

Part Number|Line|Catalog Code

I would like to import all three columns, but allow the user to select the records imported based on the catalog code.

The users do not have read or write access to the sql tables, so I run an Access query at the end of each day to create an Access table that they can access.

I have 2007 versions.

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VBA To Update Cells With Data From Microsoft Access Table

Jun 30, 2009

I have a spreadsheet and an Access database that contain the same items and prices. The database and spreadsheet are on a server shared drive. I would like the spreadsheet to automatically update its list of items and prices from the Access database whenever the spreadsheet is opened. Right now, we update the item and price list on both the spreadsheet and the database but I want to just update the database and have the spreadsheet pull the updates from the database.

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Sql Import To Access

Dec 20, 2008

The size of the table I'm importing will change, so i would like for the code to not matter on size. Also its, gonna be large too. The sheet will always be the same and the column headers will match for excel and access.

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Import Access To Excel?

Feb 17, 2014

I am trying to import database records into Excel, but i keep getting an error "run-time error 424" on the code below.

It is probably something simple, but i havent tried importing from Access to Excel before.

The code below should clear the data from "Existing" and then copy the data from test.mdb into the same sheet.

The error occurs when opening "Data Source"

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim dbCommand As New ADODB.Command
RowCount = Worksheets("Existing").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Worksheets("Existing").Range("A2:V" & RowCount).ClearContents


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Import From Access Using Excel VBA

Dec 17, 2008

I use Excel 2003 and am trying to import information from an access database. The recordset I am looking for is based on Cell B3 on a worksheet named Import.

Is there a way that Excel VBA Can do this?

The recordset contains text in the standard of Memos, Will I be able to import the entire Memo?

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Access Data Import

Jul 2, 2009

I am having some issues importing data from Excel to Access. I am attempting to import about 45000 rows of data from Excel to Access. It appears Access is only importing about 16000 of the 45000 rows. I am using 'import' in 'get external data'.

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Import Specific Fields From Access (VBA)

Apr 1, 2009

I have working code to copy the matching records of an Access table into an Excel worksheet, but now I am trying to modify this code so that I can select a couple of specific fields from the table instead of just copying all of the fields (there are 15 fields in the table, but I only actually need 4 of them for this particular report).

Here is the code I am currently using to copy all of the fields over with the matching records:

Const myDB = "DSD Errors DB tester.mdb"
Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()
' Test Field Select button
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim sSQL As String

sSQL = "SELECT * FROM DSD_Invoice_Requests WHERE `Paid?` IS NULL"

How can I modify this so that I put specific fields from the table into columns in Excel that will not line up with the layout of the table? For the sake of the example, let's say that I need fields 2, 4, 6, and 8 of the table to go into columns 1, 2, 3, and 4 in Excel.

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Specify Format Of Access Data Import

Oct 3, 2006

I tried to upload my spreadsheet but the zipped excel spreadsheet was 78KB over the forum max. Its hard for me to explan this without you looking at the spreadsheet. Basicly I'm exporting data from Access to Excel into a spreadsheet. When the data exports into excel I want the data to be formated in such a way and this is where some code will need to be written. I've made up 2 spreadsheets within excel. One sheet is how the data comes into excel from access and the other sheet is how I'd like the data to look without me having to doctor the sheet every time I export.

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Import From Access - Filter Query

Nov 15, 2006

I have the following code for importing a query from Access to Excel.

Sub LoadAdditionalData()
Application.Run Range("AUTOSAVE.XLA!mcs02 .OnTime")
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= Array(Array( _
"ODBC;DBQ=S:NBHD_RENEWALDatabaseNR DB_current.mdb;DefaultDir=S:NBHD_RENEWALDatabase;Driver={Driver do Microsoft Access (*.mdb)};" _
), Array( _
"DriverId=25;FIL=MS Access;MaxBufferSize=2048;MaxScanRows=8;PageTimeout=5;SafeTransactions=0;Threads=3;UserCommitSync=Yes;" _ ...............

I currently have filters set to 990 (finance code) and 3 (quarter) but I would like to be able to enter these parameters myself everytime the macro is run.

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Import Sheet Into Access Without Do.cmd Command

Jan 23, 2007

is it possible to import an excel file into access from an excel form?
without using the access, DO.CMD call?

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VBA To Import Access Database Stored On SharePoint

Jun 14, 2013

How to import data from an access database, specific tables, to excel using vba; the trick being the database is stored on SharePoint Server 2010.

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Data Rows Import To Access Columns

May 24, 2014

In Excel, we have multiple images for duplicate subjects: But when imported into Access, we run into a major problem:

How it is currently laid out in Excel:

Subject 1
Image 1.jpg
Subject 1
Image 2.jpg


How Access requires it in order to do what we need:

Subject 1
Image 1.jpg
Image 2.jpg
Image 3.jpg


Duplicate rows vary from 2 to 15 of the same subject. There are about 40 columns, and the image data is in Column K:K

There are thousands of rows, and I am totally stuck on how merge, transpose or otherwise get this data the way Access requires it...

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MS Access Data Import Into An Excel Worksheet.

Oct 7, 2007

I currently have a userform, and on commandbutton_click, it performs
the following code that adds a column in a access table to a combobox(cbList)

Private Sub CmdName_Click()
Dim rstName As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strClientDatabase As String, strConnectionString As String
strClientDatabase = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "9001.mdb"......

After its listed on the combo box, upon commandbutton_click on another button, i wish to extract a particular record, based on the selection made on the combobox(cbList). This is where im having problems caused i have no idea how to do so. I just want it to extract the particular record row, based on cbList, and insert it into range A100:D100 in a particular worksheet. It is then updated and added to a listbox which ive already done the coding for, and with another button click it would add the details in the listbox into the appropriate location i wish to.. The only place im stuck is with extracting the data from access into a A100:D100 range in any worksheet. what ive come up with, but is incomplete is :

Private Sub CmdImport_Click()
Dim adoRS As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strClientDatabase As String, strConnectionString As String
strClientDatabase = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "9001mdb"

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Format Text File For Excel To Import Into Access

Jan 12, 2010

I have a large text file that is generated daily and want to import into MS Access as the end result.

First I need to reformat into the row format in excel rather than the format it is in. The issue is not all the segments are the same number of lines or they may have mutli message lines. The names with colon : after them I want to be field names in the table which I wish the text file to import into. Please, I am looking for assistance with this.

I have attached sample data of the text dump, and the name of the file is as you see but different date on the end. At the very end of the text file you will see the desired output which I will then import into Access

Also every new message begins with the dotted line and the date and time at the end.

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Change Table Name In Access

Apr 3, 2009

i'm creating a small database extractor in excel. basically it goe's into my Access DB's rips the tabel names and the field name etc. from here i run an SQL query etc etc, however some table have space in the names and i need to replace these with an underscore in access permanently? here's what i have tried so far:

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Importing Access Table As It Is

Nov 23, 2009

i have posted previously with a similar request , and i am still trying on my own.

i want to import one table fully from a particular MDB ( access ) file.

i recorded a macro to that efect which looks like this.

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Exporting Worksheet To Access Table

Oct 7, 2009

I have a script that exports an excel worksheet into an access db table and thsi is working fine. However i want to define a specific worksheet where the data is being exported from within the code but im having trouble doing, its using just a range at present.

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Transfer Data To Access Table

Jan 26, 2010

I'm in need of serious help, extremely new.

I have created a userform in excel which I want to transfer data over to access with.

I have built a command button to send data to access code below.

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection, rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
cn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=filepath.mdb"
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open "Main", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

With rs


.Fields("Status") = ComboBox1.Value
.Fields("RRR") = ComboBox46.Value
.Fields("RRS") = ComboBox52.Value
.Fields("SRR") = ComboBox47.Value
.Fields("SRS") = ComboBox53.Value
.Fields("WSR") = ComboBox48.Value
.Fields("WSS") = ComboBox108.Value
.Fields("WPR") = ComboBox110.Value
.Fields("WPS") = ComboBox112.Value
.Fields("WER") = ComboBox49.Value
.Fields("WES") = ComboBox54.Value

End With

Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing

This works fine when all comboboxes and textboxes have entries in but doesn't work when the have been left blank and there will be occasions when they can be left blank.

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Using ADODB To Add New Field Into Access Table

Dec 17, 2012

I'm using the below code to add data to an access database and it's working fine, but I'm trying to figure out what code I would need to add a completely new field to the access database?

So maybe before the export, once connected to the DB, add the new field(s) to the table and then add export the data. I'd have to rewrite export bit to allow for any new fields that i've added, but I can do that.

It's just the actually command I need add the new field to the table. Sure it's just a simple couple of lines, but trying to find something that makes sense !!

Sub Update_data(strSite)

strDir = Worksheets("Parameters").Cells(2, 2)
strDB = Worksheets("Parameters").Cells(3, 2)
strTable = Worksheets("Parameters").Cells(4, 2)

' exports data from the active worksheet to a table in an Access database

[Code] .........

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Importing Table From Access To Excel Using VBA

Jul 31, 2013

I'm having a bit of trouble with writing a code which will import a table that i have in Access into excel.

The name of the table is "101_Yearly_Rows" and the only column that i want is the "Tax" column.

Sub ImportYearlyRows_CalculateTax()

Dim cnt As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim stDB As String
Dim wsSheet As Worksheet

Dim lnNumberOfField As Long, lnCount As Integer

Set wsSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")

[Code] .......

When i get to the line which begins rst.Open "SELECT Tax FROM..." i get an error message which says "Application-defined or object-defined error".

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Access Table - How To Retrieve Data

Dec 11, 2013

I am not able to retrieve the date from Access table.Here is below code.. How to retrieve the data from ACCESS..

Dim adoCN As ADODB.Connection
Dim strSQL As String
Const DatabasePath As String = "U:workareaNew Projectdb1.mdb"
'Function argument descriptions
'LookupFieldName - the field you wish to search

[Code] ..........

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Winamp XML Printout To Xl Table/access?

Oct 17, 2007

I suffered a very annoying HDD failure and lost loads of music. The only record I have is the winamp media library which I could only export to .xml. From there, I've been unable to do anything remotely useful with it (access would have been best, I suppose) so have resorted to trusty Excel. Even then I've underestimated the task at hand: I've now got 9 excel files, each 65536 rows long, with the xml data streaming down them. Can anyone think how I could get a macro to
1. run through the list(s), line by line, deleting any line that had (e.g.)
Track ID OR Genre OR etc...

In order to remove all but the 5 categories I have in bold below, i.e. name, artist, album, date, folder....

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Direct Read Of Access Table

Jul 11, 2008

I have a RecordSet that has been built and accessed sequentially with no problems. I now want to access it directly, via it's Primary Key.

I know I can access it as follows :

With MyTable
Do Until .EOF
If ![PrimaryKey] = Work_Key Then
MyData = ![Data_To_Extract]
Exit Do
End If
End With
As a MainFrame Programmer, I would expect to be able to access that record directly, via it's Primary Key, something like :

Read MyTable Key = Work_Key
MyData = ![Data_To_Extract]
Am I thinking too much like a Mainframe Programmer (that *is* my trade, it's difficult to adjust sometimes !)? Is the With - Do/Loop method the way to go, or is there a Direct Read method I should be using?

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Table Named Production In Access

Jul 31, 2008

if I want to look up a table named production in Access.

Name: bob,jason,robbert,christy
Dept: bins,cars,cars,sewing

now if i wanted to be able to look up jason then have it populate which Dept he worked in, in cell A1 in my excel spread sheet what code could I use. Just want to look up one area in my access data table then show it in A1 one item at a time.

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Access Lookup Table From Vba Code

Feb 6, 2008

I've trailed through the search engine on here and I can't find an answer to this:
Can you access lookup tables in Excel from VBA code? I assume you can, but can't seem to find anything on this

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Copy Data From Access Table To Sheet Using VBA

Aug 12, 2014

I need to populate data from Access table to sheet1 using Excel/vba. I want to find out the percentage of batches scanned for the date selected for each time slot. There are Time slots in the columns from Q to X. i.e 8:00,9:00,10:00,11:00.....etc.

so I need to find out percentage of batches scanned before the above time slots.. To count total number of batches , we will use count(BatchNo) function in the SQL query. Because of company restrictions, I can't attach the access database but to give u an idea how the database is stored, I copied the data in sheet2 of the attached workbook. We have to find percentage of batches scanned in sheet1.

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Access RowBound And ColBound In MS Word Table?

Nov 7, 2011

I can access a table through Excel in MS Word 2003 but I am having trouble finding the Rowbound and ColBound, the


require arguments and do not return what I want. I can't find the right term using the API.

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