Look Up A Value In A Range Of Cells And Then Return A Value In A Cell In The Same Row Containing The Desired Value
Apr 26, 2009
I want to look up a value in a range of cells and then return a value in a cell in the same row containing the desired value, similar to a vlookup. Except I want to search through several columns for this value and I would like to have it find every occurance of the desired value and return a value in a cell n the same row of each occurance of the desired value.
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May 15, 2012
I want the below coding to check if cells(i,9).value exists in range x4:x12, if yes cells(i,18).value should become "Pend to Audit" otherwise next.
Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
Dim StateName, ST As Variant
Dim CName As String
Dim LastRow As Long
[Code] .........
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Dec 12, 2012
i want to match a cell data with a range of cells and if matches return the cell reference in another cell
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Jun 9, 2008
I have data inputted into cells a-o in rows 1-250. I want to search, lets say row 1, (I do want to search all 250 rows if that info is relevant!) and if cell m is blank then I want to return all the info from row 1 into row 260. If there IS data in cell m then I want to return nothing. Bottom line I want to return all the data in all the rows that contains nothing in cell m.
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Jul 8, 2009
I am using a refEdit control on a userform to get a range from the user (they use the refEdit control to click on the desired range). My problem is that the user typically has 3 or 4 different workbooks open and if one of them is maximized withing Excel, the user is unable to get to them to select the range (only the maximized workbook is displayed and usable). Is there a way around this?
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Nov 27, 2009
I want to make a VBA script that will update the desired range with numbers like so, i have a table:
columns = A - G
rows = 2 - 5
1st case:
if in one of the cells is entered the value 17 the next cell will be 15.
2nd case:
if in one of the cells is entered the value 15 the next cell to be blank.
and from here just loop until the hole table is filled in with the numbers.
basically all the table should look like:
| 17 | 15 | empty | 17 | 15 | empty | .... and so on.
To be honest I've search the forums, google, I've documented myself in some ways, and even tried to make this "program"... I kinda got it right, but with a button, I wanna do it "live" right after entering the value in the cell and hitting enter the table to update. I understood that "Workseet_Change()" is like a (live screen update).
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Feb 24, 2009
I have two sections to this spreadsheet: 1) the entity section; 2) the order section.
I have created a macro to insert rows in both these sections. The macro appears to work fine for the first section but not for the second section. The problem I cannot solve is in respect of cells D9:D10. The macro is as follows:
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May 14, 2014
I am trying to find a formula that will allow me to reference another page in my spread sheet. In my scenario the row I am referencing has 5 consectutive numbers after the reference point I would use for a vlookup. These numbers are all zeros except for one number in each row which will be a positive number greater than zero. I want my formula to check the first cell in the row, if it is not a zero it will show that number, but if this cell contains 0, then it moves over to the next cell. If all the cells in the row have a zero, then i just want zero to appear on my summary sheet. I tried to do a vlookup with an IF function, but I couldn't get it to work. I have attached a sample of what the spreadsheet looks like.Example doc.xlsx
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Jul 4, 2012
I have an excel file connected to a digital reader. Values are inputted to cells. What I can't figure out is the formula to automatically insert the values into the desired cells.
In short. First value goes to A1, 2nd value goes to B1. There's a formula (=A1-B1) in C1. The 3rd value from the reader should go to A2. The 4th value to B2. The 5th value to A3 and so on. I believe that I should be putting a formula into B1,2,3..n. What I can't figure out is that formula.
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Jan 8, 2014
I would like to use a excel formula to resolve this problem.
Column C is the anwser I pretend.
In the same cell it will return the name of the correct range.
Ex: Between 200 and 300 there are numbers involved that are included in Range 1 and Range 2 (see second table)
Result: (How to return this value?)
Range1, Range2
Table to Check Value to Return:
Range 1
Range 2
Range 3
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Jan 5, 2009
I'm using Excel 2007 and s/s is 325501 rows deep. It consists of series of ranges between 4 and 30 rows deep.
What I want to do is locate the next appearance of a name and copy its accompanying number.
Doing this manully is not feasible, given the large size of the s/s .
I enclose a small attachment showing what I am trying to achieve. For those who don't like opening attachments the wording in it is :
The desired objective is to place in column Q the next appearing number in column L of the name in column C.
The VLOOKUP formula in column Q presents the desired number but (problem!) presents a zero when next appearance = blank.
When this happens I want the formula/code to repeatedly lookup the next appearance until it finds a number.
Examples of where next numbers appear are given here in column R.
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Feb 21, 2013
I am working in excel. I have a column with about 30 rows. After computation only a particular row will have an alpha-numeric value, this will be any one row never more than one, all the remaining rows will be completely blank.
My question is, how do I represent this alphanumeric value which can come in any row to a particular cell.
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Jan 14, 2006
function that add to any cell that doesn't reach the disired amount.
If the required number is 14 and a calculated cell comes up with 13 or less; I need a funtion to take that number and add a penalty number to it.
For example: For arguements sake the penalty is $150.00. Suppose cell 1A has 5 and cell 1B has 5; cell 1C adds them for a total of 10. I need cell 1D to realize that the number in 1C did not equate to atleast 14 and therfore 1D should show $150.00 and for every cell selected that falls short of 14 should add an additional $150.00 to 1D.
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Mar 14, 2012
I have searched and have not been able to find an answer to this question so it might be a little unique possibly. I have an ActiveX combo box that I am trying to do something with. The text that I want to appear in the combo box is already there and I did this by creating a list and referencing it to the combo box. So the combo box has the following four items in its drop down:
Now the part I cannot figure out is how to make a selected value appear in another cell based on what was selected in the combo box. For example, if boat is selected in the combo box, then I want the value 25 to appear in a cell. If Plane is selected in the combo box, I want the value of 100 to appear in a cell. For walk 5, and for car 22. I know this can easily be done with data validation and a validation drop down list but I do not want to use that but need to have a combo box do it instead. I just don't know if it cannot be done as a list or not and have experimented with INDEX but not having any luck there. I do not want to use any macros for this either. Basically I am wondering how I can make my combo box work just like data validation drop down menu bar with formatted values outputted into a cell.
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Apr 15, 2008
1st post so hope that title isn't too vague.
Using VBA, I have a macro that will find a column based on a week number and add in a new column.
It will then offset the ActiveCell down one.
I now need the macro to SUM all values in that row to the left of the ActiveCell.
My original thought was to use:
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToLeft)).Select
Unfortunately, there are gaps in the data field, blank cells that should count as zero value.
How can I highlight all cells to the left, from whichever column the active cell is in, through to column B?
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Jun 3, 2014
I am trying to find out how many weeks our current inventory will support our sales. I am trying to research formulas that will do this, and coming back with things like OFFSET, MATCH, INDEX but am not certain the best way to put them together to get what I need. I use excel daily, but this is a bit mroe advanced than I am used to
Starting in cell B4, I would like to count how many weeks of Demand can be covered by the specific Available On Hands in row 3 for that week, put the number of "Weeks Covered" into cell B2, and then fill over to the right in row 2. Right now, the values in row 2 are from my own manual calculations, but I would like a dynamic formula that will sum up the values in row 4 up to (but not greater than) the value in B3, give the count of cells that reached that sum (or even better with decimals to show the percentage covered), which I will copy over into B3:B13. Not sure if that makes sense, or if I can explain in a better way. The yellow cells are what I am trying to create a formula for and am currently stuck.
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Jan 6, 2013
I hold some data in the Excel 2007 file. It's about 400 rows and about 10 columns. On occasion I have to print some values from this file. But it has to be in defined position on the paper. It is like I already have the prepared paper with fields, and I just have to fill some fields on the paper with data from the columns. Is it possible to make a program that will take each row that I label for printing, and print just some columns but in a defined position on the paper ?
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Jul 4, 2010
Is there a non-array way to return only the non-blank cells from a range? At the moment I use below formula, but it slows down the file considerably ...
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May 16, 2013
I'll be collecting registrations on an Excel worksheet at a company event. Users will fill out a registration form, click a button, and the information is moved to a hidden sheet. That part works perfectly.
Periodically during the day, we'll give out door prizes, selecting winners from the list of registrants.
I need a macro that will look at the entries in column A in my hidden sheet and return one of them randomly.
I know there are random number generators, and I could make one of those work, but if I could just have it make a random selection from the populated cells in Col A, that would be slicker.
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May 12, 2014
I want to search within cells A4:F25 for "B71 - Brown" and show the number that is in the cell below this text. If there is multiple cells with "B71 - Brown" I would like the cell to show the total.
So for example,If the formula was looking for "B71 - Brown" in the cell it would show 8136. (A13+A21+D25+E17). If i changed it to "Lavender" it would show 2380. (C5)
Also this data is linked from several other sheets and the values i search for will change and will need to update.
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Jun 12, 2014
I am trying to learn more about functions like IF(), AND() MATCH() and LOOKUP()... but so far I cant seem to get it right. I am actually trying to get a simple working formula that can take a value from the first tab and cross reference it with a table in the second tab to return another value in the first tab.
For example....
On the first tab/sheet named "Details", i have a list of people, an area of work they fall in and then a column named region that categorizes their areas of work into groups
Area of Work
Mr A
Mr B
Mr D
Mr E
Then on the next tab/sheet named "Category", I have a table which lists the areas that belong to a region;
A-J. 1-6
K-P, 7-15
I have tried formulas like IF(AND(B2=Category.B2),"1","ERROR") but it keeps returning me "ERROR" when it should return "1"
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Aug 26, 2009
I'm looking for a formula to enter within a particular cell which will return the largest number that appears within a range of cells, for example the range H:133 through L:136. If it's any easier, only one number will appear within the range, though it could appear in any cell within that range.
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Nov 18, 2007
What is wrong with this formula
when D2 is 2, D1 is 6 and
=ADDRESS(VALUE(D2),1),1 returns $A$2
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Jun 21, 2007
I can solve my problem with a pivot table, and with VBA easily...however, I'm interested in knowing if this can be done with formulas (array formulas using index/match I'm assuming).
Goal: On sheet1 I have one column with products, then the column next to it will have an "Y" in it if the product is to be selected (blank if not). On sheet2 I want to create a list of the products that were selected (having the "Y"). The only thing stumping me is that I do not want spaces between the product list on sheet2...just a nice continuous list. Example:
cup Y
bowl Y
knife Y
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Jun 25, 2009
Hi, I desperately need help with a pivot-table and can't find anyone else who's ever had this problem...I have a very large healthcare data table which for simplicity I will describe as follows. In essence the first two columns respectively are (A) location and (B) month. Let's say the third column (C) is the number of cases of the disease kidpox treated in each health centre during that month. The fourth column (D) is the total number of cases of everything treated during that month in each clinic. The fifth column (E) is the proportion of cases of this disease over all consultations for each health centre and month, and the formula in E2 is .....
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Jul 2, 2012
I have a range of cells each containing a name. Based on a number that has to be entered manually I want excel to return the names concatenated in one cell. So for example:
Number of variable entered: 5
Should give me: "q9001 q9002 q9003 q9004 q9005"
I have been trying to work with formulas using IF and CONCAT functions. But so far I haven't figured out how to have excel return me the correct amount of variables for each separate number that can be entered seeing the number of variables entered can vary from 1 up to 50.
(Using Excel 2010)
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Apr 5, 2009
i have a range of cells ( address ) (d16:d21). what i need i16 to do is return the second from last row that has data in it so for example if data is
27 arcacia ave
w4 3rd
it would return the answer london. however if the data was
27 arcacia ave
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Jan 25, 2012
Have a range of data with names dotted in different rows and cells.
I want to find a name, the return the number in the cell to the right.
Can use VLOOKUP as names arent always in same column of the range.
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Nov 16, 2008
I have 12 named ranges on a sheet, ArrM1 thru ArrM12.
Each named range is same size, 6 Rows by 7 columns.
Q. If user selects a cell on sheet that is in one of these ranges, what is code to return name of range?
e.g. ArrM1 is cells c10:i15, user selects cell d12; I would like vba to return the name of the range "ArrM1".
Reason, I have the code below so if user selects cell in ArrM1 code is executed, but rather than reproduce code 12 times for each range I thought I could first see where user selects and then change variable for vrange,
Set vrange = wksYearlyCalendar.Range("ArrM1") to
Set vrange = wksYearlyCalendar.Range("ArrM" & x)
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim CalDaySel As String, CalDateSel As String
Dim vrange As Range
Dim cell As Range
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Aug 15, 2009
Here is a sample of what I'm working with: ...
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