I have three listboxes and I set each of their row sources from code in UserForm_Initialize() event like so:
With Sheet1
lbxLanguages.RowSource = . Range("C2", .Range("C2").End(xlDown)).Address
End With
When I run the form, sometimes I see data in two of the three listboxes and the third has blank/empty rows; sometimes all three listboxes have only empty rows in them (i.e. correct number of checkbox squares displayed but no data in front of the squares).
Why is it when i try adding items to my listbox it comes up with the error Permission Denied. Im using rowsource just to have a heading tho when i want to add items it come up with the error.
Note my headings are in "K2:M3" Eg. With Me.ListBox1
I have a group of data within a worksheet that I would like to search through one column called "User" and display multiple results from a column called "Full Description" and place these in each row of a listbox on a userform.
For example the data on the worksheet would be:
User Full Description
Bob Text1
Tim Text2
[Code] .....
On the userform I have one Combo Box in which you can select a user to search, and a listbox displaying the relevant data or "Full Description".
For example searching for the user "Tim" should return the following results on the userform:
ComboBox (Search Term) Tim
ListBox (Results)
When the results are then displayed, the user can then select an individual description that opens another userform displaying further details of that transaction.
I have tried to sort the data within a pivot table, however struggled aligning the columns with the data, as you cannot place text values in the "Values" section of the pivot table.
I have managed to get it to a point like this however, which I think may be a start... I'm just not sure what to do next.
Pivot Table
Row Labels Full Description
Bob Text1
Tim Text2
Mark Text3
Is there anyway to use this data to fill my listbox? It would need to update itself every time a new transaction has been recorded, also the rowsource of each user may change. For example User "Tim" may gain an extra row on the pivot table, so I can't just name a static range and use that as a rowsource.
I would imagine I need to perform a Vlookup for the user, display any results in Column B, up until a new name is found in Column A?
I found that my listbox in userform cannot update automatically(instead it change to blank) when a new data is insert to the target cell which is rowsourced to the particular listbox. But when i close and reopen the userform, the data which i added just now appear in the listbox.I rowsource the listbox from its properties, the command are: 'sheet1'!A2:E5.
Some time I want to remove some items before print is there possible to remove such item from listbox as well as corresponding cell without deleting row
I need to make an userform which can look up data from a sheet that contains a list of distributors and adresses.
I need to be able to search by: 1- postal code 2- postal code and product reference
Hence, I have 2 textboxes for inputing the postal code and the reference, and a listbox that I would like showing the distributors' names that are localized in the corresponding area and which did buy the product from us. Here's what my database sheet looks like:
Postal Code Products Distributor Adress
What I don't know how to do is to have a variant Rowsource property for the listbox, according to the postal code and the product reference the user enters, plus I want one distributor's name to show only once in the case I'm only searching by postal code.
Is there any other way to get data from sheet other than using rowsource because the data retrieved is going to based on the selected sheet's name since there are a lot of sheets .
example : When i enter number 1234 inside the textbox to search, the data from cells in sheet 1234 will appear inside the listbox.
I have a ComboBox(mnthComboBox) on a userform. I would like to populate the RowSource using VBA Code. I have searched this forum but have been unable to find what I need.
I have a texfile that populates a textbox on a userform. I would like to remove all blank lines in the string including those at the end if they exist, before populating the textbox. I'm reading the entire file at once into the string, not line by line.
Is there any way to edit the string called Text to remove the blank lines before populating the textbox? I'm looking for 2 carriage return characters in a row, and if so then remove one of them, but I don't know how to code that. This is in the userform activate section. If I read the textfile line by line, I don't know how to populate the textbox that way and remove the blank lines.
In Sheet1 cell A1 has concatenate formula and the data source is linked from sheet "DataInput". Sheet1 cell A1 has multiple data and there are blank lines within the cell. I would like to remove these lines so it looks clean without any gaps. So basically its looking like this right now
Andrew Joe Apple
I want it to look like this but i am having a difficult time because this cell contains a formula
Harry Andrew Joe Apple Billy
A formula or something that would fix this problem automatically.
I have a worksheet that contains data arranged in fields from columns A to J. The relevant columns for the purposes of the macro are columns B (customer codes) and G (sales values). Column B may contain a single instance of a customer code, or multiple (over 50), depending on how active a customer has been. The worksheet always contains many different customer codes with varying numbers of rows for each customer, sorted by customer. What I'm trying to do is write a macro that will loop through the worksheet and insert a blank line immediately after a change in value of column B (customer code), and in this blank line, insert the customer code in column B (which comes from the cell immediately above), a sum formula for all values within a range that relate to that particular customer in column G, and an IF statement in column J that relates to the SUM formula. The loop concludes when there are no longer values in column B.
I have managed to insert blank lines on change in values in column B, but am not sure about the best approach for inserting the SUM formula or the IF statement in columns G and J respectively.
1. to leave a blank line inbwteen Shop A's Apples, Shop A's Pears etc
2. I also wanted to total up the price totals....(see example below).So if the last price was in E4, the total of all those prices above would show in F5 ....
I load an text file into an excel sheet and after some eventually changes I save (overwrite) it back into the text file again. Now the text file has become a file with 50 pages (49 empty pages). How can I avoid this or how can I set an EOF when no more written lines follows. The code for saving the excel sheet is this:
After doing some searching I found a macro here which imports multiple text files into one workbook, keeping each text file as a seperate worksheet, each worksheet named the same as the original file name (minus the .txt extension).
However, it adds a blank line between each line of text. So I get this:
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=232ms TTL=62
Reply from bytes=32 time=62ms TTL=62
Reply from bytes=32 time=65ms TTL=62
instead of this:........
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=232ms TTL=62 Reply from bytes=32 time=62ms TTL=62 Reply from bytes=32 time=65ms TTL=62
This doesn't happen when I use the import wizard, or when I just open the file from the File -> Open menu.
My text files are always the same format (number of lines, etc.), so it's easy to delimit and insert forumlae as needed, but those extra lines are breaking a macro I've previously written to parse the data.
I have the following bit of code that runs and is working MOSTLY correct. The code looks at the value of the combobox, loops through a range, finds the values in the assigned range that match the value in the combobox, and then adds the items to the listbox in multiple columns.
As I said, the code is MOSTLY working correct. Everything works, okay, except that only the first records shows up.
It's counting correctly, as I also have a label that does a listcount that is displaying the correct number. The problem is, that all other 95 records (the value I am searching in the combobox I have confirmed relates to 96 records) except the first one show as blank.
Sub cmbVolumeSKUs_Change()Dim r As Range, rAll As Range Dim sTerm As String Application.ScreenUpdating = False sTerm = frmL.cmbVolumeSKUs With Sheets("Volume Pricing")
EDIT: After reviewing the code line by line, it looks as though each new record is actually overwriting the first row. The record count is accurate, but each record found is being overwritten by the next. How can I get by this?
if it is possible to prevent a listbox from showing blank cells.
I have selected a big range and many of the cells are blank. The reason is that I want the listbox to update automatically when I add a value to any of the blank cells.
Using the methods suggested by the posters here I was able to solve my problem. I had to modify my source data somewhat but it was well worth it.
I have attached the file that i'm having issues with. On the userform, frmEditData, I have included a combobox (combobox5) that filters the different rows that show up in listbox1. once you click on an item in listbox1, it populates the rest of the form. This works for all the different filters, except when it is a date. An example would be clicking on Date of Loss in combobox5.
I have four columns of data and 25 rows (A1:D25). I wish to add this to a multi-column list box in my user form. My userform is called FundSelect, and my listbox is called FundList. The ColumnCount property is set to 4. When I use the command:
I have a database and a user form. Lets assume the database hosts a list of all cities in North America in column C, with that city's state/prov. in column B, and in column A, that state/prov.'s country.
In the user form, the user will select from the available list in the first combobox either Canada or United States. Based on the selection from combobox1, combobox2's rowlist will contain only the states, or provinces, based on the filtered data. The database will be filtered based on column A, column B now shows only the states or provinces it the US or Canada is chosen respectively.
Based then on the selection in combobox2, the user selects from combobox3, only those cities found in that state or province ... information gathered from a filter of column A (country), column B (state).
Basically, with each combobox selection, the database is being filtered.
How can you make a ListBox RowSource show only visible data from a filtered range and then when the filtered range changes with new filter criteria, show the new visible data?
I Have a Defined Name Range named “Quantity” with the ....
I've got a userform with a combobox and a textbox. The combobox is populated from a dynamic range of product numbers and when a existing number is selected from the list, a respective product name appears in the textbox. These are then saved to a database sheet via command button.
My problem is following:
When a new product number is entered in the combobox that isn't on the list, I want the number & name of the new product to be saved not only on the database sheet but also on the source sheet so that the new product would be included in the combobox list when run again. Here's my code so far:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
'here is the code that saves everything to the database sheet
I am unable to reference the combobox's rowsource to another sheet dynamically The codes below are initialized when the userform is loaded. Is there anything wrong with it?
I have a simple (working) UserForm for project data entry that I exported from one Workbook and imported into another. This UserForm contains a ComboBox that lists the local counties... this ComboBox has a RowSource that references a range on one of the Worksheets... the Worksheet name in the new Workbook is slightly different to that of the Workbook from which it was exported, so I went to edit the RowSource field in the ComboBox properties, but I get a "Could not set RowSource property. Invalid property value" error. Your thoughts on why I'm encountering this error message and why I'm unable to change the RowSource
Normally the combo box will reading the data range from top to bottom. Is there any way to allow the combo box to reading the data from left to right? when i cover, it only reading the first cell of data range.
I have a UserForm with a ComboBox on it. The RowSource for this ComboBox is a named range called rInv. rInv has rows broken down by day and 105 columns broken down by items. The rows are broken bown to 31 day sections with 27 possible customer/Invoices per day. Most days have between 2 to 20 Customer/Invoices, which leaves anywhere from 7 to 25 blank entries per day. These blanks spaces won't allow the user to scroll past the 1st days Customers/Invoices!
Is there any code to remeve the empty spaces from being seen by the ComboBox RowSource? (I can't actually remove the spaces, they need to remain)
I have several ComboBoxes & ListBoxes on a Userform that populate by referring to Dynamic Named Range in the RowSource property. Also on the Userform is an area to edit/add/delete items in these named ranges. If I Add or Delete an item, the Named Range does not automatically resize--or at least the Menus don't "resize" accordingly--unless I unload the UserForm and load it back up. Is there a way to refresh these Comboboxes without reloading the UserForm?