Bring Data From Sheets Of Varying Length To One Main Sheet

Apr 17, 2012

I have a workbook with several sheets of varying length (amount of columns). The length of each sheet changes every week. I want particular data from the sheets to come together on one sheet in as organized a fashion as is possible. I'm currently losing my mind copying and pasting every week when I need to update the thing.

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Copying DATA From Main Sheet Into Different Sheets

Mar 25, 2014

I have a data sheet that I enter all data into. I would like to divide the data into different sheets depending on the month the job was entered. Please see a sample I have attached. I have tried to convert the month (colE) into a figure (colF). I am hoping the data automatically copies across into the correct month sheet or perhaps I can push a button and it will do it for me. Data will get entered on a daily basis by staff but only onto the main sheet, this will then by some miracle be duplicated into the corresponding sheet without loosing any data on the main sheet.

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Extract Data From Main Sheet To Other Sheets

Mar 29, 2009

I have already placed a siniliar question but I think it fell through the cracks or it was to difficult to understand!! I am losing my mind as the hrs tick down and I can't get this done

I have a detailed sheet called "detail"

I have 5 other sheets called "J1" "J2" "J3" "J4" "J5"

The sheets are exactly the same with headers already in. However "detail" sheet has all the detail and the "J" sheets are blank.

I need a macro in a command box that will start on line 5 of the detail section and look in column "D". if either of the "J"s are in column D then the row will be copied, cell colour turns green, and pasted in one of the 5 "J" sheets depending on the value. This process should continue to loop until there are no more lines left in "detail" to copy

I just can't get my head around how to write a macro that will perform this. I have searched through different threads and tried and manipulated a few but I can't get it to work at all. I think I am so frustrated after 8 hrs that

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Combine Rows Of Varying Length And Varying Number Of Occurrences

Jun 28, 2012

There are 11,000 rows and 4,000 are unique. The goal is to merge the data down to the 4,000 records. Each of the unique entries shows up 1 to 15 times.

In trying to solve this, I wonder if I should break this down into the different # of occurances and implement specific solutions. e.g., There are

5700 entries that show up 2x
504 that show up 3x
24 that show up 12x

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Pulling Data From Main Sheet To Subsequent Sheets In Workbook

Jul 25, 2014

What I want to do is take information from a main sheet and pull certain rows (determined based up on the selection made in the delivered to column) and move it to a worksheet that contains information only for that individual entity. Below is the list of headers in my lis of all information

Ticket #DateDelivered ToNet kg WtTonsRunningTotalDaily Total

As I said, depending upon the name in the delivered to, I would like to carry forward the following information only for the specified vendor. For example if we have 3 entries 1 delivered to company a, 1 to company b and 1 to company c, each would carry forward to the respective worksheet for that vendor.

Ticket #DateDelivered ToTons

how I might accomplish this in a usable format for what I am trying to do.

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Display Data From Sheets Based On Value In A Cell On Main Sheet?

Apr 29, 2014

I am trying to create a formula which will allow me to type a word in a cell on the Main sheet, and then pull any row from multiple sheets and display them on the Main sheet. For example, my sheet named Main looks like this:

1 Query:
2 Fruit Store Cost Mode Date

And there's a sheet for each month with the same format and different data:
1 Fruit Store Cost Mode Date
2 Apple Dominicks 1.99 Bagged 3/16/2014
3 Apple Piggly Wiggly 2.19 Ala Carte 3/14/2014
4 Banana Jewel 0.49 Bagged 3/1/2014
5 Banana Dominicks 0.57 Ala Carte 3/16/2014
6 Banana Costco 0.69 Ala Carte 3/16/2014
7 Cantaloupe Jewel 2.99 Ala Carte 3/14/2014
8 Cantaloupe Dominicks 1.99 Ala Carte 3/1/2014
9 Eggplant Jewel 0.99 Ala Carte 3/30/2014
10 Eggplant Dominicks 1.19 Ala Carte 3/30/2014
11 Eggplant Costco 1.29 Ala Carte 3/21/2014
12 Eggplant Safeway 0.79 Ala Carte 3/16/2014
13 Pears Jewel 1.19 Ala Carte 3/14/2014
14 Pears Dominicks 1.59 Bagged 3/1/2014
15 Pears Piggly Wiggly 0.99 Ala Carte 3/30/2014
16 Rhubarb Jewel 0.99 Ala Carte 3/14/2014
17 Rhubarb Piggly Wiggly 0.59 Ala Carte 3/14/2014
18 Rhubarb Costco 0.89 Ala Carte 3/14/2014
19 Tomatoes Jewel 1.99 Ala Carte 3/1/2014
20 Tomatoes Safeway 1.69 Bagged 3/30/2014
21 Tomatoes Dominicks 1.89 Carton 3/27/2014

... and so on. On my main sheet in Cell B1, I want to type a fruit name, such as Banana, and have every row in every sheet with Banana in column A,pulled and displayed on the Main sheet. Firstly, is this even possible with a macro?

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Copy Data From Multiple Sheets (different Columns) Into A Main Sheet

Jul 7, 2009

I have multiple sheets Names(Sheet1-Sheet5).

Im trying to compile them all on the same sheet (Main Sheet). But each sheet is NOT the same. I need to choose what Columns needs to be copied (I can use one macro for each tab if needed)

For example I need Sheet1, Columns (A,C,E,G,S) copy that and then go to (Main Sheet) and paste in the next blank line (column A)

Seems like it does not know where to paste.

Here is one I have tried ....

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Exclamation Collate Data From Varying Number Of Sheets To One Sheet

Nov 28, 2009

Have some code I have found from this site shown below. It works great however I need some help in editing it to change what it does. Basically the code currently takes all the data from set cells from all sheets after a set point and adds a new sheet and copies data from each of the sheets between this point and the new sheet and then pastes it to this final sheet.

What I wish to change is I already have a sheet which I will be using to analyse data from so how would the code look to be able to point to such a sheet within the same workbook? The sheet will be within the first 2 sheets of the workbook so from the code below you can see I have already set it to not include this sheet. I wont be needing a new sheet to be created at the end, I just want the data to paste to my analysis sheet which we can call "analysis".

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Depending On Value Of One Cell - Pull A Set Of Data From Another Page Varying Length / Width

Aug 12, 2014

I have drop drown menus that allow you to select 1 of 3 choices and based on those a second set which lists the options for the first three (subset). Now depending on the second value I need to pull a set of x y coordinates that can be of varying length. '


Drop down menu 1 1560, 1669, 1554. Drop down menu 2 1560-1,2,3,4 1669-a,b,c,d. This has been done now lets say I select 1560-1. I need the following to be pulled from a list, the data is a block.

1.00 1.543
1.23 -1.25
0.54 -2.75

This can be of any length.

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Copy Data From Sheets In Workbooks In Folder To Main File Sheets Of Same Name

Aug 29, 2008

I would like to use VBA to search a folder and copy data from tabs within the excel files there. The data will be pasted to a tab of same name in the the main file. All the files are in the same format.

So far I have only managed to list the files in the folder using code I found on your site!

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One Main Sheet Supplying Multiple Sheets

Dec 26, 2013

I'm trying to create an auto fill setup where 12-15 work sheets all get their data from 1 main sheet where I will import sales numbers. On a monthly basis I create reviews for all sales personel and the inputting of data alone uses precious time. So I would like to import the sales data, seperate it by column, and have the data auto fill the sales associates fields automaticly. So if I import the data to sheet 1 and associate John Smiths sales data fall on cell A1 thru A20 and directly below him Jane Doe's sales data falls on cells B1 thru B20. John's review will auto fill from the data on A1-A20 and Jane will have an identical review on a different sheet that auto fills from the data in B1-B20.

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Calculating Formula From All Sheets Into Main Sheet?

Mar 4, 2014

I want to calculate all datas from everyday of a month in a main sheet which is like;


In the main sheet C3 cell will be equal to c3:c15 serie and values in the v3:x15 serie will be greater than 0. Then formula calculate average of v3:x15 values based on c3 cell like vlookup. I'm writing formulas like that everytime and want it to get datas from all days of a month from 1 to 31. I tried '(1)31)' and when named sheets like 1,2,3 '1:31' i got #value error however when i write 31 if formulas for all days i got the correct results.

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Attendance File - Copy Multiple Cells From Many Sheets To One Main Sheet

Feb 6, 2013

I have an attendance file w/least 30 sheets. 29 of the sheets are for each separate group. The other sheet is the main one where I need to collect information like "total participants in attendance" and "total members in group" Then I divide those two and get the percentage of attendance.

The sheets containing the individual groups info are set up like this... (1=they were in attendance)

Name / January / February / March/
Joe ________1________0________0
total P ____3________1_________1
% _______100_______33________33

The main sheet looks like this

Group / Jan. Participation / Jan. Member total/
Grp 1 ________3_____________3
Grp 2 ________8_____________10
Grp 3 ________7_____________10
% total-__________________78.2%

I know I can manually go through and link the sums of participation and total group size into the main sheet, but I have a lot of workgroups and need to do this every month, is there an easier way? I am willing to change the set up of the sheets.

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Computing With Last 252 Rows Of Varying Length Column

Nov 26, 2009

Using Excel 2003, Column E has a varying and unpredictable number of rows, which only the final 252 rows are of significance. I need to compute the following formulas, here written in English as I can't determine the proper terminology to accomplish this task in Excel:

Final Row with a number in Column E/average (final 252 rows with numbers in column E)+

Final Row with a number in Column E/average (final 126 rows with numbers in column E)+

Final Row with a number in Column E/average (final 63 rows with numbers in column E)

Once again, what makes this not straightforward for me is the column may have wildly varying numbers of rows.

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Creating Macro To Calculate Columns With Varying Length

May 2, 2012

I have a column of data where the seperate entities are divided by blank rows. for example: i need to calculate sum(G3:G15) then skip the blank row (G16) and calculate the next group, say sum(G17:G50) and export that import to a new worksheet.

The issue is that the column lengths vary from day to day so the blank rows will not be in the same position.

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SUMIF- Column Of Contract Numbers Of Varying Length

Mar 27, 2009

I have a column of contract numbers of varying length. I want to run a sumif of all of the values on my reference sheet that have the contract number beginning with the contract number in my listing. All of the the contract values in my reference sheet are very long. Since the numbers I am working with vary in length, i don't know how to match this string in the sumif function

I want something like this

=SUMIF('Reference Sheet!$A$5:$A$13410,LEFT("", LEN('Select Contracts'!$C6))='Select Contracts'!$C6,'FINALIZED DATA'!$H$5:$H$13410)

Is there a way to refer to the range in the sumif function,

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Copy Data From Multiple Sheets To Main Datasheet?

May 6, 2014

I have a workbook that contains multiple sheets, currently five sheets of which only two of them are Info Datasheets.

I would like to create a VBA code that pulls data from multiple info datasheets and compiles that data into one Main Database sheet. However, after that initial collection, I need the code to maintain the rows data. Specifically, if any row's data changes in the info Datasheets I need that row on the main Database sheet to update.

The columns in the info datasheets range from A:AH, however I only need the columns A:E to be copied. And I would like the code to add column F in the main datasheet displaying the sheet name were the data was retrieved

Each Info sheet (Metals, Polymers) are setup identical; Rows 1:3 are the headers, and Column D and/or Column E will denote a change to the row.

The Main Database sheet (Table of Context) has 2 rows for the header. So, the data will start on row 3

F-S886 (Material Properties Database)_DRAFT_5.xls

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Extract Two Separate Numbers Of Varying Length From Text Field

May 24, 2014

a formula to extract the numbers into two separate fields. The text may vary in length and the numbers vary in length also from 1 digit to 2,000,000.

Data in A1 is as follows:-

Meter reading Old:1345 New:67890

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Copying Specfic Data From A Main Worksheet To Several Breakdown Sheets.

Oct 21, 2009

I'm looking for a solution for my worksheet. I've got a main tab in which contains deposit data, I need to take the raw data format it and break it down into 7 different tabs. Each week a report is exported and then one for the actual month containing all the data. I’m currently manually recording some formatting macros because I haven’t learned to write my own yet. The number of columns in this report is always constant but the rows vary depending on the number of deposits. I have 7 tabs where the data from the main sheet will be broken down in. In my spread sheet I have the following headings. (A1)Date, (A2)Batch, (A3)Source (A4)Control (A5)Total Batch (A6)Total Variance

The information I would use to copy the rows to other sheets is going to be based on (A2).

Anything that starts with U65 would go into the U-65 tab.
1,7 or 8 would go to the lockbox tab.
2 or 5 = IN-HOUSE
Eh, WH, or WE = ACH

Finally the variance tab will contain any rows which have a number other than 0 Positive or Negative. My biggest problem is that I never know how many rows the data will have so when I recorded my macro I Started dragging my formats to about row 200. It could one day surpass this number so If I had a choice id set it to row 1,000.

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Entering Data Onto Main Sheet That Automatically Transfer To Specific Sheet?

Feb 9, 2014

I remember years ago that I made a couple formulas that on sheet one would transfer to another sheet when I enter in sheet one.

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Macro To Pull Data From Multiple Sheet To Main Sheet Based On Column Headings

Sep 13, 2012

I need a Macro which pulls the data from different sheets of excel (which is not formatted properly) to Main Sheet. Also some of the columns will not have the same names, so macro should handle this exception as well.

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Shorten String Length If Exceeds 31 Characters (max Sheet Name Length)

Mar 27, 2014

I've set up a filing system which saves sheets/ workbooks based on the value of a cell - Range("B1") Everything works great apart from when ThisFile String length exceeds 31 characters which you may know is the max useable character length for a sheet name - I had no idea! 8-0

Is there a way i can check if string length exceeds 31 characters then, if it does, shorten it to 31 characters?

[Code] .....

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Pull Varying Length Text From Cell Text

Jul 2, 2007

I need to find text within middle of a string.
Character before required text is say AAA
Character after required text is say BBB
Text required can vary in length.
Extract text and place in another column.

All text in a single column, required text not in every line. but
does repeat.

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Entering Data On "Main" Sheet And Sending To Appropriate Sheet

Sep 23, 2009

I currently have 4 sheets in a workbook. They are... "Main", "Safety", "1 Week Response" and "Routine" I would like to enter data into the "Main" and have it automatically send that data to the corresponding sheet name. Example: On the "Main" sheet I enter in row 1 column "A" the number 520; column "B" I enter Safety. Then I want to push a macro button that sends this data to sheet "Safety" in the next available row.

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Make Macro To Bring Tables From Another Sheet To Cover Sheet?

Jul 8, 2014

I am trying to take the tables you will see in the dummy page on the second and third sheet and have them output onto the first sheet based on the parameters of the drop down menus. Is there a way to have a button on the first page that controls a macro to do this?

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Pull Out Information From Main Sheet To Summary Sheet?

Mar 1, 2013

I am trying to create a summary sheet from the matrix to do further analysis. I want to pick out the welds done everyday with weld inches as you will see in the summary sheet. How can summary sheet be automatically updated when I enter the inspection date rather than copying and pasting? I can use vlookup to get the weld dia once I get the weld numbers on that date. I have attached the file.

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Sum Of Totals From Tables Of Varying Size Across Multiple Sheets

Mar 20, 2014

I currently have a problem with suming the costs from tables across multiple sheets where the tables are of varying size.

Each sheet, 'sheet1' to 'sheet10' for simplicity sake, has a simple table consisting of two columns, 'Item' and 'Cost'. Each row contains a certain item and it's respective cost. The bottom of each table then has 'Total' in the item column and the sum of the total costs in the 'Cost' column.

However, each table on each sheet has a varying number of rows. This means on 'sheet1' the total may be in B5 and on 'sheet2' it might be in B7.

I need to sum all the total costs from 'sheet1' to 'sheet10' in a single cell.

I tried using the =SUMIFS formula with a 3D Range but I discovered that you can't use this formula with a 3D Range.

The only solution I could think of is to use a loop that goes through each sheet in turn, searches Column A for 'Total' and then adds the cell next to it to a running total.

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Varying Validation Drop-downs Based On Varying Cell Values

Aug 7, 2013

I am attempting to have cells in Column 'U' deliver different drop-down menus based on the corresponding value in column 'D'. I have created 7 named lists:


Those lists will be called up based on 7 values in column β€œD”:

So far I have only been able to get this to work for the first category β€œG”. When I change the value of column β€œD” from β€œG” to β€œ152” I no longer get a drop-down. Here is the formula I am using in the List function of validation.


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How To Get The Result From Main Sheet

Aug 14, 2014

In my attached sheet.. I want the result from data sheet.. I have to enter the batch no and pallete no.. then all the data have to display in result sheet

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Access To Pop-up Main In Sheet

Nov 6, 2009

I created a popup menu when you click the right mouse bhutan .. ok?

Now I would like to access the pop-up Main excel, where you click with the right mouse button and appears Cut, Copy.

then I would like to add a new a item in this pop-up

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