Consolidating Duplicate Data And Recording Number Of Duplicates?
Sep 11, 2013
I am trying to collect data from a server. The data comes through as .csv (seperated data), and I am able to get all the useless info/columns out of the way - but I would like to keep a record of how many times these "alarms" come in. form a spreadsheet, or tell me how to go abouts using a tool to simplify my process.
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Mar 3, 2008
i have duplicate cell entries occuring. I have a column of about 8000 entries (Column B) and would like to have a cell at the top of my spreadsheet that displays where the first duplicate resides (Row No. will suffice).
At present i have a conditional format on dupllicates, but is is a big task to scroll down through all the data looking for them.
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Feb 20, 2012
I incorporated more codes to the ones that were just solved from this board, but how can I make the active cell stay on A1 of sheet "hypo_tax_dropdown"? Also, I obtained the codes for removing the duplicates from macro recording, will these codes work on any machine? I noticed that it doesn't have worksheet.function
Sub Macro1()
Dim X As Long
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Feb 9, 2013
I have a created recording sheet (attached) for the purpose of recording moths. I send this sheet out to those recorders who live in my county and at the end of the year they send the filled in sheet back to me. Over time I have put safeguards onto the sheet to ensure that I get the cleanest data returned to me. However, there is still one area which is giving me problems - users entering duplicate records.
Some formula which will stop recorders from entering those duplicate records. There are many columns on the sheet which recorders have to fill in with information, but as far as the duplicate records are concerned it is where the same information is entered into columns C, F and J that I'm having a problem with. It would be great if, when the same information was entered in these columns that the affected cells were highlighted in some way and if an error message appeared saying 'Duplicate record, either delete or alter grid reference'
I have entered two test duplicate record on the 'macro moths' sheet of the attached file : Test Recording sheet.xls‎
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Apr 7, 2014
I have a huge document that looks like this
Column A______Column B_____Column C
I want to keep in ColumnA all three rows of 100/12, because it has a value in Column B in one cell-which is the criteria, and remove the 250/13 because it has no value in cell B.
I was assuming that merging duplicates in column A, and than remove empty from ColumnB.
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Mar 13, 2014
I need macro that will check for list of duplicates in sheet1 and place the duplicate data in sheet2.
I know how to check duplicates in only one column.But now my sheet having lot of columns.
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Feb 11, 2014
I am involved in a software conversion that is taking 4 full time folks over 5 weeks to clean up and assign an alpha-numeric sequential number to each vendor, client. Each scrubber is reviewing an excel spreadsheet containing the names, addresses, FID, telephone, etc. of our vendors and customers. This information is being pulled from 2 separate sources. We are assigning a BP # to the main office location and not retiring that one. then we go on to identifying the dups. All dups get a Y to be retired, but if they have a different address then the main one, we place a Y to bring that address over under that BP#.
Ultimately, we end up with 2 systems combined into one dumping all old numbers assigned and giving each vendors, customers, etc. a new BP# that may have muliptple addresses.
How can we assign a alpha numeric number without going through each individual line...over 900,000 of them to do. Key is to identify duplicate addresses and duplicate names. Some names might be RK Electrical or Robert King Electrical but the address will be duplicated usually.
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Apr 17, 2014
I am trying to set up a workbook for work that will highlight duplicates. I know how to use conditional formatting to do this, however, I would like each duplicate "set" to be a different color in order to better identify. The area that I need to search for duplicates is E3:E27. How can this be accomplished?
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Oct 13, 2009
I have a sheet with the following information in rows:
PO# Acct# Item# QTY
There are multiple lines that share the same acct#.
How can I create the sheet so that each row combines the records for the same acct#.
For example:
PO# Acct# Item# Qty PO# Item# Qty PO# Item#
There are never more than 6 rows that share the same acct#.
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Mar 15, 2009
I have two columns of data, and I need to create a third column to count the number of times that same line appears in the document (and then remove all but the first copy of that line). my data looks as follows (and it is sorted so all duplicate rows appear directly next to each other):
Adam1998 | Jan
Adam1998 | John
Adam1998 | John
Adam1998 | Paul
Adam1998 | Peter
Adam1998 | Peter
Adam1998 | Peter
Adam1999 |John
Adam1999 | Paul
I need this to look as follows:
Adam1998 | Jan | 1
Adam1998 | John | 2
Adam1998 | Paul | 1
Adam1998 | Peter | 3
Adam1999 |John | 1
Adam1999 | Paul | 1
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May 16, 2006
I have 2 huge lists. One is " the Master list" which I have to extract items that are not already listed on the second list . I don't want to remove duplicate entries,I want to remove the duplicates completely. in both lists, so that I only have items that are not in the second list...
like this..
List 1:
# $ % & * ! @
List 2:
# & @
so I want to end up with:
$ % * !
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Sep 25, 2013
consolidate data from different workbooks into a single work book.
Each workbook contains one month payment information for employees.
i want to consolidate the the workbooks into one mastersheet such that i will have twelve columns (One for each month). On the consolidated sheet, i want each contributors monthly contribution displayed under the months to which the cointribution relates.
*find attached a dummy data illustrating the request*
i will like the results displayed as illustrated in the consolidate tab.
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Jan 14, 2014
I have a clock machine report weekly which generates a spreadsheet very similar to the example attached.
The number of sheets can vary, the number of rows per employee can vary all of which makes me think that I can't use a formula to collate the data. how I can do this?
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Jan 21, 2008
I have a workbook with multiple tabs (sheets) I would like to make another tab to consolidate all the data, rows and columns into one master sheet.
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May 28, 2009
I am trying to automatically copy and paste data from multiple source workbooks into one master file, and could use some assistance with building a macro to do so. Specifically, I'm trying to accomplish the following:
1. Open source file.
2. Within the source file, find any worksheets whose name begins with a 5-digit number.
3. For these worksheets only, copy values from a specified range (B15:B64, J15:J64, and V15:V64), and paste these values into the master workbook (into worksheets already existing in the master workbook, whose names match those in the source workbook).
4. Close the source file and repeat this process for the next one.
In total, I'll have ~20 source files to process in this manner. I have the file names listed in Column C of the "Import" sheet on my master workbook.
So far, I have been successful in taking care of the step 1 (opening the external files). I'm a macro newbie, though, and am not sure how to tackle the conditional cutting and pasting outlined above.
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Jul 13, 2005
In A2 is the Stock price, and B2 the time of the update.Now every time it updates A2 and B2 get overwritten.I need some code that will save/ record the the stock price on the hour, every hour. I then need the highest and the lowest price within that hour, and lastly the price at the very end of that hour. (example)
I received what I think may work, but I dont know how to write this in VBA. If the time of the new value received > than B2 + 1 second, create new row where Open=High=Low=Close else if (last column=new value,if new value>high column then high column=new value,if new value<low coulmn then low column=new value.)
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Mar 17, 2014
check and list duplicates in a message box giving the user the option to then go and delete as necessary.
The "remove duplicates" function in excel is great but doesn't list the account numbers it actually removed.
I'm therefore having to sort Column A (account code column) alphabetically and then manually check for duplicates.
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May 23, 2013
I have a name in Column A, and a number that goes with it in Column B. Some of the names on Column A are duplicates. I want to extract a new list that will add the values in Column B of all matching names on Column A, so that my list has only unique names and a total of the numbers in Column B.
SPP-001 2
SPP-002 3
SPP-006 4
SPP-001 5
SPP-008 9
SPP-006 3
Result that I'm looking for"
SPP-001 6
SPP-002 3
SPP-006 7
SPP-008 9
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Apr 16, 2007
I have many rows of data. How can I find duplicate cells in a column?
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Aug 5, 2014
Having trouble consolidating 3 worksheets into one worksheet, on these 3 worksheets they all have the same headings which go from A-R. I simply need to be able to run a formula or use some sort of method to incorporate all 3 lists into 1 master list. The only way i currently can do this is to create a vba script which simply copies say 500 rows from the first worksheet paste onto master spreadsheet then copy 500 rows in second worksheet and find next blank row and paste etc.
Is that the best way to do this or is there a better way?
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Apr 11, 2008
I'm trying to consolidate inventory for my department. I have Part#s in (column E) of all the worksheets and the amount of the product in (column C). I need a formula that finds the specific part# (in column E) and adds up the total amounts (in column C) in another worksheet has the part#s and amounts in same column.
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Jan 19, 2010
At the end of every month I receive a sales report from our ERP system setting out sales quantities by Customer ID e.g. ABC001 and Product ID e.g. FB3000. I need to collect the data for each month and gradually build a report for a 12 month period.
My problem is that each monthly report does not include every Customer ID and every Product ID, it only includes cases where sales quantity was > 0. So as each month's data arrives I need to make sure that my report has all necessary Customer ID and Product ID pairs so I am not missing any sales.
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Aug 12, 2008
I am working on multiple sheets that collate to an “averages” sheet. The Averages sheet would need to collate the information historically.
I need a code that can be assigned to a button so when it’s clicked, the figures for this week are added to the figures that were from last week. So for example.
Worksheet 10, Rows 12 – 20 have the data from the last 8 weeks.
Worksheet 09 has this weeks data and a button to push. When pushed it adds the data from this week to row 21 in Worksheet 10.
The following week the button would add the data to row 22 and so on.
Essentially each time the button is pressed it drops the information in a row one lower than the last time the button was pressed.
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Feb 12, 2012
I want to record the amount of people attending a venue over a given period. The information presents names and did they attend. In column "D' from D5 to D45 the information will be yes or no. I want a formula that calculates the amount of YES and shows the answer in a numeric format
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Apr 13, 2012
I have it all set up already with macros and formulas and such. My next step is to record the sales data ( selected cells ) from the invoice to a seperate sheet I call Cashup. The idea being to record all relevant sales data for the day/trading session on one sheet so the manager can cash up the till run by 2-4 different people during the day. Its targeting a small family run business so security isn't currently the main concern although for future proofing I'm trying to build that in as far as possible. Long story short: What would be a good method for recording each successive sale's data from the same page each time the Finish button is hit , to a seperate sheet in a log format? Currently I have these problems:
1:The operation should record into the next open row on the Cashup sheet and not overwrite the previous record.
2:The record must ignore all formulas and record only the values in the cells . Currently a normal copy and paste results in " N/A" recorded in the cells in the Cashup screen.....( probably since all the data that needs recording is formula generated to begin with )
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Nov 21, 2012
I am trying to consolidate rows of data in to a single row at Cust Ref level (column A) but I need to ensure the numbers in each monthly column are added up accordingly so I have one total per month by Cust Ref. I hope what I have said makes sense. I have attached the spreadsheet so you can see what I am talking about.
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Jun 19, 2012
I need to update my Workbook to do something more. I have a Workbook that contains multiple Worksheets that contain a list of items that need to be inspected with a schedule date. What I want to do is consolidate all the items that have not been inspected and put it on one Worksheet within the same Workbook. Unfortunately I can't attach my Workbook so you can see what I'm talking about. Each Worksheet has these five columns and every inspection still required to be conducted only has the CSEC, Schedule Inspection Date, and Remarks Columns filled out. I would like to scan all Worksheets to copy this data and consolidate it into a seperate Worksheet so I can print only one Worksheet as my report vice over fifty.
CSEC# | Scheduled Inspection Date | Date inspection was performed | Inspection Pass/Fail | Remarks
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Jun 27, 2014
Excel Version : 2010
Attached File name : <Eliminating duplicates.xlsx>
I want to eliminate the duplicates and plot without duplicate in the yellow cells.
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Feb 23, 2014
I am writing a macro to consolidate data from different worksheets in more than one Summary Sheets.
My workbook has quite a number of worksheets, from different department e.g. OPS001, OPS002,OPS003, ADMIN001, ADMIN002, ADMIN003 and so on.
I want data from OPS001, OPS002 and OPS003 to go on one sheet e.g. "Summary-OPS" and data from ADMIN001, ADMIN002 and ADMIN003 to go on the other sheet name "Summary-Admin"
When I am working on Summary-Ops sheet I want to copy data from sheets starting with name "OPS" and so on.
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Jul 17, 2012
I've seen some examples here and I think I understand the consolidation function. However, my query has the added level of needing to consolidate each member:
I have a table of data that looks like this:
[Code] .........
There are a number of clients that have multiple investments that are shown by an alpha numeric code. I need to consolidate the number of units for each member in to one line. Ideally the output would look like this:
[Code] ...........
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