Copy Matching Cells In Series From Column

Sep 2, 2007

in writing a macro that does the following.

Right there data in cell A1 lets say LTP BY001 and then the next data in column A is LTP BY002 in cell A9. What I need to do is copy LTP BY001 from cell a2-A8 and then LTP BY002 From A10 until LTP BY003 appears lets say A15. Therefore need LTP BY002 copying from A11-A14. I need that to go right the way down the workbook at everytime their is a number change.

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Way To Copy A Series Of Cells From Top To Bottom

Mar 26, 2007

Is there a way to copy a series of cells from top to bottom, then paste them back so the would be bottom to top?

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Latest Value In A Series Of Cells (not A Column Or Row)

Jul 25, 2007

am looking to find the most recent value in a series of cells that I define. I have set up a worksheet for each month and I want to only pull out the latest total entered for a particular cell reference (cell B16 in each worksheet has the number I need).

I tried using : =LOOKUP(9.99999999E+307,Jul:Jun!B16) but that just gives me a #value error.

I had a search through the archives too and found [url] and [url](neither of which I really understood or could use, although I did have a go), anyone got any ideas? Am sure it's very easy!

Just to clarify, I have 12 worksheets, each with a different month. Each month I enter data into the relevant worksheet. I want a running total on a summary worksheet and need to pull out the latest numbers automatically (they don't need to SUM or anything).

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Matching Data Series

Jul 17, 2007

I want to match rainfall with historical rainfall.
It is quite simple to match a single value but I want to mtach a series or closest series (or series')

Eg for the last 6 measurements I get an couple of columns like this:
Time value
1 5
2 4
3 5
4 2
5 5
6 5..........

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Copy Rows Of Column Matching Cell Value

Jun 24, 2008

I had a quick look around and couldn't find exactly what I was after my apologies if it already exists. I have attached a sample worksheet and I would like it the entire row A from sheet 1 to sheet 3 if the cells A2 OR D2 contain what is in cell Sheet2!A1.

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Copy Rows Matching Condition In Column

Aug 11, 2008

On my main worksheet, I have a list of stocks in the "A column", so for example reading down the list would be:

Nokia etc...

I have a seperate worksheet for each different name (about 100), and I wanted to know if there was a way to select all the information relating to the name "vodafone" for example, and to copy and paste that into the worksheet called vodafone. The problem is copying and pasting 100 times would take ages and wanted to know whether there is an easier way using VBA.

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Copy All Rows On Text In Column A Matching Those In Another List

May 21, 2013

Basically I would like to copy rows where the name of the person (in Column A) matches a separate this.



Lookup list:

In Sheet2:

Note that there are many names (this is just an abstract) so I think it requires a macro.

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Copy Column Rows From One Workbook To Another Based On Matching Value

Apr 21, 2014

Copy rows from one Sheet to another based on a separate cell value But specifically, I am trying to copy row values from Columns C through column Z in Worksheet 1 of file POHeader.xlsx to row values Columns N through AK in file POReceiv.xlsx when the (Purchase Order #) values in Column A of each file match.

The reason is behind this is - one file has the unique Purchase Order number as the key without associated parts and the other file has the associated part number as the key with purchase order number attached.

I don't know whether I need to use VBA or if I can just use an index and match function.

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Copy Corresponding Data Based On Matching Cells?

Jul 15, 2014

I am trying to copy a row based on the value of a cell.

I have two sheets in my workbook and on sheet 1, I have a part number and a description. On sheet 2, I have part numbers again, but this time I the description is broken up into the format I need.

What I am trying to do is have excel search on sheet 2 for the part numbers, then copy the information that corresponds to the part number into the correct column.

I have tried using Vlookup. But if the part number in row 2 on sheet 1 match the one in row 8 on sheet 2, this will copy over the data from row 2 whereas I need row 8.

If this would be more doable using VBA, that is fine by me. I haven't been able to figure out anything in VBA or in excel formulas up to this point.

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Copy Comment Of Matching Cells To One Cell

Feb 15, 2007

I have two ranges AA:DD and F:G, I have to find matching pair in AA:DD and in F:G and copy H and add as a comment to D, its hard to explain. see my attached workbook.

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Copy Cells Matching Multiple Criteria

Aug 28, 2007

On my worksheet (which I have stripped down significantly to be able to upload here), I am looking for a way to copy certain cells over when the TCR (machine) numbers match. So, on the spreadsheet, if there is a 1 on the De La Rue sheet in the A column, it will then copy the value that is in cell B (directly next to it) and paste it into the balance sheet tab in column J in the row that has the same number in it. It would then do this for all machines in the balance sheet.

Then it would go to the "Ecoin Amounts" sheet, and do the same match, copy, paste, but this time it would be if the machine number matches, it takes the value from column D and the value from column H and pastes these into the balance sheet sheet in columns C and E respectively.

As you can see from the balance sheet tab, I tried using a VLOOKUP function, but when I import my initial data to the sheets, and manipulate it the way that I want, it gives be a reference error. I could possibly circumvent this by writing the VLOOKUP amounts as part of my macro, but I wanted to see if this could be done any easier.

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Copy Range Rows To Another Sheet Matching Condition In Column

Jun 1, 2008

i'm trying to create a macro to find any value <> "" from COLUMN B then copy Bx;Cx;Dx and paste into another worksheet with the name of COLUMN A.

And when the cells Cx or Dx is empty should appear 0 into the other worksheet

for example.
sheet1 ..... cell("dx") is empty
a b c d
w 5 3

the macro would copy 5,3,0 and paste into sheet named "w".

i found this code on internet but it's not quite good for me because it copies the hole row. i tried everything to change that but i couldn't.


Sub SearchForString()

Dim LSearchRow As Integer
Dim LCopyToRow As Integer

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Column Formula For Matching Cells?

Apr 1, 2014

I'm currently having a hard time creating a formula to verify if the contents of 2 cells match.

Example from Spreadsheet -

Column D, Row 4: MSG
Column E, Row 4: SMSG

When I attempt to create a formula for Column C, it registers the "MSG" within "SMSG" and lists the result as "MATCH".

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Match Data In 2 Cells In Different Workbooks And Then Copy Results In Matching Row?

Feb 13, 2014

I have 2 worksheets, A and B. In both worksheets there is common data in column A (account ID). I would like to find a way to return all of the data for the matching row in worksheet B and have it pasted into the matching row in worksheet A.

So in the example below, I am looking for a function that will match on Account ID in both worksheets and then paste the results from Dataset 1, 2 and 3 into the row with the matching Account ID in worksheet A.

Worksheet A
Account ID
Column to paste matching rows from Worksheet B



Worksheet B
Account ID
Dataset 1
Dataset 2
Dataset 3



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VBA Code To Copy And Paste To Specific Rows Based On Matching Column Header?

Dec 7, 2011

I have a spreadsheet and I was wondering if there is a way to copy from a specific range in say A1:A5 in Sheet1 and paste into Sheet2 where the column matches cell A1 in Sheet1.

I am trying to do this in VBA and I was wondering if there is a way to do this.

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Show Rows With Matching Cells In A Column

Dec 12, 2011

I have a sheet with some survey data. the data covers about 4 months. There are about 2200 rows and 8 columns.

The "code" could be in there more than once as the person took the survey multipule times, but all other data is different. How can i pull out the whole row when the code is there more than once.

I want to know all the "codes" with multipule entries that took the survey more than once then trend there scores.

CentercodeRecommendReasonEnvironmentTraining ManagerOverall LHQTR27909415Learning effect4444LHQTR28844652
Center environment2222LHQTR45614375Service5555LHQTR96944292Service2222LHQTR144769543
Center environment4433LHQTR144769543Learning effect3433LHQTR155258791Service3213LHQTR168772563
Center environment2232LHQTR168772563Center environment3332LHQTR168772565
Learning effect4414LHQTR173991905Learning effect4445LHQTR192966385Service5555LHQTR193282534
Qualified teachers3344

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Populating Cells Based On Row And Column Labels Matching

Oct 24, 2013

Having a bit of trouble trying to get excel to pick up text in one sheet (sheet 2) and populate cells in another (sheet 1) if the row (row 1) labels and columns (column a) in both sheets match. hope that makes sense? I've tried googling this to no avail, i've also tried index-match however i keep getting errors.

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From Matching Numbers In One Column Return Value Of Second Cells In Another Cell?

May 19, 2014

I have a table with 4 columns where in column 3 I have part numbers and in column 4 I have the number sold. In column 3, the part sold can be listed several times with a different number sold in the column 3. What I need is code to go through the part numbers and return a total number sold for that part in a new column. I have sorted the table by part number, then by Column 1 which is for the date. The new total should go in the last column with the oldest date for that part.

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Aligning Cells Based On Matching Data In Column Pairs?

Aug 13, 2014

I've got 3 pairs of columns and I need to sort through them and align the cells in columns E&F with those in A&B and C&D. The cells I need to match up are the times (columns A, C and E)

Example - convert this:

BID TIME.....................BID.......ASK TIME....................ASK......TRADE TIME................TRADE
30/07/2014 14:21:04.....6.10.....30/07/2014 14:22:37.....6.13.....30/07/2014 14:21:04.....6.13
30/07/2014 14:21:06.....6.11.....30/07/2014 14:22:54.....6.13.....30/07/2014 14:22:37.....6.13
30/07/2014 14:22:37.....6.11.....30/07/2014 14:22:56.....6.13.....30/07/2014 14:22:54.....6.13
30/07/2014 14:22:54.....6.11.....30/07/2014 14:22:56.....6.14.....30/07/2014 14:22:56.....6.13
30/07/2014 14:22:56.....6.11.....30/07/2014 14:22:59.....6.13.....30/07/2014 14:22:59.....6.13

Into this:

BID TIME.....................BID.......ASK TIME....................ASK......TRADE TIME................TRADE
30/07/2014 14:21:04.....6.10.................................................30/07/2014 14:21:04.....6.13
30/07/2014 14:21:06.....6.11........................................................................................
30/07/2014 14:22:37.....6.11.....30/07/2014 14:22:37.....6.13.....30/07/2014 14:22:37.....6.13
30/07/2014 14:22:54.....6.11.....30/07/2014 14:22:54.....6.13.....30/07/2014 14:22:54.....6.13
30/07/2014 14:22:56.....6.11.....30/07/2014 14:22:56.....6.13.....30/07/2014 14:22:56.....6.13
............................................30/07/2014 14:22:56.....6.14............................................
............................................30/07/2014 14:22:59.....6.13.....30/07/2014 14:22:59.....6.13

I don't know VBA so hopefully there's a way of doing this with a basic Excel function.

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Search To Find Matching Cells And Copy/transpose Adjacent Data To Original Sheet?

Nov 12, 2009

I'm trying to find a way to search a second sheet in a workbook for specific criteria outlined in a first sheet (in my attached example, from A3 downwards within the 'list of search criteria' sheet), and then to copy any secondary data found against a successful search match to the original sheet, transposed against its corresponding matched search term.

As you can see in the example, the search term 'bindi' (A4 in the 'list of search criteria' sheet) appears in the 'data' sheet 3 times - the secondary data for these occurences ('feathery', 'Fibonacci', 'glassy') is copied to the 'bindi' row on the first sheet and is offset with each copy to produce a transposed-esque effect of copy and paste.

If it's any help, there are a maximum of 9 matches for a single search term in the real document.

Thanks in advance for your help... I tried to adapt a previous solution given to me for a similar question but failed miserably. I bow humbly to your expertise!

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Copy Matching And Non Matching Data Into New Worksheet

Feb 20, 2014

I have two worksheet "ABX" and "ACX" from which I want to find the matching data for specific columns B, D and E only.

Matching data will be in sheet "Match" and vice versa.

Data are present dynamically.

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Matching Cells In Column B To Cells In Column A?

Mar 20, 2014

i have stores numbers in column a and the sets and cartons in column b but there is gaps between the data i want in column c a list of stores with the set and car displayed next to it, some information in column b is on 2 rows for 1 store please see attached, how i would like to see it on a row is b345 car011119 etc

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Alter Existing Formula To Copy Specific Cells In Row Instead Of Copy Entire Column?

May 1, 2014

I need the macro to look at cells B9:B84 on the Sheet1 tab of the Cost Template. If it finds an x I need it to copy the 3 cells to the right of the x and paste them in a template. For example if it sees an x in cell B9 it would copy cells C9, D9 and E9, open the Purchase Order to the Detail tab, then paste it to cells B3, C3 and D3. It would continue looking for an x down to B84. So if it found 5 cells with x, it would give me 5 instances of the Purchase Order with 3 cells pasted into each.

I've attached my Cost Template and the Purchase Order it needs to copy to. In the Cost Template is a macro called Create_PO. This is what I was trying to alter to make this happen. I can't seem to get it right! FYI in case it matters, I had to change the Cost Template from .xltm to .xlsm in order to upload it on this site.

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Setup A Macro To Copy Text From A Column Of Cells To Another Column

May 22, 2008

I have been working with a few people on here to setup a macro to copy text from a column of cells to another column and then print this in to a text document but it seams to have got stuck in a loop ....

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Copy Cells From Column To Adjacent Column If Bold Or Empty

May 20, 2008

I have a worksheet on which the data is already grouped. At the top of each group is a row that contains only the group name. Since the rest of that row is blank, I want to use a blank cell on that row as a reference, then copy the group name to a newly created column, then fill that column down to the next group.

The goal is to create a column that contains the group name, rather than just having the group name as a " header" at the top of each group.

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VBA To Copy Non-blank Cells From Column And Paste Into Another Column

Oct 4, 2013

In sheet "diary" I have data in certain rows in column A8:C10000 that contains values if a certain condition is met. I need a vba to copy and past only non blank cells in column D8:F10000. I first wrote a formula with index but it takes too long to caculate.

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Copy Cells In One Column Based On Criteria In Another Column

Aug 17, 2006

I have an personnel file with employee info, and I want to create a macro that will look in the "Master" worksheet at the Department column ("I") for anyone in Benefits, and then copy their name from the Name column ("D") into the "Benefits" worksheet. The names should begin pasting in cell "D3" but will recognize if a cell already has a name in it and then paste in the cell below that.

Here is what I have:

Option Explicit

Public Sub RatingbyDept()
Dim Dept As Range

With Sheets("Master")
For Each Dept In .Range("I2:I1000")
With Dept

I keep getting error 92 - "For loop not initialized".

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How To Find Value From One Column In Another Column And Then Copy Several Other Cells

Aug 21, 2014

I have 2 worksheets, "Data Dump" and "Target List"

I'm trying to cycle through the "Target List" in column "A", find the same value in column "B" in the "Data Dump" sheet. When I find it, I want to copy several other cells from the found row into cells on the "Target List" (though probably to a different column). Here is the code I'm trying to use. How to correct it to get the result I'm looking for.

[Code] ....

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Copy From Column Some Cells And Paste It In Another Column

Apr 16, 2013

Range("a" & Cells.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Select
Range(Selection, "a1").Select
For Each cell In Selection
If Not IsEmpty(cell.Value) Then
If cell.Value "2012*" Then
cell.Offset(0, 5).PasteSpecial
End If
End If
Next cell

I have a to copy from column A some cells ( e.g "000005PR RODI T.R, S.L.") and paste it in column F. The problem is that in column A i have as well empty cells and cells that have date (e.g "2012 02 14-OCT-2011 CN 100725") . Neither the IF/AND nor the "double" if constructs are working .

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Copy Non Blank Cells In Column Up 1 Row To Another Column

Mar 20, 2008

I need a macro to copy and paste data from Col A to Col B. But I need it pasted 1 row up. In other words if A6 has data I need it pasted in B5 and Bolded. I got a start but don't know how to finish.

Dim ii As Long
For ii = lastrow To 6 Step -1
If Not IsEmpty(. Range("A" & ii).Value) Then ****.Range("A" & ii).Copy*****
Next ii

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