Copying Multiple Tables Into One?
Oct 15, 2013
Say I have 10 tables and want to copy them into one single table. Easy right? Just copy / paste.
The restraint with copy paste is, if I make an adjustment to one of the 10 tables, it will not be reflected in the master table. I would have to recopy the table every time I make a change.
I was wondering if this there was such a function that says: "Once done copying with X table, start copying Y table, and so forth."
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Jul 1, 2013
Using Excel 2010. I'm writing a macro that sets up a workbook to be used for estimating at the beginning of a project. In the code I need to create multiple tables (formerly known as "lists") in the workbook. Then later in the code I need to refer back to those newly created tables. Currently, the code that creates the table is part of a loop that creates the table on many different worksheets. The problem of course, is that I have to name the Table, and then it won't create a table of the same name on the next sheet. Then, later in the code, I need to make adjustments to the table that was just created before looping to the next sheet.
Is there a way to create a table without giving it a constant name? Or by giving it a name that builds off of other info in the sheet? For example, I would be good with the naming the table after the sheet name: "Sheet1_Table" or such.
Sub Auto_Open()
Dim sht As Worksheet
If Range("A1") = 1 Then
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Jan 9, 2014
I have an excel sheet that I'm trying to format. Basically, the excel book contains sheets (with the months), and each sheet contains a list of clients, their package, their status, date assigned, and date updated.
I've made another sheet (Sheet2) that fetches everything and consolidating it to one sheet. Sheet 2 also cleans up the data to display only the items that are 'completed'.
The issue I'm having now is in splitting the list (assuming it has been cleaned up to show only the 'completed' items. I would need to split the list first by the date they were updated, and then if they were assigned the same date or not. In short:
--Get all items with date updated = Month1
----If date assigned = Month 1: List items under table 1
----If date assigned < Month 1: List items under table 2
I've used macro on the excel (and I'm not sure it's efficient enough. I'm not proficient with VB, so...). I'm not sure if it will work on Mac.
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Jan 8, 2013
I am creating many tables in excel using a macro, and I want to copy them into a word document for later use. All the tables come from a long list, so for simplicity, they all get created on the same range starting at F1. Before deleting the existing table and adding the new one, I'm trying to copy/cut the table and paste it into a word document.
In case it makes a difference, I have office 2007
Sub ExcelToWord(LastRow)
Dim objWord As Word.Application
Range("F1:F" & LastRow).Copy
With objWord
.Visible = True
End With
End Sub
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Feb 27, 2014
I have two tables, Table1 one has only customer codes in it, and I have Table2 with plenty of customer codes and those customer name, surname, age, location...
And I want to match and copy each of those customer codes in Table 1 all the information which is on Table2
Table 1:
Table 2: Considering that name, age and location is each in separate cell
50025JohnSecond25Location 1
60085EmilyThird 20Location 2
45454Wilhelm Fourth35Location 3
10000RoseFifth 60Location 4
50086JohnySixth 45Location 5
65501JacobSeventh18Location 6
50026Jackie Eighth22Location 7
And the outcame should be that it finds the value from Table1 in Table2 and copy's information in Table 1 like this:
50025 JohnSecond25Location 1
50026 Jackie Eighth22Location 7
50086 Johny Sixth 45Location 5
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Nov 27, 2012
I have a workbook that contains mutiple tables in multiple sheets that are all in the same columns in each sheet but contain various rows. Data may not be entered in every single row within each table. I'm trying to create a master list of all data from all of these tables on a single sheet so I can analyze the information in total. I don't want to show any blank rows on the master file where data is not entered in each table. I've tried using the consolidate function within Excel but am not looking to perform a function (i.e Sum, count). I've also tried a pivot table from multiple consolidation ranges (Alt + D + P) but do not like the limited functionality of the pivot table. I do not have much experience with VBA but am assuming this may need to be done using code.
Attached is a sample workbook with named ranges of each table. Example.xlsx
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Jul 15, 2014
with this macro?
I have a lot of pivot tables on multiple sheets in one workbook.
I want to deselect all "(blank)" from rows, and sort both rows and columns in ascending order.
I recorded a macro but it only refers to specific pivot tables, I would like it to do the same sorting for all pivot tables in the workbook.
Sub PivotBlankSort()
' PivotBlankSort Macro
Windows("Alt Assessment Y10 13-14.xlsx").Activate
Sheets("L&C Prog Sum2").Select
With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable10").PivotFields("English")
.PivotItems("(blank)").Visible = False
etc as I move to each separate pivot table.
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Mar 2, 2009
Okay, so I have this project for my accounting computer applications class. I'm making it so much arder on myself than what it probably should be. But anyways, this project is a four year plan spreadsheet for the business/accounting division of the school. Inside the spreadsheet is a page that has 15 different tables, representing 5 years with 3 semesters each, fall spring and summer. On the requirements for the major chosen, I would like it to automatically recognize if the class has been placed in the semesters tables and recognize all of the information needed. The only problem is, a single vlookup only allows one table per cell but I need all 15.
I've heard of using the if statement along with these but I've only heard of it being done with a few tables and not 15, and I don't understand how exactly that works anyways.
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Apr 1, 2009
I am having a lot of trouble with pivot tables in Excel 2007 VBA. I am trying to create pivot tables using macros (connected to buttons the user can press to create the pivot table) - please don't ask why, but i need to do this!!!
I used the record fuction in excel 2007 to produce macro code which will produce the required pivot tables when the user presses a button.
Unfortuanately the coding seems to work fine when i have one pivot table in a file but breaks down if i record code to produce another pivot table.
I have attached some code below (which was produced by the record function) and is intended to produce 2 seperate pivot tables (the macro submacro2 produces the 1st pivot table and the macro submacro4 lower down the page produces the 2nd pivot table). I have also indicated the point in sub 4 where the code breaks down - basically submacro4 just doesnt run!
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Nov 17, 2009
Background: I know ZERO about VBA and I am a Vlookup & Pivot Table noob, but experimenting everyday.
Every week, since August 29, 2009, I get a sales report from my customer in raw form showing point of sales data for the previous 7 days. After manipulating the data I end up with 11 columns.
Now, if I am only concerned with that one week then I can drop the whole sheet into a Pivot Table and all is well.
However, I have 12 sheets now (with more to come), one for each week, and the row count ranges from 3,328 to 16,414.
I do not want to consolidate the data.
I can copy everything to one sheet, and hope not to max out at the million row mark, but would prefer to keep it tabbed by week.
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Dec 28, 2009
Is it possible to select multiple tables with listbox. If not ...
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Sep 21, 2013
This is my data:
This is the Pivot Table I created:
The Pivot Table is exactly what I want and I like that I can also sort by school or district. The problem: Cells B6 through E6 show up with correct information but the totals below that are all wrong. They seem to pull the same data from question 4.
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Jul 11, 2008
I have an Excel spreadsheet of data that I would like to export into tables in a new word document.
The code below (without the marked section) does this, but I can’t figure out how to create a second table after the first one.
Eventually I will use a For…Next loop to do this many times, but I’m trying to make the problem smaller by just making a second table.
Sub CreateNewWordDoc()
' add a reference to the Word-library
Dim wrdApp As Word.Application
Dim wrdDoc As Word.Document
Dim wrdTable As Word.Table
Dim xText
Set wrdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set wrdDoc = wrdApp.Documents.Add ' create a new document
Set wrdRange = wrdDoc.Range
wrdApp.Visible = True.........
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Nov 11, 2008
I have 2 tables
One is paycheck issued
The other one is paycheck cashed
My goal is to find out which paycheck is not cashed
Table 1
Table 2
Name Net Pay Last, FIRST 76.28
FIRST LAST 76.28 Last, FIRST 163.14
Last, FIRST 193.48
FIRST LAST 193.48 Last, FIRST 156.97
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Jul 31, 2006
I want to a macro or a function that can search for the value which corresponds to a cell and copy it to another cell. please refer to the attachment for more detail.
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Jun 4, 2008
I am wondering if there is a way of performing Vlookup across several tables? I have tried to create a formula myself based on lookup and nested vlookups, but am getting all tanlged up, especially as I need an If isna formula in there so that if there isn't a result, it displays a 0 rather than a #N/A.
See the attached. I do compeltely understand that it would be so much easier if all the data on the commission worksheet was in a simple 3 column table, but it has to be split as it is creating 3 tables. exactly what formula needs to go in cell D7 on the rates worksheet that I can drag down, which will check for those initials across all 3 tables? (The initials will only appear once on the table on the commission worksheet.
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Jul 28, 2013
I'm making a Excel list for trading cards (MTG) and I've divided it into different worksheets in order to sort it by the color of the cards (not really important I guess).
The issue I have is that I want it to copy certain columns (in this case C3:C1000, F3:F1000, G3:1000 ) from almost all of the worksheets into a new worksheet where it should paste them into column A, B and C.
In two of the worksheets it's also different (C3:C1000 , G3:G:1000, H3:H1000).
I've seen many where you copy one range from multiple worksheets, and that would've been okay I guess if not those two worksheets were different. I'd prefer not to change them, and I'd also prefer if I could've gotten just the information I needed also. Is this possible to do?
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Jan 22, 2014
For data I am using 1 pivot table. I have 4 tabs which use this pivot table to present different data on each tab.
For the first question, I have the same pivot table in the sheet twice in order to have multiple pivot charts with similar data but setup differently. I found this to be the simplest solution to presenting the data in the manner I want to see it. Otherwise I wish to set the tables up so that if I change a filter in one of the tables that the data is automatically updated to both tables.
The second question, this relates to the first question somewhat. I wish to change filters in 1 pivot table from tab one, and once that tab is updated I wish for all of the other tabs with this same pivot table to automatically update with the filter changes from the first time.
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Dec 22, 2013
I have to use data tables to calculate Net Present Value (NPV) by altering specific variables.
My NPV is the result of a series of calculations to ultimately arrive at a cash flow figure and then apply the WACC (average cost of capital)
I understand how to use data tables But for the life of me i cant figure out how im going to tell excel that im changing for example wage costs and not fixed assets when trying to asses the NPV sensitivity
My sheet and calculations are all set up
I've done it manually by altering the figures on the Inputs and Data Sheet.
My NPV calculation is on the Workings and calculations sheet.
The data tables i have done manually are on the Inputs and Data sheet.
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Dec 6, 2012
I'm having an issue where I want to merge lots of tables held in different spreadsheets into one large table so that I can use it in a pivot table. The attached spreadsheet demonstrates what I mean:
So there are 3 different accounts held in the first 3 tabs. These all have the same columns and format. I want to merge these automatically into the table that is in tab 4 so that I can use the pivot table also demonstrated in this tab.
What I want to happen is when I add rows to the tables in the first 3 tabs, these are automatically populated onto the 'overall' table in the 4th tab. (I'm aware I could do this manually, but for what I'm using this for these will be dozens of tables with hundreds of rows updated monthly).
Is this possible? Basically it doesn't matter how it's done, as long as i can show the information held in the pivot table each month end.
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Sep 7, 2013
I'm trying to figure out whether or not something is possible in power pivot. I'd like to load two tables into powerpivot and then set up formulas that create calculated values across the two tables.
Here's a simplified description of what the tables look like. [URL] .........
The pivot table should join the two tables on Month and Category and allow me to create calculated values across the cost category, like this. Note it's filtered to a single cost category right now: [URL] .......
In this view it's filtered to all cost categories but i'd be looking to still maintains the right count of members (i.e. it doesn't inflate the numbers from duplicate records as you might get if you were to join the two tables in a sql database): [URL] ....
The actual tables I would use are quite a bit larger (too large for excel without pp), and have quite a few more of each type of category.
Would something like this be possible to do in powerpivot without having to do some data prep work in another app to join the two tables together?
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Jun 3, 2014
I would like to summarize information from multiple tables (across multiple worksheets) into one table using a formula.
I have Attached an example: Book6.xlsx‎
The 'option plan 1' tab shows multiple summary tables for different types of clothing. (the type of clothing is text in the top left hand side of each table just under the month i.e. "jersey tops"). This tab is an example of 6 similar tabs that come from 6 different workbooks...
For each clothing type (i.e., Jersey Tops) I would like to extract the TTL OPTIONS no. and the TTL UNITS no. for each store and show these on the table in the "front Sheet". against the clothing type.
Is there a formula that can match the Clothing type from column A in Option plan 1 tab with Column C in the the front sheet tab and subsequently Match up the TTl Units and Options for each store on the front sheet tab.
I have manually keyed in what I would like the formula to show for 'jersey tops' on the Front sheet tab.
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Oct 25, 2011
I have 3 different pivot tables (with 3 different data sources) on 3 seperate sheets (sheet2, sheet3 & sheet4). Each pivot table has a report filter which contains employees names. On sheet 1 I have a sort of 'dashboard' set up feeding from the data in the pivot tables, and a combo box form control from which I can select the employees names.
Currently, if I want to see John's data, I need to go to Sheet1 and select 'John' from the report filter, then goto Sheet2 and select 'John' from the report filter & the same for Sheet 3. I was wondering if it is possible to somehow link the pivot tables to the combo box - so that when I select 'John' from the combo box on Sheet1, it automatically selects 'John' in the report filters on sheets 2,3, & 4.
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Dec 9, 2011
I am trying to plot multiple tables on the same line chart in Excel 2007. I have a list of X and Y values for Table 1, Table 2, Table 3 etc.
However the size of the tables are not the same for each table. For example, Table 1 might have 200 X and Y values, Table 2 might have 175 X and Y values, Table 3 might have 105 X and Y values, etc.
So when I plot these data tables on one line chart the individual plots are off center. They should all be centered at 0.
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Jan 29, 2012
I have one sheet with 25 tables in it, And i want to extract the whole row from this sheet to another sheet based on values ( Office1, Office2, Office3, Office4 ) if appeared in thrid column "C".
- the 25 tables created on the 1st sheet to be in the other sheets as formatted as well.
- once "Office1" appeared in the original sheet in the 1st table, Action : copy the whole row to sheet named "Office1"at the top row in the first table.
- once "office1" appeared again in the original sheet in the 1st table, Action: copy the whole row to sheet named "Office1"at the 2nd top row in the first table.
- once "office1" appeared again in the original sheet in the 2nd table, Action: copy the whole row to sheet named "Office1"at the top row in the 2nd table.
- and so on, the same with other 3 remains sheet.
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Sep 23, 2013
I have a spreadsheet that records the date, specific sporting activities and cash award for participation in a round robin sporting event that was held over 52 weekends. I'm trying to lookup the cash award value of each event the person participated in by using a date range within the vlookup formula.
Each participant has their own spreadsheet which they are able to access via server, and each spreadsheet looks a bit like this:
-Column A contains the date of an event in which the person participated
-Column B contains a category number related to the type of event eg marathon = 12, hurdles = 15, relay = 18 etc. This info is manual input
-Column C contains the amount the person will be awarded by simply participating in the event. This is a lookup value and varies depending on the date the person participated, so I'm trying to incorporate date ranges and 'if' formulas into the vlookup
I'm from Australia so my dates might be backwards...
1 02/01/13 15 (supposed to be $10)
The formula should read a bit like this:
if (date at A1 is within date range 1st Jan 2013 and 31st March 2013, lookup B1 in table 1 column 2), if (date at A1 is within 1st Apr 2013 and 30th Jun 2013, lookup B1 in table 2 column 2)...etc for each quarter
I don't know if the following is right
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Dec 12, 2013
I need to insert a blank row between each row of data under my headers (not the immediate row) until I reach the end of the particular table. I then move down to the next header and repeat the process.
My starting data looks like this:
I need it to look like this:
[Code] .....
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Apr 21, 2014
I have to track how well location managers are keeping track of skill competencies.
We rate skills as...
0 – know nothing ,
1 – read training manual,
2 – check off by manager.
I need the managers to provide these ratings then I have to report what locations need more training. When an new employee is entered into the system, the manager should give them a target of 2 for each skill the employee needs to gain. If the target skill is 2 rating higher than the current skill level, I have a column named Delta that records a 2.
I have learned how to use the pivot table feature. I can make separate pivot tables using filters that show…
a) how many 2s each employee has for a target,
b) how many 2s each employee has for deltas,
a) how many 2s each employee has for a current level and I can show the date the 2s where achieved
What I need is to learn how to combine all of this information on one pivot table (or report), but the filters really seem to make a mess of it all when it is all together. adding multiple sheets to one Pivot table.
Count of Targets
Count of Deltas=2
Count of Current Skills
!What I need to produce!
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Aug 31, 2006
I am trying to find a way to set up a macro that will allow me to pull in data - create the Pivot table - delete the table - then pull in fresh data (of a different row length - same number of columns) and create another Pivot table. I have tried to manipulate recorded code to no avail. Here is what I am starting with:
Const lngLastPossRow As Long = 65536
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(Cells(lngLastPossRow, 1).End(xlUp).Row, 24)).Name = "Data"
ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:="Data"). _
CreatePivotTable TableDestination:="", TableName:="PivotTable2", _
ActiveSheet.PivotTableWizard TableDestination:=ActiveSheet.Cells(3, 1)
ActiveSheet.Cells(3, 1).Select
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").AddFields RowFields:=Array(" ", _
"Channel", "Sales/Exchange", "Mode of transp.", "Sold-to Party", "Material", "Data")
While it creates the first pivot table fine, after deleting it and starting again it wants to create the next sequence (PivotTable3) which crashes the macro. I must close the file and reopen to run it again.
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Sep 24, 2007
I need, I do not know Visual Basic, so I need something in simple Excel format that I can use before I am able to take the training (upon reading more threads, looks like VBA is just the editor used to create a macro where I can copy and paste in code text from your suggestions? I think I can handle that).
I need to condense multiple tables into one master table, and then perform calculations on those entries. Each table contains three columns, but after being manually pasted -- as I am doing currently -- into the condensed worksheet, there'll be two or three additional columns based on calculations from the entries. The Workbook does currently contain 2 worksheets that do not contain data in this format, so please share code that could exclude those? I am fine with every so often manually applying a formula on the last worksheet that says something like,
look in SH1 A2:C300. If entire row is not blank copy over contents, if blank move on to SH2, etc etc. Since I'm a newbie I imagine there are much more efficient ways to do this. I may be a little shaky on the VBA but surely I can copy and paste.
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