Count The Number Of Entries On A Sheet That Match An Hour
Sep 19, 2008
I'm trying to Count the number of Entries on a Sheet that match an Hour. Looking through the availiable functions i found COUNTIFS, which is exactly what I want. However, when I try to compare the Hour values within the COUNTIFS arguments, there is an error.
This is the function that I figured would work here:
which should count all entries in column G where its HOUR matches the HOUR in E6 (all are time format). I do realize that in the example above there is only one comparison made and i'm using COUNTIFS instead of COUNTIF, but i'll be adding other comparisons to it once i get this first comparison working.
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Oct 7, 2008
I have a bunch of data and I want to be able to count the number of entries that fall within each of the 24 hour increments in a 24 hour clock. (military time)
For 12:00:00 all times would be between and including 12:00:00 and 12:59:59
Column B | Count
12:00:00 344
13:00:00 44
14:00:00 5
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Nov 12, 2008
I have a list of words in one column, some of which feature more than once, in random order, i.e.:
I want to have a function that counts the number of times each word appears, so in the cell next to each entry for "Superman" it would say 3, for "Bird" 2 etc. If I add another "Superman" it should then change to 4 next to each entry. Also, I will be adding new words all the time, so the function needs to be able to cope with that too.
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Oct 7, 2012
I am looking for a way to count the number of emails I receive per day and hour, below is a chart that I use to see the data. I had accomplished this with sumproduct, however it severely slows down the workbook processing to the point that it is no longer an option to use it. I extract my data from outlook and format my date and time in the same column such as 10/01/2012 15:00, I work from 7AM until 5PM then all other email are considered after hours and go in the 5p-7a row.
Email count.xlsx
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Oct 27, 2012
In the attached worksheet I have UserForm2. When I click on open compare form button on the menu sheet it opens UserForm2, I would like the information I select in the first 7 combo boxes Vegetable - Ball on UserForm2 to loop through the data in the database sheet Columns A:G and compare the entries to the non empty/not blank cells in each row. If the form contain data that matches all the non empty/not blank cells in a row in the database sheet then it is a match and should show the label and display the message. If the form entries does not match to the non-empty/not blank cells in any of the rows on the database sheet then do nothing.
The problem I am having is getting it to loop through the sheet and bring back the right results. It is only matching on row 2 of the database sheet when I select cabbage in the vegetable combo box and apples in the fruit combo box . I cannot figure out how to get it to loop through all the rows for the range I want to compare (A2:G7) - I need this range to be flexible so as data is added it will expand to read all added rows.
The code is on the btnSave_Click() for UserForm2
I attached the spreadsheet and I am explaining what I want to do and the expected result.
Fruit Type
[Code] .....
What I want to do is loop through the Database sheet and if the fields on the form contain all the values in any row of the Database sheet, excluding empty cells in the Database sheet, then display a message.
So if on the form I selected Broccoli fron the vegetable combo box, Cricket from the games combo box, puzzles from the toy combo box, bananna from the fruit combo box, grits from the cereal combobox, and baseball from the ball combo box, in the databse sheet tabel shown above the match would be row 6 since the values for vegetable, game, toy, fruit, cereal and ball on the form matches what is on row 6 of the Database sheet. It does not matter what other fieds are selected /filled in on the form, the match should only take into consideration the populated cell in each row of the database sheet.
So, if the user enters Apples in the fruit combo box and Cabbage in the vegetable combo box but had blank or something other than bike in the toy combo box on form it would be a match to the Database sheet row 2, regardless of what the user enters in the remaining fields on the form
If the user enters Berries in the fruit combo box, Blueberry in the Fruit Type Combo box, Carrot in the vegetable combo box, and Grits in the cereal combo box it would be a match to Database sheet row 3, regardless of what the user enters in the remaining field on the form .
If the user enters Apples in the fruit combo box, Cabbage in the vegetable combo box, and Bike in the toy combo box on form itwould be a match to the Database sheet row 5, regardless of what the user enters in the remaining field on the form .
If the user enters Grape in the fruit combo box, Carrot in the Vegetable combo box, Cards in the game combo box, and football in the ball combo box on the form it would be a match to Database sheet row 7, regardless of what the user enters in the remaining field on the form.
If the user enters Kiwi in the fruit combo box, Cabbage in the vegetable combo box, and Bike in the toy combo box on form it would NOT be a match to the Database sheet because the Database sheet does not have a row that contain Kiwi, Cabbage, and Bike.
So basically, if the entries on the form match the exact values for all the non-empty (blank) fields for any row in the Database sheet, then it is a match.
-If the entries on the form do not contain an exact match to all the non-empty (blank) fields for any of the rows in the Database sheet, then it is not a match.
-If it is a match show the label and display the message box
-If it is not a match the do nothing
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Jul 11, 2013
Current Year
I need to count the number of unique companies that receive money within a specific QTR. I have made this simple example, I have a Table called Awards, with Headings for DATE, QTR, Company, Awarded, on one worksheet, that I need to feed the data into a summary on another worksheet. What formula using table heading can I use to achieve the answer 3 unique companies for Q1-13.
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Jun 18, 2008
I have a list of ID's, many of which appear several times. Is there a formula that will give me the number of different ID's? That is:
the formula would give the answer "3" for 3 different numbers in the 4 total numbers.
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Sep 15, 2009
I would like to count number of approved projects (Yes) and denied projects (No) on monthy basis. See attached file for more info..
If F17 is "No" on the month of Sept 09, then cell "O2" should count number of "No" in the month of sept.
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Nov 16, 2007
My spreadsheet contains two text columns that represent dates and times; 11/21/2007 and 0935 for example. The rows are populated with the date and time for every event during a 48 hour period. A single worksheet may contain up to 3,000 events (rows).
How do I create a subtotal for the number of events in each of the forty-eight 1-hour periods?
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Oct 9, 2006
I have a spreadsheet which is to record quality checks on work carried out by staff. The spreadsheet has a customer reference number in column B and a Staff reference number in column C.
I can carry out a number of checks on a member of staff on one transaction, so for instance, I could carry 3 checks on one customer number, which would result in the staff ref number being enetered 3 times (there is 1 check per row).
I need a formula to count the number of checks I carry out on each member of staff. My problem is that although 3 checks could be completed on someone, if it is on the same customer NO, it only counts as 1 check. In effect, I need a formula to count the number of staff ref numbers which have a unique customer number eneterd in the adjacent column.
All the cust numbers are unique so would I be able to use a wildcard?
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Oct 24, 2006
I have a spreadsheet that has 35000 entries and i am trying to count how many material are assigned to a particular group but cannot get it to work. I have included a test spreadsheet to explain what i am trying to achieve
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Nov 2, 2011
I have a column that is filled with different names. Some names appear more than once. There is one name in fact that appears four times.
I am looking for a formula, or VBA if that's necessary, that will look through the range Y2:Y50, and return a value of 4, because the person that has the most duplicates, her name appears 4 times.
If everyone's name appeared only once, except for a person whose name was in that range twice, then the formula would return a 2.
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Mar 12, 2007
how to format a cell, or what formula to use, so that when an entry is made the colon is automatically put in? so that 1011 shows as 10:11
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Nov 7, 2007
I am trying to do 2 things involving data validation. 1) Count the number of entries in a data validation dropdown list and display a result. 2) Use an If statement to pull the formatting from a cell into another cell.
An example would be if Cell A1="A", then show the drop down list associated with cell or sheet "!ryanB2". Alternatively, I would like to also display the number of entries in the drop down list.
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May 8, 2013
I have a large data set which contains four coloumns: Supplier, Supplier number, order number, and date/time of delivery. The date/time coloumn is formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM with a 24h time notation. What i want to do is to find deliveries that occurs within 1 hour and that are from the same supplier. So i basically want to group (?) the data with regards to the suppliers and then, within these subsets, check for date/time entries that occurs within 1 hour from each others by "reading" each date entry and compare it to the following one(s) (and maybe stop comparing when the 1 hour interval is passed)?
Furthermore, even if this one might be very hard, it would be good if i could make sure that the entries that are "tagged" as within a 1 hour interval, wont be used as basis for a new interval or be included in other intervals.
The result i am after would be number of 1 hour intervals for each supplier and the number of entries in each interval.
Below is an example from the date/time coloumn:
12-03-08 15:32
12-03-08 15:33 ... Interval with 2 entries
12-03-12 14:54
12-03-28 11:57
12-04-16 09:10
12-05-07 13:41
12-05-07 13:46 ... Interval with 2 entries
12-05-28 11:55
12-05-28 12:00
12-06-04 12:01 ... Interval with 2 entries
12-06-04 12:09
12-06-11 08:30
12-06-11 08:31
12-06-11 08:59 ... Interval with 3 entries
12-07-02 11:10
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Dec 24, 2009
Need a formula in M2 that will count the number of digits that match in each row. The digits in H:L compared to the master list in A:A119766. The count will be from 0-5 for each row. The digits must be in same column....
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Aug 22, 2014
From the highlighted cells at B17 to B19, while using some kind of lookup or indexing method, I want to count the number of cells in that specific range that's great than zero. This list is just a sample, the list will be much bigger and order may not be the same--that's why I need to lookup the project name.
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Dec 19, 2008
Sheet 1
Sheet 2
In Sheet 1 there's a Column B with data I'd like to pull using a VLOOK-UP formula. However, I need it too look-up not only the exact number match in Sheet 2, but also the cell directly above it and the cell directly below it. In the sample above if I placed the VLOOK-UP formula in Sheet 2 (at for instance the numbers 23455, 23456, 23457), I'd need it to pull data from Sheet 1, Column B (for the 23456).
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Feb 22, 2007
I have been using the wrong formula to count total entries in columns and only just found this error. The MAX formula in cell B4 is: =MAX($B$12:$B$36). If the all the rows are full within range F12:F36, then the MAX formula is fine to count the total within range B12:B36 (25) so I thought. But sometimes there are omissions between F12:F36. If there are 2 blank cells anywhere within F12:F36 for example, then B4 needs to show 23 respectively. In the sample WkBk B4 needs to show 8
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Apr 3, 2014
I have 2 sheets in a file. One is given to me from our parts department containing all parts on a given truck model. The 2nd sheet is exported as a database file from inventor and imported as an update able sheet in excel.
I am needed to compare part numbers between the 2 sheets and the qty of each. So far I have it where it matches the part numbers and turns the ones I don't have in the model red. Now I'm trying to match the part numbers and pull the qty of said part from sheet 2, the imported one, and compare it to the to the qty in the 1st. All I really need to accomplish is matching the part numbers then copying the qty from sheet 2 to sheet 1 onto a new cell of the matched part number.
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May 7, 2014
What I need to do is sort certain entries in longer list (column A, it is in .csv format and needs to be in it so coordinates and names and ID, all sorted with commas) and I have another list (column C) which is shorter list of certain IDs. I googled and tried and got some results for the basic structure but the fuction seems to fail. It doesn't matter how I get that third list done, but there is only one criteria: since the list in column A is really long and those entries need to keep the .csv formatting, the function should copy that info what is in the matching cells.
Let me try to put it simple: .csv cells from column A that have matching ID from column C should be copied to column B (or N).
the function I'm working with right now is
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Sep 4, 2006
I have created a daily schedule which has a number of factory variables taken into consideration which determine the date and time a particular product should, barring any mechanical problems, come off the machine. (see attached spreadsheet).
The date at the top will be editable by me only so that when I update the production quantities, the “date/time off” column automatically re-adjusts to the remaining quantities.
The formulas are a little long winded, but I have left them that way whilst I try and develop it. I should be able to figure out how to condense them later.
My problem is that the “date/time off” on the right works excellent, but over a 24 hr period.
Ordinarily, we work a 12 hour day (6am to 6pm) with overlapping shifts to cover breaks, and 20 mins warm up at the start of the day for the machine, thus maximising a 12 hour day.
Of course if demand exceeds the allotted time we put on overtime.
Is it possible to specify that normal days are only 12 hours so that if a product exceeds 6pm, it flows into the next day with the balance starting at 6:20am?
And, if the production for the week exceeds the time could I stipulate particular days which we deem are suitable for overtime? Ie, we decide Wednesday is a 14 hour day and not 12.
I had toyed with the idea of creating a 365 day table/calendar, on another worksheet which would have its individual allocated hours in an adjacent column and somehow link them to the date/time off, perhaps by way of a VLOOKUP, but I have been chasing my tail trying to figure out how to implement it.
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Jun 1, 2008
I am wanting to take a number (any number) and multiply it by per minute using real time. For example: Say I have 12 apples. I want that 12 apples to multiply per hour.
12x(per 60 minutes)= total
The total will change every hour because the formula will be using real time. I can write the formula for 12x60 but to enter the time, based on real time I just don't know or even if it can be done.
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Oct 21, 2013
I work in a computer lab and we have to keep track of how many people sign in (using excel 2010), and how long they were here.
I'm looking for a way to count how many entries were made per hour for every hour someone was signed in.
For example someone signs in at 9:22 am and leaves at 3:34 pm.They were here from 9-10, 10-11, 11-12 etc.. and its getting very tiresome to go through and manually enter a "1" for each individual hour in each cell under the hour.
Is there a way I can feed the in and out times into a spreadsheet and have it automatically count how many people were in the lab each hour?
8 am
9 am
10 am
[Code] ...........
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Aug 5, 2014
I'm trying to build an Index-Match formula to retrieve a number from a "data" sheet onto a "summary" sheet.
In example spreadsheet, I need to retrieve the stock price on a specific row from "data" sheet, and as an alternative, the most recent price.
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Jan 7, 2014
I am trying to calculate the the breakdown time for each hour in the factory. I have the start time and finish time of each breakdown. There are 8 hours in a shift starting at 6:45. So hour 1 would be (6:45-7:45), hour 2 (7:45-8:45). If the machine breaks down between 7:06 and 8:20 what will be the amount of time lost in each hour? In this example it would be 39 mins in hour 1 and 35 mins in hours 2. How I can achieve this result?
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Jan 16, 2010
I'm trying to create a formula (in Sheet 1) that will return the most recent number of cells containing a value (i.e. not empty) in Sheet 2 Range AD2:A367 greater than zero.
I've tried using COUNTIF but that only adds the individual values, it doesn't 'start from zero again' when a zero value appears.
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May 13, 2013
I'm trying to develop a new daily timesheet for my production workers, where non-production items are recorded in 15 minute intervals. The user would put in "Clock in" by the corresponding time, and the same for "Clock out" at the end of the day. Any non-production items will be type in next to their appropriate time. Since clock in and clock out times will vary, I need to set up a formula that searches the array of cells for the day, finds the "Clock in" and "Clock out" values, and counts any blank cells in between them. Basically the blank cells will equal production time, and the result of the Count function will be multiplied by 0.25 to get the hours.
I am having a very difficult time finding a way to set the "Clock in" and "Clock out" cells as the range for the Count function, because it won't always be the same cells. What would be the best way to automatically have excel find the cells containing these values and set them as the range criteria for a Count function?
The formula at the bottom was one of my initial attempts, but it didn't work. I took out the '=' for the screenshot, so that wasn't the problem.
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Aug 19, 2014
I am trying to count the number of extra people scheduled for each hour of the day, from 2 dropdowns in A3:B7
The formula in (1) D11:D26 works, but when the shift passes over the midnight it will not count accurately.
The formula in (2) E11:E26 also works well, but only counts the number of times a particular hour is mentioned, but not the number of extras in C3:C7.
The results in (3) F11: F26 are what I need, which is based on looking at the times from the dropdowns and using the number of extras in C3:C7.
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Aug 20, 2007
I have a workseet that is basically a massive list of orders that have been placed. I have some conditional formatting based on cells that use the today() function to work out how long (in days) since the order was placed.
Trouble is, the spreadsheet is always open, and is never closed down... so it does not refresh automatically. So orders that should go red to indicate a week since they've been placed, don't!
I don't want to rely on people refreshing the screen. Ideally, I would like it to refresh once a day at 1 minute past midnight, or even every hour...
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