Counting Values In Cells And A Range
Jun 8, 2009
I have a column, we'll say E18:E2500. In the cells in that column are four digit numbers. Some of these cells may have multiple four digit numbers separated by a comma and a space. (example: 2020, 2100, 3120) Some other cells in the column may also share the four digit numbers (I mean duplicates).
So I'm trying to write a formula to sum and count all the unique values in the cells and in the range. This is what i've been trying to use but it counts all the values with no regard to duplicate values:
=SUM(IF(LEN(TRIM($E$18:$E$2500))=0,0,LEN(TRIM($E$18:$E$2500))-LEN(SUBSTITUTE($E$18:$E$2500," ",""))+1))
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Dec 23, 2011
Is there a formula that would allow you to take the average of all values within a range but not count the zero values? I thought something like this might work but it's not. Neither one worked.
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Jun 27, 2014
I'm currently using the below formula to calculate the values within a certain date range.
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Jan 30, 2007
I have a sheet with a bunch of data including dates. I'd like to report out the number of cells that are in a certain month (say January). If I create another column and use =MONTH(A12), I can use COUNTIF(A1:A100,1) to perform this task. This somewhat clunky solution isn't very practicle, becuase I have about 30 column's I'd like to analyze by the date in the column. Is there a more elegant solution where I can incorporate the MONTH(A12) into the COUNTIF equation?
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Oct 18, 2009
i have a spreadsheet that contains a column for each day and i need to input the count from another tab for certain data...example as follows:
column A shows types of fruit - apples, bananas or oranges, row 1 contains the date (todays date, weekdays only) - the count of each fruit needs to be entered in rows 2 (apples), 3 (bananas) & 4 (oranges) for each fruit for each date
i copy and paste a daily report into a new tab in this workbook -Raw Data (the data is always in the same format and the info i need is in column J...."555" = apples, "666" = bananas & 777" = oranges)
i have used the below formula which works:
apples =COUNTIF('Raw Data'!$J$5:$J$65536,"555") etc
however the daily report that is pasted into the Raw Data tab only relates to the current day (date is present in this tab in A1) do i get each daily column to only display a count if the date in row 1 matches the date in Raw Data tab A1?
also how do i keep the previous days' data to keep what the count was for that day (instead of counting the current count of the new data only relevent for today)?
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Mar 3, 2014
I need to input a formula that will produce a "yes / no" result if a "0" value appears consecutively six or more times.
Using the date below (ranges A1:Q1, A2:Q2 and A3:Q3), I need cell R1 to read "yes", as there are 7 consecutive "0" values. Cells, R2 and R3, however, need to read "no" as there are less than six consecutive "0" values in rows 2 and 3 respectively.
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Sep 12, 2009
I need to do is, on sheet 2 is to have a formula which will count all cells in column A containing dates from 1/1/2009 to 31/1/2009, Another column will count all dates from 1/2/2009 to 28/2/2009 and so on. I have tried the countif format but this does not seem to work.
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Aug 21, 2013
I have an issues with a formulae I have written to measure two factors;
A; How many different countries appear within a certain date range. B; What countries are they.
I tried a unique list, but could not get it to work within a range? I dont particuarly care how the data is pulled through as long as I do it. At the moment I have become stuck in 'Unique Ranges' and have n given up?
The formulae issue is in the tab "Problem_Formulae", the dat in the sheet 1, and the date ranges in sheet 2. Also, just to make life a bit more challenging pivot tables are a no go .
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Oct 3, 2011
I am finding many posting on this topic with unique numeric values and have not come across one in regards to a text value. The essence of the formula is looking through a list for unique email addresses and now I need to up it to a date range and eventually a store # range
I am using the following array formula to establish an overall count:
=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(LEN('[Data - Deliverables.xlsb]orders'!A2:A5000)>0,MATCH('[Data - Deliverables.xlsb]orders'!A2:A5000,'[Data - Deliverables.xlsb]orders'!A2:A5000,0),""), IF(LEN('[Data - Deliverables.xlsb]orders'!A2:A5000)>0,MATCH('[Data - Deliverables.xlsb]orders'!A2:A5000,'[Data - Deliverables.xlsb]orders'!A2:A5000,0),""))>0,1))
The date column is E:E.
The store number column is G:G
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Aug 15, 2014
I have a spreadsheet, similar to the one attached, that monitors deliveries. The reasons for deliveries not being made on time are merged across to have one reason per delivery vehicle.
I am trying to count the number of times a reason occurs, but utilizing a COUNTIF function it will only count a merged cell as one count, rather than per each delivery.
Merged Count if examples.xlsx
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May 3, 2006
I need to count cells withdates in theme in a column. So that would be a CountA function; but only if the values in the cells are within a certain date range, a COUNTIF function. Here's what I thought:
=COUNTIF('All Employees'!O1351:O1364,">12/31/05,<2/1/06")
It returns a zero, which I know is not correct, as I checked it on a smaller sample....
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May 3, 2007
I would like a formula which will look at a range of cells, for instance a2:g2 and count how many of the cells contents are the same. The cells contain a combination of text and numbers.
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Feb 10, 2014
I have this formula that I want to simplify:
I want the formulat to capture all situations in which either NF, NO and NA are in the range Table1[t-5]
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Apr 14, 2007
Is there a way I can count the cells in a range up until a certain value and use this # as a variable?
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Oct 17, 2013
I found this formula =SUM(1/COUNTIF(A1:A17,A1:A17)) onlinesometime ago and have been using it regularly. It counts the number ofduplicates in a range of cells. I have been trying to modify this formula sothat it only looks at the first two characters in the cell. So, instead 7duplicates it would return 5 duplicates because the formula would only belooking at the first 2 characters in the cells.
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Aug 7, 2008
I have a spreadsheet in which I have a date column. I would like to be able to count the number of cells that fall within a specified date range and am struggling to find a formula that works.
I've tried - =(COUNTIF(North!N:N, ">23/05/2008")+COUNTIF(North!N:N, "
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Jul 29, 2009
I have values in cells which is the address of a different cell. So consecutive columns define the range.e.g.
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Sep 5, 2009
Using formula rather than VB, I would like to calculate the number of blank cells that appear in a column BEFORE the first active cell but exclude any blank cells that appear after the first active cell. To elaborate, I have sheets that contain the days of each month and I need to exclude for other calculation purposes, the number of days (cells) where no entry of data has been input at the beginning of a month, NOT after the first data entry. ie. September has 30 days.
The first data entry is the 10th and there are no entries (thus far) after the 10th, the result that I seek, will be 20 (although only one cell has data), being the days left in the month AFTER the first entry. I have looked at COUNT functions but cannot find an solution. Perhaps it's not possible using basic formula?
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Apr 10, 2014
I have a filtered worksheet -WB1 (filtered by Column "B"). I want to count the number of cells or rows in column "B"(Only the filtered ones) of WB1. Copy out that exact number of cells from another workbook(WB2) from the bottom moving up(Column "A") and paste it into WB1 column "I".
WB1 - Count Filtered Cell/Row with reference to Column "B"
WB2 - copy Cell count bottom to top of Column "A"
WB1 - Paste into Column "I"
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Aug 13, 2012
I have an excel sheet which is currently 1,100 lines long and expected to increase and has a number of dates in columns W-AO representing the dates in which someone has had an onsite assessment. I wish to report in column AQ if there has been any visit activity in the month, i.e August for this month’s report. Is there an Excel function which will allow for this? Im thinking something like having a drop down list to select the month at the top of the column and then the sheet returns a value of 1 for all lines where a there is a date equal to the month selected?
I guess it is also worth mentioning that the sheet is setup as a table.
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May 29, 2013
I have the following table
Team A
Team A
I need to fill the following table in another sheet counting the amount of Blank cell there are according to Month, Team and if the name row is filled. I have tried Sumifs, sumproduct,countblank typing them in as arrays but don't seem to be getting anywhere
Team A
Team B
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Jan 14, 2014
I'm looking for the easiest way to count the number of occurrences within a cell range.
The formula that I'm currently using is:
This counts the number of cells that start with 'a' and returns the sum. It seems to work fine, but when I try to make it look for more values in the range it gives me an error. For example;
When I want to find multiple values in the range and count them all, I use this formula:
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Mar 27, 2014
I wanted to count the number of instances that Matt's been late. If there are consecutive timestamps (ex. 600-620, 620-640) that he's been late, I wanted Excel to display 1 and then I'll just sum it up. Or if Excel can do this directly, add all the instances because what I actually need is the total per person.
In this example, I would need a result of 4 instances.
tell if the blank cells will affect the formula or if I still need to do something about them.
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Jan 1, 2014
I cannot get various formulas (Countif, Match, Frequency, Etc) to work properly.
I am trying to arrive at a total number of matches of numbers in cell range B1:G1 with any numbers entered into the cell range of K1:P11 and have the total of matches display in cell H1.
However I do not want to count duplicate numbers from the K1:P11 cells. (if the number 5 in posted in K1:P11 multiple times I only need it reported once in H1)
B1:G1 is the constant and the numbers will not change - K1:P11 cells will be populated by adding numbers until the all the numbers in B1:G1 is completed and match.
B1 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1
2 7 19 45 22 13
H1 Total of matching numbers in cell range K1:P11
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Feb 9, 2014
I have saved this on a 2010 workbook as I am at home but this will be used on a 2003 workbook.
I have several projects on one spreadsheet which multiple users will be working and I am trying to create a summary sheet of the work carried out.
Each user is expected to carry out a task on each row of the data held in each worksheet (research, call, update etc) and each task (Option 1-5) is assigned a value. Each user is expected to meet a certain level of points per day to calculate productivity.
I am looking for a sumproduct along the lines of the summary sheet attached but mine just takes one sheet into consideration and I need one for all sheets.
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Mar 14, 2013
I am trying to replace a range of cells with certain values but I can not figure it out. I'm almost there I think but don't know how to get the varying values I'm looking for. So I have a column (AJ in this instance) that has a bunch of "xx" values at different spots within the column. I want to replace those xx values with numbers 01 through 36. What I have below gets me just about there but it replaces every xx value with 01. How do I get it to go 01 on the first one, 02 on the second one, etc?
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Range("AJ1", Cells(Rows.Count, "AJ").End(xlUp))
If cell.Value = "xx" Then _
cell.Value = "01"
Next cell
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Feb 1, 2010
I'm working on a project for my company. We make plastic tanks and for quality control we want to start recording the thickness of the tanks in different areas/zones of each tank.
Attached to this message is an Excel sheet that I've been working on. From "Sheet 1", it records inputted thicknesses into WorkSheet "1098". On the top of "1098", it shows all of the recordings, and just below that are the "10 Most Recent Entries".
Right below the "10 Most Recent Entries", there are formulas to calculate the Min and Max Values. Whenever a new entry is recorded, the selected cells for the Min and Max formulas change. Is there a way to force the cells to always stay the same?
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May 13, 2013
I'm trying to develop a new daily timesheet for my production workers, where non-production items are recorded in 15 minute intervals. The user would put in "Clock in" by the corresponding time, and the same for "Clock out" at the end of the day. Any non-production items will be type in next to their appropriate time. Since clock in and clock out times will vary, I need to set up a formula that searches the array of cells for the day, finds the "Clock in" and "Clock out" values, and counts any blank cells in between them. Basically the blank cells will equal production time, and the result of the Count function will be multiplied by 0.25 to get the hours.
I am having a very difficult time finding a way to set the "Clock in" and "Clock out" cells as the range for the Count function, because it won't always be the same cells. What would be the best way to automatically have excel find the cells containing these values and set them as the range criteria for a Count function?
The formula at the bottom was one of my initial attempts, but it didn't work. I took out the '=' for the screenshot, so that wasn't the problem.
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Aug 2, 2012
Assuming I have a data set like this :
column a column b
916 12,5
916 23,4
923 34,5
923 23,9
932 98,6
934 67,7
How can I get a sum of all cells in column b when values in column a are equal?
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May 28, 2009
I'm trying to do is search a range of cells for a range of values AND then see if it matches one other value in another range of cells. In this case,
T3:T49 can equal P6 or P5 or P4 or P3 but the cells can only be counted if U3:U49 is 'w' as well
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