Filter Database & Output Results
Jun 11, 2008
I'm trying to get certain data from an export of a phone logging report for a call center. I have exported this data into an excel spreadsheet. I would now like to retrieve the following information from the sheet.
'Agent name, Date, time of Login, time of Logout (at end of day).'
I have coloured these fields in red for easy finding. I do not require anything else from this data, however, within this sheet there are multiple agent names and can span for over a month. All names and dates are required. I have attached the current sheet, and also what it will possibly look like once complete. I would prefer the whole process to be automated if possible.
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Oct 9, 2009
I have built a model where I have various inputs and various outputs. I have managed to set up the model so that whenever i hit the 'add to portfolio' button, a new row is added putting in the details from the inputs to a new row (beginning in row 25). The problem I am having is that I cannot seem to get the output results (cells I12:I17) to be included as well. I have attached my excel file.
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Dec 24, 2013
I have a column with lots of tube station names. I have a look up table with the tube station name, and the possible lines that pass by that tube station.
One tube station may be covered by more than one tube line.
I am looking for a formula that will output every tube line that caters that one tube station.
first question, what is the best way to organise the data in my look up table.
Second, is a vlookup the best formula to achieve the output I want? i.e. Reflect how many tube lines cover each station
see table below: If the station name has only one tube line, Vlookup works fine. When the station, such as Canno Street, has two tube lines, Vlookup only picks up one tube line. If I duplicate Cannot street under the station name, the Vlookup picks only one tube line.
LOOK UP TABLE A1 - station name
B1 Tube line name
Cannon Street
Is there a formula that will output the data of the second tube line name in column D1?
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Feb 11, 2008
I am in the process of making a database more efficient and am running into a problem with sorting data. I currently am trying to use AutoFilter to sort the data. When I want to then narrow the results further using the same column as the critical and there is nothing that matches the critical, I get everything from the entire database that matches that critical rather than what I want to see, which, in this case, would be nothing.
I have attached a sample file. In it, when All AF 1000 is run and then Selected MAC 2000 Wash is run, I want to see no results instead of seeing all MAC 2000 Washes from the original data set. I can do it using IF/THEN but I am looking for a faster way to do it.
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Oct 21, 2012
What I need is a script or formula with returns multiple results and puts them into one cell.
The Excel is used as a Project Managment Work Sheet for Resources, working on different Projects and their dedicated hours
The raw data table looks like this:
Column A: Project Name (=AllProjectsLists)
Column E: Resource Name (=MasterDataResources)
Column P: values from 0 to 8 (hours)
First I need to check per row the Resource Name. If the Resource Name is a match, than I need to check if in column P the value is bigger than 0. The result goes into a different sheet per row, one result per Resource, but the multiple results should be shown in one cell.
So the result should be something like:
Resource name "Thomas" .... Projects working on: "Project 1, Project 5, Project 13, ..." (in one cell)
Resource name "Mary" .... Projects working on: "Project 3, Project 9, Project 13, ..." (in one cell)
I tried with this one, but it only returns one vale per cell:
=SMALL(IF(E$9=MasterDataResources; ROW(MasterDataResources)-ROW($A$2)+1), ROW(1:1))
=INDEX(AllProjectsLists; SMALL(IF(E$9=MasterDataResources; ROW(MasterDataResources)-ROW($A$2)+1); ROW(1:1)))
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May 28, 2014
I've got an question about using excel macros to search for information in a database with certain restriction. In my attachment you can see an example of the database I use.
I've got a database with certain packages, the length and the width of these packages is known.
I've also got a database with certain products, the length and the width of these products is also known.
I want to use a macro which allows me to see which packages are useable for a certain product. A package is useable if the length/width is less then 10 bigger then the product. So in the example if the width is between 10~20 and the length between 40~50.
Originally I thought I could use a macro with advanced filter and having restrictions width >10 <20 and length >40 <50. But I can't fit this in as macro because I already get the width and length from the product from another database and macro so it can't say >40 only 40.
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Feb 6, 2013
I have a worksheet with five columns (A, B, C, D and E)
The cells in Column B contain letters and/or numbers (without spaces) in no particular order.
The cells in Column C contain letters and/or numbers (without spaces) in no particular order.
I want to compare all characters in 1st Cell of Column B with all characters in 1st Cell of Column C, and display the matching characters in 1st Cell of Column D, and the character count of 1st Cell in Column D must be displayed in 1st Cell of Column E. note that multiple instances of the same character must not be treated as duplicates. When execution on 1st Row is finished then repeat procedure for Row 2, etc... Stop execution when first empty cell in Column B is located.
B1 = LJLM12
The script/code/formula must output the following:
D1 = LM2
E1 = 3
D2 = CG4G
E2 = 4
E3 = 4
I am using Excel 2003. Y
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May 28, 2007
I have very little experience with programming, as a matter of fact the code in the sample file is the extent of my knowledge. I want to use Excel because not everyone in the plant has access to Access, but everyone has Excel.
The idea is to allow searching for parts based on 2 different part numbers, category, drawer, manufacturer, or description (any or all).
My first problem is how to make excel search using a userform and find multiple results, not just stopping after it finds the first match. For instance if you only searched for a category it should find all results that match that category.
(I'll try to anticipate a question here: the part numbers should be unique but may not be, so using the part number as a key will not work.)
The second thing is I would like to know how to populate these results in a listbox and and have the selected part show the matching picture. (This maybe more clear after seeing the spreadsheet).
And finally, is there any way to make the comboboxes on the search userform populate themselves off of the list of data.
I apologize if any of these questions have been answered already but frankly I've been searching google for the past week and haven't found anything, (This may attest to my search skills as well, ha ha ha), and I really just want this to be finished.
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Jan 17, 2009
I have a database of 13 columns and ever increasing rows.
I want the following to be there on my userform.
1 combobox: showing the list of categories from which to search.(The categories are the column headings in columns A1 to A13.The user will have to select one category.
1 textbox:Here the user will enter the search term.
1 Command Button: When the command button is clicked/entered, the code shall be such that it will search in the column corresponding to the category mentioned in the combobox and display the results( The entire 1 row x 13 cloumns containing the search term) in a Listbox. If the search term does not matches then a message box should appear with the message "No entries found"
1 Listbox:to display the search result as mentioned above.
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Aug 24, 2009
I have created a query in an Access database which returns multiple results. I need to be able to run this query within Excel, but only showing the total of the results in a single cell.
I also need to run it multiple times on the same sheet using different dates. The Access query asks for a date each time it's run
I have only found ways to retrieve the entire results of the query into Excel based on the settings within the query.
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Aug 12, 2006
I am trying to create a macro that will import data from an external database; however, I want to be able to filter the data using input from the end user. The code will work fine if I do not use a variable (i.e. I type "31" to replace the second instance of "Reply" below).
Dim Reply As Integer
Reply = InputBox("Week Number", " Find Week")
ActiveWorkbook. Sheets("RawData").Select
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
"ODBC;DSN=DataWarehouse;Description=DataWarehouse;UID=DataWarehouse;PWD=;APP=Microsoft® Query;WSID=WILLIAM;DATABASE=tmd" _
, Destination:=Sheets("RawData"). Range("A1"))
.CommandText = Array( _
"SELECT vOEEDownTime. …, " & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & "FROM tmd.dbo.vO" _
, "EEDownTime vOEEDownTime" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & "WHERE (vOEEDownTime.downtimecode Is Not Null) And (vOEEDownTime.weekbucket = Reply)")
.Name = "Query from DataWarehouse"
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Dec 2, 2006
My problem is modifying existing macro code (see below) provided by Jim.
Sub WriteDetentionRegister()
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Dim rDataRange As Range
Set rDataRange = DBase.Range("rDataBase"). CurrentRegion.Offset(1, 0)
rDataRange.Resize(rDataRange.Rows.Count - 1, rDataRange.Columns.Count - 2).Copy
DREG.Range("rdetreg").Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
With Selection
.Sort Key1:=Range("rOffDate"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:= _
xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
End With
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
At present the writedetentionregister macro filters the database sheet for a positive balance (in column H) and pastes these records into another sheet called Detention register.
Is there a way of also getting the writedetention macro to count 7 days from the offence date (the E column of the database sheet) and ONLY on or after that date write that record to the Detention Register Sheet?
The workbook containing the database & the detention register sheets are enclosed.
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May 29, 2009
I do have an excel workbook containing two sheets:
Sheet1 contains a list of 30 criteria, every one with its own check box (TRUE/FALSE).
Sheet2 contains a database of items, which columns contain the 30 criteria mentioned above. (So sheet1.criteria1 can be the only value of sheet2.column1)
I am trying to program a macro, which can be assigned to kind of a "submit"-button in the first sheet. Its purpose should be to open a new third sheet and listing all the items from sheet2, which contain values checked=TRUE in sheet1.
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Nov 6, 2011
I am struggling to get Excel Advanced Filter to work on a database, where not every field is populated. The problem I am experiencing is that Excel is treating a blank field as a criteria. When I run the Advanced Filter, any fields in the database that are not populated are filtered out of the results.
To try and illustrate the problem with a simple example: I have a database with two filter criteria: TYPE and CATEGORY. If I filter on type, it returns 100 results [correct]. If I filter on category, it returns 50 results, which is incorrect, as it should be 70. The reason it is returning an incorrect result is because it is treating the unpopulated/blank fields under TYPE as a criteria.
I have set up my criteria table with the below Boolean formulas: if the result of the formula is true (ie if it is blank), it returns "" and if it is false, it returns the selection.
Frustratingly, Excel Advanced Filter still treats the result of this formula as a criteria. So when I run the procedure, with only CATEGORY selected, all blank fields under the TYPE are filtered out of the results. The only way to get the Advanced Filter to produce the correct result is to delete the formula under TYPE from the criteria table - which of course defeats the object!
My intention is to incorporate the Advanced Filter into a VBA procedure, where the user will be able to select criteria under TYPE and CATEGORY from drop down menus.
I can think of only three possible solutions to the problem:
1. Ensure there are no blanks in the database (not really practical as it is not always possible to apply type or category)
2. Tweak the formula so that the Advanced Filter will not treat "" as a criteria
3. Write a VBA procedure, where the selections are written each time to the criteria table when the code is run (hoping to avoid this!)
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Nov 6, 2012
I am a Microsoft Excel 2010 user and am trying to create a usage report for a website that I work on. I have been compiling the usage reports into one spreadsheet. The columns I use are Month, Device, Language, Title 1, and Title 2. I can filter each of these rows and it shows me the number of records found. Each row on this spread sheet refers to a time that someone selected something on the site. For example the row may say;
Month (filtered)
Device (Filtered)
Lan (filtered)
How do I automatically populate a table on a separate sheet with the number of records found for a certain combination of filters applied. So if I'm looking at monthly trending I want to know how many times the stress test was started in May, June, or July, but automatically using info from the multiple filters.
What is a formula I can use to compile the filtered data from above.
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Feb 19, 2009
I have a very large spreadsheet (almost 9000 rows). I have filters on all columns, however when I click to see all the results for the column under the filter, just to view the contents of the row, some are not there. Does a filter have a limitted amount of rows it can hold.
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Jan 17, 2013
I have spreadsheet that tracks flights between cities. The spreadsheet has become quite large, so I need a few simple tools or tricks to search it efficiently.
To keep things simple: the spreadsheet has "Departs" and "Arrives" columns, tracking the cities on either end of a flight. (See below)
1001New York2:00Boston3:00
1002New York2:30Philadelphia3:15
1004Washington DC3:00New York4:00
1006Boston4:00Washington DC5:30
If my boss says, "give me a list of all flights going through New York," I have to manually filter for "New York" in the "Departs" column, copy that to another spreadsheet, then filter again for "New York" in the "Arrives" column, and manually glue the results together. In my little toy example, that's not a big deal, but when there are up to a couple hundred flights (and just as many cities), this gets tedious and error-prone.
Is there some handy way of filtering for "New York" in both the "Departs" and "Arrives" columns? Or some other way of achieving the same thing? ("Find All" isn't useful unless I can export the full rows into a spreadsheet.)
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Dec 4, 2013
I have a UserForm with a TextBox and a ListBox
I'd like when I type a last name (for example) and press a button, it filter the results and these results should appear in the Listbox
I have a code that does the same but with numbers (ID, Tlfno number, or other)
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Jun 21, 2006
I have a basic spreadsheet with a column of names of people (Matt, John, Mike), and specific sales numbers for each. I would like to have a cell give an average of the sales numbers based on how I filter for either Matt, John, or Mike individually.
For example: If I filter to see only Matt, I would like to see the average for Matt only, and when I filter to another name such as John, I would like to see the average number change to see only John's.
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Jun 27, 2014
I have a workbook with multiple sheets , final sheet has a data of all sheets , in the first sheet i want to select what results to be shown in that final sheet ,, specially the week and the LDM
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Feb 9, 2014
I want to filter my results using a combo box on my spreadsheet. I don't mind how this is done, even if it just hides all of the information which isn't relevant. I've done it with a VLookup but I want to be able to edit it easily without the formula popping up. So if you click Barlcays, only barclays appears. I'd also like a button to reset if possible. I've attached an example of how I sort of want it to work.
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Feb 25, 2009
how to return data to a second sheet if data selected via a filter.
i have attached spreadsheet i am working on and looking to make this as easy as possible
on sheet "data" cell f2 im looking to return all goals scored by hull
on sheet "data" cell f3 im looking to return all goals conceded by hull
on sheet "data" cell f5 im looking to return all goals scored by hull at home this i will need to do by selecting hull in "home team" filter hull
on sheet "data" cell f6 im looking to return all goals conceded by hull at home this i will need to do by selecting hull in "home team" filter hull
on sheet "data" cell f8 im looking to return hulls last 6 games as over and under which in this example will return the last 6 rows 27-32 and will read 4 under 2 over
on sheet "data" cell f9 im looking to return hulls last 6 games at home as over and under which in this example will return the last 6 rows 22/23/26/27/29/32 and will read 3 under 3 over
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May 14, 2012
I want to create a searchbox in Excel which will locate text in a massive amount of data, for example, if a user types into the box....
I want the search box to filter the spreadsheet using the autofilter from cell B3, thus filtering out all results that are NOT "123".
Currently I have a button to press which brings up the CTRL + F screen, but that isn't exactly what is required in this instance.
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Aug 4, 2006
how to make a formula to only display the results shown when using the filter..........
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Feb 8, 2007
A friend of mine asked if there is a formula that will add the "Y"'s and "N"'s based off of a filter per certain dates. Below is a brief example.
4/6/2005 N
4/6/2005 N
We want to be able to sort by dates so regardless of which date we pick, below the Y's and N's will be the total for the Y's and N's that are visible. If sorted by April, it will show 2 N's and 0 Y's, and so on. Is there any formula out there that can do this.
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Feb 12, 2009
i have a work book of 12 sheets, the two main sheets 1+2 have 5000+ rows. by 30 columns. each row column b is a site number in ascending order(up to 4 for each site) so auto filter select = to site 5 about 10 seconds later i get the result of 3 sites try site 846 30 odd seconds later up pops the result. so i copied the sheet to a new work book and tried and it's nigh on instantaneous. next step
copied sheet paste special values into new sheet in same original workbook
and tried filter on that still slow as ever, thing is this book around 8meg and i cant for the life of me work out why ive cleared excessive formats and reset last cell on each sheet. there is a vlookup from sheet 1 to 2 for each site to return serial numbers. i have tried it in vba by turning autocal off/on but still no difference.
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Aug 22, 2007
I created a user form that provides a menu that allows users to perform advanced filtering. They can also scroll through the results freely. A problem is that a subsequent advanced filter selection does not always display the top row of filtered records, depending upon what the user has chosen to display prior to selecting the next set of filtered records.
How can I make the top row of filtered records always be displayed so that users will not overlook results of advanced filter operations?
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Dec 27, 2007
Data: four variables A,B,C and D from A2:D6000
I want a count of unique D values
when A=xxx
and B=yyy
and C=zzz
I have named the A,B,C,D ranges as RangeA, RangeB, RangeC, RangeD
I have used the function
But what do I use to count-unique values of variable D ?
=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(RangeD,RangeD)>0,1)) doesn't work.
=SUM(1/COUNTIF(RangeD,RangeD&"")) doesn't work either
They don't work because D can occur during different combinations of A,B and C. In other words, the D value of 'Smith' can, and does, occur when A is 1,2 or 3 and additionally when B is Pass, Fail, Withdrawn.
They "don't work" because I can use filters on A, B, C and D to see what the correct answer should be .. and the function doesn't return the correct answer.
I hope I've explained this ok - I've been searching on several excel-help websites for 2 days now and one of the days my client is going to want some results.
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Jun 18, 2008
I have the following code that copies only the visible cells in an auto could I modify this code to paste only the values and not the format?
.Range("a:a").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="True"
.Range("b:d,g:r").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy Destination:=Sheets("Monthly Hours").Range("A1")
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Jun 7, 2006
I am trying to create an advanced filter that filters my results into a row.
would return
Shane Tom Paul Mike
I have tried changing this piece of code
Range("M1:M300").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CriteriaRange:=Columns("M:M"), CopyToRange:=Rows("25:25"), Unique:=True
The problem is with
I have tried using Range instead of Rows but I am not having any joy.
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